Beauty - Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Famous

Hello, beautiful people!
What's the color of your lipstick today?

I cannot deny that my addiction to lipstick is super severe.
Some serious repercussions have been dragging me, including running out of hiding places for all those boxes of lipsticks from my hubby LOL.
But I have mentioned before, lipstick IS NOT just a piece of cosmetics you have to have in your purse.
Lipstick is a statement.
A bold statement of who you are and what makes you happy as yourself.
That's a bit too much for an introduction, isn't it?

So today, I have another favorite lipstick of mine (I keep saying it again and again :)).
Wondering what that is?

Introducing  Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Famous.

Sudah ada yang pernah coba?
Suka ngga?
Aku suka bangeeeet :). 

I know it might be a bit confusing  as I keep saying that this or that brand is my favorite! But that is so true. I have many favorite brands that I tend to stock up in my cosmetic pouch(es). 

Dan sesungguhnya, aku udah lama banget pengen review lipstik yang satu ini.
Soalnya selain warnanya oke, lipstik ini nyaman sekali di bibir.
Kalau sempat baca beberapa review aku tentang beauty products, hampir semua lipstik yang saya pakai dan review  adalah lipstik yang matte or tahan lama. Dan KENYAMANAN di bibir jadi penting! Numero uno.
Soalnya males kaaan kalau bibir oke dengan warna gonjreng tapi sesudahnya kering, berdarah, dan bocel-bocel. Uuugh, ngebayanginnya aja udah males :).
So, ready to hear more from me? 
Here's my take on Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Famous.


Siapa yang familiar dengan Huda Beauty?

Atau Huda Kattan?

Huda Kattan is one of the examples of social media superstar! 
Professionally trained as Hollywood make-up artist and beauty consultant, her passion and obsession to beauty has lead her to become number 1 beauty blogger in Middle East and voila... people loves her and she becomes one of the hottest YouTube darling with most wanted products such as eye lashes, eye shadow, highlighter,  lip contour,  and of course, lipsticks. And one of my fave is indeed the liquid matte.


The liquid matte contains of 1 (one)  Matte Liquid Lipstick (approximately 5 ml / 0.17 fl. oz)  as mentioned in the box. It is made in Italy and we can use it up to 12 months after you open it.

The price for this liquid matte is USD 20, before taxes and shipping.

I usually buy it in my favorite shop, Sephora, and of course you can check it on Sephora used to have it online only but  now we have it on the store, although the shades are not always as complete as those online.


Huda is quite genius when it comes to  shades. 
Being a professional make-up artist and knowing exactly what people love, I have to say I love most of the shades Huda. There are many shades available, 24 to be exact, including the summer edition. Perhaps some of the most popular ones from Huda Beauty are Bombshell and Gossip Gurl and many of her nude collection.

Famous is indeed perfect for me

But again, I love Famous because it's so me :).
Bold and perfect mixture between red and berry, my favorite colors!


Here's howFamous looks on my complexion.

And this is how it looks when I put it on my lips,  without the lip liner.

Famous on my lips :)

Like many of my matte lipstick, I don't really feel the need to use any lip liner,  because it's already bold. But if you wan to have a more dramatic look, using lip liner will definitely give a better contour. And when it comes to lip contour, Huda is famous for that.


I love it because it's super comfortable!
I have to say not many matte liquid lipstick are comfortable enough for your lips.
Most of the time, we are tempted by its wonderful shades and long-lasting nature, but your lips pay the price for it.
Not with Huda, though. And reading her blog, I guess that's the very reason why she started her liquid matte line because she can not find any with the combination of it all; comfort, great colors, and long-lasting.
I also love it for its true bold color. Famous really stands out on me.
I know it does not always look good on others but it looks fine to me.

Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Famous on my lips :)

The aplicator is also good and in perfect size as well as shape, so it helps us  apply the lipstick steadily and neatly on our lips.

The lipstick dries pretty quickly so it's transfer-free, as the website says, and it won't be messy.

Additionally, the lipsticks and other cosmetics collections are not tested on animals and the shades are vegan as well.


As I can read in the box,- although it took a long time for me to do so,-  the lipstick is made of mixture of, among others, Isododecane, Cyclopentasiloxana, Cera Alba (Beeswax), trimetylsiloxysilicate, polypropylsilsesquioxane, disteardimonium hectorite, mica, coffee Arabica seed extract and more :). 

The lipstick is made in Italy.


After all those great things above, I have sort of a list of the No-No.

