Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

8 Ways To Incorporate Essential Oils Into Your Daily Routine

8 Ways To Incorporate Essential Oils Into Your Daily Routine

Photo credit: Brittany Neale

Happy, happy new year, everyone! 
Let's hope for a better, healthier and more wonderful 2019 for all of us. Any particular resolutions you have in mind? I am determined to live a healthier and more balanced life in the upcoming days. 

People are extremely powerful and sensuous beings. The abilities to work hard, play hard, and love deeply are embedded inside us. The smart person maintains control over every aspect of their beings and trains themselves to live life with quiet passion.

Photo credit: Joanna Kosinska

The 3-H’s

In order to use the powers of essential oils to help you live a balanced life, you begin with the 3-H’s. They are healing, health, and harmony. Identifying the essential oils that keep these three important things in order will put you on the path of perfect control. With perfect control, comes the depth of your power and the effects it has on everyone and everything around you. You do not have to display it, as it will be understated and evident. You don’t have to “do” anything except to find the keys that open the doors. Those keys are often found in particular essential oils. You now have the goal in site. Let us identify the natural essential oils that you can use daily to let you achieve them.


Of course, when we become ill, our bodies fight the illness until it is under control. But healing is a more complicated issue. Take a common cold for example. Long after you have fought through the cold, you are left with fatigue, aches and pains, and a general sense of feeling unwell. This is because it took your energy and resources to fight the sickness, Now healing extends into recovery. Below we will list oils that will assist in returning your body to health and will protect you from a relapse.

Lavender is a well known essential oil for assisting in sleep. It also relieves headaches and body aches.The body recovers and restores itself during sleep. Lavender can be used daily. You can massage Lavender essential oil into the skin, but a steaming cup of lavender, peppermint tea at bedtime is a great way to inhale the properties of the oil and relax the entire body.

Peppermint is one of nature's superpowers. Peppermint is relaxing, it can be rubbed on, consumed in tea, or you can place a drop directly under the tongue. Peppermint is good for nausea, cramping, constipation, headache, energy, sinus issues, and fever. If you can only select one essential oil to keep on hand at all times, select peppermint.

Oil Blend
 - clove, lemon, rosemary, cinnamon, and eucalyptus

Mix equal parts of these oils into a single amber-colored bottle. This blend helps you rebuild your immune system. Consider signature aroma diffusers or rub 2-3 drops on the wrists. The blend is used to cleanse the body. It fights the symptoms of cold and flu. It relieves a sore throat and quiets coughing. It gives you more energy and opens the sinus and passages ways to clear breathing and break-up congestion.

Maintaining your health is easier than recovering your health. That is why it is essential to eat healthily, get exercise, and drink plenty of water. There are essential oils to help you maintain your health. Remember, it is about balance. You are finding a daily routine that fits you well and is easy to maintain. 

Lemon essential oil
Lemon essential oil is an easy boost. Just add it to your water for flavor. Lemon essential oil gives you a boost of energy to make your metabolism stay at a steady rate. It is an antibacterial and antifungal oil, and adding just two drops to a glass of water helps you begin your day hydrated. You will clean your body of toxins and return for more.

Spearmint or tangerine essential oils
These essential oils are zero calories. Best of all, while you are hydrating your body, you are controlling cravings for foods that are not good for you. If you want to lose a few pounds, add a few drops of grapefruit essential oil.

Wintergreen, lemongrass, clove, and sweet orange
All of these oils are great for relieving tight muscles. Add 6-8 ounces of the oil of your choice to a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil and rub into your tired muscles. You can also mix it with water and spritz it on your face for clear and healthy skin and an immediate sense of energy.


Life is good. You feel good, you are balanced and have everything moving in the right direction. Let’s induce that feeling of harmony with these great essential oils

Ylang Ylang
The fragrant oils extracted from a flower grown in the Philippines are much loved in the world of essential oils. They induce a sense of being loved and of well being.

The woody fragrance of sandalwood is used in many perfumes. But on its own it is believed to keep the user balanced.

