Showing posts with label passion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label passion. Show all posts

My Purple World in 2019

What will happen to My Purple World in 2019?
The new year is fast approaching and soon we will welcome 2019. 

Blogging has been a wonderful journey for me.

It is full of ups and downs, fun time as well as stressful one!
There are times when I feel like quitting and there are moments when I feel like this is my true calling.
Yet, it’s a colorful and enriching indeed.
And I intend to keep it that way!

Then 2019 is coming pretty soon.
Many of us get super excited when it comes to new year, taking it as a turning point to start things out again and close the old chapter.
Works are reviewed, targets are made and resolutions are determined on everything,
Not only life in general but also in blogging.

The last question of #BPN30dayChallenge2018 is about that.
What is or are the target(s) for your blog?

I do need to take some time to answer it and by the time I draft this I'm in Kuala Lumpur.
Do I want it to be fully monetised?
Do I want certain level of DA/PA?
Do I want to be a celebblog and become a full time blogger?
Do I want to learn more SEO?
Do I want to change my template?
Do I have to put more infographic pages?
Do I need to promote my blog more?
Do I have to write more in Bahasa Indonesia?
Do I need to come to more blogger gatherings?
Do I need to join more blogging communities?
Etcetera. .. etcetera..

Well, now that I'm thinking about it, I guess I don't really have much to share on this as I myself still need to learn more from our blogging masters when it comes to blogging.  
I'm also a type of person who is going with the flow. 
Not that I have no goals or target but I learn that going with flow sometimes produce better result than being strict to certain goals and targets!
But one thing for sure, my target for 2019 is to make blogging even more fun!
Making sure that I do have the pleasure of writing and sharing stories that will be useful for others and enjoying the process of it.

Then the one million dollar question is : HOW?
How can we make blogging more fun?

Here are some food for thoughts on how to make blogging more fun.

Write what you love

Blogging is a labour of love. 
Something that you do because you love it.
Well, ideally, everything we do is the labour of love, but of course, life is not always that fair, right.
I always like to start with something I love.
Something that gives me extra energy to work on it, fight for it.
Something that makes me ALIVE.
Since I love traveling so much, I write a lot about it.
And when you love what you do, nothing is hard or burdensome.
Well, not that much :).

Happy blogging!

Go out and meet other bloggers

I love meeting people, mostly friends, colleagues and family.
And blogging does not stop me from craving for meeting new friends!
Many of us just know one another from one's blogs and comments, but believe me, meeting them directly is much, much more fun!

Saya selau mencoba untuk bertemu dengan teman-teman blogging di mana pun berada. It was fun to meet then like that and it make me love blogging.

Be realistic

Sometimes, we are so busy fulfilling the  deadlines and obligation, coming here and there for numerous events, but we forget the raison d'etre from blogging.
Spreading the goodness for others and still having fun with it.

Of course you are welcomed to do everything you like in your own blog but never forget that our readers might have other things in mind. For me, being myself and being happy blogger is the ultimate goal for always.     

Never stop learning

There are sooo many new things that we have to learn in order to ensure our website is interesting, informative and engaging at the same time. 
Learning them from the masters will help opening our horizon and giving us new skills required to stay updated. Discussing problems with friends will give us solutions and other perspectives. And I guess when we are learning together, it will be much more fun and effective. So, whenever you have the opportunity, never stop learning!

Now, how about you?
Do you have any specific targets for your blog in 2019?
Feel free to share it with me yaaa.

5 Most Frequently Visited Websites a la My Purple World

Kalau bicara tentang 5 laman yang paling sering aku kunjungi, pasti semuanya berhubungan dengan pekerjaan dan ngeblog or bermedsos ria!
Iya lho...ternyata most of my time was spent there, besides with my family.
Dan kalau jaman now kan , apa-apa dicek melalui website.
Alias di-Google-kan saja.
Jadi Google di sini sudah seperti kata kerja aja ya.. yang artinya kurang lebih silahkan dicari melalui webnya Google.

