Showing posts with label Indonesian food in NYC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesian food in NYC. Show all posts

Sambal Goreng Udang - Indonesian Spicy Shrimp Recipe

Sambal Goreng Udang - Indonesian spicy shrimps
Sambal Goreng Udang - Indonesian Spicy Shrimp

It's Ramadhan!

Such a wonderful and blessed month for us moslems and I would like to take this opportunity to share one of our favorite, easy-to-make Indonesian food recipes.

As you know, during Ramadhan, we are fasting from before the sunrise until sunset.
So after restraining ourselves from eating and drinking for quite some times (almost 17 hours here in NYC), I try to cook something nice and special for my family. But since we don't really have much energy left after fasting, I always try to prepare simple food that my family love.
And I have to admit, some Indonesian food need extra preparation.
Nevertheless, the one that I'm about to share with you is one of the simplest ones.

does it look too spicy for you? 

And I just realized I haven’t posted any recipes for quite sometimes, by the way.
So let’s hit the kitchen and this time, I have Sambal Goreng Udang - or Indonesian Spicy Shrimp.

Well, don’t get intimidated by the ‘spicy’ name as you can always, obviously, adjust the level of spiciness in this dish.

Sambal itself means chili sauce and sambal goreng literally means fried chili sauce.
Those who are familiar with Indonesian food might get use to the use of sambal here and there, but again you can have a non spicy chili sauce!
Just add extra tomatoes and sugar to thwart the natural kick of chilies and you're good.

super hungry :)

I have shared some spicy as well as sambal goreng recipes before, so you can check out sambal goreng tempe dan kentang - spicy crispy fried tempe and potato or botok tempe - steamed spicy tempe, to name a few. 
So now, Are you ready to cook with me?


Shrimp - 2 lbs, with or without the tails, any size you prefer, clean them.
Shallot - thinly sliced
Jãlapeño- thinly sliced, if you like it hot.

Spices to ground:
Onion - half and chopped
Shallots - chopped 
Chilies - 3-4, or less as desired
Tamarind - 3-4 pieces for extra tanginess. Feel free to take it out.
Salt and pepper - as desired
Galangal - 1 piece, pressed.
Just a little note, I really love this spice as it will add extra aroma to your dish. But feel free to drop it of you prefer to do so. Galangal is easily found in Asian groceries or oriental market.

Green peas for garnish
Coconut milk - 2 spoonful
Vegetable oil for sauté - 1 teaspoonful

The good thing about these ground spices, it is sort of a base paste for many Indonesian food or a like. So you can make them in big batches and store them in the freezer.

How to cook:
First, we prepare the shrimps.
You have the choices of deep frying them or pan frying them in order to use less oil. 
Once done, set them aside.

We then sauté the thinly sliced shallots and jãlapeño, put the ground spice all together.
Cook it for a while until it's fragrant.
You can tell when the spices are well cooked.
I have to admit it's the best part as the spices smell wonderful.
Mix the fried shrimps, wait for a while until all the spices are well mixed and cook it in low heat. Then add the green peas at the end for about two minutes so it won't be overcooked.
And that's it.
Your Indonesian spicy shrimp, sambal goreng udang, is ready :).


Eat it with your hot steamed white or brown rice, or sprinkle it over your salad plate.
Hope you like it and enjoy.
Bon appetit!

Serunya Lebaran di New York City

Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin
Maafkan lahir dan batin
Eid Mubarak!
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1438 H

Happy Eid -al Fitr to those who are celebrating it!

Belum terlambat kaaaan untuk mengucapkan selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1438 H.
Yang pasti teman-teman sudah kembali masuk kantor dan menjalankan aktivitas seperti biasa kan. Samaaa dong...kami malah sejak hari ketiga lebaran, karena UN Headquarters hanya libur di hari Senin, hari kedua Lebaran #kokjadicurcol.

