What an amazing gathering....

Rasanya memang woooooooow berat kalau kumpul dengan bloggers :D.

Not only that you instantly have great friends, new and old.

You also get new followers and great chats, membuka wawasan baruuu. Belum lagi dapet free products dari sponsors, free wifi!
and ALL THE FUN in the world.

Seruuuu kaaan :D.

Last night , we had a excellent welcoming dinner at amazingly beautiful traditional and historical house of the Mayor of Surakarta, Loji Gandrung

Loji Gandrung....elegantly standing since 1823

Lovely place indeeed.
You should see how elegant Loji Gandrung is.
Yang telah tegak berdiri sejak 1823.
Kebayaaang kaan....
No wonder banyak urban legend yang bilang kalau ada noni Belanda yang suka say hiiii to people (lucky me I didn't see her :D).


Guess what!

All those yummy food from Solo! the famous culinary collection from the city of Surakarta certainly swayed me away....

Nasi Gudeg ceker, mie godog, selat Solo, risoles solo, danish kelapa sukseeees mengenyangkan kita semuaaaa...

nasi gudeg cekeeeer...yummy beraaaaaat :D...

mie godooooog yang kondaaang :D...

si danish kelapaaaa :D,,, 
Belum lagi minuman segaarnya.
Sayangnya aku ngga kebagian karena sibuk ngeMC ama Agus Lahinta, my dear friend from Gorontalo...... 

Dan hiburannya pun ngga tanggung tanggung lho. 

Ada Himpunan Artis Musisi Kroncong Indonesia (HAMKRI) sukses menghibur dengan koleksi lagu - lagu cantik mulai dari Dongengan ala Solo, Bengawan Solo, Jembatan Merah sampai Besame Mucho and the Autumn Leaves.
Pokoknya juaraaa deeeh :D....
Apalagi ditambah sumbangan suara emas Pak Walikota dan Pak Dirjen Kerjasama ASEAN, H.E. I.G.A Wesaka Puja, who happens to be my CHarge d'Affaires di PTRI Geneve dan Dubes RI untuk Vienna, Austria

All in all, it was an enjoyable, memorable gathering.


And I'll come back soon with more souvenirs from ABFI 2013 :D...


  1. Hadoooh, keren blognya, english semuaa,

  2. Mak Meti Mediyaaaa....ngg juga koook...banyak yang Bahasa Indonesia hehehe...makasih dah main kemariiih...

  3. Wow, finally I am here, enjoying rumah maya nya Mak Indah. Great blog loh, Mak!

    can't wait for your more souvenirs from #ABFI. Miss U suddenly, miss your way waktu ngemC, kereen!


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