I somehow don't like the after-wear/eating effect. 
I mean, it's a long lasting lipstick but after I have my meals, it looks smudgy.
Instead of topping it up, I usually clean it first and start wearing it again in order to avoid having smudgy lips, or in Bahasa Indonesia, lipstiknya bleberan.
It takes time for sure. 

Paling sebel kan ya kalau lipstik jadi bleberan alias berantakan setelah habis makan. Nah, salah satu hal yang aku ngga suka dari lipstik ini adalah lipstik yang terlihat berantakan setelah habis makan.

Another thing, as it's the ultra and extremely long wearing lipstick, the color stays and sometimes it stays a bit too long. So, I really have to clean it thoroughly, usually using my face and lip cleaner with moisturizing oil on it so that I can keep my lips moist and tender.

You can swipe it twice because it will not be blotching but once you make the 'wrong' move, then you will need some extra time to clean it :)). So better make sure that you do it right.  Fill the lip and swipe the brush steadily so you will have the best result. Lip liner will be very helpful in giving you sort of the frame if you're not accustomed to it. 

Dan seperti lipstik tahan lama lainnya yang highly pigmented alias warnanya ngejreng bangeeet, hati-hati saat memoleskannya ya. Karena warnanya yang memang tahan lama, kalau kita pakai lipstiknya agak salah, menghapusnya pun lumayan lama alias perlu perjuangan. Dan biasanya berbekas karena memang pigmen tinggi :(. 

Buatku yang hobi banget dandan di mobil or wherever it is kecuali di kamar, ini sering bikin bete hehehe. Apalagi kalau lagi asyik dandan tau-tau Udi rem mobil mendadak dan bubaaar deh bibir seksi dengan lipstik Huda :p

But all in all, I give Huda Beauty Liquid Matte in Famous the score 8.5 out of 10.  

I still like this one and well, you caught me red-handed! 
I have 4 shades already: bombshells, trophy wife, gossip gurl and famous.
Mind if I'm coming back with more shades? 

Oh yeah..don't forget to join my #summerison Giveaway yaaaaa.
I got tons of free beauty products, - repeat: free beauty products,-  only for you!
Here is the LINK

Ditunggu postingan lipstik-lipstik tercinta berikutnya ya.



  1. Wah Lipstick merek baruu yahh.. Aku baru dengar hahaha. Keren juga yahhh pembuat Huda inii..
    Harganya 20Dolar mashk Indonesia 300an berarti. Duh mahal.. hehe
    Semoga segera masuk Indo. Bagus kayanya yah, Mbak

    1. Udah lumayan lamaaa sebenernyaaa jen... di sini lumayan hits hehehe

  2. Lipstiknya bikin mupeng. Kalau dilihat dari kualitas lumayan, ya? Harganya juga lumayan. :'D

    1. Iyaaa mba.. aku suka banget karena nyaman di bibir

  3. It's definitely a beautiful color for you!

  4. Aku baru tau ada merk huda itu mbak wkwk seriously deh!

    1. Masaaa sih.. google or cek di IG deh, ngetop bangeet.. salah satu scoutnya Sephora :)

  5. Dari dulu pengen punya ini , sekarang jadi membulatkan tekad harus punya hehehe

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. seriously mbak...dari dulu tiap lihat foto-foto review lisptik, yang kena adalah..."kayaknya enak dimakan deh"

    nah, lho.

    1. Hahahaha .. bisa jadiii.. kalau agak coklat warnanya mirip coklat cair

  8. ahhh.. jadi naksir juga.. cari ah di stand kosmetik.. namanya mudah diingat

    1. Iyaaa mbaa.. dan memang enak karena nyaman di bibir

  9. Kalo pakai yang matte ga oerlu bolakbalik menyapukan lipstik tiap habis makan atau minum ya mbaa, awett.

  10. Mupeng lipstiknyaaa......
    Lipstick ini udah ada di indonesia belum mbk?

    1. Kayaknya adaaa ya.. aku malah belum cek di Indonesia hehehe

  11. baru tau sama lipstick nya. nexttime boeh jadi dicoba nih mbak. :D

  12. Mbak Indaaah, aku baru tahu ada lipensetip mereka ini huaaa huaaa huaaa. Sephora di sini ada kali ya. Pengin liat-liat dulu. :D Btw, ini IG blio @hudakattanbeauty bukan ya, Mbak? Nambah referensi lagi di dunia per-lipen-an.