In my line of work, I also have to do some research and reading a lot of materials. There are times when we don’t have the document per se but we can always look for the references we need on line. Some of the formal documents are also available online, through the designated channels. Even nowadays, with advance ICT technology, we can encrypt documents and messages and send them online. It makes works become faster and timeless (as you can do it anytime unfortunately) and your office becomes virtual. 

Well, back to #BPN30dayChallenge2018, the question for Day 29 (yes, 1 more day and we can call it a day), I will be submitting 5 most frequently visited websites a la My Purple World. It's easy to check it as the history of my browser show it clearly. And of course, just like many of us, perhaps Google shoud be on top of the list. But I will give you other webs that I always visit. So here they are!

Laman resmi PBB ini benar-benar menjadi salah laman yang aku buka on daily basis. Selain memang terkait pekerjaan di kantor, banyak juga informasi penting dan menarik yang perlu kita ketahui.

Besides the need to find the references for my work, I always take some times to check the website daily to see what’s going on around the world. So many issues and concerns being addressed by this intergovernmental body. As you know, 6 main organs of the UN is located in the headquarters in New York City. Nevertheless, we also have big offices in Geneve, Vienna, Nairobi and Paris, while UN resident coordinators are located in so many countries across the globe. Issues such as Sustainable Development Goals, international peace and security, human rights, and youth are only a few samples of issues being discussed and addressed here.

My office website obviously! I can easily check the latest activities and updates from hundreds of our missions abroad. And foreign policy covers a wide range of issues. Not only it focuses on political dimension of Indonesia’s relationship with other countries, but we also interesting aspects of economy, social, and cultural relations among countries.

Not to mention issues such as protection of Indonesian citizens and legal entities abroad, as well as visa and consular affairs. Feel free to check it out yourself.

You know exactly why I visited with website so very often!
This is my blogging hub and I always put all my drafts and posts from here.
Of course, right.

I really like it because it’s user friendly and it has complete tools and shortcuts for me to create one good post. I can easily put photos, videos, map, GIF and others to my posts. It provides statistics and profile of your readers as well.
I bet many bloggers out there is using this platform too.

One stop entertainment, that's what I call YouTube :).
Frankly speaking, in the beginning, I don’t really spend too much time at YouTube. But since my kids are enjoying it so much, I have to make sure that they watch the appropriate ones. So then Inwarch together with them! We watch all those cartoon network, crafts for kids, kids’ drawings and drawing instructions and other kids stuff. We also watch some of those parents and kids shows, laughing out loud watcing funny animal videos, getting excitedly listening to some game cheats and feeling so relaxed listening to our favorite lullaby. Now that we have YouTube kids, it’s even easier for me to make sure the kids don’t get contaminated from those videos.

Well, what can I say.. I’m not here only for shopping but I also watch those tutorials on make-up which are very useful and fun! I also check out the sales they have and since they change that from time to time, I am peeping on it on daily basis. Sometimes, looking at the catalogues and some special events they have. 
And of course, the rewards!
They frequently change the rewards so again I frequently check the website. And don’t you start with all those beauty products! You just have to check ‘em all yourselves and tell me whether you are tempted or not ;).

So, those are 5 most frequently visited websites for me.
Wondering what you have on your list?
Care to share it with us?

Five Favorite Websites for Online Shopping

Shopping time!
How I love it and can't get enough of it!

I mean, let's talk about online shopping :).
I think it is safe to say that many of us have been accustomed to buying things online.
Well, everything is at your finger tips nowadays as information and communication technology continues to flourish and provide a lot of comfort for us as customers.

For sure, we save some time, energy and of course money by shopping online.
We can get extra online discounts, rewards and cashback, as well as free shipping for certain amount of purchase. Not to mention endless choices and tons of items being offered online.

