Showing posts with label Solo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solo. Show all posts

Wonderful Places to Visit in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.

Welcome to the Mangkunegaran Palace
Wonderful Places to Visit in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia


Have you been visited this beautiful city in Central Java?
I have
And I love it!

Solo has always been special for me.

This peaceful city has long been famous for its Palace, cultural live, and wonderful people. No wonder it has a special place in my hearts.
Particularly since this is the very place where the door to the blogging world was opening up for me.
Yup..this is where I joined  Asean Blogger Festival back in 2013.

It all started when my office, Directorate for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs of MOFA assigned me to join ASEAN Blogger Festival as one of the speakers for Freedom of the Expression session as well as the Master of Ceremony for the opening session and welcoming dinner. It was kind of work I love to have. So I joined the event and I loved it!

I met so many bloggers from ASEAN (p.s.: to those who are not familiar with what ASEAN is, it's the Association of South - East Asian Nations which comprises of Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and the Philippines). as well as from all over Indonesia. As this is one of the biggest blogger events in the region at that time,  I met many senior bloggers and those who have been famous for being one. Lucky me! 

This is the place where I met the founders of my blogging community, Kumpulan Emak Blogger, and some other blogging communities that have been active for quite some times. I instantly joined them and I have been blogging since then! Another great thing is that we manage to keep our friendship up until now. Precious indeed.

And Solo couldn't be more than perfect for that. Its cultural richness and historical sites for many special occasions, - including the site of the first human 

Pura Mangkunegaran

Rasanya kunjungan ke Solo akan kurang lengkap jika tidak mengunjungi Pura Mangkunegaran yang sangat terkenal sebagai istana resmi Kadipaten Praja Mangkunegara dan kerap menjadi pusat aneka kegiatan, terutama kebudayaan. 

Pura Mangkunegaran or the Mangkunegaran Palace is the official palace of the Mangkunegaran royal family, the ruler of the kingdom in Solo.

Ada beberapa tempat yang bisa dilihat oleh publik dan ada beberapa bagian yang privat di istana yang dibangun oleh Pangeran Samber Nyawa atau Raden Mas Said yang menjadi  Pangeran Adipati dengan gelar Mangkunegaran I. Rasanya kalau sedang berkunjung ke keraton seperti ini, aku ingin mendengar lebih banyak lagi berbagai cerita dan hikayat jaman dulu, termasuk aneka affairs LOL #anaknyakepo.

Foto by my friend Vienna

Sebelumnya saya juga sempat menghabiskan waktu di salah satu pendopo yang terbuka saat Mangkunegaran Art Festival digelar. Sepertinya gelaran ini dilakukan setiap setahun sekali but I gotta check on that. One thing for sure, this festival is too good to miss!

Berbagai tarian tradisional cantik dipersembahkan olhe para penari yang cantik dan keren. Bener- bener menyenangkan deh! Karena acaranya diselenggarakan secara profesional dan tarian serta kesenian yang ditampilkan pun juara!

I love this one as well!

Museum Keris Surakarta - Surakarta Keris Museum

Have you heard of Keris or Kris, Indonesian traditional dagger?
Famously known for its asymmetrical shape and unique pattern of laminating the iron and nickel, Keris has long been famous as part of Indonesian culture, particularly in Java.
It is very distinctive so that Keris has been nominated as UNESCO  Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
And Solo, or the city of Surakarta, has a special museum for this.

Sudah ada yang pernah mampir ke sini? 
Saya baru tau kalau Solo punya Museum Keris yang lumayan lengkap dan unik.
Saat ke sini, terasa sekali kalau museum ini memang baru dibuka.
Di museum ini kita bisa mengetahui sejarah keris yang merupakan bagian budaya Jawa yang sangat erat eksistensinya dengan masyarakat Jawa. Oh ya, Keris juga telah resmi menjadi UNESCO  Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity! Keren kaaan...Membanggakan sekali ya! Keris telah menjadi salah satu karya seni budaya yang menjadi warisan budaya kemanusiaan lisan dan nonbendawi.

Selain itu, kita bisa melihat proses pembuatan keris dari awal saat jaman dahulu, penyebaran keris di berbagai wilayah Indonesia maupun kawasan Asia Pasifk,  dan berbagai jenis keris yang unik dan kerap 'berisi', untuk mereka yang percaya.

Some of the traditional Indonesian Keris

Kalau ada kesempatan, jangan lewati museum yang satu ini ya.
Banyak hal menarik yang bisa dilihat.
Dan jangan lupa untuk pakai sepaut yang nyaman. Waktu kami ke sana, somehow liftnya tidak berfungsi, jadi lumayan juga turun naik sampai lantai 4 or 5 untuk melihat beranek ragam koleksi keris yang dipajang ini.

