And it's a wrap!
We are officially counting down to 2018.
Let me start by wishing every single one of you A BLESSED 2018!
2017 has been a wonderful year for me and my family.
Well, every year has its ups and downs and there will always, always 'the first time' for anything in one particular year!
In terms of family affairs, work, traveling and more, I have been abundantly blessed.
Kids are happily enjoying and exploring the world, doing extremely well at school.
My hubby and I excitedly embarked on new excitement with our home project in Jakarta.
I have got promotion and extended assignment in New York City as well.
Plus I got a chance to visit 6 new countries, 15 new cities across the globe.
As for my health, I have a steady progress and continue working on addressing the side effects of my medications.
And of course, there are moments when families are united, be it by good cause or a rather sad circumstance. By the time I wrote this, my father-in-law is still struggling with stroke and kidney failure in Lampung, our hometown. My hubby flew back 2 days ago and is now with his beloved family. Please keep us in your prayers and hope for the best for all of us. This is also the year when I deal with more consequences from the series of treatments and medicine I have to take to destroy my cancer cells. Moreover, as the world is witnessing some horrible phases of conflicts, tragedies and disasters, my works have been tougher this year in terms of the volume and intensity, feeding my stress level to an unhealthy rate.
Tahun 2017 memang luar biasa gado-gado buatku.
Dari awal sudah penuh drama yang lumayan menguras energi, dan sampai menjelang tutup tahun pun banyak kejadian yang memerlukan perhatian dan konsentrasi penuh (duh, berasa ujian aja deh :)).
Mulai dari pekerjaan yang makin 'nggilani' dan bikin stress, perkembangan anak-anak yang perlu selalu diperhatikan, kondisi kesehatan dan hasil lab yang turun naik, sampai dua kali ditinggal Udi sementara ke Indonesia karena urusan keluarga yang sangat penting
Tapi di balik itu semua, ada begitu banyak nikmat-Nya yang tentu saja tidak akan pernah kudustakan.
Nikmat sehat, rezeki, waktu, jalan-jalan, kumpul dengan mama dan keluarga tercinta, prestasi anak-anak di sekolah yang luar biasa baik, nonton konser keren dan Broadway asyik, lari 5 K (ngga nambah-nambah huahaha) sampai kesempatan mencoba hal-hal baru, traveling dan menjelajahi muka bumi bagian lain, dan bisa lancar terus ngeblog!
But all in all, 2017 has presented a lot of wonderful opportunities for my family.
Keeping our hopes up for better, more blessed 2018!
My family and I, particularly my kids, are enjoying our time here in the Big Apple and as we are preparing our new adventure in the middle of 2018, we have determined to see and experience more of this beautiful city and country!
As for the blogging world, I have been enjoying it so much and am quite consistently share some episodes of my Purple World :). I guess I have written quote some posts, 239 posts to be exact :). However, I haven't really checked other statistics (my skill with Google Analytics clearly needs some improvement >_<).
I have received many sponsored posts, guest posts and free items as well, thanks to My Purple World, my blog. And I am super happy. I know many bloggers out there make more money or received more free things than me but I'm happy with what I have now, as I take those posts whenever I want, like the way I want it, and being appreciated for that. I sincerely hope I will have the same,- if not higher, spirit to continue writing and sharing what I love.
Untuk urusan blogging, bahagia bisa terus sharing di blog tercintaku ini.
Walaupun rasanya aku belum naik kelas, hahaha.
So far masih menikmati jadi blogger biasa-biasa saja, atau kalau orang bilang 'blogger 'receh' :).
Alhamdulillahnya, aku bisa konsisten juga ngeblog. Menulis dan berbagi banyak hal, yang semoga bermanfaat untuk banyak orang. Cita-citaku menduniakan INDONESIA masih terus terpatri, walaupun masih banyak lagi sebenarnya yang bisa aku tulis dan bagi di blog ini.
Ada banyak tawaran sponsor yang lumayan, walaupun aku ngga selalu ambil karena banyak juga yang kayaknya ngga sesuai dengan usaha kita, if you know what I mean hehe. Yang pasti, aku seneng karena banyak tawaran post dan juga guest post yang berbasis di AS dan beberapa posts traveling internasional. Walaupun masih 3 digit USD, tapi not bad for blogger ala ala macam aku yang posting aja masih terserah gue dan kemampuan SEO yang super duper di bawah standar hehe. Semoga tahun depan makin asyik ngeblognya. It's not all about the money, but that great feeling you have when you have just done and shared something you love! Amen to that!
So, here are a few highlights, in pictures, from our 2017!
When I say a few, it was indeed only a few as I have so many valuable memories and beautiful moments in 2017. Too many to be put in one blog post.
Wanna check it out?
Here we go...
