Showing posts with label lebaran in NYC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lebaran in NYC. Show all posts

End Mubarak 1439 H - the Celebration

Eid Mubarak to all my Moslem sisters and brothers, family and friends.
I trust you have a wonderful celebration, wherever you are!

the Frakarsas Eid Mubarak from NYC
Eid Mubarak and cheers from the Frakarsas
For us, Eid-al Fitr is indeed a special day.
After one month of fasting and rigorous self-discipline routines, we are celebrating the day when we share happiness with our family and friends.
During the fasting month, we share the feeling with those less fortunate and after that, on the victorious day of Eid-al Fitr, we share joy with people we cherish.

And just like last year, we had the joint open house for the celebration of Eid-al Fitr with the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in NYC.
This time, we celebrated it on Saturday, June 16, a day after the Eid-al Fitr, from 12 - 3 PM, at the Consulate General Office in Manhattan. 
As part of the hosts, we arrived there before 12 and got ready to welcome guests who were already lining up outside of the Consulate's building.

Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in NYC
Ready to welcome our guests
We were expecting thousands of Indonesians, as well as friends of Indonesia and their families joining us that day and I guess it was around that many people coming.
As the capacity of the room is only two hundred people at the same time, we had it in several batches in order to accommodate our guests. 
We had guests coming from the surrounding States as well, like Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maine, Vermont, Delaware, Rhode Islands, and more.
It was really a huge gathering.


It was wonderful to meet fellow Indonesians and shared this wonderful day.
Especially as we have all those special Indonesian cuisines that you typically enjoy during Lebaran or Eid-al Fitr celebration.
Super special because it's super delicious and not that easy to cook!
So, you really need the special day to enjoy it :).
I do share share some Eid-al Fitr recipes before, like Sambal Goreng Udang - Indonesian Spicy Shrimps and Tekwan - Indonesian Spicy Fish Ball Soup.
These two delicious cuisines were served in our gathering that day.

Sambal goreng kentang

This year, besides lontong or rice cake, we had the signature dish of  rendang, Indonesian famous spicy beef, matches with opor ayam - Indonesian chicken curry with coconut milk, telor petis - eggs with traditional petis sauce, sambal goreng kentang dan udang - spicy shrimp and fried potatoes, and sayur ketupat lebaran - Indonesian spicy vegetable soup with coconut milk.
Mostly with coconut milk and that's why they are rich in flavor!

We also had tekwan or Indonesian spicy fish ball soup, plus some yummy dessert like tape ketan or fermented glutinous rice and es cendol, which I don't know what's the translation in English LOL. 

telor petis

Complete, hearthy dishes we have here.
And frankly, these delicious food bring people together.
Nothing beats chatting with friends and family over yummy, homey food while wearing your best dresses and accessories!

Opor ayam

Sayur ketupat lebaran

Surely we took the liberty to take pictures here and there as always.
We were grateful that our Minister for Financial Affairs came and joined us as well, together with some other VIPs.

with the ladies of KJRI :)

Cheers yooooo :)

But the joy is of course to have and spend some quality time with your loved ones.
And as this is our last Lebaran or Eid-al Fitr in New York City, at least for now, we truly had memorable time.

So how is your Lebaran day?
Do you go somewhere or stay at home and spend the time with your family?
What is you favorite lebaran food?

Serunya Lebaran di New York City

Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin
Maafkan lahir dan batin
Eid Mubarak!
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1438 H

Happy Eid -al Fitr to those who are celebrating it!

Belum terlambat kaaaan untuk mengucapkan selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1438 H.
Yang pasti teman-teman sudah kembali masuk kantor dan menjalankan aktivitas seperti biasa kan. Samaaa dong...kami malah sejak hari ketiga lebaran, karena UN Headquarters hanya libur di hari Senin, hari kedua Lebaran #kokjadicurcol.

The celebration is here, after one full month of revitalizing our hearts and soul through fasting, not only from food and drinks, but also from unnecessary emotional burdens. forged in self-challenged exercise and contemplations, I sincerely hope the holy month of Ramadhan has put us back to our purified path.

Setelah satu bulan berpuasa, meskipun sedih meninggalkan bulan penuh ampunan dan berkah, kita semua menyambut hari kemenangan dengan penuh suka cita. Apalagi setelah menjalani bulan puasa yang 'seru' di New York. Baca : Puasa di Luar Negeri? Ini Dia Sensasinya.

Dan lebaran tahun ini pun 'istimewa'.
Bukan hanya karena hingga detik terakhir Mama Bo et Obi sibuk menghadiri berbagai pertemuan di UN hebohnya yang bak Urban Decay saat launching the Vice Series yang warnanya ratusan #apasih, tapi juga karena lebaran tahun ini Konsulat Jenderal RI di New York dan Perutusan Tetap RI untuk PBB, my office, memutuskan untuk mengadakan acara Joint Open House untuk seluruh warga Indonesia yang ada di New York City dan sekitarnya.
Asyik kaaan.

Buat kami sekeluarga yang ngga sempat masak makanan lebaran maupun buat kue kastengel kesayangan, ini adalah anugarah dari Yang Kuasa buat para hamba-Nya yang jauh dari tanah air. Kebayang dong, aneka makanan khas lebaran yang meruntuhkan iman, plus suasana silahturahmi yang selalu menghangatkan hati juga kesempatan memakain baju andalah (baru) LOL. But on a more serious note, acara seperti ini benar-benar ditunggu oleh banyak pihak.