But on the other side, we have to be extremely careful with the financial transaction that we do online. Various scams and fraud have been done online so we better check and rechecked the payment system being used and make sure that we use the save and verified one. Not to mention we also need to check the sellers and the items we are interested to. Another thing we have to be careful of is additional fee, like shipping and handling as well as taxes. 

So, besides all the comfort you have from online shopping, make sure you are aware of some consequences as well.

Now, back to #BPN30day Challenge2018 Day 28
Allow me to start my list for 5 favorite websites for online shopping.
Wanna know what they are?
Here we go..

Here's the menu I have on my phone :)

Well, I set my heart on amazon and I still do!
Amazon has been an amazing platform for me and my family.
Not only when we live in NYC but also when we move to Indonesia already.
We certainly buy a lot of stuff from here, starting from cosmetics, books, clothes, to bikes, accessories, fresh food and medicine!

Kalau Bahasa Indonesianya, ini toko segala aya.
Aku dan Udi memang banyak sekali berbelanja di sini dan memanfaatkan aneka kemudahan yang ada. Kami bahkan masih menjadi member Amazon Prime hingga saat ini karena aku masih sering banget belanja di Amazon US.
Biasanya aku kirim ke alamat kantor yang lama dan menunggu sampai ada yang bisa membawanya ke Indonesia, baik melalui jastip atau jasa pertemanan.

I bet you know I will list on my favorite shopping place.
Online or offline, I am addicted to this beauty center.
It goes beyond a shop where you get almost everything you need when it comes to beauty product, as you can join its free classes, get free samples on everything they have in store and 3 free samples on your online purchase (with no minimum purchase), get extra free items when you purchase on certain amount, get rewarded for every single thing you buy, and more
The list is on and on and on.
No wonder I have been VIB Rogue, - a top-tier membership with so many benefits because you spend at least USD 1000,- per year ,- since 2014 up till now :). So have I have more than 6000 points that I have not redeemed yet as I will wait great prizes they have.

I always check on the sale they have and use extra discount or special event Sephora offers like before Christmas, labour day, birthday discount and more. Sometimes certain brands also give 50% off for changing the packaging or launching of new products.
And I got tons of samples and free goodies, including bags, pouches, books, and even umbrellas.

One of my favourites because of its CASHBACK program!
Oh my, I got hundreds of USD from all my crazy shoppings and for giving referral as well! And the great thing is, Ebates has so many online shopping platform where you usually get your stuff, like Sephora, Macy's, Amazon (rewards for certain departments), Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales, Kat Von D, Adidas, Michael Kors,, IHG (Holiday Inn group) and so many more!
All you have to do is click, choose the website you want and shop on it with the registered shopping trip from Ebates. Then once you're done with the shopping, it will send you the notification on your cash back. Every three month, a Big Fat Cheque will be sent to your registered address.
As simple as that!

One of the local online shopping platform my husband and I love to use.
We have been buying and selling items here as well.
Most of the time, my hubby used it to buy stuff for our renovated house.
We even get our set of traditional, vintage-look rattan sofa from here, sent right away and directly from Jepara!
I usually get small stuff like home accent and batik.
My hubby also sells some of his bikes and bike frames here.
So far it all work well!

Like the previous platform, I have been using this for shopping Indonesian stuff like batik, mukena, traditional food, souvenirs, and more.
I like to browse just to see the varieties of items being offered. 
They also have so many discounts on certain time and period, tempting us to buy more and more. Better check it out yourself so you can directly see how awesome it is to shop in Tokopedia.

Surely I have more favorite online shopping portals but 5 is really a great start.
How do you like online shopping?
Are you addicted to it?
What are your favorite online shopping sites?

Happiness is Indeed Around You

Happiness is indeed around you
People say life is simple and happiness is even simpler.
People also say that happiness comes from within.
Happiness is indeed around you.
Do you agree with that notion?
I do!
So wherever you go and whatever you do, never forget that happiness is with you.
You are the key of your own happiness!
Not others, not something else.