We welcomed 2017 with a big bang at Times Square :)
At least once in a life time, watching that world-famous Ball Drop marking the dawn of the new year!
Walaupun saat itu cuaca dingin (dan kalah jauh dinginnya dengan tahun baru 2018 yang menjadi tahun baru terdingin di NYC sejak 100 tahun belakangan ini ), tapi senang rasanya bisa kumpul dengan keluarga dan teman-teman di salah satu hot spot on earth!
Dan Times Square memang ngga ada matinye!
did you see that Ball Drop in the back :)) |
I was once again witnessing Indonesian designer showcasing her intricate designs in New York Fashion Week. Although things have been completely change for Anniesa Hasibuan now due to business fraud case she was facing afterwards, but it was a great moment for Indonesia.
Drama, Anniesa Hasibuan, NYFW 2017 |
Work - related traveling took me to the fabulous region of Luzern, Switzerland.
I haven't got a chance to visit this beautiful place while we were living in Geneve so I was super happy! And of course, Luzern is drop dead beautiful!
A great intermezzo I need indeed!
Spring break has been wonderful in 2017, as we have our annual roadtrip.
The Frakarsas were back on the road!
I have to admit it's one of the most exciting time of the year in our family!
The Horse Shoe Fall, Niagara, Canada |
This time we went to Canada and the Niagara Falls, for both sides!
So we started our trip from NYC to Quebec first, then Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, then Niagara Falls, the Canadian side as well as the US side.
We had a chance to see Bon Jovi concert in Toronto, too!
Helloooo, Bon Jovi :) |
Caribbeans, here I come!
First time setting #myitchyfeet to this beautiful region, enjoying St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, as well as Barbados. Another 'first time' experience I love so much.
So blessed!
It’s Lebaran month! The victory day of us Moslems after a month of fasting and contemplation. Blessed to share this beautiful moment with our dearest family and friends!
And my mom came to NYC! Together with my auntie.
How fun!
Surely we had wonderful time filled with home-made comfort food, good old jokes and laughters, and endless traveling! The house was messy but merry and joyful.
Families are indeed the source of our happiness, right. Well, one of them :),
We went to Washington D.C together while they went to Canada, Niagara Falls and exploring NYC for sure :).
I'm hitting the big 40!
Congratulations, Indah...may you be wiser and abundant in love, joy, and happiness!
And unsurprisingly, I feel young and energetic!
That's the magic of 40 :).
wish me luck... |
The crazy month in terms of work! High Level Week of UN General Assembly is here!
As always, dignitaries were coming, including our Vice President.
So many important events during that week.. |
But at the same time, my dearest Nadine was chosen as the student of the month as well. Proud mama :).
My 4th Making Strides against Breast Cancer!
Every October!
I am a proud survivor of breast cancer and this is the least I can do to help one another frighting breast cancer as well!
At the same month, it was more concert for me and I was lucky I got to see the amazing concert of Katy Perry in October! She's incredible!
Our wonderful Katy.. |
I joined another UN Run and finished my 5K in 50 minutes :).
Okay...better than 2016, my first 5 K ever, as I hope I can even improve it. I still can't run for the complete 5 K but at least I tried! And it felt good!
I also volunteered, for the first time, for New York Marathon!
Yuuup..that famous New York Marathon.
Incredible experience and fun.
My best friend that night..megaphone :)) |
My volunteer pin :) |
I added 2 beautiful countries in the Caribbean that I have visited so far.
Two wonderful places that have been added to my 'visited countries' list :).
Again, so blessed!
English Harbour seen from Shirley Heights, Antigua and Barbuda |
This time, I have Saint Lucia as well as Antigua and Barbuda.
Gorgeous indeed!
Marigot Bay, St. Lucia |
And as always, wee are celebrating 4 special days in December as well!
My kids and hubby's birthday, and our 13th wedding anniversary!
Alhamdulillahirrabil aalamiin.
But we have received a sad news from home and my hubby is flying back to Lampung, Indonesia to be with his family. Again, we are sending tons of love and prayers for Datuk Lukman, my father-in-law, and hopefully he will get well soon.
So, that's 207 in a nut shell. So many great things happening, so many great lessons I learned in 2017. Wishing a more peaceful and prosperous world in 208!
Aku punya banyak harapan untuk tahun 2018.
Semoga tahun yang baru bisa menjadi tahun yang lebih baik lagi buatku dan keluargaku tersayang. Penuh kebaikan dan rahmat-Nya, kedamaian, ketenangan, kesehatan, kemakmuran, kesuksesan, dan juga kebahagiaan. Selalu diberikan kekuatan dan kemudahan oleh-Nya untuk menjalani hidup dan segala tantangannya.
Ngga perlu resolusi spesifik kan ya... yang penting niat untuk menjadi lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi benar-benar kita jalani!
So, I am now ready for 2018.
Are you?