Showing posts with label International Women's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Women's Day. Show all posts

Happy International Women's Day


Happy International Women's Day 2021

Hello, Ladies!

The International Woman’s Day is here and allow me to extend my warmest greetings to all of you!

Time to celebrate... to reflect on the progress as well as the remaining challenges we all, women, face!

The pandemic that has just recently marked its first year of presence among us does not make things better for us. Sometimes, in many occasions, things are even harder for us women. Even recently, United Nations or UN WOMEN, one of the UN bodies mandated to address the issues of gender equality and empowerment of women, has released a report, The Shadow Pandemic - Violence against women during COVID-19. 

The shadow report, UN Women
The Shadow Pandemic - report of UN Women. Photo was taken from

We all know that even before the pandemic, statistic shows that 243 million women and girls in the range of 15 - 49 years old, have experienced sexual and/or physical violence by her intimate partner in the past year. I got that data from the UN Women report mentioned above. Violence against women is one of the biggest problems women face until now. Since the pandemic, the situation is getting worst because the pandemic forces us to stay at home at most if not all time and it has created a stressful environment for all of us. Those who are already facing the challenges with their partners before the pandemic now have to even fight and endure more unfortunate circumstances at home. Moreover, the existing services such us shelters and helplines now have to be adjusted if not reduced due to the pandemic. Well, here the UN Women reminds us that we all have the role in addressing this issue and I guess I will have to go back on this on more dedicated post.

The Shadow Pandemic

Nevertheless, in this occasion, I always believe that remarkable achievements and valuable contributions of women, wherever you are,  should be cherished. Many progress have definitley been achieved, as more and more women across the globe are much more empowered and have enjoyed many things. We can say that women and girls nowadays have enjoyed better education, more decent works, more fulfillment of civil and political rights, and much better health as well, among others. Of course the list is not exhaustive  and I am so heartened to note that women's rights are becoming important parts, if not the center, of many policies and initiatives in Indonesia. Even at regional and international level, many mechanisms and initiatives have focused on issues related to women's rights.

Happy International Women's Day 2021

As a woman myself, I have been going through various phases in my life that give me the chance to prove that I am strong. That I am worthy of equal treatment and fair chance in work. That I can do things that I have set my heart on. That I am capable of realizing my dreams.

The spirit and perseverance that I have are obviously supported by my dearest family and friends as well as people around me. And that, my friend, is the beauty of LIFE when we now how to cherish all the blessings bestowed upon us.

So again, here's to our more meaningful existence and contribution to the world. I believe being a women is a bless and we should continue to feel that way!


Here's a little more reflection I have on my YouTube channel:

So stay strong, support one another, keep fighting and let's make our dreams come true!


International Women's Day 2017

Cheers to all the women in the world!

Happy International Women's Day.

The International Women's Day is celebrated every March 8.

The remarkable achievements and valuable contributions of women from every corner of the world, at every level, are cherished. Many have been achieved, as more and more women across the globe are empowered and have enjoyed better education, more decent works, more civil and political rights, and better health, among others. Women's rights are at the center of many policies and initiatives, be it at the national, regional and global level.

The 2017 commemoration of the IWD

Nevertheless, at the same time, we fully realize and recognize the daunting challenges faces by women and girls in many corners of the world, ranging from discrimination and inequality at the work field to extreme poverty and domestic violence. Too often women pay greater price and face far greater risks in many aspects of life, including at home, in the community, or in public space.

Here at the UN, UN Women, or the United Nations Entity for Gender  Equality and the Empowerment of Women, this day serves as the vivid remind of the constant struggle and continued efforts in ensuring better and dignified life for all women and girls. As the UN body mandated to ensure gender equality and empowerment, UN Women sure has a lot to work on, together with governments, civil society organizations, and women themselves, in order to realize those goals.

The theme for 2017 IWD is Women in the changing world of work: Planet 50-50 by 2030.

We had a series of panel discussions featuring many inspiring panelists, including Anne Hathaway on her capacity as the Global Goodwill Ambassador.

The Goodwill Ambassador, Anne Hathaway (photo was taken from

We also have many speakers from various business and organizations such as Google, LinkedIn, Airbnb, CONNECT and WIEGO, speaking and sharing food for thoughts on the changing environment affecting women and the challenges entailed.

Flawlessly moderated by Sade Baderinwa from ABC News, the commemoration has openly discussed about the strategies towards gender parity and further women empowerment in many fields. And how women continue to strive and stand up for her rights.

Menjadi perempuan memang penuh dengan tantangan.
Baik itu di kantor, di komunitas dan lingkungan masyarakat, maupun di dalam keluarga.
Terkadang, saya berpikir apakah apa yang saya harus lalui untuk meraih cita-cita, karir yang lebih baik dan kehidupan yang nyaman, sama beratnya dengan yang dialami rekan pria saya. dulu, tidak jarang saya membatin,"enak ya jadi laki-laki...tidak perlu repot melakukan ini itu, tidak perlu merasakan ini itu, bisa fokus pada karir ....," dan sebagainya. 

But then,  I realize bahwa menjadi perempuan adalah anugrah luar biasa!

Saya yakin dan percaya kalau perempuan memang diciptakan untuk menjadi sosok hebat yang  mampu melewati aneka tantangan dalam berbagai fase hidupnya. Mulai dari kecil, beranjak dewasa, berkarir, berumah tangga, hingga menikmati masa tua. Sejak kecil kita ditempa untuk menjadi sosok mandiri yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain, terutama keluarga dan orang terdekat, dengan kasih sayang dan kelembutan hati. 

Saya bersyukur banget diberi kesempatan untuk belajar memasak sejak kecil dan bertanggung jawab menyiapkan sarapan untuk keluarga hingga saya kuliah. Belum lagi kewajiban lain untuk menjaga adik-adik, membantu membersihkan rumah dan lainnya. Dan itu semua tidak mengurangi semangat saya untuk belajar dan terus belajar berbagai ilmu dan keahlian yang saya sukai sekaligus aktif di berbagai kegiatan dan organisasi di sekolah, kampus dan di mana pun saya berada. Saya yakin tempaan sejak kecil ini membuat kita menjadi sosok perempuan yang tidak mudah menyerah dan selalu berupaya menjadi yang terbaik. Tinggal memastikan bahwa kita memiliki kesempatan untuk terus mengembangkan diri, menjadi yang terbaik dan memberi kontribusi positif kepada dunia. 

Well, back to IWD, here's the short video from UN Women on the event this year.

So, chin up. 
Keep the spirit high.
I believe, women are naturally blessed with strength and versatility. 
Thus, women have so much potentials and opportunities to further develop and benefit from the constantly changing world.

I sincerely hope we can achieve more in ensuring gender equality and women empowerment.

To all the women in the world!