Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

Ingin Kulit Sehat, Cerah dan Lembab? Coba Scarlett Whitening by Felicya Angelista

Ingin Kulit Sehat, Cerah dan Lembab? Coba Scarlett Whitening by Felicya Angelista

“Hai Indah, minggu ini kita jadi diving ya! Nanti kumpul jam 8 pagi di Pantai Puri Gading. Kita akan turun di spot Batu Mandi dan sekitarnya”

Bunyi teks di WAG ini langsung membuatku sumringah. Seperti biasa, setiap ada jadwal diving aku akan happy dan semangat banget, because diving is really my cup of tea! Sejak resmi mendapat lisensi di tahun 2012 (dan aku menyesal kenapa ngga dari dulu), setiap ada kesempatan aku selalu mencoba untuk ikut diving trip yang ada. That is why, dalam 1 - 2 bulan biasanya kami kembali ke Lampung untuk diving maupun snorkeling. 

Seru? Pasti. 

Bahagia? Banget!

Namun ada satu hal yang kerap menjadi ganjalan setiap aku pulang dari diving trip. Ada yang bisa tebak kira - kira apa? Kondisi kulitku!

Bahagianyaaa bisa diving terus!

Berada di bawah matahari yang kerap terik dan dalam waktu lama membuat kulitku jadi agak hitam dan kusam. Well, mungkin kalau hanya sekedar menggelap masih oke ya, karena banyak yang menganggap kulit sawo matang yang kita miliki itu eksotik, tapi kalau kusam? Lain cerita! Semakin sering kami berada di pantai atau di pulau, semakin kering dan menggelaplah kulitku. Bukan hanya wajah saja, tapi juga tangan dan kaki! Pokoknya bagian tubuhku yang terpapar sinar matahari pasti menjadi belang or beda warna, kering, kusan dan terlihat ngga sehat. Sedih kan jadinya. Padahal aku sudah rajin menggunakan sunscreen yang khusus untuk olahraga termasuk diving dengan SPF 70 serta menggunakan after sun lotion supaya kulit tidak terbakar. Lebih sedihnya lagi, penyebab ini semua adalah olah raga dan hobi yang membuat hatiku bahagia. Berhenti diving dan snorkeling?  Ya jangan dong, kan itu olah raga favorit. Jadi galau deh!

Rangkaian produk body care Scarlett by Felicya Angelista

 So,  I guess the best way of addressing this issue adalah selalu menjaga kesehatan kulitku dan mencari produk perawatan tubuh atau body care yang pas dan bisa membantu mengatasi masalah yang aku hadapi ini. Luckily,  aku banyak melihat review teman - teman, terutama para beauty bloggers Indonesia yang keren - keren itu. Salah satu seri body care yang hip dan banyak disuka mereka adalah Scarlett by Felicya Angelista. 

And I finally got a chance to try them myself! Yaaaay! Penasaran seperti apa rasanya menggunakan rangkaian produk ini? Here we go!

Body Scrub Romansa 

Produk pertama yang aku coba adalah body scrub Romansa. 

Kesan pertama? Wangi bangeeeet dan bulirannya halus, jadi saat dipakai kulit tidak sakit.  I love it!

Aku memang suka menggunakan body scrub karena perasaanku mandi saja belum lengkap dan biasanya selesai menggunakan body scrub, kulit menjadi halus, lembab dan bersih karena sel - sel kulit mati kita akan rontok setelah kita bersihkan. Enaknya menggunakan Body Scrub Romansa  ini adalah bulirannya yang halus dan pas (tidak terlalu halus, tidak terlalu kasar) membuat scrub mudam menempel di kulit dan tidak menggumpal, lalu saat kita gosokkan tidak membuat kulit kita sakit. Selain itu, wanginya enak dan lumayan menempel di kulit. Jadi tambah bahagia deeeh.

Cara penggunaannya juga gampang deh. Tinggal dioleskan ke kulit secukupnya, sampai kulit tertutup oleh scrub dan digosokkan setelah tunggu beberapa saat. Saat digosokkan, kotoran yang menempel di kulit akan rontok dan setelah kita bilas dengan air, kulit terasa halus licin, wangi dan lembab. That's why I love it!

Brightening Shower Scrub Pomegrante

This is another favorite of mine from the whole series. 

Dengan kondisi kulit yang agak menggelap dan kusam akibat sering berada di bawah matahari langsung, aku benar - benar menikmati brightening shower scrub pomegrante. 