Seringkali kita lupa kalau kebahagiaaan itu ada di dalam diri kita sendiri.
Kita sibuk mencari kebahagiaan ke sana kemari.
Bahkan seringkali kita menggantungkan kebahagiaan kita pada orang lain.
Atau pada sesuatu yang lain.
Akibatnya kita menjadi rentan untuk ‘terganggu’ kebahagiaannya ketika orang yang kita percayakan ternyata tidak bisa menjaga ‘kebahagiaan’ kita.

I used to think that way.
Naively believe that I could only be happy because someone else is happy for us.
Then I realized that I made a big mistake.
I learned the hard way that I was responsible for my own happiness.
Now, I go easy on things and learn to love myself better.
My Rabb bestows me with all these blessings that should make me be grateful and happy.
And when we’re happy, those around us will be happy too.

Pheww, what a long intro for my submission to day 27 of #BPN30dayChallenge2018.
Small things that make you happy!
Let’s see what I have on my list to prove that  is happiness is indeed around you.
Wanna know when I feel happy?

When my kids say ‘I love you’ and hug me

Nothing soothes my soul instantly than my kids’ warm embrace and magic words.
A simple I love you before bed or when they go to school or when they facetime me while I'm at work gives me extra energy.
No matter how far I am or how crazily I was tangled with works, my kids can help me ease the tensions with their kind heart and innocence.
I am super lucky to have such wonderful kids like Bo et Obi.

When I can take a little nap

This is one luxury I seldom enjoy.
Perhaps because my body is so used to working and working for long hours.
But there are times when I really need to take a break.
And a little nap will do me good.

Terkadang saat akhir pekan tiba, yang aku inginkan haya ekstra tidur.
Terutama bobo siang.
Walaupun badan tidak begitu terbiasa, tapi kalau bisa tidur siang itu anugrah banget!
Tidak jarang aku masih semangat ini dan itu, tapi Udi mengingatkan saya untuk istirahat saja di rumah. And that's exactly what I need! 

When I can read my comic uninterrupted

Who loves comics here?
I do!
And I do collect them so I have many at home as well.
Komik yang aku punya pun macam-macam, mulai dari detektif Conan, doraemon, Donald bebek, Archie and friends, dan juga komik-komik agama untuk anak-anak.
And the only thing that stop me from reading them is because I'm running out of time.
Family matters, tons of works, blogging target and more make 24 hours seem to be passing by s0 quickly. 
But whenever I can, I will get my comics, eat my favorite snacks and relax for a while.

When I get free stuff

Do you like to get free stuff?
I bet many of us enjoy it!
Be it in the market, in your office, in an event, in a wedding reception or a party, in your garage, or any place where free stuff are given away. Sometimes, those free goodies are not always useful but we just love to get them.
And that includes me :).

Contoh sederhana misalnya begini. Seringkali, kalau pulang kantor capek-capek tapi harus belanja dulu kan bete ya. Tapi ternyata pas belanja ada promo beli pembersih muka merk kesayangan berhadiah pouch, aku pasti beli hehehe. Walaupun  pouch udah banyaaak banget di rumah, tapi waktu dapet hadiahnya aku seneng bangeet. Keliatannnya receh banget yaaa.. tapi it does make me happy. Apalagi kalau datang ke event or expo yang keren, aku suka bangeet goodie bagnya LOL. Yang paling seru waktu datang ke pameran otomotif, traveling, komik dan beauty di NYC. Goodie bags-nya banyaaak aja!

When I get relaxing massage from my hubby

This is a 100% guarantee for making me happy.

My hubby is super talented when it comes to massaging.
And what I love about him is that he knows exactly when I'm super tired and he will voluntarily give me a back or neck rub. Not all the time, of course, because some times he is even more tired than me.  
But you know, a little attention from the heart like this is very helpful.
And makes you feel loved so that you're happy.
If you want to know more about happiness and get some cool guide about finding happiness, check happiness, what it means to live a happy life.

