Showing posts with label my purple world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my purple world. Show all posts

World Cancer Day and Lovepink Indonesia, Wonderful Community Supporting Breast Cancer Patients, Survivors and More

World Cancer Day 2021

World Cancer Day 2021 is here!

Every February 4th, the world commemorates the World Cancer Day. 

Cancer, has long been known as one of the scariest diseases. Up til now, statistic shows that approximately 9.6 million people passed away due to cancer each year. Four millions among them prematurely decease with the age ranging 30 - 69 years. We see more and younger victims affected by cancer. With this daunting phenomenon, we need to continue raising awareness about the danger of cancer and what we can do to fight it back and to prevent it. Moreover, we also need to support one another, as there are more and more cancer warriors, fighters, and survivors. And everyone can help of course... through your social media platforms, local communities, and your family.

I support World Cancer Day 2021!

Statistic shows that cancer kills more than AIDS, Malaria, and tuberculosis. Even when these three deadly diseases are combined. Sadly, 70% of those cancer patients reside in developing countries, including Indonesia. However, it is noted that 43% of cancer can be prevented, among others, by reducing alcohol and tobacco consumption, reducing the exposure to cancer triggers, joining vaccination programs and living a healthy life obviously. For sure, the numbers of cancer patients will increase if we don't take any preventive measures, including through awareness raising programs. 

kita bisa cegah kanker bersama (sumber :

Back in 2019, I celebrated the World Cancer Day with so many survivors in Jakarta, parading in Bundaran HI, one of the landmarks of Jakarta ( Read  WW: World Cancer Day 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia). But then 2020 and 2021 was marked with the pandemic and we didn't have our usual event to mark this important day for us. This is indeed the great opportunity to support the awareness raising campaign on the fights against all types of cancer.

Speaking of support, as a breast cancer survivor, I would love to introduce you to Lovepink Indonesia.

Have you heard of Lovepink Indonesia before?

Remember the Pink Virtual Walk which was held on October 4th, 2020? 

"Halo teman - teman, apa kabarnya? Tahu ngga kalau  Bulan Oktober diperingati sebagai Bulan  Peduli Kanker Payudara sedunia. Maka dari itu, Lovepink Indonesia ingin mengadakan acara Indonesia Goes Pink 2020 dengan menyelenggarakan Pink Virtual Walk untuk Breast Cancer Awareness. 

Beautiful face of Chelsea  E. Ihsan, Indonesian famous movie star, is smiling sweetly on the video I watched at Instagram. Chelsea, the ambassador of Lovepink Indonesia, has long been known as one of the Indonesian celebrities who is highly committed to the fight against breast cancer.  She has staunchly supported her mom in battling cancer and her mom is one of the founders of Lovepink Indonesia. I am so touched when she passionately showed here support to her mom, her mom's friends and all Lovepink Moms as well as breast cancer survivors across the nation.  She said " Your fight is my fight!" and I feel like 

As a breast cancer survivor myself, I am honoured to join this supportive and wonderful community. And let me introduce you to Lovepink Indonesia.

Lovepink indonesia (source:

Lovepink Indonesia is a non-profit organisation which focusses on awareness raising activities on the early detection of breast cancer through breast self-exam, or in Bahasa Indonesia, SADARI (Periksa Payudara Sendiri), as well as clinical breast exam or SADANIS (Periksa Payudara Secara Klinis), as well as accompanying those fighting breast cancer. Lovepink is a community and survivor-based organization which focuses on all the supportive efforts to breast cancer patients and survivors.

Sebagai organisasi nirlaba yang berfokus pada kegiatan sosialisasi deteksi dini dengan cara SADARI (Periksa Payudara Sendiri), SADANIS (Periksa Payudara Secara Klinis), dan juga berbagai progam pendampingan bagi sesama perempuan yang menderita kanker payudara, Lovepink telah banyak melakukan berbagai kegiatan yang meningkatkan kesadaran kita semua tentang bahaya kanker payudara serta hal - hal penting yang perlu kita ketahui untuk menghindari maupun mengobatinya. Bukan hanya kepada perempuan, tapi juga kepada para pria dan anggota keluarga lainnya yang perlu memberikan dukungan kepada para penderita kanker payudara.

For sure, Lovepink Indonesia is a wonderful community supporting breast cancer patients, Survivors and more.

To read more about my fight against breast cancer, please find the following posts:

Thank You, 2020

Thank you, 2020

Thank you, 2020! 

 The year 2020 has been very special to each and every one of us.

This is the year when we witness the unprecedented global crisis which significantly change our lives in so many facets. 2020 has been the year of changes, adaptations, set backs, fear, disappointments, challenges, as well as new adventures, inventions, out-of-the-box ideas and survival. No words can describe it completely as it is really a mélange of emotions and reactions, something that perhaps, we have never thought or done before. 