The celebration is here, after one full month of revitalizing our hearts and soul through fasting, not only from food and drinks, but also from unnecessary emotional burdens. forged in self-challenged exercise and contemplations, I sincerely hope the holy month of Ramadhan has put us back to our purified path.

Setelah satu bulan berpuasa, meskipun sedih meninggalkan bulan penuh ampunan dan berkah, kita semua menyambut hari kemenangan dengan penuh suka cita. Apalagi setelah menjalani bulan puasa yang 'seru' di New York. Baca : Puasa di Luar Negeri? Ini Dia Sensasinya.

Dan lebaran tahun ini pun 'istimewa'.
Bukan hanya karena hingga detik terakhir Mama Bo et Obi sibuk menghadiri berbagai pertemuan di UN hebohnya yang bak Urban Decay saat launching the Vice Series yang warnanya ratusan #apasih, tapi juga karena lebaran tahun ini Konsulat Jenderal RI di New York dan Perutusan Tetap RI untuk PBB, my office, memutuskan untuk mengadakan acara Joint Open House untuk seluruh warga Indonesia yang ada di New York City dan sekitarnya.
Asyik kaaan.

Buat kami sekeluarga yang ngga sempat masak makanan lebaran maupun buat kue kastengel kesayangan, ini adalah anugarah dari Yang Kuasa buat para hamba-Nya yang jauh dari tanah air. Kebayang dong, aneka makanan khas lebaran yang meruntuhkan iman, plus suasana silahturahmi yang selalu menghangatkan hati juga kesempatan memakain baju andalah (baru) LOL. But on a more serious note, acara seperti ini benar-benar ditunggu oleh banyak pihak.

Setelah selesai sholat Idul Fitri di Masjid miliki komunitas Indonesia di New York City, Masjid Al-Hikmah, - baca: Eid al Fitr in New York City - kami pun pulang sebentar untuk berganti pakaian. 

Kebetulan karena kami statusnya 'semi panitia', sudah ada dress code yang ditentukan, yaitu busana nusantara. Dan saya memilih memakai kebaya kutubaru warna hijau berpadu dengan kain Batik tulis Cirebon lawas peninggalan nenekku tercinta. I know, it's not purple but I have worn purple in the morning for sholat. Besides, this kain belongs to my late grandma, so it feels like having a lovely part of my family, whom I miss dearly,  in this special day.

Sementara, suami dan anak-anak kompak sepakat pakai baju putih-putih.
Karena hari kemenangan kan memang identik dengan kembali kita ke fitrah-Nya, suci tanpa debu.
Tapi aku ya emoh paka putih, soalnya jadi gendut bangeeet LOL.

The Frakarsas

Asyiknya lagi, saat tiba di sekitar KJRI yang menjadi tempat acara, kami pun langsung dapat parkir. Ini lumayan ajaib lhooo..karena KJRI yang letaknya antara Fifth Avenue dan Madison Avenus yang tersohor itu selalu terkenal dengan parkirnya yang susaaahnya minta ampun. Rezeki anak sholehah yaaa pastinya :). Ini beneran lho jarang terjadi, karena at least kita harus muter-muter blok sebelum dapat parkir atau end up di gedung parkir yang harganya nonjok banget, sekitar $30 PER JAM. iya, PER JAM. Jadi parkir 2 jam bisa dapat dompet Fossil yang lagi sale >_<.

Tiba di depan gedung KJRI, kami disambut oleh antrian pengunjung yang sudah panjang dan mengular. Memang kapasitas gedung KJRI terbatas, sesuai dengan peraturan di kota NYC yang mewajibkan setiap ruang pertemuan mengumumkan dengan jelas batas maximum occupancy. Alhasil, para tamu harus bersabar gantian dengan tamu lainnya yang sudah masuk di dalam terlebih dahulu jika batas maksimum sudah dicapai. 

