Showing posts with label making strides against breast cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label making strides against breast cancer. Show all posts

WW: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 2018 - Central Park

Here comes more photos from Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 2018 - Central Park which I joined last weekend.

Read the story at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 2018 - Go Pink

It was a great walk and I was again very lucky to be here!
Keep the spirit high and let's #finishthefight !

Join us on (almost) Wonderful Wednesday and link up for more fun

Making Strides against Breast Cancer 2018 - Go Pink

"Dear passengers, we are about to land at JFK International Airport, New York City.
Please make sure you fasten your seatbelt and make sure your food tray as well as your foot rest are folded."  
I was looking down the window to see the fascinating view of New York City from above when the flight attendant reminded me that we were about to land.
It obviously felt great to be back to the Big Apple, although it was only for 7 days.
And most importantly, I would join one of the most inspiring events in my life, Making Strides against Breast Cancer 2018.
NYC,  I'm back and I'm ready to kiss breast cancer goodbye!


making strides against breast cancer 2018
Thank you sooo much Erma and Haryo :)
New York City is calling me back for a week of meetings.
I was lucky to be here just in time for Making Strides against Breast Cancer 2018 in Central Park.
The walk this year took place on Sunday, October 14, 2018, a day before I started my meeting at the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly.
And this will be my fifth walk in a row!

You never walk alone..
I still remember my first walk in 2014. 
It was in the middle of my chemo and I went out feeling week with my bold head to the cold October day.
But I was so excited and full of spirit.
Meeting other survivors gave me a huge dose of determination to fight back.
To believe in myself that I can be free of cancer.

And now, 5 years after that, I'm back for my 5th walk as the survivor.
As always, I registered our team, Indonesia Ceria & Beyond, to participate in this year's walk. Some friends have confirmed to walk with me and I am so grateful for them. Thank you so much Erma, my dearest sister-in-crime; Haryo; Eliza; Nabil ad Razzan! It was an honour to have you guys walk with me!

So that morning, I met Erma and Haryo right in front of the UN Headquarters and took M15  as well as M66 bus to Central Park.  As always, Making Strides walk starts and ends at the  famous Bandshell in Central Park, which is located at  the 72nd Street Transverse. 

I woke up a bit late that morning, thanks to jetlag that made me sleep at 4 AM NYC time. But we managed to arrive at the Bend Shell at 9 AM. Not bad! And the check in for all participants has started at 7:30AM. As announced in website, the first rolling or the start of the the walk began at 8:00AM and ended at 10:15AM. Just like previous years, the walk concluded around  12:00PM.

Mini me and I!

This 4-mile walk really attracted thousand of New Yorkers! 
When we arrived, it was packed with people and many of them were coming with their team, wearing pink and all those special costumes. I can say people of all ages in all costumes are there to spend the day with us the survivors in the park and also walk. 
It's also heartwarming that the route for the walk is accessible to strollers, walkers, and wheelchairs. It's open for everybody!
There are non-stop entertainment as well as we have talented singers, DJ and bands entertaining us.

The first thing I did was stepping in to the Survivor tent!
It always gives me a goosebump and a wonderful feeling at the same time.
Being able to stand in front of the SURVIVOR tent never fails to make me feel how blessed and lucky I am. 
I 'm still fighting the side effects of all those procedures I went through before but I'm here!
Standing tall, feeling better about myself and determined to live a healthier life, while advocating others to do the same thing.

I'm a survivor!
Read more stories about my fight here:  When You Lost Your Hair  and Why Me? Fighting Breast Cancer 

So, at the survivor tent, I picked up my free t-shirt, wireless bra, as well as free breakfast from Starbucks and pink roses! I also wrote my name in the big banner saying You Never Walk Alone. We took pictures here and there.
This year is special as Avon is joining American Cancer Society to host this walk.
I also see Normani Hamilton from Fifth Harmony, joining her mother, a survivor as well, in this walk.

We joined the walk around 10 AM and we followed the route designated.
I didn't finish the walk this time because I had to admit I was super tired.
Flying from Jakarta and stopping by in Tokyo with the total traveling time of 23 hours really took a tool on me. I felt that my feet were swollen so that I decided to stop the walk just in the middle of it. It's a bit disappointing but I know I made the right decision.

Fight like a girl!

Let's walk
Well, at least my spirit continues and it roars up high every time I meet others survivor.
One of the biggest challenges that we survivors face is to stay healthy and manage the damaging side effects of the treatment we have received to get rid of cancer cells.

Coming back to NYC celebrating this positivity and excitement is indeed a great experience!
Being a cancer survivor is indeed a bless and I'm grateful for all the love and support I receive from everyone up until now.

So, that's my story from Making Strides against Breast Cancer 2018 - Go Pink!
Hope I can join Making Strides against Breast Cancer 2019 as well.
If you feel like donating this great movement, please check  

Let's kick some cancer cells!
So please, please, please, ladies...remember that early detection is the best protection.
If you feel and see something different in your body, check it.
Don't forget to do self breast exam, mammogram, and live a healthy, balance and happy life!
Stay healthy and blessed, people!

