Another homecooking recipe delivered fresh to you all.
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Tahu Isi for y'all :) |
I have to admit, cold weather adds some extra urge to create something in my kitchen. And nothing comfier than the food from home, Indonesia.
This time, I have tahu isi or tofu fritters with vegetable fillings. Again, it's an uberly popular and everyday munchies for us Indonesian, back home. So popular you can probably find tahu isi fendors easily in many corners of the street.
Tahu isi pun populer dengan banyak nama sepertinya. Di Lampung, misalnya, biasa disebut tahu bunting or literally translated as pregnant tofu, as its veggie filling makes it look like a preggy belly. Sementara di Bandung biasa disebut gehu, dan tempat lain ada juga yang menyebutkan tahu berontak karena isinya yang banyak membuatnya seolah-olah berontak dari si tahu. Satu hal yang pasti,
Inspired by Robonator, Bo's latest creation which combined robot, alligator and tofunator- or shall I say, tofu lover :), we recently eat a lot of tofu at home. Bo et Obi love it.
So here we go.
Fried tofu - it's abit different from uncooked, white tofu. Usually brown and empty inside.
Vegetable oil for frying
Garlic powder
Coriander powder
Bean sprout
Onion - sliced
Chili - as desired
Any other vegetables you deem fit :)
How to cook:
First, we get the filling ready.
Easy breazy.. Just briefly saute onion and all the veggies then set it aside.
Then we prepare the coating flour. Mix all the spices and flour, add water and mix it well until it's tick enough but not too runny.
Once ready, cut fried tofu in a half and fill the veggies in the middle. Dip the tofu in the coating flour then fry it until golden brown. Done.. Your fried tofu with vegetables filling is ready. Eat it with chili if you like or with warm steamed rice. Yuuuum.
Memasaknya pun super gampang.
Cepat dan mudah saja.
Pertama tumis semua sayuran dan sisihkan. Lalu kita campur tepung dan semua bumbu dan air sedikit demi sedikit sampai adonan teung menjadi kental tapi tidak terlalu encer. Potong tahu pong di bagian tengah sedikit saja untuk memasukkan sayuran yang sudah ditumis tadi. Setelah selesai, celup tahu yang sudah diisi sayuran di adonan tepung lalu goreng hingga kecoklatan.
Jadi sudah tahu isi kita :).
Tinggal ditaruh di piring atau mangkok saji dan makan dengan cabe rawit untuk mereka yang suka pedas seperti saya :p.
Super yuuum indeed.
Hope you like it and enjoy.