Di dalam gedung, para tamu langsung disambut oleh Konsul Jenderal Indonesia untuk New York, Bapak Abdulkadir Jaelani dan Ibu Yanti Jaelani, serta Pak Dubes/Wakil tetap RI di PBB, DUbes Dian Triansyah Djani beserta Ibu Yanti Djani. Nama istrinya kebetulan sama :). Serunya, mereka berdiri di depan backdrop cantik bunga-bunga Indonesia buatan temanku/tetangga tercinta, Ditut.

Selesai bersilahturahmi dan maaf-maafan dengan banyak teman, tamu dan kolega, waktunya menikmati hidangan khas Lebaran.

Kalau sudah ngomongin makanan khas lebaran, hati rasanya nyeeees.
Terharu melihat aneka hidangan lezat yang bukan saja nikmat di mulut, tapi juga mengingatkan pada keluarga besar di Indonesia dan perasaan hangat saat kumpul bareng keluarga besar dan orang-orang tercinta.

This year, we have a wide variety of Indonesian traditional food for Lebaran Day!

As you can see on the pictures above, we have our traditional menu, which consists of:
Lontong, - rice cake
Opor ayam,- Indonesian chicken curry with coconut milk,
Sambel goreng kentang dan daging,- spicy beef and fried potatoes,
Sayur ketupat lebaran,- Indonesian spicy vegetable soup with coconut milk
Tahu Petis,- eggs with traditional petis sauce.

Selain itu ada kue-kue dan cemilan khas Indonesia juga, seperti pastel, kembang goyang, tape ketan, rengginang dan lain-lain.

Pokoknya urusan perut, bahagiaaaa deh :).
Judulnya, cheating day dan lupakan diet sejenak >_<.

Dan asyiknya lagi, sambil terus menikmati hidangan istimewa dan bertemu teman-teman maupun keluarga besar Indonesia yang ada di New York dan Sekitarnya, kita pun tiada henti berfoto LOL. Termasuk behind the scene alias di dapur :). 


Kalau mau lihat keseruannya, check out this video on my YouTube, please.

Lebaran memang selalu istimewa ya, di mana pun kita berada.
Bersyukur rasanya bisa kembali menikmati sejuk dan berkah Ramadhan serta Hari Raya Idul Fitri yang penuh keriaan.

Terima kasih banyak untuk tim horeee nan cihuy KJRI New York,- Pak Konjen dan Ibu, Pak Win, Chichi, Anissa, Shinta, Mas Jatmiko, Gustaav et Mela, Kika, Myrna, Asep, Sandy,  Sita, Lutfi, Mas Temy, dan semuaaaa yang ngga tersebut di sini. 
You guys rock! As always :). 
Dan juga keluarga besar PTRI New York-ku tercintaaaah. 

Bagaimana cerita lebaran teman-teman?
Seru pastinya kan...share ya!

Tempe Goreng Tepung - Indonesian Fried Tempe

Tempe goreng tepung memang ngg ada matinya!
At least in my house.

Time to share another favorite menu of the house: tempe goreng tepung or fried tempe fritters, as I freely translate it.
Have you tried one?

Beberapa kali saya share di blog kalau tempe adalah salah satu makanan favorit sekaligus harta karun buat kami yang tinggal jauh dari tanah air. 
Tempe bukan hanya sekedar lauk khas Indonesia yang enak dan bikin ketagihan. Ada setangkup rindu dan rasa haru setiap melihat tempe. Mengolahnya menjadi makanan kesukaan keluarga melayangkan ingatan saya pada keluarga besar di Indonesia yang kerap berkumpul dan berbagi suka duka dengan ditemani sepiring tempe goreng. Di situ ada identitas bangsa yang kaya akan budaya kuliner dan sumber daya alamnya yang luar biasa. Ah, mau makan tempe aja jadi sentimentil hehehe! 
Itulah spesialnya tempe untuk saya dan keluarga.

want some?

I have shared several time in my blog that tempe is one of our favorite food and heavily treasured mostly by Indonesians living abroad.

Tempe is not just a typical or traditional delicious Indonesian food that you continue craving for more. There is a piece of 'home' and longing for the homey ambience as we eat  tempe with our loved ones. So now, allow me to share another favorite easy-peasy recipe for tempe.

