Showing posts with label Freedom Tower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom Tower. Show all posts

Freedom Tower in Blue

One lovely weekend with the kids is what I need amidst my busy days. 
It's only February but the UN is on full swing already, let alone the office and its internal matters. But then, Bo et Obi  wanted to try iceskating at the rink in Brookfield Place in Financial District and off we went to this area. Winter is still around but unlike the typical, grey and cloudy sky, we have blue sky that day. And the Rink is overlooking the Freedom Tower.

Beberapa minggu terakhir ini saya sudah tenggelam oleh pekerjaan. Entah mengapa, walaupun baru memasuki paruh kedua di bulan Februari, tapi pekerjaan di kantor sudah mulai lucu-lucunya. Melihat disposisi yang diberikan setiap saat dan tumpukan laporan yang harus dibaca, rasanya saya membutuhkan document organizer yang lebih baik dan piknik lebih banyak :). So, ketika cuaca cerah dan kebetulan UN Hospitality Commitee mengadakan acara fun iceskating, kami pun tanpa berpikir panjang segera bergabung :). Apalagi cuma % dollar per orangnya. Jadi semangat deh kita ikut.

Freedom tower amidst the other sky scrappers

Freedom Tower was built in the One World Trade Center, where the previous twin tower of World Trade Center was. Rising up to the sky, at 1,776 feet tall, it certainly dominates the Manhattan skyline, particularly the lower part. No wonder we have unobstructed view from the rink. Afar, North Cove Yacht Harbour can be clearly seen as well,

overlooking the Hudson River

As we have the sunshine, being out by the riverside was not a problem at all. At least for 30 minutes or so. That's why we have lot's of pictures here, including the kids.  

Di belakang Brokfield Ring, Sungai Hudson terhampar luas di bawah langit yang membiru. Dengan pemandangan skyline Manhattan yang khas, tempat ini terlihat cantik sekali. Apalagi didukung oleh cuaca cerah dan matahari yang cukup menghangatkan, walaupun kalau sudah lama terasa dingin juga :).

And their mom :).

Well, the clear blue sky really brighten up our day. 
And hopefully soon we can visit Freedom Tower, the tallest building in the western hemisphere.
Kami sebenarnya sudah tidak sabar untuk bisa naik ke Freedom Tower dan menikmati Old Manhattan dari gedung tertinggi di NYC saat ini. Tapi karena cuaca yang masih relatif dingin, rasanya kami perlu bersabar sampai cuaca menjadi jauh lebih friendly buat kami dan anak-anak. 

see you soon...

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the breathtaking sky from many corners of the world.