Yang pasti wanginya enaak banget dan segar! seperti fruity dan flowery at the same time. Pokoknya aku sukaaa! Kalau sudah dipakai, buliran yang ada di dalam produk ini juga pasti terasa dan membuat tubuh kita juga jadi lebih bersih. Dengan warna pink yang super cutie  shower scrub yang satu ini memang juara. Oh ya, busanya juga banyak dan benar - benar bikin rileks deh. 

Untuk penggunaannya juga mudah banget kok, tinggal usap sabun di seluruh badan yang telah dibasahi air. Setelahnya tinggal dibasuh dengan air dan voila,  you are done!

Brightening Shower Scrub Pomegrante and Mango

Brightening Shower Scrub Mango

Fruit lovers, here's one lovely shower scrub for you!

Mandi dengan brightening shower scrub mango ini bikin happy deh. Wanginya asli segar dan seperti produk serupa yang varian pomegrante, aku menikmati sekali busa yang melimpah dan kulit yang segar, lembab dan bersih  sesudah mandi. Berkat buliran scrub yang terkandung di dalamnya, shower scrub yang berwarna kuning dengan tektur ini memberi sensasi mandi yang menyenangkan! Aku jadi betah di kamar mandi hehehe.

Sama seperti brightening shower scrub pomegrante, pemakaian produk yang satu ini juga mudah ya. Kemasan botolnya dengan plastik dengan tulisan Scarlett yang timbul dan tutup  botolnya menggunakan sistem lock/unlock untuk memastikan produknya tidak tumpah namun tetap mudah untuk dituang. 

Fragrance Brightening Body Lotion 

Selain body scrub dan brightening shower scrub yang sudah aku bahas di atas, body lotion juga aku pakai untuk melengkapi produk perawatan kulitku. 

Dan taraaaa... aku langsung mencoba 3 varian, Fragrance Brightening Body Lotion charming, romansa, dan freshy.

All in all, semua produk body lotion dari seri ini enak dipakai. Teksturnya lembut dan tidak lengket serta cepat meresap di kulit. Setelah pemakaian, selang beberapa saat, kulit akan terasa lembut dan lembab. Salah satu active ingredients yang ada adalah glutathione, yang kaya antioksidan, dan vitamin E, yang memang juara untuk kesehatan kulit. Wanginya? Segar banget! 

Untuk Fragrance Brightening Body Lotion charming,  wanginya akan mengingatkan kita seperti  wangi parfum mahal yang hits, Baccarat Rouge 540. Oke banget kan! Untuk Fragrance Brightening Body Lotion  freshy, yang aku suka banget, wanginya fruit based dan mengingatkan aku pada  wangi Jo Malone English Pear & Freesia eau de cologne. Finally, untuk Fragrance Brightening Body Lotion romansa, as the name suggested, wanginya romantis banget dan floral based, cocok buat kamu yang suka wangi bunga. 

Tiga pilihan body lotion yang oke banget

Cara pemakaiannya juga sederhana, bisa digunakan setiap hari, pagi dan malam secara merata di seluruh tubuh untuk hasil maksimal. Tinggal pompa produk dari kemasannya dan voila... you can use them. Setelah dipakai, tunggu beberapa saat hingga produk menyerap secara menyeluruh. Jangan lupa untuk disimpan dalam suhu ruang ya supaya tekturnya tidak berubah. 

Secara keseluruhan, aku juga suka berbagai produk Scarlett karena kemasan botolnya itu ukurannya pas dan mudah banget untuk dibawa kemana-mana, tidak terlalu besar atau bulky. Pas banget buat aku yang memang suka traveling atau mendapat tugas dari kantor. Selain itu, ketika kita memesan produk ini, semua produknya dibaluti oleh bubble wrap sehingga produk tidak akan rusak ketika kita terima. Aku juga dapat box exclusive yang reuseable dan desainnya cantik banget. 

So, what do you think?

A big yes, yeah?

Yang pasti, semua produk yang aku sebut di atas, mulai dari brightening body scrub, brigthening shower scrub, dan fragrance brightening body lotion dalam beberapa aroma semuanya  mengandung glutathione dan vitamin E  Kedua bahan aktif ini berfungsi untuk  mencerahkan, melembabkan, dan menutrisi kulit kita lho. So it's good to have that!

Selain itu, kita juga ngga perlu khawatir karena semua produk Scarlett terdaftar di BPOM dan halal. Setiap produk ada stiker halal dari MUI,  not tested on animals yang artinya prosesnya sangat ramah dan tidak menyiksa binatang tertentu, serta ada label Scarlett berwarna perak dan QR code yang bisa kita pindai untuk mendapat informasi lengkap tentang berbagai produk Scarlett. 

