Showing posts with label teluk Lampung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teluk Lampung. Show all posts

Lembayung Langit di Lampung tercinta

Lampungku tercinta

Kata sederhana yang punya kekuatan luar biasa untuk memporak-porandakan hati.

Malam itu seperti biasa saya asyik bervideo call dengan mama di Lampung. Sarat cerita, mama dengan semangat berbagi hari-harinya yang Alhamdulillah penuh warna dan cita. Senang mendengar mama masih penuh senyum dan sehat. Bahkan mereka bercerita keseruan terakhir bermain di salah satu pantai cantik di kampung halamanku, Lampung. Sepenggal foto lembayung langit di Lampung tercinta pun terkirim.

Propinsi di ujung paling selatan Pulau Sumatera ini memang kaya akan tempat-tempat indah. Pantai berpasir putih dan alam bawah laut yang cantik jelas menjadi  surga bagi para penyelam dan pecinta senja seperti saya. Air terjun dan hutan alami yang banyak di sana sini. Kuliner lezat dan orang-orang yang ceria dan ramai.
Dan saya rindu.

I miss Lampung.
My Itchy Feet really take me to places, but my hometown Lampung will always have a special corner in my heart. Always.

Bicara tentang Lampung, saya berbagi kampung halaman dengan teman blogger Nurul Noe. Ibu tiga orang anak laki-laki ini memang banyak menghabiskan waktu di Lampung, tempat keluarganya berasal. And we share the same passion of traveling as well :). Bahkan Noe, panggilan akrab blogger yang satu ini, terkenal sebagai traveling blogger handal yang kerap backpacking dengan anak-anaknya dan keluarga kecilnya. Lihat saja blognya yang sarat dengan perjalanan ke sana sini. Saya lupa kapan persisnya kami bertemu untuk pertama kalinya dengan blogger yang berkaki gatal seperti saya ini. Yang pasti, we shared wonderful time during Srikandi Blogger 2014 lalu sebelum saya hijrah dari tanah air tercinta.


Yang pasti kami, dan beberapa teman kami tercinta, punya cita-cita.
 Kelak kalau sudah kembali ke tanah air, kami akan reunian di Lampung. 
Berleha-leha di pantai berpasir putih sambil foto tiada henti to our heart content :).
Beneran yaaa...sudah tidak sabar rasanya menunggu hingga reuni ini tiba. 

Dan saya masih punya angan-angan untuk menorehkan perjalanan penuh warna di kampung halamanku tercinta itu blog unguku ini :D.
Sementara, baru beberapa yang terdokumentasikan..dan tidak selalu baik *duuuh....
Beberapa coretan kecil dan foto catatan perjalanan kami sudah bisa dinikmati di blog ini, but for sure, more adventures are coming.
Meanwhile, titip rindu untuk Lampung dan senjanya yang membetot hati. 

Teluk Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia

My Little Obi...

Entah kenapaaa ... saat sedang mengecek beberapa dokumen dan sisa -sisa pekerjaan dari kantor kok mataku malah tertumbu pada folder Obi di komputer tercinta...

Dan saat saya buka..

Senyum imutnya menyambut saya...

Obi Frakarsa

Ini foto Obi saat berusia 1 tahun..
Beberapa bulan setelah kepulangan kami dari Jenewa, Swiss.

I guess we went to Mutun Beach in Lampung where we took all there photos :)

Obi Frakarsa

Obi Frakarsa

And I think I haven't put it here before :)...
I just love to see her expressions..

And you know what?  
She pretty much looks like her mom and her brother Bo hehehehe..

This is me when I was around her age :)

Mama Bo et Obi 

and this is Bo, her big brother :)

While daddy looks like this when he was a little :)

What do you think? 
Don't we all look alike :)
Do you have the same case as well in your family :)?

Hope to see you soon...

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

Ketapang, Lampung

I know I am enjoying the clear blue  NYC sky now (and I'm so grateful indeed for that :)), but my heart screams for the same georgous skies back home...

Sunda Strait...
Where great ocean is welcoming you with wide open arms....

Otw to Balak Island, Lampung ...

Ketapang, Lampung...