Making Strides against Breast Cancer - the Walk and the Prep

October is here!
One of my favorite months, during my favorite season, and with my favorite cause!


Cheers from the three of us
Dan artinya, kita siap-siap ikutan Making Strides against Breast Cancer lagi di Central Park!
Acara jalan tahunan ini memang selalu saya nantikan.
Rasanya gimanaaa gitu kalau ngga ikutan.
It feels like I’m joining other fighters and recalibrate our spirit to fight!

Menjadi penderita kanker itu memang tidak mudah.
Bener-bener life-changing experience deh!
Setelah divonis dan menjalani rangkaian pengobatan yang tidak mudah dan tidak murah, kami dihadapkan pada perjuangan seumur hidup untuk menjaga agar sel kanker tidak kembali lagi dan juga melawan aneka dampak yang dirasakan akibat kemoterapi dan aneka terapi lain yang dijalani.

Well, being diagnosed with breast cancer really sucks!
I’m not complaining here.
But for sure cancer changes my life!
That's why, after all the procedures and struggles I have to go through, I feel like I need to share those positive vibes and spirit to those who are facing the same battle, or those who accompany their loved ones fighting breast cancer, or simple those who need some moral boosts :).

And here I am... joining Making Strides against Breast Cancer at Central Park, for the 4th time. 

my #pinkhero cap

Boleh kan sekali-kali bilang perjalanan melawan kanker ini berat!
Makanya harus selalu semangat, ya kan?
That’s why, setiap ada kesempatan untuk berkumpul dan berbagi dengan para survivor lainnya, saya tidak sia-siakan kesempatan ini.
Saling bertemu, saling mengingatkan, saling menguatkan.
Betapa bersyukurnya kami karena diberi kekuatan untuk berjuang.
Dan sembuh!

So, dengan semangat 45, saya mengundang keluarga, teman, kolega dan siapa saja yang berkenan meluangkan waktu sejenak untuk berbagi di acara ini.
Good thing many people have decided to join me this year.
I have around 20 people signing in already.
Not bad for an adhoc group I just set up recently.
And that SUnday morning, we all gathered at 8 AM in Central Park.
Ready to stride and contribute to the fight against breast cancer.

My dearest team, not yet complete, IndonesiaCeria & Beyond

Alhamdulillaaaah banyak pula yang berkenan berikan donasi lho.
Super happy to see people are willing to share to those who need this support and assistance.
I personally gathered USD 435 dan total dari tim adalah USD 678.
Asyik kan!
A bit more than last year but still the highest record I have made was 2015, when I got around USD 1200.
It feels sooo good to do it for a great cause!

So, long story short, Making Strides against Breast Cancer was a great success and I was happy many of my friends (and my bosses ;)), showed up and joined me.
Seneng banget bisa berbagi semangat dan harapan untuk sembuh dan 'bersih' dari kanker!

Di balik keseruan acara ini, ada beberapa tips sederhana untuk persiapannya nih.
There are alot of preparations we have to do for this walk.
And let me share it here for you.

1. Check my team member

First thing first, make sure you have your team. 
Pastikan kita punya tim!
Eh, sebenarnya ngga papa sih, tapi akan lebih seru kan kalau ramai-ramai bersama sahabat, teteh, uwa, temen, or ayang tercinta.
Setiap tahun saya selalu woro-work sana sini untuk ajak keluarga, teman-teman dan juga kolega kantor. Atau siapa saja yang mau ikut :).
Biasanya sebelum hari H saya akan sampaikan email untuk mengundang mereka ikutan jalan. Mereka akan dapatkan link email untuk gabung dengan timku yang lucu, IndonesiaCeria & Beyond :). Kalau mereka ngga sempet klik link, mereka bisa langsung cek website Making Strides against Breast Cancer dan join the walk et join my team.

Kali ini, jumlah tim saya 21 orang.
Jumlah terbanyak yang pernah saya kumpulkan.
I have 21 people in my team and I am so blessed! 

Pastikan teman-teman tahu persis kapan acara akan berlangsung dan juga rute yang akan ditempuh. Daripada salah jam or tanggal, kan :).
Setelah semua konfirmasi, beberapa informasi mendasar seperti tempat, tanggal, jam, rute jalan, dress code dan meeting point.

2. Double check the donation

Salah satu tujuan utama dari event ini adalah mengumpulkan dana untuk berbagai kepentingan terkait pengobatan kanker payudara. Mulai dari riset untuk pengobatan terkini sampai bantuan pengobatan bagi penderita kanker payudara yang kurang mampu.

Karenanya, donasi sangat diharapkan.
Mereka yang hadir maupun yang tidak bisa hadir diharapkan bisa membantu mendukung kampanye ini dan berkenan menyisihkan sebagian kelebihan rezeki mereka untuk mengurangi dan bahkan menghapuskan  kanker payudara dari muka bumi.