Untuk harga, seluruh harga produk satuannya adalah Rp 75.000,- namun jangan lupa, ada  harga paket hemat jika kamu beli 5 barang dengan harga hanya Rp 300.000,-. Pssst,  dapet box exclusive+free gift juga lhooo. Ayo buruan pesan ya, bisa lewat whatsapp di nomor (+62) 877 0035 3000 atau lewat line dengan akun @scarlett_whitening. Gampang kan! 

Well, demikian pengalamanku menggunakan serangkaian produk yang oke banget. 

Ingin kulit sehat, cerah dan lembab? coba Scarlett whitening by Felicya Angelista. 

Have fun!

Review of Fenty Beauty Match Stix in Sinamon

Back to my beauty trunk and let's see what I have today!
Review of Fenty Beauty Match Six in Sinamon.

Anybody likes using highlighters?
I do too!

Highlighters have been booming since the last 5 years and nowadays we have more and more choices when it comes to using these beautiful products.

Why I love highlighter

I love using highlighter.

Do you want to know why? 
As the name suggested, highlighter is used to highlight our favorite features on our face.
For sure, we have so many choices of colors and shades that you can choose now, starting from the powder or liquid ones, - probably most popular,- as well as stick and brick.

Aku memang senang menggunakan highlighter yang notabene membantu menampilkan beberapa bagian wajah yang kusuka, seperti pipi, hidung dan dagu. Apalagi highlighter memberi efek tirus dan kurus, seperti yang kuharapkan LOL. Yang pasti, highlighter juga bisa dipakai untuk pengganti eye shadow dan juga lipstik.

One thing for sure, I love using highlighter because it gives great contouring to my face.

Highlighter, as the name suggested, is used to highlight the feature of our face which we want to focus on. In my case, I usually use it on my cheeks, eyes, nose and chin.

Well, we have different feature obviously but usually, as I have read in many sources and tried myself in one of the free make-up courses I took, I used highlighter in 7 different spots on our face. Do you want to know where exactly they are?

Those places, among others, are:
- cheekbones (my favorite place indeed!)
- the tip or bridge of our nose
- cupid's bow 
- forehead center
- beneath the arch of our brows
- above the arch of our brows
- chin center

You see, so many choices for the place on our face where you can apply your favorite highlighter.

The challenge to find the right highlighter for us continues as we will have to see not only the shades but also the way it blends with our skin. 
I have been using several highlighters, including the ones from Anastasia Beverly Hills, Sephora, and Huda Beauty. I will be reviewing them but I will now start with my favourite, Match stix Fenty Beauty  in Sinamon. 

I guess many of you have heard of Fenty Beauty by Rihanna, right?
Rihanna has been a famous singer and this Caribbean beauty (born and raised in Barbados) certainly works on being a leading entrepreneur, including in cosmetic world. And I am one of her fans!

Match Stix Fenty Beauty in Sinamon

So now let's get down to business and here's my review for Match stix Fenty Beauty - Sinamon.

"A magnetized highlighter stick in a longwear, light-as-air formula to highlight, blush, and bronze in 10 colorful shades that let you play".

That's the claim I read from about this Match Stix.

Fenty Beauty by Rihanna

What is a match stix by the way?
It's one of the most-wanted products from Fenty Beauty which comes in various shades and different finish, either SHIMMER or MATTE. And as the packaging is formed in a a certain way and coming with magnet, they can stick to one another with different shades.

Function as highlighter, blush, and even eye shadow, I love match six from Fenty Beauty in Sinamon. The version I use is shimmer skinstick and tt's the perfect shade for my skin complexion as well.  


The shade that I use is called Sinamon.
It's pretty much a shimmer one with copper - based tone and it falls under Cinnamon Bronze group.

the swatch ..

This is how it looks on my skin.
It's pretty, isn't it?
You can see how it shimmers and really highlights my skin.

Moreover, it feels good on my skin too.
No breakout, no itchy feeling, not hotness and IT STAYS!
I have been using this product for my eyes, cheeks, lips, nose, and chin and this is how it looks.

Sepertinya aku harus kursus lagi nih dan diajari bagaimana memanfaatkan highlighter dengan baik dan benar. Ternyata tidak gampang lho menggunakannya tanpa menimbulkan kesan terlalu berlebihan atau bling-bling banget, It's not always that easy to find the right way of doing it.

look tired, but I still love it!

On another occasion, I have used it as well for my cheeks only and I love the look!

I love this highlighter sooo much!