Join us and enjoy the captivating blue skies from different parts of the world in Skywatch Friday

Revisiting Tanjung Putus, Lampung, Indonesia

Some more colorful pictures from my home town...


Where the sky is blue and the water is crystal clear...

And the soft sand just beautifully massage your naked feet...

Where two hearts resonate and vow their undying love...

To the love of the mother earth where our heart is forever bound...

Bo and I..

Enjoying the blue sky? Join us on Skywatch Friday then :)

WW: Ringgung Beach and (more of) Tegal Island, Lampung

You know what happened when you terribly miss the fresh, salty sea breeze and pristine water?
You keep bumping up to those photos of your favorite spots back home...
Such a beautiful spot on earth..
And Happy Earth Day, people :) ...

Ringgung Beach and Tegal Island, Lampung, Indonesia...
Shall we swim now :)?

clear water...oh my...

the floating Musholla...

on our way to Tegal island...

Bo at Tegal Island

This is what's waiting for you at Tegal Island :)

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have a great bloghopping experience :)!

Tegal Island, Lampung ...My kinda blue :)

"When I'm feeling blue...
All I have to do...
Is take a look at you...
Then I'm no so blue..."

(Phil Collins, 1988)

Again, I miss my home :)
Surprise, surprise...

I started feeling that I keep missing my home particularly when weekend is coming.

welcome aboard Tegal Island, Lampung
 Imagining myself relaxing on those beaches...

Under the clear blue sky..
And turquoise blue water...

Pasir Gosong.....On the way to Tegal island, Lampung, Indonesia

Tegal island..
My kinda blue :)
Read more on Tegal island and its beauty here and here
Come to Lampung, Indonesia, my home town :)
Join us on Skywatch Friday

Teluk Lampung...


And the day would keep its trust...


And the night would be enough...

(U2, Stay, 1993)

Teluk Lampung, Indonesia
All photos were taken by iPhone 5

WW: Pulau Balak, Lampung, Indonesia

Another beautiful spot on earth that I miss dearly..
Pulau Balak or Balak Island.

In Lampungnese, the traditional language Lampung people, Balak means big. And this island is quite big, covering around 26 hectares of land and beautiful sandy beach along its shore. 

Balak Island is located in Pesawaran, Lampung. 
Beautifully stretched along Lampung Bay, it can be reached by boat around 1 hour from Ketapang Port. If you love diving, this is a lovely place for that as well :).

Don't blame me for missing this beautiful island with its clear, turquoise water, beautiful sky and white sandy beach...

Join us in (almost) Wordless Wednesday :) and have a great blog hopping :)

I want to diveeeee....

While enjoying winter and its never-ending snowy days here, my heart terribly misses my family and the warmth and endless beauty of my hometown. 

Okaaay..I know...
I have been complaining  about it lately. 
Sounds like a broken record...
But the weather has been very unfriendly these days, especially the freezing wind.

And sometimes, whenever I have some free time, I keep looking at my social media accounts. It make things worse..Like the more I see and look through my FB albums, the more I miss home. And whenever I look at my PC, I accidentally ended up checking my hard drive and open my underwater photos again and again :(.

What's happening to me? 

Clear blue sky, warm weather, turquoise water, salty air, great diving buddies...

jumping high in Bunaken with my diving buddies :)
Gosh I miss them all...

Especially our serene underwater the one in Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi, as well in Lampung...

my underwater selfie ")...

I even miss its strange yet fascinating creatures, like this mimic octopus...

taken in Lembeh, Manado..
The scorpion fish...

the Frog fish...

the Pygmi seahorses...

And even this fuchsia corals...

And back home in Lampung, I certainly have a lot to miss...
From its eclectic clams to tiny lion fish...

Tanjung Putus, Lampung

From its purple anemones and corals, cute star fish, to Mr. Turtle...

taken in Tanjung Putus, Lampung..

my lovely purple at Batu Mandi, Lampung

Mr. T...taken in Tegal Island, Lampung

at Batu Mandi, Lampung...

I know I can definitely dive here in the US or the Caribbean as well, but I simply have to wait until the weather is much warmer. 

Well, It won't be that long, will it?

So I can swim along with nemo again...soon :)

Meanwhile....lemme get back to my hard drive collection...
Don't you miss warmer weather?