Showing posts with label Batik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batik. Show all posts

WW: Happy Batik Day 2021

Happy Batik Day, everyone.

Happy Batik Day
Happy Batik Day from indah nuria

Selamat Hari Batik

October 2nd has been declared as Batik day, since Batik, one of Indonesia's most celebrated traditional heritage, is recognized by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity back in 2009. Since then, people's attention to Batik, be it from fellow Indonesians as well as foreigners, is exponentially increasing. 

Batik at the UN Headquarters
My friends and I at the UN Security Council, proudly wearing batik

I myself has been a big fan and collector of Batik as well as other wastra nusantara since the last 15 years. I was so lucky that my mom and my grand parents collected them as well so I do have some ancient and rare collection of these precious fabrics.

Cintai karya bangsa yang luar biasa ini ♥️♥️♥️♥️

To me, Batik is a perfect example of the labour of love reflecting the vibrant cultures, undying creativity and flaming passion. 

Ada warna - warni asa di dalamnya, yang sarat filosofi dan makna hidup. 

Cinta INDONESIA, cinta BATIK ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ♥️๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ..

Batik Papua - Batik dengan motif khas Papua

Nothing else to say but I am super proud to wear BATIK wherever I go. 

It’s surely an incredible work of art, tangled with love, exquisite taste, everlasting colors, generation-to-generation wisdom and meaningful patterns, which teach you the deep-rooted lessons of life. Aaah.. who wouldn’t love and proud to wear Batik ๐Ÿ’œ

Here you will see many occasions when I, alone or together with bosses, friends & family, are so proud wearing my batik ๐Ÿฅฐ.

beautiful batik and wayang necklace

proudly wearing batik during one of the meetings at UN Office in Geneva

happy me in black, yellow, and white batik in dobi fabrics

Batik tulis Jogjakarta

with Joannes, my dearest comrad who is a batik aficionado!

Happy Batik Day ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ

Join us on almost Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the link party

Wonderful Places to Visit in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.

Welcome to the Mangkunegaran Palace
Wonderful Places to Visit in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia


Have you been visited this beautiful city in Central Java?
I have
And I love it!

Solo has always been special for me.

This peaceful city has long been famous for its Palace, cultural live, and wonderful people. No wonder it has a special place in my hearts.
Particularly since this is the very place where the door to the blogging world was opening up for me.
Yup..this is where I joined  Asean Blogger Festival back in 2013.

It all started when my office, Directorate for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs of MOFA assigned me to join ASEAN Blogger Festival as one of the speakers for Freedom of the Expression session as well as the Master of Ceremony for the opening session and welcoming dinner. It was kind of work I love to have. So I joined the event and I loved it!

I met so many bloggers from ASEAN (p.s.: to those who are not familiar with what ASEAN is, it's the Association of South - East Asian Nations which comprises of Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and the Philippines). as well as from all over Indonesia. As this is one of the biggest blogger events in the region at that time,  I met many senior bloggers and those who have been famous for being one. Lucky me! 

This is the place where I met the founders of my blogging community, Kumpulan Emak Blogger, and some other blogging communities that have been active for quite some times. I instantly joined them and I have been blogging since then! Another great thing is that we manage to keep our friendship up until now. Precious indeed.

And Solo couldn't be more than perfect for that. Its cultural richness and historical sites for many special occasions, - including the site of the first human 

Pura Mangkunegaran

Rasanya kunjungan ke Solo akan kurang lengkap jika tidak mengunjungi Pura Mangkunegaran yang sangat terkenal sebagai istana resmi Kadipaten Praja Mangkunegara dan kerap menjadi pusat aneka kegiatan, terutama kebudayaan. 

Pura Mangkunegaran or the Mangkunegaran Palace is the official palace of the Mangkunegaran royal family, the ruler of the kingdom in Solo.

Ada beberapa tempat yang bisa dilihat oleh publik dan ada beberapa bagian yang privat di istana yang dibangun oleh Pangeran Samber Nyawa atau Raden Mas Said yang menjadi  Pangeran Adipati dengan gelar Mangkunegaran I. Rasanya kalau sedang berkunjung ke keraton seperti ini, aku ingin mendengar lebih banyak lagi berbagai cerita dan hikayat jaman dulu, termasuk aneka affairs LOL #anaknyakepo.

Foto by my friend Vienna

Sebelumnya saya juga sempat menghabiskan waktu di salah satu pendopo yang terbuka saat Mangkunegaran Art Festival digelar. Sepertinya gelaran ini dilakukan setiap setahun sekali but I gotta check on that. One thing for sure, this festival is too good to miss!

Berbagai tarian tradisional cantik dipersembahkan olhe para penari yang cantik dan keren. Bener- bener menyenangkan deh! Karena acaranya diselenggarakan secara profesional dan tarian serta kesenian yang ditampilkan pun juara!

I love this one as well!

