Showing posts with label losing hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label losing hair. Show all posts

Argan Maple Holistic Shampoo Review

Disclaimer: I received the free product for review but  all opinions expressed here are my own. 

Who has problem with dry scalp and dull hair?
I do!

I have been looking for the right products fro my hair and scalp for quite some times.
It has been a big issue for me since I lost all my hair due to the chemotherapy that I had to undergo since late 2014 to the first semester of 2015. Let alone the series of radiation therapies and follow-up medications and injections I have up until now. 

Needless to say, those treatment and medications I have to take mess up with my body, be it my hormones as well as my metabolism. One of the big issues for me here is the super dry scalp. I remember when I was bald, the itchy scalp is not cool at all! With no hair as the natural protector of our scalp, I keep scratching it and some flakes of dry skin were flying from my head. I have tried a few and some of them provided temporary solutions and the dry scalp 

And months after I finished my chemo, my hair started to grow back again.
Even when my hair starts growing back, I still have similar issues.
And that makes me cut it short again and again, at least 3 times up until now.
Being used to have long, super curly hair with Bob Marley look, I was super excited when my hair starts growing back. Although it takes years to have it grow back as it used to, I am planning to keep it healthy and beautiful. And for that, I have to find the right hair product.

This is where I come across Argan Maple Holistics, a special formula shampoo 
I saw this product first from my dear blog friend, Alissa Apel, and decided to try it.
I went to their Facebook page and contact the company for free sample and they sent me a bottle! 

taken from

I have tried it in the course of two week and I love the results!

The natural Argan oil works its wonder to me and for sure there are more benefits of having this precious ingredients on your shampoo, including nourishing the scalp, rejuvenating our hair and making it feels soft and much more manageable.

As stated on the bottle, the shampoo is composed of aqua, argan oil, botanical keratin, peach kernel oil, almond, oil, jojoba oil, camellia seed oil, natural vanilla, honey fragrance and avocado oil. It's 100% pure, sulfate free, good for all scalp type and made in the US.

For sure, the dry scalp is less annoying and I don't really scratch my scalp too much as the itchiness is no longer there. It tends to get itchy a bit after 3 days so I know when it's time to use the shampoo again.

cheers...this is how the hair looks, after shampooing with Argan Maple Holistic
Moreover, my hair looks properly fluffy, not too much, and neat.
Now you see why I love this product!
The price of this 8 oz shampoo is USD 9.99 and the shampoo and hair conditioner set is USD 19.95. With the result that I have, I'm happy to get more of it.

You can order it right from the website,, or check out their Facebook page for further info and more reviews. 

Do you have problems with your scalp and hair as well?
Do you find the products you love so far?

When you lost your hair...

It's been quite some time  I enjoy my new hair style...
No hair at all :).

I guess I haven't really shared my story about my new look, although those who know me and have visited this blog several time might know that it happened along with my series of chemotherapy :).

Well, as you of the most common side effects of chemotherapy is losing your hair. When I say losing means losing all the hair in my body.

Waktu pertama tau bahwa saya ternyata positif menderita kanker payudara, rasanya shock banget. Apalagi ditambah dengan rangkaian pengobatan dengan dampaknya yang tidak tanggung- tanggung banyaknya. Saya sempat menulis mengenai dampak kemoterapi di sini.

Saat memulai kemoterapi bulan Oktober lalu, saya berjuang dengan rasa mual yang tidak tertahankan dan capek luar biasa yang benar-benar membuat saya tidur saja selama 2 hari pasca kemo. Memasuki kemo ketiga, tepatnya minggu kelima sejak pertama memulai kemo, rambut saya mulai berguguran.

Well, I have been warned. Dokter onkologist saya sudah wanti-wanti, kalau soal rambut rontok, baik sebagian dan seluruhnya, bisa menjadi sumber stress besar bagi mereka yang menjalani kemo. Apalagi mereka yang masih bekerja atau banyak melakukan aktivitas di luar.

Saya sempat berpikir...ah, masa iya? Masa semua rambut akan rontok? Dan bahkan berharap agar rambut saya yang lumayan sehat bisa bertahan. Lewat 2 kali kemo, rambut saya masih oke, hanya sedikit yang rontok. Dalam hati mulai terbit harapan kalau mungkin rambut saya bisa selamat dari gempuran racun ini. Tapi ternyata, masuk minggu kelima, rambut saya mulai bereaksi. Rontok yang tidak kira-kira..bisa satu genggam sekali rontok, bahkan tanpa saya tarik atau sentuh sekalipun. Dan di situ saya mulai stress. Rambut yang biasanya saya uwel-uwel seadanya  lalu diikat dengan karet tidak bisa lagi saya ikat karena saat mau membuka  karet, rambutnya ikut tercabut. Setiap di sisir, lebih parah lagi yang berguguran. Bahkan suami bilang kalau jadi terlihat  pitak  di sana sini.

