Recently, I was tidying up my closet as well as my office.
Well summer is almost gone and I'm thinking of redecorating my living room as well as my office. Fall is coming soon and I got some new shades and accent here :).
But you know what I found?
I found beauty products here and there...
Yang ada aku menemukan make-up dan produk kecantikan.Di mana manaaaaa ;p
Well summer is almost gone and I'm thinking of redecorating my living room as well as my office. Fall is coming soon and I got some new shades and accent here :).
But you know what I found?
I found beauty products here and there...
Yang ada aku menemukan make-up dan produk kecantikan.Di mana manaaaaa ;p
In my closet..
In my bathroom..
In the drawers..
In my bedroom...
In my office...
In my bags...
They are literally everywhere :).
Suami saya sampai nyeletuk bercanda begini "kamu punya berapa banyak bibir sih sampai lipstiknya lebih banyak dari warna crayon Bo et Obi?".
Dan saya pun hanya bisa nyengir lebar :).
Karena frankly speaking, saya sendiri tidak tahu kenapa saya bisa punya begitu banyak produk kecantikan.
Apakah karena saya perempuan? because I'm a woman?
Apakah karena saya suka dandan? because I love make ups?
Apakah karena saya doyan belanja? because I love shopping?
Atau..apakah karena saya termakan iklan? because I was lurred by the ads and promotion?
I guess the answers to those questions are YES, YES, YES :)
From lipsticks to blush, palletes of eye shadows to loose and compact powder,
make-up removers to skin care :).
Mostly lipsticks, with a wide range of purple shades as my favorite..
Let alone my monthly-box :)
With monthly surprises as well that I got from birchbox ..
Not to mention, those I got some for free as well :-)
For prizes for example..
Or from my Look Good Feel Better program as the breast cancer survivor
And of course, from GWP or Gift with Purchase, where you usually get free gifts for buying certain amount of products.
But still, I guess I got too much of them already ;).
Oh my....
Tapi seperti yang saya bilang, saya memang suka dandan ;).
I also love matching my outfits with accesories and lipstick.
It's always fuuuun to mix and match them.
Well, it's obvious now that I do love make-up and most of the time, can't help grabbing them at my favorite store and many others as well. Some online sales and flash sale are alwaaays sucessfully luring me in ;).
In my bathroom..
In the drawers..
In my bedroom...
In my office...
In my bags...
They are literally everywhere :).
Suami saya sampai nyeletuk bercanda begini "kamu punya berapa banyak bibir sih sampai lipstiknya lebih banyak dari warna crayon Bo et Obi?".
Dan saya pun hanya bisa nyengir lebar :).
Karena frankly speaking, saya sendiri tidak tahu kenapa saya bisa punya begitu banyak produk kecantikan.
Apakah karena saya perempuan? because I'm a woman?
Apakah karena saya suka dandan? because I love make ups?
Apakah karena saya doyan belanja? because I love shopping?
Atau..apakah karena saya termakan iklan? because I was lurred by the ads and promotion?
I guess the answers to those questions are YES, YES, YES :)
From lipsticks to blush, palletes of eye shadows to loose and compact powder,
make-up removers to skin care :).
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this is what happened when we have triple points program at sephora :) |
Mostly lipsticks, with a wide range of purple shades as my favorite..
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Wolvesmouth by Kat von D |
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Kendal Jenner Series by Estee Lauder, True Liar |
Let alone my monthly-box :)
With monthly surprises as well that I got from birchbox ..
For prizes for example..
Or from my Look Good Feel Better program as the breast cancer survivor
And of course, from GWP or Gift with Purchase, where you usually get free gifts for buying certain amount of products.
Di sini niiih godaannya ;).
Saya sering banget beli produk kecantikan karena tertarik dengan hadiahnya hahahaha. So typical ;).
Tapi saya ngga mau rugi juga.. Biasanya produk yang dibeli selalu yang favorit atau pasti terpakai, misalnya lipstik atau parfum. Jadi Kalau tidak langsung dipakai, biasanya saya simpan untuk persediaan atau kado.
Oh my....
Tapi seperti yang saya bilang, saya memang suka dandan ;).
Walaupun jauuuh dari jago.
Saya belum bisa dandan canggih seperti banyak temen-temen beauty blogger yang fotonya luar biasaaa..
Manglingin ;).
I sometimes couldn't help but wondering how they can beautifully tranform themselves like that :).
I sometimes couldn't help but wondering how they can beautifully tranform themselves like that :).
Plus how much time needed (and practice as well, obviously), to do it neatly.
Kalau lagi rajin, pakai eye shadow plus blush on.
Those are my favorites.
No wonder most of my collections (huh..shall I call it collection now) consist of those basic ones. But as I said, I have a wide range of collections thanks to my crush on colors :).
No wonder most of my collections (huh..shall I call it collection now) consist of those basic ones. But as I said, I have a wide range of collections thanks to my crush on colors :).
Dan biasanya saya dandan sambil 'lari-lari'.
Ya sambil masak pagi-pagi sebelum berangkat ke kantor, sambil nyolong-nyolong online or BW pagi-pagi, atau di mobil dan di subway on the way to the office ;).
With tight schedule I have and series of meetings I have to go through, I have to learn to do it speedily.
It's always fuuuun to mix and match them.
Tidak jarang saya beli kosmetik karena ingin memadankannya dengan aksesoris atau wastra nusantara kesayangan saya yang warna-warni ituuu :).
Gawat iniiii..
Karena koleksi aksesoris dan wastra saya biasanya selalu bertambah ;).
Or simply blogger who loves beauty products?
Pastinya bukan beauty blogger ;).
But whatever it is, I do enjoy it.
But whatever it is, I do enjoy it.
Saya bukan bermaksud pamer koleksi make-up sayaaa yaaa, tapi urusan perempuan dan dandan ini benar-benar menggelitik.
Kenapa perempuan harus dandan?
Atau suka dandan?
Atau hobi dandan?
Was is because we like to do it?
Or was it because we have to do it?
Was it because we feel pretty after putting some make-up on?
Or was it just to support the inner beauty we have?
Apakah perempuan harus dandan?
What happen if we don't do it?
Bagaimana kalau kita tidak dandan?
Apakah lantas kita menjadi tidak percaya diri? Atau ada yang kurang lengkap?
Saya ingat kalau sempat ada celetukan di media sosial pantang keluar jika belum pasang alis.
Atau pakai lipstik.
Or even pasang bulu mata palsu ;).
Menarik yaaaa ...
For me, it's a labyrinth of estrogens, socio-cultural values, self-esteem, personal branding, creativity and fun!
Seruuu ajaaa..
Bisa jadi topik disertasi doktoral yang oke bangeet ini ;).
Well, it's obvious now that I do love make-up and most of the time, can't help grabbing them at my favorite store and many others as well. Some online sales and flash sale are alwaaays sucessfully luring me in ;).
Perhaps, later.. I might try to review some of those products I got ;).
I guess I will because I loveeee all those products I use.
And become a beauty blogger?
Why not ;)...