Belanja Batik dan Souvenir tradisional

Solo dan Batik adalah satu kesatuan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Meskipun banyak tempat di Jawa yang juga terkenal dengan batiknya, Solo memiliki kekhasan tersendiri untuk warna dan pola Batik yang dihasilkan. Bahkan Solo juga kerap menggelar Karnaval Batik Solo yang makin terkenal karena keunikannya. One of the batik collections that I admire while visiting Solo is the one they use to adorn the wayang displayed in the Royal  Surakarta Heritage hotel. Batik Solo is awesome indeed.

Kami sempat mampir di beberapa toko sepanjang Kampung Batik Lawean dan Kaumna. Buat kalian yang cinta Batik, siap - siap kalap yaaa karena banyak sekali kain Batik cantik yang rasanya sayang dilewatkan. Selain itu, kami juga belanja beberapa souvenir khas dan makanan asli Solo seperti intip dan serabi Solo. Pokoknya enak-enak semua juga! Kalau tanya yang saya beli apa saja, saya akan jawab semuaaa LOL. Memang pulang dari Solo kemarin, saya sempat membeli aneka keripik, abon Solo yang sangat terkenal dan juga intip serta jajanan pasa. Bahagia deeh pokoknya.

I believe there are so many beautiful places you can visit in Solo but since I only have one and a half day here (including my full day meeting, mind you), these are a few wonderful places you should not miss when you are visiting this lovely city.
So, which place that you think you will visit in Solo when you get a chance?
Tell me in the comments, please.
See you on the next adventures, dear friends!

WW: A Visit to Solo, Central Java - Photo Album

A lovely city which has a special place in my heart.

Read: Solo yang Selalu Dekat di Hati

Here are some photos I took during my last visit to Solo last month.

A visit to Solo, Central Java - Photo Album

Welcome to Solo
The famous Batik and wayang, beautifully combined!

The dancing at Mangkunegaran Palace

Keris Museum

Have you been to Solo as well?
What do you like best from this city?
The people, the batik, the food, the museums, or else?

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday (just click for the link) and have fun with our weekly party!

ASEAN BLOGGER FESTIVAL INDONESIA 2013 #3's my 3rd piece now already ... related to ASEAN Blogger Festival Indonesia 2013..

I know it takes ageeees to complete what I have in mind (and notes) regarding our one-of-a-kind event, but please, please, please bear with me :D...


Let me talk a lil' bit about Solo.

I love this city...

Being famously known as the Spirit of Java, Solo is indeed the perfect choice for hosting this event. With its vibrant artistic environment and deeply-rooted cultural lives, Solo definitely has a lot to offer to bloggers. Even the theme for ASEAN Bloggers Festival Indonesia 2013, Re-inventing the Spirit of Cultural Heritage of Southeast Asia, perfectly reflecting the thrust of this lovely city. Wherever you look, wherever you go, Solo will cater you thirst for everlasting cultural values and principles.

My short conversations with many Soloensis (if I may call them that way :D) or Solonese clearly
reflected their pride and unconditional love towards their traditional values and rich cultures.

And as we packed ourselves for a 3-intensive-day meeting during ABFI, we had the honour, and privilege, to witness the beauty of those generations-long inherited traditions during the Mangkunegaran Art Festival.

Regularly conducted, The Mangkunegaran Performing Art truly entertained us. Through dances and operette, we vividly enjoyed these arrays of beautiful moves depicting the gracefulness as well as grand philosophies of their lives.

Enjoying tari Golek Sukoreno, Tari Kupu, Tari Sobra and Timun Mas or Golden Cucumber operette, I was fully absorbed to the richness and colorful world of Solonese....Breathtaking...

How could you not enjoy it....lovely Gamelan composition, graceful moves and beautiful ladies and girls....

Aren't they beautiful....

during the preparation....

si timun mas :D....

I do envy these girls....they are sooo graceful...

Even Sodra Dance is sooo funny, yet still energetically and gracefully performed by boys with cool attire..perfect mix between traditional costumes with modern touch..I loveee those shades :D...

And of course....the Mangkunegaran Palace itself is quite a place...

And bloggers? we enjoyed it sooo much...

cheeeers..... doesn't take much to fall in love with Solo...first impression and you'll be smithen...
So,  come and visit Solo then ... feel the vibe and get ready to fall for it :D...

Till we meet again, Solo...



And we are soooooo exciteeeed :D

Imagine this.
Around 250 bloggers, from all over ASEAN countries, gathered in a beautiful city of Solo, the spirit of Java!

say cheeers...some of us taking a lead in photo session :D...

Ecstatic? Indeed.
High-spirited? For sureeee.
FUN? definitely.

Because we finally can get together, discuss and share many interesting issues when it comes to bloggers.

Bloggers ...those staying in the frontlines when it comes to many important things, from raising awareness and solidarities towards certain issues or events, from promoting tourism to inspiring people, and of course from providing necessary information to sharing valuable lessons in life.

before everybody gets hereee.....

See, bloggers are so COOL, right :D..

That’s why ASEAN Bloggers Festival Indonesia 2013 has been highly anticipated.

And the theme, Reinventing the Spirit of Cultural Heritage of Southeast Asia, is indeed timely and complementary to the overall efforts we are taking in paving the way towards ASEAN Community 2015.

