Showing posts with label Wellington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wellington. Show all posts


It was windy and cold, as we started assembling for the flag - raising ceremony this morning. 

Yet, our hearts were warm with pride as we saw Merah Putih, our national flag, was gallantly fluttering against Aotearoa’s blue sky. A beautiful, historic day! 

Pengalaman indah di bumi Aotearoa merayakan genap 78 tahun usia negeri tercinta, kebanggaan kita semua, Indonesia. #thefrakarsas beruntung bisa menjadi bagian dari cerita penuh warna tentang jalan panjang perjuangan, indahnya persatuan dan persaudaraan serta memaknai kemerdekaan. Alhamdulillah… merci ya Rabb ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ™.

Saya dan @bofrakarsa were proudly wearing our Tapis from beloved hometown, Lampung. A bit mix and match I know (apologies for that) but proud to wear my Siger and the set of West Lampung Tapis I got as my dowry (thanks sweet ๐Ÿ’œ @frakarsa ).

Bo was wearing his Tapis and Kiket, the headrest for Lampungnese males, Manuk Mekhem or the sleeping bird (CMIIW please ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‡). Well, again happy and proud to wear them ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ 

 These are only a tiny bit of fun photos I took today, so bear with me ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜‰ 

 Merdeka ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

FIFA Women World Cup in Wellington

Do you like football?

I do! Although I don’t fully understand the regulations and the latest updates from the field but I always enjoy the festivities and the vibes during big matches and competitions.

This year, Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia are co-hosting the FIFA Women’s World Cup.  Can you imagine the excitement we have here!

the match between New Zealand and the Philippines

Poneke Wellington is also selected as one of the cities in Aotearoa New Zealand which will be hosting the matches, besides Auckland, Hamilton, and Dunedin.

Obviously, the Frakarsas won’t miss the chance to see the matches! We got the tickets for the match between New Zealand and the Philippines, which was held on Tuesday, 25th of July, 2023. The match was held in Wellington Regional Stadium.  It was quite a match and we were supporting the Philippines as part of the ASEAN Sisterhood, but we also hoped New Zealand would play well on this match.

What a game indeed! For the first time, the Philippines won and beat the host New Zealand 1 - 0. There was an offside goal made by New Zealand so unfortunately it didn’t change the scores. New Zealand team was very aggressive and offensive, sent many shots on goal but the Philippines’ goal keeper or goalie is so good! No wonder she became the player of the day! 

I hope we can watch more games as the matches continue till mid August. It’s time to get more tickets. 

The three of us after the game..

Me holding the scarf of the match of the day, between NZ and the Philippines

Do you like watching football as well? How about women’s football? 

Do you like watching it directly at the stadium if you get the chance or you prefer watching it on TV? Share your experience here on the comments and see you on the next adventures!

Art Deco Afternoon High Tea - Arisan Seru bersama Indonesian Ladies Club Wellington

Art Deco Afternoon High Tea - Arisan Seru bersama Indonesian Ladies Wellington

Apa kabar semua?

Lama tidak menulis blog dalam bahasa Indonesia tercinta and I'm excited untuk berbagi cerita - cerita keseruan perjalanan kami selama tinggal dan berdinas di Selandia Baru, atau Aotearoa.

Belum lama ini, aku bergabung bersama Indonesian Ladies Club atau ILC di Wellington. Salah satu kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah arisan. Iya, arisan. 

Meskipun sedang berada di luar negeri dan bahkan banyak di antara pendiri dan anggota ILC telah berada di Selandia Baru lebih dari 10,15 atau bahkan 20 tahun, tradisi yang satu ini masih lekat di hati. Tidak heran kalau kegiatan arisan menjadi saah satu kegiatan favorit ILC. Arisan kerap menjadi ajang silahturahmi dan temu kangen, sekaligus forum belajar dan berbagi. 

So, long story short, aku menjadi salah satu peserta arisan dan untuk bulan Desember, aku menjadi pemenang arisan bersama 7 orang lainnya. Mereka yang menang akan menjadi tuan rumah arisan berikutnya. Satu putaran memang memiliki 8 pemenang dan masing - masing mendapat NZD 800. Jumlah yang lumayan dan bisa dipakai untuk membeli barang favorit kan. 