Ready for tempe goreng tepung or Indonesian fried tempe?

Here we go...


Tempe or tempeh - you can find it in oriental or Indonesian shop and also Trader Joe's which have its own home-brand tempeh.
Flour - 200 gr
Maizena - 1 spoonful
Turmeric - 1 pinch, if desired
Coriander - hoarsely ground, 1 tea spoonful
Garlic - 4 pieces, crushed. The best is the fresh one, otherwise you can also use garlic powder.
Shallot - 2 pieces, thinly sliced
Kemiri or candlenut - 2 - 3 pieces
Salt - as desired
Sugar - as desired
Spring onion - thinly sliced
Vegetable oil for frying

How to cook:

First, we prepared the spices. You can ground all the spices or just simply use the dry powder. Ground garlic, candlenuts and coriander together. In a mixing bowl, put the flour, maizena, ground spices, salt and sugar then mix them all well by adding water until the dough is well mixed and thick. Add the thinly sliced shallot and spring onion to the dough once it's mixed well.

Cut tempe as desired. For us, the thinner the better because then it get crispy when we fry it. Just to make sure that it's not too thin so that tempe stays intact when fried.

In a frying pan, heat enough vegetable oil for frying. Dip tempe to the dough and fry it until it's beautifully golden. And....that's it!
Your tempe goreng tepung is ready. You can eat it just like that with a little kick from fresh green chili or jalapeños :). Or pair it with a bowl of steamed rice and eat it while it's hot.

Bon appetit!

My fave!

WW - glorious Indonesian food at NY Indonesian Street Festival 2016

They speak for themselves :).

Glorious Indonesian food at the recent New York Indonesian Street Festival 2016.
Starting from rendang jengkol (I don't even know what's the translation of Jengkol in English :)), to bakwan, martabak daging and combro, from sate padang to lemper and arem-arem. So many choices, all makes me drool.

Most of them are precooked and packed, some are freshly prepared on the spot.
One thing for sure, they are super delicious!

Here's the complete story of New York Indonesian Street Festival 2016 

rendang jengkol for you :)

Sate Padang...and all the long lining up just to get a portion of it :)

es teler..perfect for hot NYC day..

so many choices indeed :)

And finally, at home, I was inspired to make my own sate padang :)
Mari makaaaan 

home-made Sate Padang :)

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy bloghopping

New York Indonesian Street Festival 2016

"Have you been to Indonesia before?" I politely asked one of the locals who was lining up for sate padang,- or padangnese satay made of beef and tongue with distinct turmeric sauce - right in front of me.

"No, I haven't. But I just can't wait to see your beautiful country myself", she said eagerly. Then we both enjoyed our small talks about Indonesian delicacies and culinary. Apparently she is quite adventurous when it comes to food. That makes the two of us :).

On a different corner, I was again lining up for es teler, a perfect fruit cocktail sans alcohol which is so popular back home. And here as well. Perfect for New York City hot summer day like today. I noticed a blonde boy trying to sneak around to get a cup of that tempting es teler. When I asked him whether he knew about this beverage, he said of course.. He just spent 2 months of vacation in Indonesia, exploring Bali, Lombok and Jogja, and he instantly fell in love with this es teler. Can't blame him!

Welcome to Indonesian Street Festival, where we bring you the taste, the feel, the joy and the beauty of Indonesia, the largest archipelagic state in the world.

Beautifully stretched from Sabang to Merauke, from the western most point to the eastern part, Indonesia is indeed a piece of heaven on earth.

Have you been to Indonesia before?
I will never get bored asking people of that question. 
Sort of a prelude of my various stories of the many beautiful faces of my beloved country.

Nevertheless, not many people know where Indonesia is. Most of the foreigners are familiar with Bali, dubbed as the island of Gods and Goddesses. But they are not familiar with Indonesia as a whole and other parts of my beloved country.