Those are 5 simple things that make me happy.
There are more things on the list obviously, like playing with my cats and receiving postcards from friends. or even getting some new purple stuff.
Would you mind telling me what's on your list?
One thing for sure, stay happy and enjoy your blessed life!


5 Favorite Beauty Products for Daily Use

beauty products for daily use
What's your favorite?


Here comes one of my favorite questions of all from #BPN30DayChallenge2018.
Five beauty products to recommend and here I am coming with 5 Favorite Beauty Products for Daily Use.

Well, I am not a beauty blogger per se but I’m more like a beauty junkie!
I am still learning my way around when it comes to make-up but I am a HUGE fan of skin care and lipsticks. 
All kind of lipstick I can say. 
So far I have around 90 lipsticks in all shades and all finishing.
For sure more to come as I have been eyeing some local products that are good, comfortable and surely come in good price.
I have been reading so many reviews from my friend and I have to say I have a lot to learn! 

So, now...without further a do, let's welcome 5 Favorite Beauty Products for Daily Use a la mama Bo and Obi 

Estee Lauder Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Milky Emulsion

This milky emulsion from Estee Lauder is awesome!
4 thumbs up from me as its brightening formula is non-sticky and quick absorbent, plus glowing result. After using it for a while, I feel like my dark spots are lessen and my skin tone is more even as well

I have been trying to find a suitable product for my post-chemotherapy skin.
I have those dark spots and blemish on my cheek areas and under my eyes. 
As I try this product for quite some times, I see some results.
Will get you complete review after #BPN30dayChallenge2018.

This one is created for and tested on Asian skin in Asia as well!
Jadi kurang apa lagi cobaaa..Estee lauder ngga main-main waktu mengeluarkan produk ini denga target pasar wanita Asia yang memang sedikit lebih terobsesi dengan   wajah yang cerah dan kulit lebih putih. Sejak saya pakai ini, saya merasa kulit saya lebih sehat, segar dan cerah. Aaah pokoknya suka deh. Ditunggu review lengkapnya ya.

Kat Von D Studded Kisses in Wolvesmouth

Okay, enough said when it comes to Kat Von D.
I have reviewed her studded kisses lipstick and Wolvesmouth is my favorite shade!

Read: Beauty - Kat Von D Studded Kisses in Wolvesmouth

For me, when it comes to matte lipstick but comfortable and long lasting, with a perfect purple shade, Kat Von D studded kisses in Wolvesmouth is the one and only!
I have been buy-in it again and again and I do have some extra now!

I also love Huda Beauty and her matte lipstick is awesome!

Tory Burch Absolu EDP

Nothing will pump up the spirit in the morning like a great perfume!
Kayaknya kalau sudan dandan habis-habisan tapi ngga wangi itu rasanya gimana gitu. Seperti ada yang kurang!

I love EDP and I have been using so many of them.
Some of the classics I love, be it EDP or EDT, is J'Adore Dior, Pleasure of Estee Lauder, Chance from Chanel, Gucci Envy, and  Clinique Happy. But lately I have been using Jo Malone and Tory Burch a lot as they come in handy, traveling sizes. What I have in my pouch now is Tory Burch Absolu EDP in 7 ml, perfect size for daily use. I love the floral scent which stay for quite some times. It makes me feel fresh and feminine at the same time. Try it!  

some of my treasures :)

Fenty Beauty Match Stick in Sinamon

I love Rihanna and her products! I bet you have heard of Fenty Beauty right...
Of all the beauty products they have from Fenty Beauty, my favorite is always the Match Stick. It's the shimmer skin stick which functions as highlighter, eye shadow and in my case, as a lip gloss too!
I have been using Sinamon, the shade that works best for my complexion.
There are time when I forgot to bring my beauty pouch and I only have my loose powder and this match stick. I managed to use it for my eyes, cheeks, and lips, and I love the result!

masih ngantuk udah dandan ajaaaa.. using Fenty Beauty sinamon match stick as I forgot my beauty pouch!

