Astoria Park in January

One snowy day is all it needs to get us out and have fun!
NYC has been bombarded by snow lately, although it usually is followed by rain so all the pretty white snow is washed away.

But last weekend, we have extra as it started snowing in the middle of the night until around 5 PM! And we all had one thing in mind: Astoria Park!

Last year, we had Jonas storm coming in January and yes, we went out to the same spot and took pictures. I even wrote that we had to do after the storm.

Snowy, windy and cold day apparently did not stop us from heading to Astoria Park, having fun with the snow and taking pictures :). The sky was grey and gloomy but hey, it's the winter sky!

enjoying the cold, kiddos?

So, do enjoy the snow as much as we do as well?

all white and grey, even the sky..

Stay warm, everyone!

Join us on Skywatch Friday and get lost with the  sky from all over the world


  1. I love how the colors on your clothes pop with all the white of the snow. Such pretty winter pictures!

  2. waaah... senangnya bisa main salju. dingin2 empuk hehehe

  3. Wah asiknya main salju. Anak2 pasti seneng bangeet..

  4. Lovely! Esp the color of yr daughter's jacket pops very beautiful. Stay warm there ;) we had snow few days ago.

    1. you too, mba...stay warm ya, especially amidst this crazy weather...

  5. Wah serunya mba Indah di NYC 😍😍, salam kenal ya Mba Indah 😊

  6. Bagus sekali pemandangannya saat bersalju gini :)

  7. No matter how cold it was, kids would always enjoy the snow

  8. Ingin sekali bisa menikmati salju, mba. Smoga suatu saat bisa. Doainya mba Indah :).

  9. Good for you guys for getting out and experiencing the weather. We had winter storm Jupiter recently and I pretty much stayed inside holed up watching televicion, reading, and online.

  10. I love the 2nd photo down! Such a pretty place.

    I kind of wish we'd get a good snow to sled in. We've only gotten ice.


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