Blogging has been a wonderful journey for me.
It is full of ups and downs, fun time as well as stressful one!
There are times when I feel like quitting and there are moments when I feel like this is my true calling.
Yet, it’s a colorful and enriching indeed.
And I intend to keep it that way!
Then 2019 is coming pretty soon.
Many of us get super excited when it comes to new year, taking it as a turning point to start things out again and close the old chapter.
Works are reviewed, targets are made and resolutions are determined on everything,
Not only life in general but also in blogging.
The last question of #BPN30dayChallenge2018 is about that.
What is or are the target(s) for your blog?
I do need to take some time to answer it and by the time I draft this I'm in Kuala Lumpur.
Do I want it to be fully monetised?
Do I want certain level of DA/PA?
Do I want to be a celebblog and become a full time blogger?
Do I want to learn more SEO?
Do I want to change my template?
Do I have to put more infographic pages?
Do I need to promote my blog more?
Do I have to write more in Bahasa Indonesia?
Do I need to come to more blogger gatherings?
Do I need to join more blogging communities?
Do I need to promote my blog more?
Do I have to write more in Bahasa Indonesia?
Do I need to come to more blogger gatherings?
Do I need to join more blogging communities?
Etcetera. .. etcetera..
Well, now that I'm thinking about it, I guess I don't really have much to share on this as I myself still need to learn more from our blogging masters when it comes to blogging.
I'm also a type of person who is going with the flow.
Not that I have no goals or target but I learn that going with flow sometimes produce better result than being strict to certain goals and targets!
I'm also a type of person who is going with the flow.
Not that I have no goals or target but I learn that going with flow sometimes produce better result than being strict to certain goals and targets!
But one thing for sure, my target for 2019 is to make blogging even more fun!
Making sure that I do have the pleasure of writing and sharing stories that will be useful for others and enjoying the process of it.
Then the one million dollar question is : HOW?
How can we make blogging more fun?
Here are some food for thoughts on how to make blogging more fun.
Write what you love
Blogging is a labour of love.
Something that you do because you love it.
Well, ideally, everything we do is the labour of love, but of course, life is not always that fair, right.
I always like to start with something I love.
Something that gives me extra energy to work on it, fight for it.
Something that makes me ALIVE.
Since I love traveling so much, I write a lot about it.
And when you love what you do, nothing is hard or burdensome.
Well, not that much :).
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Happy blogging! |
Go out and meet other bloggers
I love meeting people, mostly friends, colleagues and family.
And blogging does not stop me from craving for meeting new friends!
Many of us just know one another from one's blogs and comments, but believe me, meeting them directly is much, much more fun!
Saya selau mencoba untuk bertemu dengan teman-teman blogging di mana pun berada. It was fun to meet then like that and it make me love blogging.
Be realistic
Sometimes, we are so busy fulfilling the deadlines and obligation, coming here and there for numerous events, but we forget the raison d'etre from blogging.
Spreading the goodness for others and still having fun with it.
Of course you are welcomed to do everything you like in your own blog but never forget that our readers might have other things in mind. For me, being myself and being happy blogger is the ultimate goal for always.
Never stop learning
There are sooo many new things that we have to learn in order to ensure our website is interesting, informative and engaging at the same time.
Learning them from the masters will help opening our horizon and giving us new skills required to stay updated. Discussing problems with friends will give us solutions and other perspectives. And I guess when we are learning together, it will be much more fun and effective. So, whenever you have the opportunity, never stop learning!
Now, how about you?
Do you have any specific targets for your blog in 2019?
Feel free to share it with me yaaa.