Art Deco Afternoon High Tea - Arisan Seru bersama Indonesian Ladies Wellington
aneka cangkir dan teko vintage koleksi kami

Saat grup kami menang, kami memutuskan untuk mengambil tema afternoon high tea and art deco. Jamuan minum teh memang menjadi salah satu tradisi Inggris yang diadopsi dan banyak digemari di Selandia Baru. 

Banyak kafe, hotel atau tempat makan yang menawarkan jamuan teh dengan hidangan khasnya, seperti kudapan dan cemilan khas negara ini. Yang paling populer adalah scones dan pies. Seperti apa persisnya, bisa langsung di-browse sendiri aja ya. Semoga nanti aku bisa share juga resep scones karena sering buat.

Art Deco Afternoon High Tea - Arisan Seru bersama Indonesian Ladies Wellington

Untuk arisan kami, karena pesertanya adalah perempuan Indonesia yang bermukim di Wellington, kami memutuskan untuk menyajikan makanan khas Indonesia. Walaupun temanya high tea, makanan kecil yang disajikan adalah martabak telur, lumpia, kue putu ayu, talam, onde - onde dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk makanan utama, kita menyediakan lontong sayur komplit, jadi ada lontong, sayur nangka, telur balado, balado teri kacang, opor ayam, kering kentang, sambal, kerupuk dan lalap. Untuk dessert, kita juga ada tiramisu dan meringue! Pokoknya komplit deh dan bikin ngiler ya. Makanan yang aku bawa dan sumbang adalah martabak daging dan opor ayam, hasil karya di dapurku yang baru di Khandallah.

Untuk peralatan minum teh, aku juga membawa sebagian koleksi trio Royal Albert dan teman - temannya milikku dan juga teko dan trio dari koleksi T2 aku. Aku sempat share juga kan cerita tentang T2 yang menjadi salah satu toko teh favoritku di sini dan juga perburuan koleksi vintage trio cangkir teh aku  (Baca: Hunting for Vintage Collection at Napier, New Zealand) Aku juga niat lho mengenakan kostum flappers untuk dress code art deco kali ini.

Yang pasti, kita semua menikmati arisan kali ini. Apalagi selain arisan, kami sebagai tuan rumah menyumbang untuk raffles dan door price berupa trio atau 1 set cangkir teh dengan 2 piring tatakan (makanya namanya trio) koleksi vintage. Beli 3 tiket seharga NZD 10 and you can get the chance to win one of those cute cups! Tidak heran kalau banyak peserta arisan yang membeli tiket raffles ini.

Art Deco Afternoon High Tea - Arisan Seru bersama Indonesian Ladies Club Wellington
Berpose dengan Mba Ratih, salah satu host bareng aku. I'm wearing my Art Deco theme costume

All in all, kita semua menikmati arisan seru  kali ini dan pertemuan berikutnya akan diadakan di  bulan February 2023. Masih harus tunggu tahun baru dulu ya. Sampai jumpa di cerita arisan kita berikutnya.

Salam hangat dari Wellington

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World and Friends

Komodo Dragon giant lantern in Wellington 

Welcome back and how's this week treating you?

November is coming to an end and soon we will be enjoying the last month of 2022. How time flies!
We are now enjoying the new hous and with 3 stories and 4 rooms, it is certainly spacious. It's even better than what I have in mind before. Alhamdulillah, we finally get the house that can accommodate our needs and for sure, healthier in terms of humidity and less cold. Hopefully we can live better live here. 

On the other side, we have just concluded Lumino City - Wellington Lantern Festival 2022. Claimed to be the biggest lantern festival in the country, this event can finally be conducted after being postponed for about 2 years due to the pandemic. We opened the Indonesian stall and had some food and munchies as well as souvenirs being sold during the event. I also joined the performance of Angklung on the stage, where many performers from different countries joining the festival. 

Angklung performance during Lumino City - Wellington Lantern Festival

It was fun indeed, although Wellington was super wet due to the heavy rain on Friday. Good thing on Saturday the weather was better so we can get a comfy festival. We also have the giant Komodo, the native giant lizards from Indonesia, as our lantern and you can see how it looks on the photos here.


