Showing posts with label #IndonesianDesigners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #IndonesianDesigners. Show all posts

WW: Mini Me, Batik, and Room XX Palais des Nations

Coming back to Geneva. for series of UN Human Rights Council meetings, I had so much fun exploring this place again.

Palais des Nations is truly one incredible place. 
I have been coming back here and forth and still be amazed by its ageless beauty. 
Sitting as the UN Office or the European headquarters, this palace-turn-into-office has been one of the jewels of the city of Geneva.

I spent most of my time at Room XX, or the Alliance of Civilization Room.
Commissioned by the Government of Spain, this room has uber unique and incredible ceiling! Take a look a it.

The ceiling of Room XX, Palais des Nations

UN Human Rights Council has conducted so many meetings in this very room.
In a year, UN HRC has 3 sessions, that is es every February - March, June-July, and September. Let alone other related meetings at the UN HRC, which take around 42 weeks in a year. Full calendar indeed. 

Here are some photos of Mini Me, Batik, and Room XX Palais des Nations

Before we start the meeting

During the meeting

My favorite lanyard

This year, Indonesia is not the member of UN HRC.
We are campaigning to be the member for 2020 - 2022.
It is indeed a tough campaign as we have 5 candidates,- Indonesia, Marshall Islands, Iraq, South Korea, and Japan -  for 4 seats representing Asia Pacific.
Wish us luck, dear friends.

Mini me is also enjoying the meeting, I dare say.
She's been traveling along with me and shares many sleepless night during the preparation as well as the meeting itself.

I have the priviledge to wear my purple-and-green Batik cape from Galeri Batik Avara (check their Facebook and Instagram accounts, please :)) this time.
I have been a great fan of their work, particularly the Batik Cape.
My hand-written Madura Batik, in deep purple and green, looks great with the combination in 2 tone purple.
Matching jelly-fish earrings from @uniqlykamea (check it on Instagram) are match-form-heaven for this cape.

Well, I will be back with more stories from Geneve and meanwhile, wishing you all a great week ahead!

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday (just click it) and have fun with the link party!

WW: Vivi Zubedi for NYFW 2018

Some snaps from "Urang Banua",
Vivi Zubedi for NYFW 2018, 
Industria, February 11, 2018.

Pagatan and Sasirangan in Urang Banua

Will come back with the complete story for sure!

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with all the links

Vivi Zubedi for New York Fashion Week 2018

Here we go again!

New York Fashion Week is back!
Once again the Big Apple is filled with those colorful parades of edgy, impassioned, romantic, beautiful, whatever-you-call-it fashion and vibrant works of art!
And look who’s joining NYFW The Show this coming weekend! 

Proudly welcoming Vivi Zubedi (check her on Instagram @vivizubedi) with ‘Urang Banua’ for NYFW 2018!

Showcasing the raw, indigenous beauty of original fabrics from South Kalimantan, or famously known as Pagatan Tenun (or Woven) and Sasirangan, Vivi . Both originating from this exotic province of Indonesia, the intricate techniques used in the process of making these fabrics makes them so special. Urang Banua, the locals who have known as passionate artisans, produce these beautiful pieces of arts which will be the soul of Vivi's ardent works. And with the touch of romantic glam, Vivi shows that modest style and Hijab ,- the head-covering Muslim wear, can be as sophisticated as others.

Vivi is indeed ready to show more of Banua’s beauty to the world at New York Fashion Week The Show 2018. And she is supported by HIJUP as well as Wardah Beauty, two Indonesian leading companies in fashion and halal cosmetics.

I will be proudly and happily joining the show on Saturday, February 11, 2018, 3 PM, at Industria, 775 Washington Street, NYC, NY, 10014.

Check out more info on Vivi Zubedi at and @ifg_nyc, Indonesian Fashion Gallery in NYC, and for sure I will be back with more stories and photos.

Go, Indonesian Fashion! 
Viva Wastra Indonesia!

Fashion Culture NYC 2017

It was another great week in fashion here in New York City.
Especially for Indonesians :).
As New York Fashion Week is riveting with head-turning designs, colors, celebrities and more, we are welcoming more talented and super young Indonesian designers. 

Fashion Culture was held by Indonesia Fashion Gallery, NYC, at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York City. 
Together with Wardah, Indonesia's leading halal cosmetics, IFG features wonderful works of Barli Asmara, Catherine Njoo, Dian Pelangi, Doris Dorothea, Melia Wijaya, Vivi Zubedi, G. Liem as well as two young designers, Geraldus Sugeng and Dwika x Aqil.