 Some might say 2020 is so blurry. There is so much fear confusion, so many uncertainties, so many doubts. So many unanswered questions. Disinformation, misinformation, hoaxes tinted the year like mushrooms in rainy days. There are times when I really hate to see my phone or TV and read or hear the news there. The world and the future look bleak. Frustrating. 

Traveling stops. Offices close. Schools and works start from home. Businesses collapse. Jobs lost. Hospitals and medical personnel are overwhelmed. Family gatherings are avoided if not forbidden. The list goes on and on and on. 

Yet as times go by, we learn to make peace with this chaotic circumstance. Health protocol is introduced and strongly recommended, if not obliged. Masks are our primary necessity, something we cannot leave home without. Hand sanitizers are always within reach and cleaning hands properly are taught again through various channels and platforms. Never we realize before how basic good habits can save lives! 

put on your mask!

Then all of us become digital nomads. We might move here and there or stay at home but we are more connected than ever. Virtual meet-ups and gatherings are on our daily schedules. Shopping, grabbing our favorite munchies and food & beverages, as well as other supplies are done electronically as well. Life is indeed recalibrated! Well, in short, so many things happened, so many changes occurred, so much love and faith embraced. Yet still so much to be grateful for! All those bleak pictures from COVD-19 pandemic also bring about various opportunities and new advantages. 

Kalau bicara tahun 2020, rasanya memang nano - nano banget ya. Saya masih inget saat di awal tahun 2020, kita semua penuh semangat dan rencana baik, yang nyatanya memang harus disimpan dulu untuk kesempatan lain karena ada COVID-19 yang tiba - tiba mampir dan sekarang masih betah bersama kita semua. Saat di awal bulan Maret kasus pertama COVID-19 di Indonesia diumumkan secara resmi, kita semua bertanya – tanya apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dan kita harus berbuat apa. Kita resah dan gundah karena perubahan yang harus dilakukan tidak selamanya mudah dan memerlukan pengorbanan. Kita dicabik dari kebiasaan selama ini dan 'indahnya' dunia nyaman yang kita lakoni setiap hari. Kita harus memilih untuk tetap di rumah agar sehat, selamat dan hidup atau menuruti nafsu, menafikan keadaan dan egois turuti tabiat bersosialisasi kita yang tidak selamanya penting dilakukan. 

a little break for our family during the pandemic

Buatku, ini bukan pilihan yang mudah, kawan. Terbiasa living in a fast lane, kalau kata orang - orang di film, membuat aku sangat terbiasa sibuk, mobile, traveling ke sana kemari, dan bertemu dengan orang banyak. Saat semuanya harus dihentikan, aku sempat limbung. Lalu kesal, marah dan protes. Tidak terima dengan keadaan yang memaksa kita harus menghentikan gaya hidup kita di era 'old normal'. Walaupun, in the end, tentu saja akal sehat (dan peringatan konstan dari suami tercinta) membuatku memilih untuk #dirumahaja. Sungguh hashtag juara yang mengubah hidup kita di tahun 2020 ini.

Dan ternyata aku bisa jadi orang rumahan!

Aku bisa 'mengikat' my itchy feet untuk sementara waktu dan memaksimalkan apa yang bisa aku lakukan di rumah. Bersama orang - orang tercinta dan terdekatku. Dan amboi... nikmat sekali ternyata rasanya, kawan. 

Masak bareng dengan anak - anak. Bangun tidur pagi di samping my munchkin tanpa gedubrakan dan jejeritan bergantian mandi dengan anak-anak karena ngga mau terlambat ke kantor (karena resiko terlambat adalah gaji dipotong). Menikmati lentiknya bulu mata anak - anak saat mereka tidur. Sholat berjamaah setiap saat dan mengirim doa untuk mereka yang kita cintai.  Bersimbah keringat membongkar gudang dan mengeluarkan barang - barang yang tidak lagi diperlukan. Bercanda bareng tiga kucing Persia gemes yang ada di rumah. Menamatkan semua buku koleksi yang lama tergolek manis di lemari buku. Melihat dan menikmati kenangan perjalanan hidup lewat foto dan video yang menumpuk di external hard disks. Menikmati liburan berempat ke tempat cantik di tanah air. Mendapat kawan baru dari berbagai platform digital dan komunitas keren yang aku ikuti. Bahkan mendapat apresiasi dan terpilih sebagai Guiding Star Google Local Guides di bulan Desember lalu. Itu, kawan, hanya sebagian kecil dari nikmat-Nya yang luar biasa di tengah pandemi untukku dan keluargaku. 