And now... Don't hesitate, come and join us now  with Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World and Friends. For sure, many interesting links are waiting for you to enjoy. I will definitely love to try some of those tempting recipes.

some of my favorite sandwiches in Welly

We always have a great lineup and were happy to have you join us each week and hope you enjoy this weeks features to inspire you.. We have so many talented bloggers it is hard to to choose but we do our best each week, and if you need more Inspiration check out Last Weeks Party #337 on 11/14 there were so many great blogs that visit us with great of Ideas.


Wonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers

You could Pin The Banner From Above and We would love if you share our party for others to enjoy. Please Do Not Link and Run ❢❢ Feel free to post my party button on your blog and say you linked up here! We would love to have you follow our Social Media Links!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š We would love to have you follow our Social Media Links!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]Oh-My-Hartsie-GIrls-Hostesess.Dont-Miss-Our-Features.

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Cherry Slice Bars Recipe Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Pink Ribbon Walk Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Pumpkin Bread Loaves: Perfect Holiday Guest Favor! Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Clean and Decorate With Me/Christmas MBedroom and Bath/Collaboration Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Christmas Crafts Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Emma // TheExtraOrdinariOnly Earn Money Monthly Online TikTok | Gumroad | Bloglovin Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter


♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Decorative Inspirations // How to Make Vintage Bottle Christmas Ornaments


♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Debbie Dabbles Christmas Blog // Christmas in The Craft Rroom


♥Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center Studio 27 Jennifer Adams // Craft Room Organization: Cricut Crafting


♥Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center Serenity You // Dealing with a Dark and Dingy Home


♥Feature Chosen by Kaycee // Crafty Zoo Blessed Simplicity // Easy Crock Pot Candied Pecans ♥Feature Chosen by Recipes


♥Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafts Cook Clean and Repeat // Cranberry Fluff Nutter-Butter-Turkey-Cookies.

♥Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Organized Island // Nutter Butter Turkey Cookies Creamy-Shells.

♥Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center Home Made on A Weeknight // Creamy Garlic Shells ♥Feature Chosen by

This-weeks-fashion-feature-on-Oh-My-Heartsie-Girl White-Doc-Martins.

♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Claire Justine // White Doc Martins Boots

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Cozy Lunch at Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
Cozy lunch at Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington

Wellington has been known for being the coolest little capital, packed with wonderful eateries to explore and enjoy. Whenever possible, I try to stroll and discover new places to eat in Wellington, usually for the lunch break.

This time, after browsing in Google maps and read people's reviews, my friends and I decided to try Prefab Coffee Bar, one of the cafes as well as the house for the coffee roastery, ACME. I read many great reviews about their bakery and coffee. as a big fan of sourdough and rustic bread, I am pretty much intrigued to try Acme bakery products. I have to say by the time I try their Olio roll with mozzarella and vegetables, I'm sold!

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
some of the sandwiches there... looking yum!

We came here during peak lunch hour, yet we are lucky enough to get the table for 3 right away. We got the seat with high chairs but it's comfy enough. The place is packed with customers, enjoying their lunches and coffees, happily chatting and enjoying the lovely weather. As you know, Wellington is now entering summer season, so we have more sunny days coming. It is not always sunny but whenever we have the sunshine, we'll definitely enjoy it outside.

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington

It didn't take long before we got the menu from our waiter. We had our mozzarella and tomato Oli Rolls, margaritha pizza, peach danish pastry, and flat white. We didn't have to wait too long either until our food arrived. I have to say my rolls are super yuuum and the pizza is also perfect! the dough is not too thin, yet crispy and the mozzarella as well as the parmesan cheese melt in our mouth. The pastry is also yummy! We definitely eat them all! 

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
the danish pastry

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
Margarita pizza, anyone

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
flat white for you to enjoy

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
All the flowers are fresh!

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
such a temptation!

I ended up going homing bring a loaf of sourdough and oli rolls as well. The do have varieties of bread, coffee beans, preserves, jams, and more for you to enjoy at home.

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
Cute Pin0cchio 

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
I brought them home for sure :)

Prefab - ACME Coffee Bar Wellington
More to buy and bring home

So if you happen to come to Wellington and looking for a coffee bar, Prefab can be a great choice!

Cheers and see you on the next culinary adventures in Wellington.