So, as part of the celebration of the 71st Anniversary of Indonesia's Independence Day, the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia hold New York Indonesian Street Festival 2016.

The annual street festival is back this Saturday, August 27, 2016.

Held right in front of the Consulate General of the Republic Indonesia here in New York, East 68th Street, NY, 10065 (between Madison and Fifth Avenue), we all gathered to have a taste of home-sweet-home although we are separated far away.

Starting from 12 - 5 PM, we had so much fun indeed.
It was truly a beautiful day filled with fantastic performances, fashion shows, arts and crafts, kids corner as well as Indonesia's culinary and delicacies.

Opened with a short speech from Acting Consul General of Indonesia in New York, Mr. Benny Siahaan, we all sang our national anthem Indonesia Raya, before the Festival was officially opened by hitting Gong 3 times.

Then series of traditional dances and cool performances, including fashion shows and dancing on the street began.

Photo was beautifully taken by Rima Cempaka

Piring dance,  Selayang Pandang, Tor-tor,  Merak and Lenggang Nyai were just some of the traditional dances graciously performed by Indonesians as well as locals who joined groups of Indonesian arts and cultures here in New York and the surrounding States, including Delaware. We also had some fashion shows and dangdut show. 

more colorful performances depicting Indonesia's vibrant cultures

We had fun dancing Sajojo, the traditional dance from Papua, Indonesia, together with the audience. Lead by Mrs. Lista Damayanti Djani, the spouse of Ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani, the Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the UN in New York, we all lined up and danced to the upbeat music.

Let's dance :)

We opened a booth for free Angklung lesson as well.
Not to mention free face paintings, for kids (and adults as well :)).
I was one of the volunteers here in the face painting booth and boy, how kids loved us to draw Pikachu and pokemon balls on their face :)

Look at those happy faces with Pokemon Balls. Cheers..

Some beautiful arts and crafts, traditional as well as contemporary ones, were also displayed and sold during the Festival. 

We had more booths of crafts compared to last year, so you can find some beautiful hand-written Batik, batik silk scarfs, bags, pouches, mugs, and more.

Fancy to get one?

For the food department, we had a wide range of those famous Indonesian culinary and delicacies. The street was certainly filled with delicious aroma of sate, ayam panggang, mie pangsit and bakso, some freshly prepared or warmed up on the spots. A complete choices of Padang food, including sate Padang and lontong sayur were also available. 

so many choices..alll super yuum..

Combro, tahu isi, lemper, ketimus, risol, pastel, wingko, bika Ambon and kue ongol-ongol were temptingly displayed on the food corners. Es teler, my favorite, together with es doger and es sirsak certainly quenched our thirst that day. No doubt, Indonesia is a top-notch destination when it comes to culinary experience!

I just can't get enough :)

And there are so many prices from quiz as well, including tickets to Indonesia to visit this beautiful paradise from Garuda Indonesia, our national airline, which will soon resume its routes to East Coast. Questions related to Indonesia were asked to all audience and those who got the right answers surely received their prices.

I have to say that this year we have more and more visitors. Those long lines of food and crowds enjoying the performances at the main stage signal more interests and attentions from New Yorkers as well as Indonesians living in NYC and the surrounding states. We had some tourists visiting NYC who joined our Festival as well. the Consulate strategic location, only one block from Central Park and Madison Avenue, is also a plus point. 

And for sure, great job, Consulate General of Indonesia in New York! Such a great team work and good coordination. Kudos to everyone who put the event together :)

All in all, I had so much fun on the Festival. 
I sincerely hope we will have this Festival again next year. 
So, I can simply say, see you all next year at #NYIndonesianStreetFestival!

Sop Buntut - Indonesian Oxtail Soup

More Indonesian culinary experience from my kitchen table :).
Let me introduce you all to Sop Buntut - Indonesian oxtail soup.

