Showing posts with label turtle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label turtle. Show all posts

Missing the breathtaking underwater world of Indonesia

Entah kenapa..
Beberapa hari ini saya merasa ada yang tidak pas.
Tidak enak.
Membuat gundah...

I just don't know why I feel a bit 'off' lately.

Well, it's normal though :).
Perhaps I'm just tired..

Btw, jarang-jarang mellow seperti ini, saya pikir-pikir apa karena kurang piknik ya?
Soalnya banyak teman-teman yang posting atau merespons di sosial media dengan saran piknik kalau sedang gundah :).
Padahal saya selalu mencoba untuk keluar menikmati indahnya musim gugur di New York yang memang cantik luar biasa. At least for me.

We wandered around New York Botanical Garden, Central Park, and Astoria Park to fully enjoy the breathtaking autumn in New York. 

But back to the office, I still feel something is missing.

Yah, mungkin saya memang kurang piknik.
Sepertinya saya kangen tanah air.
Iya, saya kangen piknik di tanah air :).
Dan menyelam...hobi saya yang sudah lama absen dilakukan.

Looking at those breathtaking walls with its creatures..
Swimming along with turtles and school of fish..
Taking pictures here and there.. 
Taking underwater selfie again and again..

underwater selfie? why not :p....

Watching clown fish ..
Or just simply let my body float around in the depth of the sea..

Aaah, ini judulnya menyiksa diri yaaa
Dan dilalahnya, saya baru baca postingan Eka,blogger traveler ngetop yang rajin wara-wiri, yang baru aja main ke Manado, salah satu spot diving favorit saya. Atau lihat postingan path MF Abdullah, another blogger friend,  yang sedang menikmatinya indahnya Sulawesi, termasuk alam bawah lautnya.

Kalau sudah begini, hiburan saya hanya melihat koleksi foto-foto bawah laut yang sempat saya ambil saat menyelam di tanah air.

Dan sepertinya ada beberapa foto yang belum pernah saya publish juga :).
Boleh yaaa saya share di sini.

Most of them where taken in Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi.


recognize this fish from Finding Nemo? :)
so happy :)

Dan memang alam bawah laut Indonesia cantiiiik bangeeeet

isn't he cute :)

Diving in Indonesia is what I love.
And I sincerely hope I can try diving here at the US and the Carribean as well.
Gotta save some money to have those awesome holidays :)

What would you do if you're feeling a bit off?

I want to diveeeee....

While enjoying winter and its never-ending snowy days here, my heart terribly misses my family and the warmth and endless beauty of my hometown. 

Okaaay..I know...
I have been complaining  about it lately. 
Sounds like a broken record...
But the weather has been very unfriendly these days, especially the freezing wind.

And sometimes, whenever I have some free time, I keep looking at my social media accounts. It make things worse..Like the more I see and look through my FB albums, the more I miss home. And whenever I look at my PC, I accidentally ended up checking my hard drive and open my underwater photos again and again :(.

What's happening to me? 

Clear blue sky, warm weather, turquoise water, salty air, great diving buddies...

jumping high in Bunaken with my diving buddies :)
Gosh I miss them all...

Especially our serene underwater the one in Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi, as well in Lampung...

my underwater selfie ")...

I even miss its strange yet fascinating creatures, like this mimic octopus...

taken in Lembeh, Manado..
The scorpion fish...

the Frog fish...

the Pygmi seahorses...

And even this fuchsia corals...

And back home in Lampung, I certainly have a lot to miss...
From its eclectic clams to tiny lion fish...

Tanjung Putus, Lampung

From its purple anemones and corals, cute star fish, to Mr. Turtle...

taken in Tanjung Putus, Lampung..

my lovely purple at Batu Mandi, Lampung

Mr. T...taken in Tegal Island, Lampung

at Batu Mandi, Lampung...

I know I can definitely dive here in the US or the Caribbean as well, but I simply have to wait until the weather is much warmer. 

Well, It won't be that long, will it?

So I can swim along with nemo again...soon :)

Meanwhile....lemme get back to my hard drive collection...
Don't you miss warmer weather?

Underwater adventure: Manado Chapter #Bunaken

Continuing my little underwater adventure in remarkable INDONESIA, my one and only country...

Next destination is MANADO...

squeezing my oooh-sooo-busy schedule (yeaaah riteee..), I managed to sneak out on friday afternoon and chasing my diving group for great underwater adventures in Lembeh and Bunaken, Manado...


Enjoying every minute of my stay there..6 lovely dives certainly made my days :D..

Well, before I came back with more details, some photos as a teaser :D..

Dude, wait for meeee...instantly remember Finding Nemo movie :D...Lekuan II site, Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi

La Rascasse...or famously known as Lion Fish...beautiful, yet dangerous... Lekuan II site, Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi

I and the large Triton...Fukui point site, Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi
clear blue sea at Fukui point site, Bunaken,Manado, North Sulawesi

Clown fish are certainly everywhereeee....