Well, apa yang diperkirakan oleh dokter memang akhirnya terjadi. Dan ternyata, walaupun sudah diperingatkan, tetap saja saya kaget. Juga sedih.. karena walaupun rambut saya ngga bagus - bagus amat, tapi rambut adalah bagian dari identitas  saya selama ini. Masih ingat  kalau orang-orang terdepan saya memanggil saya Bob karena rambut hitam keriting  gimbal saya yang (katanya) mirip Bob Marley itu? Ditambah horornya perasaan saya untuk ngantor, sidang di UN, ngantor Bo et Obi ke sekolah dengan kepala pitak sana pitak sini.

I know we have tons of choices of wigs. But have you tried one? Not all of them are comfy...seriously. Well, if you want to have the good one, it costs you a fortune. It might look good for a minute or two, but to wear them on long hours like my working hours might be a bit tricky.

So, I came to the point that I would just go out and be me. My hubby, Rudi, ensured me that there's nothing to be worried about. 
The hair will grow back!
Yes..the hair will grow back!
I just have to let it go...

So, after taking Mba Ellen, one of my dearest colleagues who came back for good to Jakarta, a few days after my 2nd chemo, I decide to shave it. My hubby supported my decision and he even shaved his head too to show his strong support and unconditional love. So sweet of him...

Akhirnya saya pun memutuskan untuk mencukur rambut saya. Keputusan yang didukung penuh my munchkin Udi, yang juga ikutan gundul bareng dengan saya. Rasanya mau nangis waktu tau Udi juga bela-belain  mau rambutnya dicukur seperti saya. Juga waktu saya bilang ke Bo et Obi kalau rambut saya akan saya cukur habis. Tapi sepanjang dicukur, Udi sibuk bercanda dan menghibur saya yang akhirnya jadi cengengesan selama dipotong rambutnya.

You know what's funny...
Waktu Udi mulai mencukur rambut saya, sebenarnya kami sempat mencoba - coba model cepak yang ternyata malah membuat saya keliatan super aneh ;). Untungnya kami melakukannya  di rumah, jadi bebas deeeh...

aneh kan keliatannya berjambul begini :)

Dan setelah dengan telaten  Udi mencukur rambut saya hingga  gundul licin, saya malah suka melihatnya. suits me fine!

Even with no hair, it feels like I'm more relieved. After being stressful looking at those hair falling down,  I feel more confident now. Well, in a way...

Selesai dicukur (dan mencukur rambut Udi), Bo et Obi langsung berebut  mau pegang kepala saya. They said I looked funny, but cool :).

Terus saya telpon mama via facetime. Dan mama justru yang nangis melihat saya gundul. Ah mama...jadi sedih kalau mengingatnya  kembali, karena mama langsung memanjatkan  doanya untuk kesembuhan dan kelancaran kemoterapi saya. Makasih banyak ya means a lot to me.

Penampilan perdana saya dengan 'rambut baru' adalah saat Making Strides against Breast Cancer di Central Park. 

getting ready for Making the Strides against Breast Cancer..

Meski kaget, teman-teman tim saya mendukung dan memberi semangat. Begitu pula dengan pimpinan dan teman-teman di kantor maupun kolega saya di UN. Well, many stare at me at the beginning bit it doesn't bother me. I usually tell them that I have cancer and they will either apologize for staring at me or simply say I look good with my hair style :)

What bothered me at that time was because it was the beginning of winter. And we happened to have crazy winter here in NYC. Complete with its freezing wind. With no hair, you can imagine how cold it was, even with the help of winter hats, beanies, scarf and everything you can name of :). But at the same time, I can be creative with those things as well :).


One thing for sure, no more bad hair day for me. 

Bangun pagi bisa langsung loncat mandi tanpa sibuk memikirkan rambut mau diapain. Enak juga ternyata, menghemat waktu banyak. Saya hanya perlu ektra hati-hati dengan kepala yang tidak lagi memiliki pelindung alaminya plus memastikan kulit kepala saya juga dirawat dengan baik. Kulit kepala harus benar-benar diperhatikan lho..karena selain sudah tidak ada pelindungnya langsung, kelembabannya juga harus dijaga supaya tidak gatal.

And now, 2 months after finishing my chemo, my hair starts growing back :)
Can't wait to see how it looks later ..

Satu pelajaran penting yang saya dapat adalah betapa di balik setiap cobaan-Nya, ada hikmah yang bisa kita petik. Saya hanya perlu bersabar, percaya pada-Nya, bahwa skenario yang diberikan adalah yang terbaik. 

Kalau tidak kemo, mungkin saya akan terjebak dengan gaya rambut yang tidak pernah berubah sejak saya SMP. Cobaaa...ngga bangeeet kan...
Kalau tidak kemo, saya tidak pernah tau hati mulia dan doa tulus orang-orang tercinta di sekitar saya yang tidak pernah alpa memberi semangat.
Kalau tidak kemo, saya tidak pernah tau kalau Allah SWT mengarunia saya semangat tinggi dan rasa percaya diri yang besar.

So, when you lost your hair...
Live with it...embrace it :)