Museum Keris Surakarta - Surakarta Keris Museum

Have you heard of Keris or Kris, Indonesian traditional dagger?
Famously known for its asymmetrical shape and unique pattern of laminating the iron and nickel, Keris has long been famous as part of Indonesian culture, particularly in Java.
It is very distinctive so that Keris has been nominated as UNESCO  Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
And Solo, or the city of Surakarta, has a special museum for this.

Sudah ada yang pernah mampir ke sini? 
Saya baru tau kalau Solo punya Museum Keris yang lumayan lengkap dan unik.
Saat ke sini, terasa sekali kalau museum ini memang baru dibuka.
Di museum ini kita bisa mengetahui sejarah keris yang merupakan bagian budaya Jawa yang sangat erat eksistensinya dengan masyarakat Jawa. Oh ya, Keris juga telah resmi menjadi UNESCO  Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity! Keren kaaan...Membanggakan sekali ya! Keris telah menjadi salah satu karya seni budaya yang menjadi warisan budaya kemanusiaan lisan dan nonbendawi.

Selain itu, kita bisa melihat proses pembuatan keris dari awal saat jaman dahulu, penyebaran keris di berbagai wilayah Indonesia maupun kawasan Asia Pasifk,  dan berbagai jenis keris yang unik dan kerap 'berisi', untuk mereka yang percaya.

Some of the traditional Indonesian Keris

Kalau ada kesempatan, jangan lewati museum yang satu ini ya.
Banyak hal menarik yang bisa dilihat.
Dan jangan lupa untuk pakai sepaut yang nyaman. Waktu kami ke sana, somehow liftnya tidak berfungsi, jadi lumayan juga turun naik sampai lantai 4 or 5 untuk melihat beranek ragam koleksi keris yang dipajang ini.

Belanja Batik dan Souvenir tradisional

Solo dan Batik adalah satu kesatuan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Meskipun banyak tempat di Jawa yang juga terkenal dengan batiknya, Solo memiliki kekhasan tersendiri untuk warna dan pola Batik yang dihasilkan. Bahkan Solo juga kerap menggelar Karnaval Batik Solo yang makin terkenal karena keunikannya. One of the batik collections that I admire while visiting Solo is the one they use to adorn the wayang displayed in the Royal  Surakarta Heritage hotel. Batik Solo is awesome indeed.

Kami sempat mampir di beberapa toko sepanjang Kampung Batik Lawean dan Kaumna. Buat kalian yang cinta Batik, siap - siap kalap yaaa karena banyak sekali kain Batik cantik yang rasanya sayang dilewatkan. Selain itu, kami juga belanja beberapa souvenir khas dan makanan asli Solo seperti intip dan serabi Solo. Pokoknya enak-enak semua juga! Kalau tanya yang saya beli apa saja, saya akan jawab semuaaa LOL. Memang pulang dari Solo kemarin, saya sempat membeli aneka keripik, abon Solo yang sangat terkenal dan juga intip serta jajanan pasa. Bahagia deeh pokoknya.

I believe there are so many beautiful places you can visit in Solo but since I only have one and a half day here (including my full day meeting, mind you), these are a few wonderful places you should not miss when you are visiting this lovely city.
So, which place that you think you will visit in Solo when you get a chance?
Tell me in the comments, please.
See you on the next adventures, dear friends!

WW: Mini Me, Batik, and Room XX Palais des Nations

Coming back to Geneva. for series of UN Human Rights Council meetings, I had so much fun exploring this place again.

Palais des Nations is truly one incredible place. 
I have been coming back here and forth and still be amazed by its ageless beauty. 
Sitting as the UN Office or the European headquarters, this palace-turn-into-office has been one of the jewels of the city of Geneva.

I spent most of my time at Room XX, or the Alliance of Civilization Room.
Commissioned by the Government of Spain, this room has uber unique and incredible ceiling! Take a look a it.

The ceiling of Room XX, Palais des Nations

UN Human Rights Council has conducted so many meetings in this very room.
In a year, UN HRC has 3 sessions, that is es every February - March, June-July, and September. Let alone other related meetings at the UN HRC, which take around 42 weeks in a year. Full calendar indeed. 

Here are some photos of Mini Me, Batik, and Room XX Palais des Nations

Before we start the meeting

During the meeting

My favorite lanyard

This year, Indonesia is not the member of UN HRC.
We are campaigning to be the member for 2020 - 2022.
It is indeed a tough campaign as we have 5 candidates,- Indonesia, Marshall Islands, Iraq, South Korea, and Japan -  for 4 seats representing Asia Pacific.
Wish us luck, dear friends.

Mini me is also enjoying the meeting, I dare say.
She's been traveling along with me and shares many sleepless night during the preparation as well as the meeting itself.