So, saya pun penuh semangat membantu kampanye ini.
Walaupun saya harus akui kalau saya tidak bisa fokus penuh dengan upaya kampanye, tapi alhamdulillah di sela-sela pekerjaan yang lagi lucu-lucunya di UN, terkumpul juga USD 678, dan sebesar USD 435 dari personal campaign yang saya lakukan.

3. Prepare for the walk

Making strides itu lumayan lho!
Jalannya sekitar 5 miles atau kurang lebih 8 km.
Buat yang tidak terlalu biasa jalan kaki atau kondisinya tidak memungkinkan untuk jalan sebaiknya ngga perlu memaksakan diri memang. 
But for me, making strides is more than just a walk.
Karenanya, saya juga harus siap lahir batin, terutama untuk jalan di Central Park, yang dimulai jam 8 pagi, dengan jarak yang lumayan.
Persiapan paling penting buta saya adalah sepatu!
I have to make sure that I put on my most comfortable shoes.

Dan untuk urusan sepatu, suami saya lebih serius lagi. 
Sepatu pria terbaik dan ternyaman adalah pilihan dia untuk menemani saya menyusuri Central Park miles demi miles hingga finish line.
Dan percaya kan kalau urusan sepatu ini suami saya bisa menghabiskan waktu lebih banyak daripada saya masak nasi kuning lengkap dengan lauk pauknya!
Details banget deh pokoknya.
Mulai dari memastikan ukuran yang pas dengan kaki dan kontur kaki, ketebalan dan jenis solenya, panjang tali sepatu (supaya yakin ngga kesrimpet :)) dan warna sepatu yang matching dengan seragam kami di hari H.
Ribet ya :).

And that's the shoes. 

Jangan lupa juga cek cuaca di hari H supaya tidak ada cerita salah kostum.
Apalagi Oktober sudah mulai dingin-dingin manja di New York City.
Salah kostum bisa-bisa bikin sakit dan menggigil kedinginan, atau dompet jebol karena mendadak harus beli jaket hangat on the spot. So, double check dan pastikan pakaian yang dipakai pas dan juga keren plus sesuai dengan semangat pink di hari itu.
You know what I mean, right.

4. Logistics, logistics, logistics

Logistik nih penting banget! Sama pentingnya dengan lipstik dan pinsil alis #lho :).
Selain keperluan untuk jalan, ada banyak properti yang khusus saya siapkan untuk acara MSABC kali ini. Seperti biasa, semuanya didominasi dengan warna pink dan ungu (of course).

Ada properti untuk dipakai tim, ada properti yang saya siapkan khusus untuk foto.
Untuk properti tim, saya siapkan kalung mainan, kacamata, kumis palsu, topi, wig dan feather boa pink! Plus wig ungu dari Comic Con kemarin :).
Untuk properti foto, selain properti di atas, saya juga siapkan frame foto warna pink dengan segala hiasan pink dan ungu, warna favorit saya.

Untuk makanan dan minum saya tidak begitu khawatir karena setiap miles ada minuman dan di finish line ada refreshment lainnya, seperti chips dan licorice serta cemilan lainnya. Khusus di tenda survivor, ada kopi dan roti, plus air kelapa kemasan.
So, untuk urusan perut, insya Allah aman :).
Kalau mau bawa sarapan sendiri tentu saja dipersilahkan lho.
Dan pssst, saya sama mama bawa macaroni schotel dan martabak sayur hehehe.

5. Get ready to have fun and say cheers!

Last but not least, jangan lupa untuk ENJOY THE WALK.
That’s the reason why we all gathered at Central Park that day.
Enjoy the blessed life you have and the opportunity to help others who are fighting the same thing.
Enjoy the love you share with others and positive spirit you get around.
Together, we can finish this fight!

So, meskipun tahun depan saya sudah kembali ke tanah air as I am scheduled to go back home for good in , this positive vibes and great spirit will stay within me.

Selalu sehat-sehat ya teman-teman.
Dan semoga kita pun tidak perlu berurusan dengan kanker!

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

Happy to share my pinky weekend!

As I have indicated, loudly and clearly, the second week of October is dedicated to Making Strides against Breast Cancer, as the full month of October is celebrated as the breast cancer awareness month.

We had a blast, as always, walking together with probably around tens of thousands of people honoring the fight against breast cancer.
Cheers to all the survivors and the fighters!

On the following Monday, I went to my clinic to have my mammogram. 
The fourth one I have since 2014! 
Good to know that "everything looks great", as I quoted the doctor who examined the result of my test.

With all this great news,  let's party, shall we :)

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And this month we recognize Breast Cancer Awareness  

Do Your Family and Loved Ones a Favor and Get Your Mammogram


Get a Mobil App For Mammograms. ⇓⇓Print Outs and learn about Early Detection!! ⇓⇓

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