As you can see, there are many ways to use essential oils to enhance your life. Experiment with the oils and fine-tune a method that allows you to live your life to the fullest, every day. 

Cheers and have a heathier life with essentials oils!

5 Favorite Beauty Products for Daily Use

beauty products for daily use
What's your favorite?


Here comes one of my favorite questions of all from #BPN30DayChallenge2018.
Five beauty products to recommend and here I am coming with 5 Favorite Beauty Products for Daily Use.

Well, I am not a beauty blogger per se but I’m more like a beauty junkie!
I am still learning my way around when it comes to make-up but I am a HUGE fan of skin care and lipsticks. 
All kind of lipstick I can say. 
So far I have around 90 lipsticks in all shades and all finishing.
For sure more to come as I have been eyeing some local products that are good, comfortable and surely come in good price.
I have been reading so many reviews from my friend and I have to say I have a lot to learn! 

So, now...without further a do, let's welcome 5 Favorite Beauty Products for Daily Use a la mama Bo and Obi 

Estee Lauder Crescent White Full Cycle Brightening Milky Emulsion

This milky emulsion from Estee Lauder is awesome!
4 thumbs up from me as its brightening formula is non-sticky and quick absorbent, plus glowing result. After using it for a while, I feel like my dark spots are lessen and my skin tone is more even as well

I have been trying to find a suitable product for my post-chemotherapy skin.
I have those dark spots and blemish on my cheek areas and under my eyes. 
As I try this product for quite some times, I see some results.
Will get you complete review after #BPN30dayChallenge2018.

This one is created for and tested on Asian skin in Asia as well!
Jadi kurang apa lagi cobaaa..Estee lauder ngga main-main waktu mengeluarkan produk ini denga target pasar wanita Asia yang memang sedikit lebih terobsesi dengan   wajah yang cerah dan kulit lebih putih. Sejak saya pakai ini, saya merasa kulit saya lebih sehat, segar dan cerah. Aaah pokoknya suka deh. Ditunggu review lengkapnya ya.

Kat Von D Studded Kisses in Wolvesmouth

Okay, enough said when it comes to Kat Von D.
I have reviewed her studded kisses lipstick and Wolvesmouth is my favorite shade!

Read: Beauty - Kat Von D Studded Kisses in Wolvesmouth

For me, when it comes to matte lipstick but comfortable and long lasting, with a perfect purple shade, Kat Von D studded kisses in Wolvesmouth is the one and only!
I have been buy-in it again and again and I do have some extra now!

I also love Huda Beauty and her matte lipstick is awesome!

Tory Burch Absolu EDP

Nothing will pump up the spirit in the morning like a great perfume!
Kayaknya kalau sudan dandan habis-habisan tapi ngga wangi itu rasanya gimana gitu. Seperti ada yang kurang!

I love EDP and I have been using so many of them.
Some of the classics I love, be it EDP or EDT, is J'Adore Dior, Pleasure of Estee Lauder, Chance from Chanel, Gucci Envy, and  Clinique Happy. But lately I have been using Jo Malone and Tory Burch a lot as they come in handy, traveling sizes. What I have in my pouch now is Tory Burch Absolu EDP in 7 ml, perfect size for daily use. I love the floral scent which stay for quite some times. It makes me feel fresh and feminine at the same time. Try it!  

some of my treasures :)

Fenty Beauty Match Stick in Sinamon

I love Rihanna and her products! I bet you have heard of Fenty Beauty right...
Of all the beauty products they have from Fenty Beauty, my favorite is always the Match Stick. It's the shimmer skin stick which functions as highlighter, eye shadow and in my case, as a lip gloss too!
I have been using Sinamon, the shade that works best for my complexion.
There are time when I forgot to bring my beauty pouch and I only have my loose powder and this match stick. I managed to use it for my eyes, cheeks, and lips, and I love the result!

masih ngantuk udah dandan ajaaaa.. using Fenty Beauty sinamon match stick as I forgot my beauty pouch!