  13. Kayaknya bagus banget lipstiknya, warna yang ini juga cantik pas sama tone muka aku... Tapi belum familiar sama merknya..kudu di kepoin lebih lanjut hehehe

  14. Hello, I can not wear lipstick. I have allergies to makeup and scents. I do wear chapstick. Thanks for sharing! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  15. baru denger nih merk-nya mbak... aku jg suka bingung milih lipstick. gak mau yg terlalu kering tp gak mau jg yg terlalu basah terus jd ngacak di bibir. yg ini termasuk di giveaway gak yah... hahahaha :)

  16. It looks so pretty! I like different colors too. One that surprised me that looks good on, me anyhow is an orange color.

  17. Td aku baca post sebelumnya di profile dikau ada huda huda gitu. Wondering apa sih huda?
    Ternyatahh gincu. Warnanyaaaaa mantaaapp. Aku pengen pake warna gelap gitu. Cocok ga sih kalo dipake halan2 ke mol siang2 gendong anak o_o”

    1. Cocoook aja kali mbaaa.. kan yang penting pedeee ajaaa

  18. Warna yang kayak gini aku belum pernah coba deh mbak sebelumnya. Masih warna nude terus nih. Paling nggak yang agak kecoklatan sedikit.

  19. Mba Indah tuh cocok bget pakai warna-warna Bold, cakep, saya belum pede, hehehe, baru tahu sih dengan brand Huda Beauty, kudet banget ya saya

  20. Warna nya kok bagus yaa, tapi bakalan cocok gak ya buat aku hehe karna takut gak ngepas sm warna kulit aku. Tapi bagus buat kakak, Gluck ya♡

  21. ah aku rada gengges nih sama lip cream yang abis makan tp smudgy gitu jadi keliatan jelek. tp ini kalo di timpa tetep oke kah?

  22. Adoooo kusuka sekali nih lipstik bold bold gini, kece banget pas pake tuh . Pen cobain shade bold yg lainya jugaaaa

  23. Warnanya agak gelap yah? Warna warna vampir gitu, kece banget nih warna gini, suka akutu 😍

  24. Such a good review sist. Love the dark color, and can't wait for others reviews😉

  25. that color is really suit you best, even tanpa make up pasti tetep kece

  26. Warnanya cocok buat Mbak Indah yang suk warna keungu-unguan yaa... aku juga nyari lisptik yang nyaman di bibir.

  27. bagus sih emang ini mba.. tapi mahal ya.. haha. aku kalopun beli ini, pasti lebih buat makeup client aku daripada aku sendiri. LOL

  28. Aku tahu Huda beauty ini gara-gara mengikuti tutorial di channel YouTubenya, Huda sendiri sangat cantik menurut aku dia mengeluarkan produk yang bagus-bagus ya, nanti mau nyobain deh produk dari Huda beauty ini

  29. warnanya cakep nih untuk bold makeup atau dipake waktu kondangan .. aku juga suka warna ini mba ..

  30. wah warna2nya shade nya bagus banget ya ka.. dan aku baru denger nih jujur produk dari brand ini.. jadi pengen cobain deh

  31. Ternyata smudgy juga ya beb con-nya. Tapi kalo pros-nya banyak gitu, I think it's still okay lah yaaa. Apalagi Huda Kattan adalah beauty vlogger yang udah profesional banget dan dia bener-bener totalitas di dunia beauty & makeup. ❤

  32. Warna lipsticknya sungguh cakep banget dan aku suka warna-warna begini deh. Eh, aku pikir tadi ini lipstick bakalan cakep banget performanya tapinya ya so so aja juga ya.

  33. Nah itu dia yang suka aku khawatirin dari lipstik mahal. takut saking "bertahan lama" nya, malah jadi susah ilang pas kita lagi salah pakenya wkwkwkk, secara aku kan anaknya barbar banget XD

  34. Bener bener pecinta ungu, sampai lipstick nya pun warna ungu.. btw disana $20 ya mba, kesannya terjangkau, disini start IDR 450K harganya

  35. Eny belum pernah nyobain karna harganya kurang sesuai kantong Eny wkwk tapi warnanya cocok bgt sama mba 😍😍


  36. ga tau kenapa aku kayak B aja sama produk lip nya Huda beauty..
    paling kepo sama foundationnya sih, cuma kayaknya aku juga bakal coba lip produk nya deh keracunan kakak indah hihi

  37. adooh huda beauty ini dari dulu bikin aku tergoda, pengen banget cobain mba penasaran deh. btw warnanya cantik banget, cantik banget jadinya di bibir kak indah :)


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