honored to be one of the Google Local Guides Guiding Stars 2020 

Proud to be Google Local Guides

Untungnya, seiring dengan waktu, kita melakukan begitu banyak perubahan dan penyesuaian. Awalnya untuk bertahan hidup, namun kemudian kita merasakan kenyamanan dan kepraktisan dari gaya hidup baru ini. Meskipun awalnya kita merasa 'kalah' dengan pandemi ini, tapi sesungguhnya kita meraih 'kemenangan' dalam banyak hal, termasuk memberi momen - momen berharga yang tidak akan kita nikmati jika pandemi tidak melanda. Kita justru terbuka mata dan hati akan indahnya dunia yang berbeda dari yang telah menjebak kita selama ini dengan kesemuannya. And for that, my friends, I can never thank my Rabb enough.

Stop! Pause! Postpone! Recalibrate! Revive! 

Mungkin itu cerita kita di tahun 2020. 

Dan bukan tanpa konsekuensi or drama karena banyak dampak buruk yang harus kita alami dari pandemi. 

But hey.. we’re re still here. Insya Allah safe and sound! And as long as we hold on to our hope, faith and love, life in 2021 should be brilliant! 

Percayalah, nikmat-Nya tidak akan berhenti hanya karena pandemi. So, be grateful!

Here’s to the new year glittered with hope, health, happiness & prosperity! 


Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Gedung Garuda Kempleks Kementerian Luar Negeri RI
The garden in the middle of Gedung Garuda at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia complex

Hi everyone.. 

 Happy Thanksgiving to all my family and friends in the US. I still remember vividly how lovely the ambience is, where get-together and family time are the main agenda. Well the pandemic will certainly make things different but I sincerely hope the spirit remains the same. and the holiday spirit will certainly linger as December is soon coming. I have seen many Christmas decorations in hotels and public places as the holiday season is just around the corner. I sincerely hope the pandemic will not dampen the spirit, although we still have to be extremely careful and observe the health protocol at all times!

Speaking of the end of the year, we are working extra hard to finish things up. Due to the pandemic, we have many activities and events being canceled, postponed or pushed back. My team and I are working hand in hand to finish them all. It takes all the coordination, time management, and endless virtual meetings to finish many of them. Of course we have some break but even during the break we are already bombarded with the next task. 

the drafting work..

With all these never ending work, I have no better option than manage my time effectively and delegate the works efficiently with my team. I spend so much time with them to ensure we all are right on track. 

Food at Ritz Carlton Hotel Kuningan
fancy some dessert?

The perk is we get to visit various places and hotels for the works of the Working Group. Some of them are super comfy with 5-star facilities and wonderful food and  for sure, I appreciate the attention given to the team.
Wish us luck, please!

Food at Ritz Carlton Hotel Kuningan
Bon appetit.. our lunch t Ritz Carlton Kuningan

Food at Ritz Carlton Hotel Kuningan
who would say no to this... nooooo :)

At home, kids are starting to have their tests again. The end of the year break is soon starting and we will have long break heading to New Year. Oh my.. 2021 is just days! Never stop praying for a better, healthier and happier year indeed. Let's see what's in store for us!.

Oh ya, I found more 'treasures from one of my big luggages (and boxes) from NYC. This time, I love the Sephora Collection lip samplers. They are cute!

Let me now invite you all to our weekly link party. Jump in and enjoy Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

We hope you will enjoy your visit and find a post of interest and don't forget our hostesses blogs that they share as well, we would love to have you comment! 


❢❢ Would you please share our Party Banner on your blog to help grow the party And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]Wonderful-Wednesday-Hosts.Wonderful-Wednesday-Hostess-Features

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Some Beauty Clichés That Can Actually Benefit Your Skin Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Visiting Bandung, West Java Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Organize Your Christmas Shopping Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Pumpkin Bread Loaves- Easy Holiday Food Gift! Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting 10 Thanksgiving Recipes Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Wonderful-Wednesday-LinkupDIY-Modern-Rustic-Christmas-Tree-Idea. 

Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Doodle Buddies // DIY Modern Rustic Christmas Tree Idea


Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Penny's Treasures // Cozy Christmas Dining Nook Christmas-Crafting-at-Debbie-Dabbles-Home

Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafts Debbie Dabble's Christmas // Christmas Crafting Cranberry-Apple-Relish-Oranges

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Marilyn's Treats // Cranberry Relish all dressed up Starbucks-Copycat-Sugar-Plum-Cheese-Danish

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo The House on Silverado // Starbucks Copycat Sugar Plum Cheese Danish 


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Crafts Alamode // DIY Wooden Pallet Christmas Tree


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Kitchen is My Playground // No-Bake Cranberry Yum Yum is truly one cranberry dessert that lives up to its name. This-weeks-fashion-feature-on-Oh-My-Heartsie-Girl

Features Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl


Vanity and Me Style // Cashmere Luxury By Cashmere Specialist Inspired-by-Stacey-from-Mama-Loves-Shopping.