Bedak Marcks in Creme

This is the legendary loose powder in Indonesia!
Memang juaraaaaa hehehehe..
Dan sejak SMA sampai sekarang aku masih setia memakainya. 
Dulu maktu masih tinggal di Swiss dan NYC, oku ngga pernah absen nyetok dan minta dikirimkan dari Indonesia. 

It is so good, feel nice on my skin and with a proper moisturiser, it will beautifully stay.

So that's my 5 favorite beauty products for daily use. I have been using them and I highly recommend them as well.
I certainly have more items for eye brows, mascara, eye liner and more but I'll keep them for the next post, okay.
Now tell me your favorite and let's compare!
Have fun and stay beautiful, people.

Cheers from me and Obi :)

Akun Instagram Favorit? Ini Dia Daftarnya


Here comes the questions for Day 15!'s half way already!

For the next question we have for #BPN30dayChallenge2018, the question is 10 favorite Instagram accounts that I love the check. Now now, 10 is a decent numbers but I guess I will have to scrutinize lots of accounts that I ocassionally visit. As an introduction, I guess it’s good to mention that I love Instagram for its vast information and entertainment provided. 

In short, it’s fun, fun, fun!

I myself have multiple accounts of Instagram and don’t ask me how many ;).

I usually ‘browse’ for fantastic photos of Indonesia and wonderful places to visit across the globe; Kementerian Luar Negeri or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia; United Nations and things surrounding it; underwater schemes and everything related to scuba diving; fashion; cosmetics; recipes and amazing food photography; and sample sales, among others! For the last one, sample sales, I always follow the IG account and its Insta Story. 

Saya juga banyak mengunjungi para influencers maupun akun teman-teman bloggers yang memang aktif di IG. Tapi karena jumlahnya lebih dari 10, even hundreds  (and I love them all) sepertinya agak kurang adil jika saya masukkan hanya beberapa saja. Jadi nanti kalau diminua listing 100, aku akan kasih semua :).

So now, without further a do, here are 10 favorite Instagram accounts I love!


Frankly, I love everything about National Geographic. It has a few accounts including @natgeo, @natgeotravel, and @natgeowild. For sure you know why I prefer @natgeotravel as it showcases those incredible spots in the world, including Indonesia. 


Oh my .. I love her one-of-a-kind, quirky and vampire-inspired style on her food! I don't know about you but I love those unique, out-of-this-world art works! Asli kereeeen banget! Salah satu yang Aku suka banget adalah kue khusus yang didedikasikan untuk Freddy Mercury, khususnya setelah film Freddy drills. The details of her work really blows my mind. No wonder she has 464 million followers, including me!

@ditut et @pinot

Ini tetangga favorit kami  di New York City! 

Kami dengan innocentnya bertemu dengan salah satu influencer kondang di Instagram dan Twitter, tetanggaan yang cuma beda berapa blok rumahnya dan anak-anak sekolah bareng. Again, both of them are AWESOMEEEEE! Ditut is super talented with her drawings and Pinot is crazily creative! Both of them have been internationally recognized for their works, including by Adidas, Google, and Zach King, and they are INDONESIANS! You guys go ahead see their works yourself. No spoilers :).

Some of my favorite IG accounts :)


I don't know when I started loving her and her works but for sure I usually check her account to see tips, tricks, and the latest updates on her collections as well at her other account @shophudabeauty. I am A BIG FAN of her lipsticks, and so far I have been using  6 shades of her matte lipsticks! She also has so many beautiful palates and more. SO, what are you waiting for!


Nothing else to say but this is my ultimate reference for all beauty related. Well, I know we have so many other choices out there, but again, I am soooo in love with Sephora since 2004 when I first shopped at its bling-bling outlet at Champs-ellysez, Paris! I remember buying 1 bag of stuff and got another bag of free stuff! Wuhuuuuu...Sephora really knows how to wow people, especially ladies. Its IG account is also wonderful and give you more tips, tricks and more all beauty enthusiasts love!


Needless to say I keep following this account for all the important global issues being discussed at the United Nations. Even more, so many important references are highlighted in this account, not only the glimmering and successful stories, but also all the problems that we all face. It might sounds very heavy but go check it out.