I recently went to our local supermarket here in Astoria and found halal oxtail. Yup, oxtail.
Although oxtail is obviously not a common ingredients here, but I found various menus from different countries using the same ingredients, like oxtail osso bucco and oxtail stew, for example.

Back home in Indonesia, sop buntut or oxtail soup has been widely known as a famous plate. Not only in authentic warung or street food vendors, but also in five-star hotels in Jakarta. Hotel Borobudur Jakarta, one of the luxurious hotels in the Capital, has long been recognized as 'the place' for the best sop buntut in town. 

Served with a warm plate of steamed rice and crackers, be it kerupuk or emping - or bitter nut crackers, sop buntut is one of the favorite choice for lunch or dinner. The rich texture and tender meat, enhanced with special aroma from the spices being used, makes sop buntut a yummy 

Some of you might not get a chance to try it in the restaurant here in the US,  but if you want, you can cook it at home.


Oxtail - 2 pounds, usually it's already cleaned and chopped to pieces.
Garlic - 3 cloves
Shallot - 2 medium cloves
Coriander - 1 teaspoon
Candlenuts - 3 pieces
Nutmeg powder - as desired
Salt and pepper - as desired
Sugar - as desired
Vegetable oil
Carrots - cut in dice
Celery or cilantro or spring onion - all serves as garnish and my fave is cilantro and spring onion

In some recipes, they use cloves. You are indeed welcomed to use it as it brings an exquisite aroma to the soup. I don't find one here so I skip it. But I make sure that nutmeg is added as it is sort of a 'signature' hint for this soup, at least in my family's recipe :). 

How to cook:

First, we get all the spices ready. Using mortar and pestle, grind the garlic, shallot, coriander and candle nut. Of course you are welcomed to use your food processor as well. Then heat one spoonful of vegetable oil and sauté the ground spices until it's well cooked and fragrant. In a large pot, boil the oxtail, together with the spices, until the meat is soft. I takes around 3 hours to get it tender, depending on the oxtail. Once the meat is tender, put carrots, celery/spring onion and boil it for 5 - 10 minutes. And sop buntut is ready.

Give some drops of fresh lime or lemon to add extra tangy kick in your soup and some fresh chopped chili if desired. You can also eat it together with a bowl of warm steamed rice.

lime or lemon gives you a fresh kick in the soup

Hope you get a chance to try this exotic culinary.
Selamat makan, bon appetit

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsy Girl

January is super cold here in NYC but no snow coming until last Sunday. As temperature dropped to minus double digit C, the solemn snow shower started.

not much but enough to get the kids excited..

We had slightly snowy Sunday and surely kids got so excited. Even Bo et Obi started to drag us out of the house and said that they wanted to play snowball. So sorry kiddos, apparently we didn't have enough snow this time >_<.

Add caption

It's a bit different from last year as we had heavy snow and some storms even since October.

But now, as it's (almost) Wednesday, time for another Wonderful Wednesday people.

It is our 85th "Oh My Heartsie Girls "Wonderful" Wednesday's Linky Party and We Welcome You. We have lots of inspiration to share. And we appreciate your stopping by to share your blog with us. And We wish You A Happy New Year!! 

Your Links Are Seen On 10 blogs this week.

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesdays

Oh My Heartsie Girl & Co-Hosts Welcome's you!! 

:❢:❢ #OMHGWW Starts Early Because Somewhere Its Already Tuesday ❢❢ And if you looking for something special from last week, there are so many good recipes and crafts, you can find them here :❢:❢ 

All The Entries Here :❢:❢

And If this is your first time to join us ~Welcome~ and if you are revisiting our AKA Wordless Wednesday Now... "Wonderful Wednesday Party's, since were anything but wordless....
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-Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls for collage 

January's Co-Hosts For Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday!! Divider 989321gyey13hzit

