Revisiting Tanjung Putus, Lampung, Indonesia

Some more colorful pictures from my home town...


Where the sky is blue and the water is crystal clear...

And the soft sand just beautifully massage your naked feet...

Where two hearts resonate and vow their undying love...

To the love of the mother earth where our heart is forever bound...

Bo and I..

Enjoying the blue sky? Join us on Skywatch Friday then :)


  1. Indahnya, masih berharao dan berdo'a agar bisa mengunjungi Indonesia bagian barat, khususnya wilayah Sumatra.

  2. such a beautiful place... & awesome photos ^ ^

  3. That looks like a paradise. I love the 2 hearts photo. What a great place!

  4. wah moment yang indah mbak cantik....

  5. wah jauh-jauh dari NY ke Lampung mbak? pantesan semangat banget.... viewnya bagus

  6. berarti bukan kunjungan pertamanya klo revisiting

  7. aiiihhh, indah banget ya
    saya selalu suka pantai :)

  8. I haven't been to Lampung in a long time! Aduh, indahnya!

  9. Mbak, kapan2 ajak saya ke sini, ya. :D

  10. Ini waktu Bo masih kecil yak.. Obi uda ada belom, Mbak? :D

  11. Abang Bo itu pelampungnay sponge bob ya :)


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