Bedak Marcks in Creme

This is the legendary loose powder in Indonesia!
Memang juaraaaaa hehehehe..
Dan sejak SMA sampai sekarang aku masih setia memakainya. 
Dulu maktu masih tinggal di Swiss dan NYC, oku ngga pernah absen nyetok dan minta dikirimkan dari Indonesia. 

It is so good, feel nice on my skin and with a proper moisturiser, it will beautifully stay.

So that's my 5 favorite beauty products for daily use. I have been using them and I highly recommend them as well.
I certainly have more items for eye brows, mascara, eye liner and more but I'll keep them for the next post, okay.
Now tell me your favorite and let's compare!
Have fun and stay beautiful, people.

Cheers from me and Obi :)

Unaccomplished Goals - End of the Year Notes

How many times you think that life is so unfair?
All the time?
Or rarely?

I have might say all the time some times ago, but now I have made peace with myself and try to be grateful for every single thing I enjoy up to this moment. I remember how ambitious I was when I was younger. So full of energy, so self confident. Yet time teaches me to slow down, pause a bit, enjoy the beauty of life while I can.

Now it is December already.
In less than 20 days we will be welcoming the new year.
2019 is waiting and I just can't wait.
So many new thing and new places that I would explore with my family.
So many exciting new plans have been made and kids get super excited as well.

But before we step into the new beginning, let's take a moment to see some of our unfinished business.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Apparently, I still have a long list of unaccomplished goals but I'll take my time to finish them. What are they? let's take a look.

Umroh and/or hajj - Pergi umroh atau ibadah haji

Umroh and Hajj are two things I have not done.
Plans were made but again some things come up and we haven't really done it.It is still in the pipeline and wish us luck, so that we can eventually realize it.
Ngga papa ya kalau aku berkali-kali menulis umroh dan/atau naik haji sebagai salah satu hal yang belum tercapai atau hal yang menjadi sesalan karena belum aku lakukan sampai sekarang?
Harapannya kalau doa ini disebut berkali-kali insya Allah akan terkabulkan ya.
Aamiin YRA.

Losing weight - Pengen kurus

Waktu nulis ini, aku tuh senyum-senyum sendiri.
Tepatnya mentertawakan diri sendiri.
Sibuk pengen kurus tapi I haven't really done a lot for that and I keep eating here and there. Aku harap Aku punya semangat dan energy untuk kurus di tahun mendatang, tanpa aral melintang. Terkadang aku membatin bisa ngga sih kurus because I have been plump like this since I was a kid. Yang penting sehat ya..dan kayaknya kalau ngga gemuk pasti bisa lebih sehat lagi. Ayo Indah, semangat.

Writing My Book - Menulis Buku

I have joined some collaborative writing and printed some books with my stories on it. But I haven't really written my own book. Maybe one day I can finally get a change to do , when things get quieter. 

Sebenarnya ide untuk menulis buku sudah baanvak, tinggal menuliskan semua ide itu. Bahkan saya juga ingin menerbitkan buku yang berisi foto-foto Perjalanan yang oku dapat. Plus aneka cerita di belakang layar selama bertugas. Aaah uda kebayang seru.

Learning how to sew - Belajar menjahit

I have been wanting to learn how to sew for a loooong time.
My hubby does it much, much better than I do.
I guess it won't take that long s long as I concentrate, right.

Cita-cita biar bisa menjahit memang terasa sederhana sekali tapi aku asli udah pengen banget bisa menjahit. Kebayang seru kalau segala baju dan jaket tenunku bisa aku sendiri yang jahit. Bisa ngga ya? Pasti bisa kalau serius!