Chez Mireille Travel Mom // Inspired by Mama Loves Shopping Casuals


Now Before You Get Started and it is not required but in order to be considered for a feature, would you take a moment to Comment and Share its appreciated, All the buttons are here to share. Lets Party!!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

indah nuria savitri - breast cancer survivor
October is still here and I continue with breast cancer awareness campaign. 

I am so happy I can join some programs such as webinars and Instagram live to talk and discuss about cancer. I shared stories and experience as well as the importance of self-breast exam and prevention of breast cancer. I also conducted a sharing and caring session with Google Local Guides about the breast cancer and I was so happy many can join us on that virtual meet - up. We discussed a lot about the fight against breast cancer, what we do to survive and prevent, as well as some highlight for supporting breast cancer survivors and warriors.

celebrating Pinktober with Google Local Guides
celebrating Pinktober with Google Local Guides

This week we actually have super long weekend starting from Wednesday till Sunday as we celebrate the birth of  Prophet Muhammad SAW. I was planning to go to Lampung again but we have even more stringent requirements to move between cities during the pandemic now. You have to provide COVID-19 free letter before entering one city or another. If you travel alone, it might not be too problematic. But if you travel as family, the test fee can be enormous so we have to consider that as well.

daily offering at Kuta Beach, Bali, Indonesia
daily offering at Kuta Beach, Bali, Indonesia

Besides, my low back pain is kicking after my trip to Bali (which is packed with so many 'stair master' sessions in Ubud) and this time is really messy. I really have to take Advil just to ease the pain. I have been doing a lot of Yoga to work it out and visiting my doctor as well. It gets better each day but it's there. I might need to continue my therapy then. Well, on a bright side, it's good that I am 'forced' to do the exercise and yoga on daily basis. Wish me luck!

And now, let's party on this Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

We hope you will visit our hostess's features and leave comments as well!


❢❢ Would you please share our Party Banner on your blog to grow the party And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]


Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl 3 Ideas To Update Any Backyard Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Breathtaking Ubud, Bali Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Six Ways to Transform a Simple Candle Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo DIY Nightmare Before Christmas Wreath Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Life Goes On Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest onderful-Wednesday-230The-Painted-Apron-Fall-Table-for-all-occasions. 

Feature Chosen by Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Painted Apron // A Fall Table For All Occasion's The Star of the show is the pumpkin with tiny lights The-Kitchen-is-my-playground-2-Cheese-Macaroni-Cheese-Serving-Spoon.

Feature Chosen by Suzan White // Country Crafting The Kitchen is My Playground // 2-Cheese Baked Macaroni and Cheese recipe I love a good mac n cheese but this sounds more delicious made extra creamy & delicious with 2 cheeses and an easy-to-make white sauce slathered on top. Marilyns-Treas-Recipes-of-Chicken-and-Sausage-Paella

Feature Chosen by Clearissa Coward // Clearissa Coward's Command Center Marilyn's Treats // Slow Cooker Chicken and Sausage Paella Three spices, bite size peppers with Paella Rice make up this recipe. Pumpkin-Surprise-Marble-Cake.

Feature Chosen by Indah Nuria // My Purple World Seasonal and Holiday Recipes // Pumpkin Surprise Marble Cake Inside you will find PUMPKIN SHAPE hidden inside and a double drizzle of Orange and Chocolate Icing.


Feature Chosen by Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Karins Kottage // How to Make Easy Quick Fresh Pear Tart Karin uses a spring form pan for this tart, lots more picture in preparation all the direction on her blog.


Feature Chosen by Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Nancy C Blog // Pumpkin Scones as good as Starbucks (or maybe even better) I love a recipe that is a copy cat made at home, saves a ton of money!


A colorful image of a group of diverse teenagers putting their hands together as friends as a symbol of support and teamwork.[/caption]

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo Dr. Michelle Bengtson // What Does the Bible Say About Racism? 8 Things to Consider Very prolific story and explanation about Racism This-weeks-fashion-feature-on-Oh-My-Heartsie-GirlLucy-Bertoldi 

Feature Chosen by Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Confessions of Montreal Styling Diva From print mixing heave is what I’m aiming for all the time! How good is this top with all this animal print glory?!!


Now Before You Get Started and it is not required but in order to be considered for a feature, would you take a moment to Comment and Share its appreciated, All the buttons are here to share. Lets Party!!Wonderful-Wednesday-Linky-Party 

Lets Get Started!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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