Akun IG kantorku tercinta! 
Kenapa saya sering cek? karena senang ajaaaa.
It's good to know that my office is keeping up with the latest technology and use up-to-date approach in spreading the news as well as our works. 
Teman-teman suka cek juga ngga? Seringkali ada kuis dan giveawaysnya lhooo. 


PADI is the world-wide famous diving certificate provider and besides providing the technical expertise and skills related to diving, it also provides latest tempting information for courses and diving trips! Dan Aku selalu moping kalau melihat akun mereka ini. Bawaannya mau bilang: take me there!


Ini akun wajib untuk yang sering kangen dengan Indonesia dan yang suka traveling di tanah airku tercinta!
I love to see those vivid colors and living photos which spark your energy and desire to explore more of Indonesia! I will definitely check their account and get more information about those wonderful hidden treasures.

So, 10 akun Instagram favorit aku seperti di atas!
Jadi penasaran dengan akun pilihan teman-teman..
Let's see then!

Review Lipstick YSL Rouge Pur Couture Pink Rhapsody

Disclaimer: this review is purely made from the heart, without any sponsors whatsoever, as I love the product. All opinion expressed are genuine and kindly note that the result on color and durability of the product may vary. 

Review Lipstick YSL Rouge Pur Couture 
Pink Rhapsody no. 57

Hello, beautiful people!
It's been ages that I haven't submitted my review on my favorite lipstick!
So, here comes the question again....What's the color of your lipstick today?

As I have mentioned in so many postings before, for me lipstick IS NOT just a piece of cosmetics you keep in your bag or pouch with you all the time.
And I really mean it when I say all the time.
Lipstick is INDEED a statement.
So for me, my lipstick is A BOLD statement of who I am and how comfortable I am to be myself.

Then from the stack of boxes filled with my favorite beauty products, I would like to introduce you to Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) Rouge Pur Couture Pink Rhapsody no 57.
Yes, this time it is pink.
Not purple :).

Some of you might wonder why not purple, as my previous parade of favorite lipstick of mine. Oh ya, feel free to read my previous review like Huda Beauty in Famous, Kat Von D in Wolvesmouth (dan warna ini sepertinya udah discontinued, hiks), Kylie in Kourt K and Chanel in La Rafinee. So I guess, with so many purple shades I have, I want to have something different and pink sounds like a great idea! Besides, I can always mix it with other colors.

Sudah ada yang pernah coba lipstick yang satu ini?
YSL beauty memang sudah mengeluarkan banyak seri lipstick dan hamper semuanya Aku suka pakai. Mamaku juga suka soalnya.
Kalau sudah, mungkin dengan warna lain, kalian suka ngga dengan lipstik ini?
If you ask me, my answer is aku sukaaaaa :). 
Hampir semua lipstick yang aku review di blog adalah lipstick favoritku.
I know it might be a bit confusing as I keep mentioning so many brands and mostly I love them all! Tapi rasanya sah-sah aja kan kalau kita suka dengan beraneka merk dan warna lipstick, soalnya aku juga punya lipstick banyak aja karena pakainya pun bergantian. Tergantung mood, baju yang dipakai, dan occasion.
Betul ngga sih? 
Temen-temen juga sama kan #mencariteman?

So, ready to hear more lipstick review from me?

Here's my take on  YSL Rouge Pur Couture Pink Rhapsody


This lipstick contains of 1 (one) pure colour satiny radiance Lipstick (approximately 3.8 ml or 3.8 g or 0.13 fl. oz) as mentioned in the box. It is made in France and we can use it up to 24 months after we open it.

Let's try YSL Rouge Pur Couture in Pink Rhapsody

The price for this lipstick is USD 38 (langsung dikalikan sendiri ajaaa ya dengan Rupiah), before taxes and shipping.

I buy it in my favorite shop, Sephora, and of course you can also get in many leading department stores. You can always check it on YSL website. Aku sendiri suka juga beli di duty free shops yang ada di berbagai airport. Harganya sedikit lebih murah karena bebas bea dan pajak.