I have written about  Barli Asmara, Catherine Njoo, Dian Pelangi, Doris Dorothea, Melia Wijaya, Vivi Zubedi, and G. Liem in Indonesian Diversity Runway Show SS 18 in New York Fashion Week First Stage.

But it's very heartwarming to see the works of Aqil and Geraldus Sugeng. They are only 15 and 17 years old and their works are lovely!

Here are some photos for you to enjoy.

We also enjoy some great performances from Saung Budaya, the cultural troupe of Indonesian dances and arts which resides in NYC. They beautifully performed Tanjidor Kahot and Gending Sriwijaya. Love them!

Then the show continued with showcasing collections of more Indonesian designers we have coming for New York Fashion Week First Stage SS 18.

Get more great Indonesian Designers collection at Indonesia Fashion Gallery, New York City.

So, which one is your favorite?

Indonesian Diversity for NYFW First Stage

It's New York Fashion Week session, beautiful people!
Put on your best smile, favorite dresses, stilettos and get ready to feel the vibe!
I'm proud to again welcome Indonesian talented and young designers  here 
in New York City.
Not one, but 5 at the same time!


 Indonesian Diversity for NYFW First Stage

 Dian Pelangi
Vivi Zubaedi
Barli Asmara
Catherine Njoo
Melia Wijaya
as well as 
Doris Dorothea and Grace Liem

They will be having the show, Indonesian Diversity Runway Show SS18 Collection
  on Thursday, September 7th 2017, 12:00 PM
at the Gallery at the Dream Downtown 
346 W 17th Street, New York, NY US

So excited!
For sure you see wonderful works of these talented designers adorned with Indonesian wastra, Indonesian philosophy and more.

Check out more stories here!
Will be back with more details and photos 😘

Are you ready for DRAMA?

Anniesa Hasibuan for NYFW Fall/Winter 2017 

Who needs drama in life?
I do!
Apparently :).

Well, we all dream of having a smooth, happy-go-lucky life that is fulfilled and abundant.
But in reality, storms are coming and sometimes deciding to stay for a while!
And here comes DRAMA! 
But hey....  it's the ups and downs of life that makes us feel alive, right!

Anyway, I am counting my days to witness DRAMA.
A different kind of DRAMA that will surely enrich my life and passion for impeccable fashion.

I am talking about DRAMA, Anniesa Hasibuan's latest enchanted works of arts in wonderful pieces  of fabrics, beads, embrodery and more.

Yes, Anniesa Hasibuan is back!
And I just can't wait to see her fantastic works.

After stealing the much deserved attention from her sparkling debut in NYFW last year, she's surely coming back with the bang!
Remember D'Jakarta? Anniesa Hasibuan's collection for NYFW Spring/Summer 2017.
And how fashion people love it!
Not only being the first Indonesian designer showcasing her brilliant works for the main show in NYFW, Anniesa Hasibuan is the first designer EVER to present her collections in modest style with all models wearing hijabs, or the head scarves.
Witnessing first hand myself how hijab and modest style beautifully paired with silk pants, outers, dresses, tops and skirts in various patterns on the NYFW runway was really an amazing experience.
I could feel the excitement and adornment in the room, rounded up with a standing ovation after Anniesa came out from the backstage.
So proud!

And that, my friend, is a true bolder step of modest hijabi style movement!
And another proud moment for us, Indonesians!
No wonder Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, and soooo many global fashion media adore her and her works!

Read more about D'Jakarta and Anniesa's first epic debut at NYFW last year in Anniesa Hasibuan for NYFW Spring/Summer.
And check out this video as well..

So now, heading for Fall/Winter 2017, brace  yourself for DRAMA.
Anniesa Hasibuan for NYFW/Fall/Winter/2017!

Live on February 14th, 2017, the show will be held at Skylight Clarkson SQ, New York City.

This time, Anniesa is truly inspired by the incredible life story of women who have power to change weaknesses into strengths and uphold the ethics as true women.
DRAMA presents the immaculate combination of materials, colors and sumptuous details, creating the  astounding beauty for elegant and glamorous women.
Aren't you intrigued?

Stay tuned for more updates in my blog and will surely come back with more details!

I have received the confirmation for my front-row seat as well! 
Super exciteeeeed.
And meanwhile, get some more teaser at 

See you all soon, beautiful people
#Drama #NewYorkFashionWeek2017 
#indonesiandesigner 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩

NY Now and Indonesian Pavillion

Have you heard of NY Now?
Some of you have I supposed.

