Showing posts with label breast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breast. Show all posts

Celebrating PINKTOBER - Sharing and Caring Session about Breast Cancer with Google Local Guides

Indah Nuria Savitri pink warrior

Celebrating Pinktober - Sharing & Caring session with Google Local Guides 


Celebrating Pinktober - Sharing & Caring session with Google Local Guides 

Hi, everyone!

I hope all is well and we can stay safe, happy and healthy wherever you are.

October has been celebrated as Breast Cancer awareness month. 

Cancer. Cancer. Cancer.

Six-letter word that instigate fear to many of us. 

One single word that changes your life forever.

Cancer, particularly breast cancer, has touched people’s lives.  Many of us have seen or ben through life-changing moments due to cancer. Be it breast cancer or any type of cancer, those diagnosed with it, and people surrounding them, will see some major adjustments and 'pause' in life. And cancer knows no boundaries. You can be young or old, educated or not, rich or poor. It can simply be anyone. It can be you, it can be me. And Google  Local Guides are no exceptions.

breast cancer survivor Indah Nuria Savitri

Whether you or someone you love has cancer, knowing what to expect can help us cope with this challenge and life-changing moments. From sharing information and experience about breast cancer and the fight against it, including the importance of early detection, diagnosis, and treatment options, this session will serve as a ‘sharing & caring’ session for Google Local Guides whose lives have been touched by breast cancer. 

breast cancer survivor

Together we can provide support to those cancer warriors, as well as learn how to take care of ourselves and take necessary actions to prevent and ensure early detection. Furthermore, we can identify health facilities & institutions as well as communities that provide care for and support breast cancer. And more importantly, we can show our support to those who are still fighting it. 

That's why we invite Google Local Guides to Join us on Google Meet on Thursday, October 29th, 2020 at 8 PM UTC + 7 and let’s talk about breast cancer πŸ’–πŸŽ€

The Google Meet link for the meeting was also provided ( )

And we invited our friends to πŸ’–πŸŽ€πŸŒΈ WEAR PINK πŸ’–πŸŽ€πŸŒΈ. Or anything in PINK πŸŽ€ during the meeting.

As a Google Local Guide, I  @indahnuria, a breast cancer survivor, became the host & shared my personal fight against breast cancer. While our dearest doctor LG @doc_dells shared some valuable insights from medical point of views about breast cancer and . Then our dearest friend  Google Local Guide from India @shreeya added to the voice of her own journey in accompanying her beloved mom battling cancer and gave some highlighting points to always remember.


Let’s fight breast cancer!

The meeting run well and we discussed a lot about breast cancer and many interesting aspects about it, starting from the symptoms, the treatments and medication, the psychological impacts and the support of the family as well as people around us.

Breast cancer - Indah Nuria Savitri
Breast cancer has long been known as one of the silent killers

I shared stories, photos and video about my struggle  against breast cancer. The struggle from July 2014 as I was first diagnosed with breast cancer and continue fighting till now.

From one little lump that changed my life to the series of treatment I have got to do to eliminate cancer cells from my body. From the consultations to the joy of joining such supportive communities sharing the same passion about fighting breast cancer. From tons of pills I have to take to mind-blowing questions and contemplation I got to do.

breast cancer awareness - indah nuria savitri

Support is one of the immense helps we, cancer patients and survivors, always need. I am super lucky to have my hubby, two wonderful munchkins, family, friends, colleagues and even strangers.

❤️ Stay safe, happy and healthy, everyone ❤️