Setelah selesai sholat Idul Fitri di Masjid miliki komunitas Indonesia di New York City, Masjid Al-Hikmah, - baca: Eid al Fitr in New York City - kami pun pulang sebentar untuk berganti pakaian. 

Kebetulan karena kami statusnya 'semi panitia', sudah ada dress code yang ditentukan, yaitu busana nusantara. Dan saya memilih memakai kebaya kutubaru warna hijau berpadu dengan kain Batik tulis Cirebon lawas peninggalan nenekku tercinta. I know, it's not purple but I have worn purple in the morning for sholat. Besides, this kain belongs to my late grandma, so it feels like having a lovely part of my family, whom I miss dearly,  in this special day.

Sementara, suami dan anak-anak kompak sepakat pakai baju putih-putih.
Karena hari kemenangan kan memang identik dengan kembali kita ke fitrah-Nya, suci tanpa debu.
Tapi aku ya emoh paka putih, soalnya jadi gendut bangeeet LOL.

The Frakarsas

Asyiknya lagi, saat tiba di sekitar KJRI yang menjadi tempat acara, kami pun langsung dapat parkir. Ini lumayan ajaib lhooo..karena KJRI yang letaknya antara Fifth Avenue dan Madison Avenus yang tersohor itu selalu terkenal dengan parkirnya yang susaaahnya minta ampun. Rezeki anak sholehah yaaa pastinya :). Ini beneran lho jarang terjadi, karena at least kita harus muter-muter blok sebelum dapat parkir atau end up di gedung parkir yang harganya nonjok banget, sekitar $30 PER JAM. iya, PER JAM. Jadi parkir 2 jam bisa dapat dompet Fossil yang lagi sale >_<.

Tiba di depan gedung KJRI, kami disambut oleh antrian pengunjung yang sudah panjang dan mengular. Memang kapasitas gedung KJRI terbatas, sesuai dengan peraturan di kota NYC yang mewajibkan setiap ruang pertemuan mengumumkan dengan jelas batas maximum occupancy. Alhasil, para tamu harus bersabar gantian dengan tamu lainnya yang sudah masuk di dalam terlebih dahulu jika batas maksimum sudah dicapai. 

Di dalam gedung, para tamu langsung disambut oleh Konsul Jenderal Indonesia untuk New York, Bapak Abdulkadir Jaelani dan Ibu Yanti Jaelani, serta Pak Dubes/Wakil tetap RI di PBB, DUbes Dian Triansyah Djani beserta Ibu Yanti Djani. Nama istrinya kebetulan sama :). Serunya, mereka berdiri di depan backdrop cantik bunga-bunga Indonesia buatan temanku/tetangga tercinta, Ditut.

Selesai bersilahturahmi dan maaf-maafan dengan banyak teman, tamu dan kolega, waktunya menikmati hidangan khas Lebaran.

Kalau sudah ngomongin makanan khas lebaran, hati rasanya nyeeees.
Terharu melihat aneka hidangan lezat yang bukan saja nikmat di mulut, tapi juga mengingatkan pada keluarga besar di Indonesia dan perasaan hangat saat kumpul bareng keluarga besar dan orang-orang tercinta.

This year, we have a wide variety of Indonesian traditional food for Lebaran Day!

As you can see on the pictures above, we have our traditional menu, which consists of:
Lontong, - rice cake
Opor ayam,- Indonesian chicken curry with coconut milk,
Sambel goreng kentang dan daging,- spicy beef and fried potatoes,
Sayur ketupat lebaran,- Indonesian spicy vegetable soup with coconut milk
Tahu Petis,- eggs with traditional petis sauce.

Selain itu ada kue-kue dan cemilan khas Indonesia juga, seperti pastel, kembang goyang, tape ketan, rengginang dan lain-lain.

Pokoknya urusan perut, bahagiaaaa deh :).
Judulnya, cheating day dan lupakan diet sejenak >_<.

Dan asyiknya lagi, sambil terus menikmati hidangan istimewa dan bertemu teman-teman maupun keluarga besar Indonesia yang ada di New York dan Sekitarnya, kita pun tiada henti berfoto LOL. Termasuk behind the scene alias di dapur :). 


Kalau mau lihat keseruannya, check out this video on my YouTube, please.

Lebaran memang selalu istimewa ya, di mana pun kita berada.
Bersyukur rasanya bisa kembali menikmati sejuk dan berkah Ramadhan serta Hari Raya Idul Fitri yang penuh keriaan.

Terima kasih banyak untuk tim horeee nan cihuy KJRI New York,- Pak Konjen dan Ibu, Pak Win, Chichi, Anissa, Shinta, Mas Jatmiko, Gustaav et Mela, Kika, Myrna, Asep, Sandy,  Sita, Lutfi, Mas Temy, dan semuaaaa yang ngga tersebut di sini. 
You guys rock! As always :). 
Dan juga keluarga besar PTRI New York-ku tercintaaaah. 

Bagaimana cerita lebaran teman-teman?
Seru pastinya kan...share ya!

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

We are welcoming a beautiful summer indeed.
Well, rather a hot one ... but the kids just simply can't wait for the summer break.

Meanwhile, we had a wonderful celebration of Eid-al Fitri indeed!

The Frakarsas at the Open House

We had a Join Open House between the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia to New York and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, my office. was taken by Erma :)

Will share more stories, photos and video on the Joint Open House for sure.
And now, let me invite you to our weekly party!

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