NY Now is a very special exhibition indeed. 
Gathering leading associations in various industries and market partners, this show attracts many incredible suppliers as well as wholesale buyers from all over the world. Showcasing handmade, home, lifestyle and artisan creations, NY Now is definitely a valuable and rewarding event for those looking for versatile, global market for home, lifestyle, gifts and more. Truly a creative hub with breathtaking, authentic designs and great products offered.

NY Now merupakan salah satu ajang bergengsi yang menampilkan aneka produk karya berbagai pengrajin maupun seniman dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Tidak kurang dari 400 produsen dari sekitar 60 negara berkumpul dalam pameran ini. Berlangsung dari tanggal 30 Januari - 3 Februari 2016 di Javits Center, NYC, NY Now memang sayang dilewatkan. 

Namun berbeda dengan pameran biasa, NY Now dikhususkan untuk wholeshale dan sangat mengedepankan profesionalisme. As stated in its guidelines,"This Market is for the Trade only, individuals must document their direct, professional Trade affiliation to be admited." Memang tidak semua supplier bisa serta merta ikuta dalam pameran ini dan untuk mempertahankan integritas ajang ini, penjualan di tempat dilarang dan semua pesanan harus dikirim melalui order pengiriman. On-site sale and delivery of merchandise is strictly prohibited and all orders must be shipped. Para pembeli pun diminta mendaftar terlebih dahulu, sehingga kredibilitas mereka pun dapat dicek dan terjaga. Tidak heran kalau NY Now dipenuhi banyak peminat, baik suplier maupun pembeli. Banyak exhibitors yang telah mengikuti acara ini berulang kali, bahkan berturut-turut dalam beberapa tahun. Some say dibutuhkan paling tidak 4 tahun untuk bisa benar-benar established hubungan dagang yang solid melalui salah satu ajang perdagangan terbesar di AS ini, karena tahun pertama dan kedua adalah masa 'perkenalan' dengan pasar AS maupun dunia, dan tahun ke-3 dan ke-4 merupakan masa 'pembuktian' bahwa para suplier dapat memenuhi permintaan buyer yang datang dalam event ini.

Indonesia pun tidak mau ketinggalan untuk berpartisipasi dalam ajang ini.
Ada 3 suplier asal Indonesia yang mengikuti acara ini, yaitu Lumiga Bali, Kamawardhana dan C-Tie Dye by Angel. 

Mba Teti dan Lumiga Bali 

Indonesian Pavilion at NY Now

tasnya lucu yaaa :)
Produk yand ditampilkan cukup beragam, namun memang masih didominasi oleh produk tekstil dan keragaman desain pakaian siap pakai. Lumiga Bali, misalnya, menampilkan berbagai desain pakaian maupun tas tangan yang menggunakan aksen kain batik. sementara Kamawardhana asa Bandung, menampilkan koleksi musim semi tahun 2016 yang mengangkat tema Crysler's Day. Sementara itu, C-tie dye menampilkan aneka kreasi pakaian dengan kain jumputan yang khas dan penuh warna. Animo pengunjung terhadap barang-barang Indonesia pun cukup tinggi, apalagi para supplier yang ikut pun sanggup memenuhi order hingga ribuan pieces. I sincerely hope they will have a successful event indeed.

Pojok Indonesia

some of the product being displayed at Indonesian Pavilion

Meskipun bukan exhibitor, saya tidak mau ketinggalan untuk melihat sendiri keseruan NY Now. Walaupun hanya sempat menikmati pameran ini sebentar saja di sela-sela makan siang, namun lumayan banyak barang-barang lucu yang saya lihat. Sayangnya kita tidak boleh melakukan pembelian satuan di tempat dan semua pembelian pun harus dikirim. Dan terus terang banyak sekali pernik-pernik dan hiasan untuk aksen rumah yang saya suka, termasuk karpet, lukisan, hiasan dinding dan masih banyak lagi. Pokoknya mupeng berat deh. 

I just love this colorful cherry trees :)

some of the lovely home product for you to enjoy :)
Belum lagi di bagian artisanal resources yang dipenuhi kerajinan tangan hand-made beraneka rupa, termasuk produk stationeries, kecantikan organik dan kosmetik. 
Ya tuhan..kemasannya pun lucu-lucu banget. Yang ada saya mencatat banyak alamat website para suplier itu, sambil berjanji pada diri sendiri untuk mengeceknya dari rumah nanti :).   

Other booths also offered various products and creative designs. Starting from dining ware to body lotions, from sofa to pinata. Everything looks cute to me :).
I really enjoy those cute and colorful packaging as well. 

I just can't get enough of it :)
So, what do you think about NY Now? 
There will be another round this summer, I guess it will be in August.
I hope we will have more Indonesian suppliers coming this time.
I just can't  wait to see that again :).