YSL has long been known as a leading fashion brand and beauty products which dominates the world's runway. With their long standing reputation, no wonder if this collection comes in 23 different shades. From brilliant red, fuschia and purple, to gradation of soft pink and nude colors.

As for the lipstick department, YSL has launched several series, such as YSL Tatouage Couture; Rouge pur Couture (the best seller); Rouge pur Couture the Slim; Rough Volupte Shine; Rouge Volupte and Rouge Tint-in Balm.

The Rouge pur Couture serie


Here's how Pink Rhapsody looks on my complexion.

And this is how it looks when I put it on my lips

I don't really feel the need to use any lip liner, because the color is already bold and it has satiny finish. But if you want to have a more dramatic and bolder look, using lip liner will definitely give a better, bolder contour. 


I love it because of it's fresh color and it's super comfortable on my lips.
I have to confess that I have been using too many matte liquid lipstick so having this satiny finish is a good change. And I love how it looks on me.

the carving of YSL initials is one of the signatures

Most of the time, we are tempted by its wonderful shades and long-lasting nature, but never forget that your lips will pay the price for it.

The shape of the lipstick helps us apply the lipstick steadily and neatly on our lips.
Once you try it you will agree with me, I suppose.

As I can read in the box,- although it took a long time for me to do so because the letters are super small,- the lipstick is made of mixture of, among others, propylene glycol dibenzoate, octyldodecanol, stearyl/PPG-3 Myristye, Ether dimer dilinoleate, neopentyl glycol diheptanoate, Isododecane, Cyclopentasiloxana, calcium carbonate, magnesium silicate, calcium magnesium borosilicate and more :).

The lipstick is made in France.

Can you actually read these ingredients? :)


I do have sort of a list of the No-No.

First, it's quite expensive. 
With so many choices  of lipsticks out there ranging from USD 20 - 30, the price of this one is higher than that. But again, people, it' YSL. And Yves Saint Laurent stands for quality and top-notch products. So, I think it is still worth it.
Moreover, it doesn't stay more than 4 hours.
I mean, it is not a long wear or matte finish, so it is easily wiped out.
Of course you can apply it again but that means you have to bring it everywhere.

Then, the packaging is beautifully made of shiny metal. It's beautiful indeed but it becomes dirty easily. I usually have my finger prints and skin oil on it :). So make sure you clean it up after holding it.

And that's it. 
So all in all, I still love it and I give Lipstick YSL Rouge Pur Couture Pink Rhapsody the score 8 out of 10.Aku tetap suka dengan lipstick ini dan aku pasti akan beli lagi, walaupun mungkin dengan warna lain.
Do you like this lipstick as well?
Which one is your favorite so far?
Ditunggu postingan lipstik-lipstik tercinta berikutnya ya.
Tons of kisses and muuuaaah muaaah from me.

Ditunggu yaaa postingan lipstick berikutnya

Better Moisturized Skin with Coconut Cream Skin Softening Body Butter

Coconut Cream Skin Softening Body Butter

Having trouble with dry, horrible skin?
Me, too!

I have been facing some issues with my skin after the chemo.
Well, I did the chemo at the end of 2014 and the first four month of 2015 and up until now, I am still facing one of the impacts and consequences.
Horrible, dry skin.
There were times when my skin was so dry I didn't realize it started bleeding.
Well, chemotherapy caused all of those side effects but even after I was done with my treatment, I still bear the consequences.

I have been using several products to help addressing this issue.
As suggested by my oncologist, I started with something natural with less chemical.
It would go gentle on my skin and reduce the possible complication.

Another challenge that I have here is my fond of snorkeling and diving.
Going out to the middle of the ocean and spending the whole day under the sun and underwater is not that friendly to my skin either.
And lately, I have the opportunity to visit some Caribbean countries. 
Whenever I have the time and chances, I would definitely go snorkeling and diving in these beautiful spots.
But since I love doing it, I just to find a good product that will help me with my skin.