Must Love Home 
Co-Host Christine Mello // Must Love Home // Winter Bistro Table //The Winter Bistro Table is a modern interpretation of Bistro style. Casual dishware, simple wine glasses, cotton linens and candles are hallmarks of the classic style. Fun touches like the wine tags and napkin rings can personalize this simple style to your own taste. Twitter | Bloglovin | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest 
Divider 989321gyey13hzitFabulous Journey 
♥The Fabulous Journey// Fabulous Journey // How To Shop As A Fabulously Frugal Fashion Hunter//A frugal fashion hunter knows that a bargain hunter seldom, if ever, pays full price for anything! Twitter | Bloglovin | Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest |InstagramDivider 989321gyey13hzitFrom Evija with love 
Co-Host Evija Roberts// From Evija With Love //New Feature on the Blog // I decided to do a new feature on the blog so if you have any craft, DIY upcycling projects, please submit for a chance to be featured! Twitter | Bloglovin | Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzitTwo-Chicks-and-a-mom
Co-Host Donna Wirthlin // Two Chicks And A Mom // Valentine's Day Sugar Cookies and Icing Recipes//These two recipes are used regularly in our family, especially around many holidays. If you need to make sweet treats for an upcoming school, church or community function (or just for the family), these cookies and icing recipes are the best! Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
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Simply Wright 
Co-Host Ashleigh // Simply Wright // Italian Wedding Soup Pasta Bake// A twist on an Italian tradition that the whole family will enjoy! Facebook | Google + | Pinterest | Instagram | BloglovinDivider 989321gyey13hzit Living Intentionally Simple 
Co-Host Sarah-Ann Hamlin // Living Intentionally Simple // Vanilla Chia Granola // Simple delicious granola recipe that everyone will love. | Bloglovin | Pinterest | Divider 989321gyey13hzitA Sprinkle of this and that 
Co-Host Christine Ryan // A Sprinkle of This and That // One Pan Lemon Garlic Chicken//One Pan Lemon Garlic Chicken Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzit
♥Co-Host Indah // My Purple World //Tahu Isi - Fried Tofu with Vegetables Filling// Tofu and vegetables are indeed match made in heaven. Try this simple recipe for yummy munchies using tofu and your favorite vegetables. Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram Divider 989321gyey13hzit

Co-Host Susan B Mead // Susan B Mead // Safe. Secure. Serene. // THE STORMS OF LIFE That’s where we lose our balance and our bearings, teetering, falling, toppling into despair. Oh, Father, I truly don’t want to go there…I want to be SAFE. SECURE. SERENE Twitter | Bloglovin| Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest
Best Picks from last weeks party 
Your Co-Hosts Picks From Last Week Divider 752004ewor3ue4oi
Co-Host Pick Sara-Ann Hamlin Living Intentionally Simple//The Lou Lou Girls// Baked Snicker Doodles 
Mia Bella Passion-Paper-Dress-Bunting 
Co-Host Pick by Donna Two Chicks and A Mom //Mia Bella Passion // Paper Bunting Farmhouse-breakfast-area-worthington-court
Co-Host Pick By Christine Mello of Must Love Home // Farm House Kitchen//
Co-Host Pick by Evija of Evija With Love // 2 Bees In A Pod // Ikea Rast Hack
Co-Host Pick By Shellie of The Fabulous Journey // Designer Trapped// Kitchen Cabinet Organization Easy-gluten-free-baking-tips.-Regular-flour-vs-gluten-free...with-these-tips-the-texture-is-almost-identical
Co-Host Pick by Ashleigh of Simply Wright //Chemistry Cache// Easy Gluten Free Baking Tips
Co-Host Pick by Christine Ryan of A Sprinkle of This and That // Oh My Creative // Frozen Yogurt Hearts Granola Valentine Slow-Cooker-Macadamia-Pineapple-Chicken-PM
Co-Host Pick by Susan of Susan B Mead //Strength and Sunshine // Slow Cooker Macadamia Chicken Stitched-Heart-Garland-by-Bombshell-Bling
Host Pick by Karren of Oh My Heartsie Girl // Bombshell Bling // Stitched Heart Garland transferring-images-to-wood 

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But Now.....Let's Party!! …

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