Showing posts with label snow storm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow storm. Show all posts

Astoria Park in January

One snowy day is all it needs to get us out and have fun!
NYC has been bombarded by snow lately, although it usually is followed by rain so all the pretty white snow is washed away.

But last weekend, we have extra as it started snowing in the middle of the night until around 5 PM! And we all had one thing in mind: Astoria Park!

Last year, we had Jonas storm coming in January and yes, we went out to the same spot and took pictures. I even wrote that we had to do after the storm.

Snowy, windy and cold day apparently did not stop us from heading to Astoria Park, having fun with the snow and taking pictures :). The sky was grey and gloomy but hey, it's the winter sky!

enjoying the cold, kiddos?

So, do enjoy the snow as much as we do as well?

all white and grey, even the sky..

Stay warm, everyone!

Join us on Skywatch Friday and get lost with the  sky from all over the world

After the storm

So, what comes after the storm?

after the storm :)
The calm, the fun and tons of snow :).
Wait.. That's after shoveling those piles of snow burrying almost everything.
Jonas was welcomed rather warmly here in NYC.
Despite tons of  snow ( and believe me, although it looks nice, soft, fluffy and clean, it is actually the opposite >_<), I saw many people actually went out during the snow and afterwards, just to have a leisure walk and take pictures here and there.

our middle-of-the-storm selfie :)

Musim dingin di NYC kali ini memang diawali dengan cuaca yang relatif lebih hangat dibandingkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Kita sempat berpikir - dan setengah berharap, agar musim gugur stay a bit longer. Nyatanya, setelah tahun berganti, cuaca pun mulai drop. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, dalam beberapa hari perbedaan cuaca bisa terasa hingga 20 derajat C. 

Bayangkan.. Dari 5 derajat ke minus 15 derajat! Judulnya badan rontok hehehe. Dan puncaknya adalah badai salju Jonas. Memang kalau membaca ramalan cuaca sebelum badai salju Jonas datang, perasaan jadi seram sendiri. Dengan kecepatan angin sekitar 50 miles per jam, NYC memang diperkirakan akan tertimbun salju hingga kurang lebih 30 inchi atau sekitar 76 cm. Sudah hampir sama tinggi dengan Obi saljunya. Dan taraaaa...Jonas pun tiba. Begini penampakan sumah kami di Sabtu pagi.

Saturday morning

The blizzard run rampant from early hours of Saturday till Sunday morning. Sunday morning almost everyone went out with the shovel :). Well, that's the 'beauty' of blizzard or snow storm, I guess.

ready to help :)

Looking at what we have outside, I guess we all have no better option but start digging and cleaning up before it gets colder and harder. 

Kalau melihat salju, bawaannya memang mau maiiin aja. Soalnya yang terbayang adalah salju yang putih, lembut dan kinyis-kinyis seperti es serut. Apalagi kalau berphoto session and jalan di atas salju sambil berpegangan tangan. Romantis ya :).

Tapi kalau semua sudah tertutup salju ya ngga lucu lagi. Bikin repot malah >_<. 
Coba bayangkan...Mulai dari mobil, rumah, tangga, jendela hingga jalan raya penuh dengan salju. Jalan susah, bergerak harus hati-hati dan mobil pun seringkali terjenak dan tidak bisa keluar. Seperti pasca badai salju Jonas ini. 

Untungnya, salju yang buanyaaaak ini masih lembut dan relatif mudah dibersihkan, paling tidak di hari Minggu. Kami pun tidak mau membuang waktu lagi. Karena jika tidak, udara yang dingin akan membuat salju lembut ini menjadi es. Kebayang dong serunya menyekop es dari jalanan, mobil dan rumah. Udah pasti tangan pegel, kepala senut-senut dan pegeeeel berat :).


Dan untungnya anak-anak pun semangat membantu saya dan Bapak. Bahkan mereka yang duluan mengajak kita segera keluar rumah sambil membawa sekop! Selesai mengenakan jaket, thermal underlayers, sepatu boots salju, sarung tangan dan segala perlengkapannya, off we went out to clean the snow. Untungnya, karena dikerjakan beramai-ramai. Kami hanya butuh waktu kurang lebih 2 jam untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini. Sebenarnya 2 jam lama juga ya. Itu pun belum semua salju dibersihkan.Paling  tidak mobil terlihat bentuk aslinya dan demikian juga tangga rumah kami.

ngaso sebentaaar :)

Selesai bersekop ria, waktunya makan siang. Kali ini, menu sederhana nasi putih, sayur lodeh dan bakwan jagung terbukti nikmat luar biasa. Pastinya efek salju yang dingin dan sekop-menyekop yang seru. Done with lunch, we just couldn't wait to go out and play.

our lunch at that day..
And as always, Astoria Park turned into our beloved winter wonderland.
After Jonas officially stopped on Sunday morning, you know what's the the result? almost 30 inch of fluffy snow. Lucky us :).

As I have previously shared, it's time for fun in the snow. Waktunya bermain ria di saljuuuu :).
And for that part, I guess I don't need further introduction.
Enjoy our after-the-storm photos :)

get up, dude :)

cheers from the two of us :)

And Astoria Park turned white and beautiful.

all white..

with blue sky..

So, did you have snow storm as well in your neighborhood?
What did you do after the storm?