At some point, I also need extra moisturizing products during Ramadhan that we has just passed a couple week ago.

As I have mentioned before, during the holly month of Ramadhan we moslems fast from dawn till dusk for one month. With long days we have in this summer and restricted hydration during fasting month, my skin get drier and drier.

But now, I found one product that helps with my dry, dull skin.
Almost instantly.
Introducing Coconut Cream Skin Softening Body Butter.
This body butter is special because it has extra ingredients of shea butter, hokum and cocoa butter which help moisturizing our skin.
And I love how it feels on my skin!

You can just easily rub a small amount of the body butter to your skin and wait for a while to ensure the skin fully absorb it. It feels good and it's not sticky.
I also love the wonderful smell of coconut on my skin.
So natural and reminds me of the beach!

The ingredients of this lovely lotion include, among others, water, shea butter, cocoa butter, garcinia indica butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, and rose hip oil. Check out the complete ingredients in this photo.

So you can see that this body butter is good for your skin, enriched with so many natural products and has no dangerous ingredients on it. It's natural, paraben free and packed with vitamin A, B, C, and E to nourish skin. What's not to love about this body butter.

If you want to give it a try, you can get it from Maple Holistics or through Amazon as well as their Facebook page. Check out their lovely website and you can get free samples too!

Enjoy your beautiful, moisturised skin with Coconut Cream Skin Softening Body Butter.

Disclaimer: I received free product for this review but  all opinions expressed here are my own. 

Argan Maple Holistic Shampoo Review

Disclaimer: I received the free product for review but  all opinions expressed here are my own. 

Who has problem with dry scalp and dull hair?
I do!

I have been looking for the right products fro my hair and scalp for quite some times.
It has been a big issue for me since I lost all my hair due to the chemotherapy that I had to undergo since late 2014 to the first semester of 2015. Let alone the series of radiation therapies and follow-up medications and injections I have up until now. 

Needless to say, those treatment and medications I have to take mess up with my body, be it my hormones as well as my metabolism. One of the big issues for me here is the super dry scalp. I remember when I was bald, the itchy scalp is not cool at all! With no hair as the natural protector of our scalp, I keep scratching it and some flakes of dry skin were flying from my head. I have tried a few and some of them provided temporary solutions and the dry scalp 

And months after I finished my chemo, my hair started to grow back again.
Even when my hair starts growing back, I still have similar issues.
And that makes me cut it short again and again, at least 3 times up until now.
Being used to have long, super curly hair with Bob Marley look, I was super excited when my hair starts growing back. Although it takes years to have it grow back as it used to, I am planning to keep it healthy and beautiful. And for that, I have to find the right hair product.

This is where I come across Argan Maple Holistics, a special formula shampoo 
I saw this product first from my dear blog friend, Alissa Apel, and decided to try it.
I went to their Facebook page and contact the company for free sample and they sent me a bottle! 

taken from

I have tried it in the course of two week and I love the results!

The natural Argan oil works its wonder to me and for sure there are more benefits of having this precious ingredients on your shampoo, including nourishing the scalp, rejuvenating our hair and making it feels soft and much more manageable.

As stated on the bottle, the shampoo is composed of aqua, argan oil, botanical keratin, peach kernel oil, almond, oil, jojoba oil, camellia seed oil, natural vanilla, honey fragrance and avocado oil. It's 100% pure, sulfate free, good for all scalp type and made in the US.

For sure, the dry scalp is less annoying and I don't really scratch my scalp too much as the itchiness is no longer there. It tends to get itchy a bit after 3 days so I know when it's time to use the shampoo again.

cheers...this is how the hair looks, after shampooing with Argan Maple Holistic
Moreover, my hair looks properly fluffy, not too much, and neat.
Now you see why I love this product!
The price of this 8 oz shampoo is USD 9.99 and the shampoo and hair conditioner set is USD 19.95. With the result that I have, I'm happy to get more of it.

You can order it right from the website,, or check out their Facebook page for further info and more reviews. 

Do you have problems with your scalp and hair as well?
Do you find the products you love so far?