I have the priviledge to wear my purple-and-green Batik cape from Galeri Batik Avara (check their Facebook and Instagram accounts, please :)) this time.
I have been a great fan of their work, particularly the Batik Cape.
My hand-written Madura Batik, in deep purple and green, looks great with the combination in 2 tone purple.
Matching jelly-fish earrings from @uniqlykamea (check it on Instagram) are match-form-heaven for this cape.

Well, I will be back with more stories from Geneve and meanwhile, wishing you all a great week ahead!

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday (just click it) and have fun with the link party!

WW: Welcome to Old Batavia

Here comes some snaps from our weekend stroll around Old Batavia.

Old Jakarta

Old Batavia or Old Jakarta is a beautiful spot in our capital city where many old buildings from the colonial times are still well maintained. 
Have you been here before?
To those who have visited Jakarta, they might think that Kota Tua or old Jakarta looks like a completely different part of the city. The European vibes is in the air and you can still be enjoy those unique architectures here. Recently, there has been some intensive rehabilitation measures taken by the previous Governorship in order to revive this historical spot. Apparently, those program went well as we see how wonderful this are now! Super proud indeed!

It also has so many beautiful museums surrounding it, including the Museum of Jakarta History, Wayang Museum, Museum Bahari and more.

Bo et Obi enjoying the museum..
We went to Museum Sejarah Jakarta, Museum of Jakarta History, which is located in Fatahillah Square.
We had a tour guide explaining the history of Jakarta as well as the items being displayed in the museum in English, so that Bo et Obi could fully understand the story.
They surely know more about the city we live in now and interesting (and dark) history of Indonesia's struggles in the beginning.
I will share more detailed stories about the Museum on the next post, okay.

What is that ma? asked Obi looking at some remnants from the Stone Age found near Jakarta

In front of Museum Sejarah Jakarta
The tour took around 1.5 hours and after that we had a little picnic in the designated area within the complex of the Museum.
That's decent time to see the collections in 2 floors of the museum, the Staadhuis building built in 1701 - 1710.
I have to say the last renovation done by the Provincial Government of Jakarta has transformed this museum into a much, much better place.
So, you should not miss it!

We also took the liberty to take some pictures here and there, including my outfit of the day. Yup indeed, my OOTD :).
I rarely do it but it was actually fun to have one particular part in my blog showcasing my curated costumes.

 So, what do you think?
This time my dress is not dominantly purple, but surely I wore some!

I was happily wearing; 
 ATBM (handmade, woven fabrics) batik outer in yellow, black and white, bought from my dearest friend's online boutique at IG @ggs_olshop 
 Jellyfish earrings (surely my fave, I keep wearing them again and again) in purple from @uniqlykamea (check out here IG account)
 Purple mini dress from H&M
 Wide leg pants from Macy's
White fedora from H&M
 Tory Burch sandals in sky blue and tan.

I love wearing Batik outer as it's very casual yet it's batik, our wonderful traditional fabrics. I love wearing them wherever I go and recently, we have so many interesting designs which are much more colourful and trendy.
Do you like wearing batik as well?

So, how was your weekend?
Hope you have an enjoyable one as well.
Do you like visiting old town or museums?
Any particular outfit you like to wear on weekends?
Share your favourites in your comments, please.

Don't forget to join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday (just click the link)  and enjoy the link party!

WW: Jogjakarta Gateway

Beautiful Jogjakarta in two days!

Ukiran Jogjakarta

Here are some snaps I took during my two-day working visit to our one and only Jogjakarta.

Batik Jogjakarta
Colourful Batik from Jogjakarta

Beautiful artwork in the Phoenix Hotel, Jogjakarta

Jogjakarta has always been a perfect embodiment of traditional norms and cultures, super friendly people, beautiful rituals, amazing works of arts, gorgeous landscapes and incredible food.  

Copy of the relics from Borobudur Temple, Jogjakarta

This city certainly has a special place in our heart and I was so blessed to get a chance to be back here again.
I even managed to meet some of my dearest blogger fellows!

So many vintage items I love!
Never get enough of Batik! These ones are handmade...

Jamu..traditional beverages from Indonesia
Morning from above the clouds :)

Jamu, Gudeg and Bubur Ayam! Super yuuuum..

Have you been to Jogjakarta before?
How do you like it?
Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun with the linky party :)

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls - Jakarta Chapter

September is here!
Really, 3 months to go before 2018 ends.
Well, I am enjoying my stay in Indonesia and 1 month goes away quickly without me missing New York City LOL.

Replica of Borobudur's relics in The Phoenix Jogjakarta
Well, I do miss NYC but I really enjoy Jakarta and Indonesia as a whole.
By the time I wrote this, I was in Jogjakarta for a meeting.
How I love to come back here and enjoy the unique surroundings and ambience only Jogja has. I should share those beautiful places in my blog and I will!

Meanwhile, join me on Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls this week.
Are you ready? I bet you are!

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday Linkup 

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