Well, although the assignment is asking for 5 things, but 4 is a good number.
So, do you review your year as well?
Tell me the things you haven't accomplished and let's compare our notes.

Living with No Regrets

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption

I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way...

I was listening to Frank Sinatra’s famous song, My Way, on my way back to Jakarta.
It was raining. And I took the train to take me back home.

One sentence from the song strikes me here
About regrets. 
And just like Frank, I’ve had a few as well.

When I read the question for the next #BPN30dayChallenge2018 abot things that I regret now, I take some times to ponder.

Can we live with no regrets?

Knowing that we have tried to do our outmost in this life?
Thinking that we can not have it all?
Convinced that our path of life has been written as is?

Bicara penyesalan, saya kok jadi langsung termenung.
Di antara semua kegembiraan dan keriaan hati, terselip rasa sesal karena beberapa hal yang belum tercapai.
Belum saya lakukan tepatnya.
Entah itu karena belum sempat, belum ada waktu, belum rezeki, atau entah alasan 'belum' apa lagi.

Beberapa ada yang belum saya lakukan karena saya kerap menundanya.
Nanti, nanti, nanti.
Besok, besok, besok.
Dan kita tidak pernah tau umur, rezeki dan kesempatan yang diberikan oleh-Nya kepada kita.
Kalau sudah begini, penyesalan memang datang terlambat.
My mind suddenly remembers all those things that I procrastinate.
Well, one of the my bad habits is procrastinating.
I am not always a procrastinator, but there are times when I haven't tried hard enough to realise all those pending issues.

First, I haven’t done Umroh and/or Hajj. 
Saya belum sempat juga menjadi tamu Allah dan mengunjungi Baitullah.
Padahal cita-cita sudah ada sejak penempatan pertama saya ke Swiss tanin 2007 - 2011. Rencana kala itu adalah umrah sekembali dari penempatan di Jenewa, Swiss. Apa daya kami pulang membawa Obi yang waktu itu berusia hampir 6 bulan. Sebenarnya bisa aja umroh membawa bayi tapi Udi mengingatkan bahwa kondisi bayi yang memerlukan perhatian khusus malah membuat kita tidak bisa konsentrasi dan berpotensi mengganggu orang lain juga. Akhirnya kami ngga jadi umroh. 

Kemudian saat di NYC, saya dan Udi sudah berniat untuk haji jika memungkinkan, atau at least umroh. Namun Allah memang punya rencana lain. 2 tahun pertama saya di NYC diisi dengan proses pengobatan kanker payudara yang saya derita. Menjelang kembali ke tanah air, rencana berubah karena saya diperpanjang dan anak-anak plus Udi kembali lebih awal karena mengejar sekolah. Kami pun berkonsentrasi pada pemberesan biaya cicilan dan renovasi rumah. Padahal kami berniat naik haji dari luar Negeri arena antriannya tidak selama mika mendaftar dari Indonesia yang kuotanya selalu penuh.

Kalau sudah begini, saya dan Suami suka membatin kalau ini yang namanya belum rezeki. Ada aja penghalangnya. Tapi saya yakin, Allah SWT punya rencana terbaik untuk kita semua. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...semoga kami bisa segera menjadi tamu-Nya dan menjejakkan kaki di tanah suci.

Second, I haven’t seriously looked for an oncologist in Indonesia.

This is bad! And I really need to find one ASAP. Well, I have been in touch with a few hospitals but somehow I haven't found the one that I like. And the bad thing is, I haven't looked for more seriously. My hubby and my family keep reminding me but somehow, I was either stuck with the works or I have to go out of town. Well, here's me being a procrastinator. And now that I remember my priority again, I will look for it ASAP! With me luck!

Aku masih punya beberapa 'penyesalan' yang rasanya masih bisa segera ditindaklanjuti sebelum benar-benar terlambat.
Doakan Aku yaaa.
Kalau kalian ada penyesalan apa yang massiv dirasakan sampai saat ini?
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