The ingredients of Sinamon are, among others: mica, ethylhexyl isononanoate, octyldodecanol, polymethyl methacrylate, sucrose acetate isobutyrate, c20-40 alcohols, paraffin, tribehenin, polyethylene, vp/eicosene copolymer, vp/hexadecene copolymer, diisostearyl malate, cera microcristallina/microcrystalline wax/cire microcristalline, caprylyl glycol, phenoxyethanol, tocopheryl acetate, hexylene glycol, tocopherol, isostearyl alcohol, ascorbyl palmitate, malic acid, and calcium sodium borosilicate.

So far I found it all safe.


The packaging is lovely. It's like a sturdy plastic container in choco milk color. 
Fenty Beauty is written in silver font in one of the side and the name of the shade is written underneath.  It looks neat.
You have to roll it up to get the highlighter out. 


The price of this collection is USD 25 before taxes (depending on where you buy it, but in NYC it becomes around USD 31 after the VAT) and I bought it in Sephora Times Square New York City. As always, it's always been my favorite spot!

Repurchase? Yes, yes, yes... And I gues I might try and explore other shades.
Sepertinya aku tertarik untuk mencoba shades yang matte dan melihat hasilnya di kulitku.

So, how do you like it? 
Have you tried other Fenty products?
Do you think you will like the shimmer or the matte finishing?
Do you have your favorite collection when it comes to highlighter?
Will you buy this one?


Beauty: Chanel Allure Velvet Lipstick no. 40 La Sensuelle

Review Chanel Allure Velvet Lipstick no. 40 La Sensuelle

Here come another favorite lipstick of mine!
Well, needless to say that lipsticks will always be part of my favorite collection!

Lipstik memang telah lama menjadi kloekst istimewa untukku.
Entah kenapa, oku yang semula tomboy dan ngga suka dandan, at certain point of time  jadi menikmati pemerah bibir yang beraneka warna dan jenis ini.
Jadi setiap ada perjalanan ke beberapa negara yang biasanya bagian dari pekerjaan aku (yang lumayan melelahkan itu), aku suka menghadiahi diri sendiri dengan 'jajan' lipstik favorit. And that, my friend, is a simple way to keep yourself happy.

To those who have been reading my blog before might remember my take on Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no.34, La Rafinée. For me, Chanel lipstick is highly recommended because not only it looks good on your lips, but most importantly, it feels good as well.

This time, I have the similar seri of lipstick but in different shade.
Introducing Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no.40, La Sensuelle.

Kalau sebelumnya saya mereview La Rafinée yang cenderung soft and nude, kali ini saya pakai yang lebih bold yaaa  

Now, let's start with the review. shall we?


The lipstick I have here is Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no.40, La Sensuelle

Again, allow me to share what they say about this lipstick.
 "This non-drying matte lipstick glides on lips with intensely rich, long-wearing colour and a sumptuously soft, velvet matte finish". Directly quoted from the website, I have to say I do agree with it! 

It is non-drying matte.
It has bold color that sticks for hours.
Yet it feels comfortable on my lips.

Dan velvet matte finish itu asli cantik.
Cantik karena memang terlihat bold and matte tapi tidak membuat kering bibir kita tercinta,apalagi sampai terkleupas atau berdarah seperti beberapa lipstik matte merk lain.

La Sensuelle!

And the composition of this lipstick is "mother-of-pearl pigments deliver rich colour and a soft finish. Jojoba Oil and Shea Butter comfort and moisturize." Still from Chanel's website, that's more of the description about this beauty product.
That is why this lipstick feels wonderful,- nice and soft on your lips, yet looks beautifully matte with saturated color.

La Sensuelle means obviously, sensual, in French.
So I guess this color will make you feel sexy and sensual.
Ad psst, don't tell anyone, I do feel sexy wearing this lipstick LOL.


Here's how Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no. 40 La Sensuelle looks on my complexion. 


It looks slightly different when I put it on my lips and when I swatch it on my hand.

And this is how it looks when I put it on hand


The packaging is, as you can guess, sleek and elegant. 
Black carton box with big gold font for its name and white ones for the information and the ingredients.
Not too fancy, I guess (I have seen more deluxe one) but it serves the purpose.

As for the lipstick itself, it is put in the metal tube where you need to press the bottom part to take the cap out. Roll the tube up to get the lipstick out as usual, and once you're done, roll it down then put the cap back on until it clicks.
And I like it.

The packaging


As I can read in the box, -finely printed of course, the lipstick is made of mixture of, among others, Isononyl isononanoate, dicaprylyl carbonate, synthetic wax, jojoba esters, shea butter,  and more :).  All those active ingredients contribute to the moisturising of our lips.

The lipstick is of course made in France.

