Showing posts with label Ferry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ferry. Show all posts

Staten Island, here we comee...

One lovely Sunday and off we went to the Staten Island :)...

Staten island Ferry....
Senangnyaaaa kalau akhir pekan tiba. Kaki gatal kami langsung beraksi dan rasanya semua tempat ingin dijelajahi :). Tidak heran saat cuaca cerah seperti hari minggu kali ini, saya, Bo et Obi pun sibuk merencanakan petualangan kecil kami. Kali ini kami niat menggenapi  kunjungan ke 5 borough atau kecamatan di NYC. Setelah tinggal di Queens, kerja di Manhattan, main ke Brooklyn dan Bronx, tiba saatnya menyambangi the Staten Island. Karena Bapak sudah niat berdownhill ria dengan sepedanya tercinta di Cunningham Park, kami pun merencanakan perjalanan kali ini dengan moda transportasi umum. Dan memang mudah sekali :)...

As spring really lingers around, enjoyable weather is here to stay as well. So we decided to stroll around and visit the 5th borough in NYC, the Staten Island.

Manhattan, seen from the ferry heading to Staten Island...
You can either drive your car through Verrazano Bridge or take the subway 1 to South Ferry Terminal and hop on the free Staten Island Ferry.

We chose the second one  :).

Rudi was cycling in the Cunningham Park so we took the N train to Times Square to catch train 1 heading to a Whitehall Terminal. It's the last stop at South Ferry Terminal and make sure ride on the first 5 cars of the train to get off at South Ferry. They have the moving platforms only for the first 5 cars.

From there, we simply got up directly at the Whitehall Terminal to catch the Staten Island Ferry.

Whitehall Terminal...
And the ride is free! lhoooo... ferry to take you to Staten Island.  And the ferry is really good. Clean, spacious, and comfy.

Saya langsung inget perjalanan kami dari Jakarta ke Lampung dan sebaliknya  yang sering kami tempuh lewat jalan darat plus naik ferry menyeberangi  Selat Sunda. Walaupun jarak  Manhattan - Staten Island lebih dekat dibandingkan Bakauheni - Merak, tapi kapal laut yang dipakai sama besarnya. Well, paling tidak menurut saya ya :). Tapi memang terasa beda kebersihan, kenyamanan  dan ketertibannya :). Don't get me wrong...saya justru rindu dengan perjalanan seru kami saat menyeberangi Selat Sunda menuju kampung halaman lhoooo...

Well, back to our trip to Staten Island...
It took around 20 minutes to go from Manhattan to this island.  
While we're on board, many have chosen to sit on the upper deck. Perfect spot to take pictures and wave Manhattan goodbye :)

We saw the US Coastal guard as well...

Liberty seen from the Ferry :)
Some even stay in the hurricane deck, the upper part of the ferry.

You know why?

Because they want to see the Iron Lady, the Liberty Statue :). 

Such a bonus to those who haven't got enough time or energy to get on board to go to the Liberty Statue and Ellis Island.

Ini salah satu alasan kenapa Staten Island Ferry selaluuuu sesak dengan penumpang. Karena on the way ke Staten Island, kita dapet bonus untuk liat Patung Liberty dan melewati Ellis Island :). Gratis pulaaaa..

Walaupun liatnya dari jauh, tapi kan lumayan bangeet bisa foto dengan later belakang Liberty dan gratis pula hehehe. Dan memang kapal ini penuh dengan turis-turis yang heboh banget foto the Iron Lady waktu lewat. Well, trip ini memang bisa jadi alternative yang oke banget buat mereka yang mau liat patung kebanggaan warga NYC tanpa perlu antri dari pagi untuk beli tiket dan naik kapal ke Liberty Island dari Battery Park, Manhattan maupun New Jersey.

Once we arrived at the Island, we strolled around the area. 
At that day, there was the 5-boro bike tour, so many were riding their bikes. And took the ferry back to Manhattan as well. 

We just managed to stroll around the Richmond Terrace, taking picture near Staten Island Borough Hall and the Supreme Court. They look pretty  awesome and with perfect weather, Bo et Obi were happily running around as well. 

Not long after that, we caught the ferry back to Manhattan and headed back home.

It was a lovely trip indeed :).

Anybody like to join us next time?