And, more importantly,  I have to luxury, - and honour, to join this incredible gathering…
I can feel the vibes as we started this event…

with Agus MC partner :D...

Starting from the opening session, where H.E. Ambassador Hazairin Pohan, the Head of Center of Education and Training of the Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia, who is also an avid blogger, officially opened the Festival. Highlighting the changing world, ASEAN Community 2015 will definitely benefit from bloggers’ prominent roles in knitting ASEAN peoples closer together, in materializing the ASEAN Community in 2015 and beyond
Then, we have a series of seminar and workshop.

We also have a great Tumpeng Moment for the 2nd anniversary of ASEAN Bloggers Community.

and the tumpeng goes tooooo.....

No less than Prof Hermawan Kertajaya, the father of Marketing, beside Philip Kotler  :D and the President of World Marketing Association, himself, briefed us, bloggers, on how to maximize social media in achieving our goals.

remember 13 gamechangers from him?  :D....

I certainly hope all participants do note and acknowledge 13 gamechangers for bloggers as avid marketeers “D/... I did have those slides and learnt a lot from it...
Then we have the  representative of the US Mission to ASEAN, Thomas Bills, talking about what the US has done in supporting ASEAN, including in realizing ASEAN Community 2015.

the gamechangers a la Prof Hermawan.....

For sure, we had an interesting talk with Pak Muhammad Dian Navi on the origin of Southeast Asia Cultures..and how we all related.

After lunch, the party we have more discussion on the role of social media in the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Building, featuring mas Budi Putra, the CEO of the Jakarta Post Digital, as well as one and only Mbok Venus @venustweets ...talking and sharing the ideas on how social media can boost and support the overall integrated steps towards ASEAN Community 2015. 

Here we curiously noted the idea of having bloggers exchange programmes and apparently everybody was so excited about it...we also noted the facts that bloggers have raised and campaigned many important issues, including those with less (or not enough) attention from the governments...Lucky me, I got the chance to moderate the discussion and again, we had many interesting and valuable inputs from the floor.

As the last part of the subtantive segments (not the part tho’ :p), we had presentations and dicussions with the representatives for the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as well as from the regional office of tourism from the city of Surakarta...

Well, the fun continues as games and free stuff were distributed...through games of course :D...lucky me I got stocks of questions and games that can be used ...while we are waiting fooor...taraaaa, the fashion show...

Yuuup, fashion show...featuring bloggers from 10 ASEAN countries, featuring a lovely Batik Solo collection....

Then, we wrapped the day with 2 jammin’ sessions with Solo singing blues tunes and the other one offering some now-classic collections like what’s goin’on- 4 non blondes or imagine-John Lennon...

the band ... was not all actually... I still have my piece on our adventure in the Mangkunegaran Art Festival :D...wanna check that out? Just wait and see yaaaa....



What an amazing gathering....

Rasanya memang woooooooow berat kalau kumpul dengan bloggers :D.

Not only that you instantly have great friends, new and old.

You also get new followers and great chats, membuka wawasan baruuu. Belum lagi dapet free products dari sponsors, free wifi!
and ALL THE FUN in the world.

Seruuuu kaaan :D.

Last night , we had a excellent welcoming dinner at amazingly beautiful traditional and historical house of the Mayor of Surakarta, Loji Gandrung

Loji Gandrung....elegantly standing since 1823

Lovely place indeeed.
You should see how elegant Loji Gandrung is.
Yang telah tegak berdiri sejak 1823.
Kebayaaang kaan....
No wonder banyak urban legend yang bilang kalau ada noni Belanda yang suka say hiiii to people (lucky me I didn't see her :D).


Guess what!

All those yummy food from Solo! the famous culinary collection from the city of Surakarta certainly swayed me away....

Nasi Gudeg ceker, mie godog, selat Solo, risoles solo, danish kelapa sukseeees mengenyangkan kita semuaaaa...

nasi gudeg cekeeeer...yummy beraaaaaat :D...

mie godooooog yang kondaaang :D...

si danish kelapaaaa :D,,, 
Belum lagi minuman segaarnya.
Sayangnya aku ngga kebagian karena sibuk ngeMC ama Agus Lahinta, my dear friend from Gorontalo...... 

Dan hiburannya pun ngga tanggung tanggung lho. 

Ada Himpunan Artis Musisi Kroncong Indonesia (HAMKRI) sukses menghibur dengan koleksi lagu - lagu cantik mulai dari Dongengan ala Solo, Bengawan Solo, Jembatan Merah sampai Besame Mucho and the Autumn Leaves.
Pokoknya juaraaa deeeh :D....
Apalagi ditambah sumbangan suara emas Pak Walikota dan Pak Dirjen Kerjasama ASEAN, H.E. I.G.A Wesaka Puja, who happens to be my CHarge d'Affaires di PTRI Geneve dan Dubes RI untuk Vienna, Austria

All in all, it was an enjoyable, memorable gathering.


And I'll come back soon with more souvenirs from ABFI 2013 :D...