The ingredients


The price for this liquid matte is USD 37, before taxes and shipping.
It is equivalent to around Rp 530.000,- with USD 1 = Rp 14.300,-
And the most important part is it feels sooo good on my lips!
Yes, another 'comfortable'  lipstick I can put on and on again.
It gives you velvet finish and matte but not drying.
So, I guess that's the reason why it feels great.
It may not stay that long, compared to others

Depending on where you buy it, the percentage of the VAT you have to pay and/or shipping fee you have to pay will add to the final price.
You can pay slightly cheaper price if you buy it in the duty free shop or at the airport.

fFor this one, I  buy it in my favorite shop, Sephora, and you can definitely check it on or any major department stores here in NYC, like Macy's, Saks 5th Avenue, Barney's, Bergdorf and Goodman and more. They also have it in Chanel boutique.


I love it because the color is so me!
Yup, so me, who loves bold colors.

And the most important part is it feels sooo GOOD on my lips!
Yes, another 'comfortable'  lipstick I can put on and on again.
It gives you velvet finish and matte but not drying at all.
I don't have to put lipgloss before or after putting this one on because my lips are fine.
So, I guess that's the reason why it feels great.
It may not stay that long, compared to others


Like it or not, Chanel Lipstick IS quite expensive.

That's the only problem I have here LOL!
Well, it's not the most expensive lipstick I have ever had, but loving it and using it most of the time means I have to buy more :).

That's the only no-no I have in mind.

So, finalement,  I give  Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick no. 40 La Sensuelle the score 9 out of 10.  Similar to the other color I have from Chanel as well.

Semoga reviewnya membantu dan you ladies ngga bosen ya dengan review lipstikku.
Don't forget, ditunggu postingan lipstik-lipstik tercinta berikutnya yang pastinya masih menanti berderet dengan damai untuk direview satu per satu.
Muuuaaah et amusez-vous bien!

Tips to Find A Good Makeup Case Easily

vintage makeup case
Red looks good!

Tips to Find A Good Makeup Case Easily

Most of the makeup artists offer onsite services, and thus they need to travel a lot carrying their makeup kit with them. An experienced makeup artist knows the importance of having a good makeup case. A well designed and organized make up case can save your time in a significant way. 

Well, even for me, a makeup and beauty products addict, I need to have one good, makeup case! Otherwise, we will have all our stuff scattered around and chances are you are going to miss them. 

Moreover, some of those cases are so cute! A great collection of this case can make our work much more comfortable and our beauty products can be neatly stored. Before discussing different types of makeup cases, let’s know about the things that you should consider when choosing a makeup case. 


Most of the makeup cases, which you find in the market, are a bit costly. Hence before buying one, you should do proper research. If you buy a low-quality makeup case or bag because it is cheap, you will end up searching for a new makeup case shortly, because competitive quality products will not last long. In short, you will end up purchasing a new one soon. 

Take your time and do proper research to know which makeup case brands are popular and in demand in the market. Check customer reviews online before making your purchase. Don’t forget to check the condition of a product before bringing it home. Even if you've ordered it online, open the delivered product and check its status before you sign on the receipt. 


You should choose the right sized makeup kit if you are looking for something comfortable to carry. It is always better to pick smaller bags to bring wherever you want comfortably. Understand how much space you require before choosing a makeup case.
Purpose: You should always choose a makeup case keeping your assignments in mind. For example, if you are a bridal makeup artist, then you may require large makeup cases. If you travel often, then you choose a makeup case according to the mode of transportation. 


Make a note of all the elements which you are looking for on a piece of paper. Now start your search online accordingly. Most of the makeup artists generally look for makeup cases or bags that come with a lock. 
Budget: Set a budget to make your search easy. Most of the sites online provide a filter option to select your budget range. Use that option to make your search easy. 

Do you need a good makeup case? I do!

Types of makeup cases

Mentioned below are some types of makeup cases that you should know about. 

•    Train Cases

Train cases are a good choice because it can carry portable and smaller makeup kits as well. 

•    Rolling Case

If you are working for a movie or TV series, then you may require different makeup tools. A rolling case is an excellent choice for makeup artists who are working on big projects. You will get rolling cases with lights and seats as well. All you have to do is choose one from them as per your requirement.

There are some excellent stores online that offer these and many more makeup kit cases at a very affordable price. Take some suggestions from your seniors as well before purchasing one. Buy a rolling makeup case if you are looking for something unique, stylish and easy to carry.   I might have one as well and if you think you will need one, place your order online now to save your time and money!

Do you have a good makeup case already?
Do you like them?
Which one do you like, train or rolling cases?
Share your stories about your favorite makeup case in comments yaaa.