One Fine Day at Scorching Bay Beach, Wellington

Scorching Bay Beach, Wellington
one fine day at Scorching Bay Beach, Wellington

As we welcomed the new year of 2022, we had some days off in the beginning of January. Noting that in New Zealand summer is on, we took this opportunity to check out the surrounding beaches that we have in the area. One of them is Scorching Bay Beach.

By the time we arrived here, there was a lovely sand castle depicting the words "Happy New Year New Zealand - 02012022". Many of us were posing and taking pictures here for sure.

Scorching Bay Beach, Wellington

Scorching Bay is located along the Great Harbour Road near Karaka Bay. It is indeed one of the favorite spots of the Wellingtonians besides Oriental Bay, which is located closer to the water front in city center. 

more sand castle at Scorching Bay Beach, Wellington

This white sandy beach has lovely spot for swimming and relatively flat so it's safe for the kids within the designated perimeter. It has showers and changing rooms as well as playground for the kids with some climbing post and more. The good thing is, this beach has many parking spots, which can be full as well during wonderful days.

Scorching Bay Beach, Wellington
The playground at Scorching Bay Beach, Wellington

We went here with some friends and we had a picnic, while the kids (and I) played in the water as well. I didn't really call it swimming as we just played in the water. The water was so cold and I was just there for  15 minutes although the kids continued playing around.

We had fish and chips as well burgers and more for our picnic. It was delicious and practical as well as we bought it along the way. Drinks and fruits were also available so it was very fresh for all of us.

the public toilets and changing rooms

It took us around 20 minutes to reach this spot and find the parking space. Since many of the visitors had been there since early afternoon or even the morning, by the time we arrived we had the parking spot already. What a relief!

Not far from the beach, we have some scenic spot as well. We went there a week before but it was still too cold too swim at that time. We only strolled a bit and took photos there.

Cheers from the Frakarsas

So, what do you think? Will you join us on the beach as well? Come on in then.


  1. one of people's favorite spots for beaches here!

  2. mba... ini kapan sih mantainya... cerah banget ya suasananya. kalau di sini setiap hari hujan. jadi ngiri lah sama yang bisa asyik mantai di cuaca hangat.

    1. tanggal 2 Januari mba... pas liburan tahun baru niiih

  3. Ya ampuun, ini mah destinasi dambaan sejuta umat, mbaaa
    mupeng banget akutuuu
    asik ya meniqmati tahun baru ini dgn seru2an di pantaiiii

  4. Menyenangkan sekali bermain di pantai, cita cita kami pengen cobain snorkling atau diving di luar negeri.

    1. pantainya cantik dan bersih sekali. kalo saya di sana bakal puas2in main di pantainya. enggg sebenarnya karena saya gak bs renang jd gak bs diving jg sih

  5. Liat foto-fotonya berasa traveling ke Bayar Beach juga, semoga bisa ke sana juga nanti, amiinnn

  6. Mbak, gimana rasanya setelah mantai di Lampung, lalu mantai di Wellington? Pastinya sama menyenangkan walau beda rasanya ya. Aku liat foto-fotonya aja merasa seru, senang, dan suka. Ajak aku ke sana mbak :D

  7. Aduh kapan ya aku ama keluargaku bisa ke sana juga hihihi 😂. Enak banget ya mba tempatnya apalagi banyak sarana yang ramah untuk anak - anaknya juga.

  8. wah cantik banget pantainya ini, pasir putih di Scorching Bay Beach beneran bikin betah di sana ya.

  9. Mauu.. asyik mantaiii mba in. Banyak yaa pengunjungnya mba, tapi masih lowong keliatannyaa.Bayangin nyemplung disitu haha.. nyees ya dinginnya bisa sampe ke hati 😆

  10. Asik ya pantainya gak terlalu ramai. Udah gitu kelihatan bersih dan cerah cuacanya. Kayaknya di sana udaranya memang masih bersih ya, Mbak.

  11. Ngelihat hamparan pasir di pinggir pantai gitu, aku jadi makin rindu pantai. Sejak pandemi gak main ke pantai lagi.

    And then, semoga kami bisa main ke NZ juga. Negara impian untuk dikunjungi tuh.

  12. Mba Indah senangnya bikin aku ngiri nih. Hahhaha. Senangnya mba bisa bersama kawan-awan dan keluarga menikmati pantai yang indah . Bisa main air juga dengan puas ya mba

  13. he beach is so clean, wish i was there. New Zealand has beautiful beaches also.

  14. wah, kapan nih bisa join di dalam cerita travellingnya mba Indah, main ke pantai pun asik yah apalagi kalo rame-rame, hehehe. sehat selalu ya Mba, semangat

  15. Indah banget ya Mbak view pantainya.. ada pasir putih bersih dan ada rerumputan juga tak jauh dari situ. Ada playground-nya pula. Sayang pas dingin-dinginnya ya airnya.. jadi gak bisa berlama-lama main air :)

  16. awal Januari aku pun ke pantai kak sama keluarga...ya deket2 aja sih..tapi asik juga..refreshing gak perlu jauh-jauh..

  17. Mau banget buat gabung di pantai. Anak pesisir, tapi ketemu laut ya gak pernah bosan. Tiap pantai punya daya tarik tersendiri sih. Jadi seru aja

  18. Pantai itu memang selalu asyik buat dikunjungi kapanpun dan dalam keadaan gembira/sedih ya mbak. Mau di Indonesia ataupun di luar negeri, asal pantai bersih dan terawat, selalu menyenangkan

  19. cancikkk lagi summer kesukaan mamboobi ini pergi ke pantaiiii
    tapi laut dan pantainya bersih ya
    sama pasir pantainya kok agak warna kuning putih gitu emang ya kalau di luar negeri

    1. ini warnanya putih tapi agak coklat gitu sih Cha.. yang pasti halus pasirnya hehehe

  20. Kalau dingin, mikir-mikir mbak. Heheh
    Suka pantai, palingan ke pantai pakai jaket trus cuma main pasir.
    Eh siapa yang buat istana pasir? Good idea!

    1. kayaknya salah satu pengunjung pantai yg buat... aku juga ngg tau hehe

  21. waah pantai! bagus ya pantainya, terlihat bersih. anakku juga suka main pasir2 pantai. pengen deh ajak anak2 main di pantai lagi. have a nice holiday mamabo ^^

    1. makasih mbaa.. memang main ke pantai ngga pernah boseen ya

  22. Main-main happy ke Scorching Bay Beach, Wellington.
    Sepi banget yaa, kak Niar.
    Namanya pelabuhan tapi kayanya ombaknya kok besar yaa..?

    1. ini fotonya udah agak sore dan dingin, udah pada bubar jadinya..pas panas rame bangeet nih

  23. Cerah banget yaaa, di sana musim apa Mak sekarang?
    Viewnya enggak cuma cakep, tapi pantainua juga bersih yak...


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