Showing posts with label MAMA BO OBI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAMA BO OBI. Show all posts

WW: Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day

To all those great fathers out there!

And especially for my hubby and  my late Papah,  the most wonderful fathers 
we can ever hope for. 

Their senses of humor, warm hugs, unconditional love and continued strength 
have supported our family...always. 
And here's what my kids prepared for their beloved daddy, Bapak Rudi :)

Tons of love!

Join us in (almost) Wordless Wednesday  and enjoy fabulous links!

Great Places to See in Barbados in 4 hours

welcome to Bridgetown, Barbados

Exploring Barbados in 4 hours? 
It might sound too optimistic, but sure you can!
That's exactly what I did when I had a 6-hour transit in Barbados, after finishing my meeting at Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
And there are great places to see in Barbados in 4 hours indeed!

I was super lucky, in a way, that I have to have to transit on my way back to NYC.
From New York, I was flying to SVG through Trinidad and Tobago, but it was a short transit so I did not go outside of the airport. 

But heading back home is another story.

I had an early flight at 7 AM with Liat Airlines from SVG, transiting in Barbados, then headed back to NYC with JetBlue. I arrived at Grantley Adams international airport (BGI) at aroun 8 AM. Super early but I have no complaints. 

Since I haven't been to Barbados, I was super excited!
I know 4 hours is the maximum time I can get, and perhaps I can't go swimming or snorkeling, but at least I can just relax for a while and snap some pictures here and there while exploring this beautiful city. I have done a bit of browsing and consult Trip Advisor, where I am one of its Level-6 Top Contributors ;), as well as one of my newly acquainted colleagues who are posted in this very country .

Determine where you want to go and what you want to see will definitely help maximizing your limited time while visiting one place. And as I was traveling around alone this time, I just list down the places I'd like to see, compare the prices for renting the car and the local guide (I guess I had a great one), and pray for the best!.

So as I got my luggage, headed out to the arrival gate of the airport, I directly went to the taxi stand and asked around. They actually have the list of the official taxi rate, which is very helpful. But I directly asked whether there was someone who could take me around to see the city in 4 hours. 

That's when I bumped into Keith, a lovely grandpa of 4 who has been in the tourism industry in Barbados for the last 30 years :). As soon as I had a short conversation about what I wanted to see and how much time I need, he understood completely and he agreed for Barbadian Dollar 150 or USD 75 to take me around for 4 hours! That's quite a bargain I guess :). I took my luggage to his van, set all my cameras and off we went exploring Bridgetown, Barbados's capital. And Keith is such a sweetheart!

Meet Keith, my guide :)

I have set my heart on seeing some of the beautiful places Barbados has to offer and with Keith's help, here they are!

First destination ... to the beach!

Our first stop was actually to the ATM, as I have no Barbadian Dollar :).
But right after that, we went straight ahead to the Pebbles Beach, right in front of the Government Building or the Cabinet Office of the Barbados.
Can you imagine working at the office right across beautiful white, sandy beach with clear, turquoise water?
I was sold! I would definitely miss my work or move all my meetings to the beach :)

Here at Pebbles beach, I was just standing there, enjoying the breeze and dip my feet to the water. I was super tempted to go swimming but my back was still hurt and burn after my almost full day swimming and snorkeling at Bequai, the Grenadines.

I certainly took a lot of photos and videos here. 
And feeling those powdery sands on my bare feet and looking at the clear blue sky making me missing INDONESIA, my homeland, more and more :).

Independence Square

The next stop is the Independence Square!
As the name suggested, this is where Barbados' Independence was pronounced.
Such a beautiful garden in the middle of the city, with perfect view to the Heroes Square and the Parliament Building right across the street.

The Constitution River is flowing to the sea, across the Chamberlain Bridge.

From the Independence Square, we can see the Parliament Building right across the street.
The Chamberlain Bridge and Parliament Building a far..

Parliament Building and Museum

So we continued exploring the city and as I mentioned to Keith, my guide, I need to buy some souvenirs as well. He then parked the car at the Heroes Square and showed me the way to the shopping center, the Cave Shepherd. But before shopping, he pointed the Parliament Building and Museum which would be interesting to photograph.

Keith had been looking at my gears and ensured that I didn't miss those photogenic parts of the city!  

There is a museum near this complex but as time was limited, I skipped it and headed to the store to grab some souvenirs.

Down town shopping

And voilaaa...there I was!
Around the Broad Street, you will find Norman Centre and the Cave Shepherd, the duty free, as well as local shops for you to enjoy.

Comfortably stepping in the Cave Shepherd (I love the name!), I was cooly welcomed by the full blow of air conditioner. Great! I know I was just spending around 1.5 hours under the sun but already I have to cool my self down, while exercising my favorite activity, shopping!

I guess I bought a lot of stuff there and happy to bring them home!
For sure I have many fridge magnets, shooters, t-shirts, salt  & pepper shakers, and postcards with stamps, so that I can send them home to NYC as well as to Indonesia.

From shopping, I have another round to the beach.
We passed Brownes Beach, Accra Beach, and back to Pebbles Beach as well as Needhams Points. I was really overwhelmed by those beautiful beaches.

Enjoying local food at Pug's Bar and Restaurant

Finally, time to go back to the airport. 
But I was super hungry and I asked Keith to take me to the local restaurant near the airport.
Right across the airport entrance, we stopped at Pug's bar and restaurant.
There was a long line of people already as it was lunch time.
But pretty quick, we both got what we want.
Can you guess what we had?

my plate of fried fish and creamy potato! Oh my God..soooo goood!

And I tried fried king fish a la Barbados, with creamy, butter potatoes that tasted like mash potatoes, with hot pepper sauce and fresh slices of cucumbers!
Heavenly yummy for sure.

the restaurant

Happy, sleepy and full, I was heading back to the airport and started to check-in.
I was actually tempted to visit the Concorde Experience but I didn't want to miss my flight.
Beside, I still have to get stamps and send the postcards to my family and friends, including my dearest Em(b)ak Ceria :)).

Thank you so much, Keith, for a wonderful half-day trip in Barbados!

Hopefully I can come back here again one day!

Next round, it will be with my dearest family.

Do you enjoy transiting somewhere while traveling?

What do you usually do while transiting?

Rest in Peace, Mba Yuni

Pagi ini, saya mendengar berita duka cita.

Saudari kami tercinta, Mba Tri Wahyuni Zuhri, dipanggil menghadap-Nya.
Kembali ke pangkuan Ilahi, di tengah bulan suci yang penuh rahmah dan ampunan-Nya.

Innalillahi wainnailaihi rojiuuun

Masih lekat dalam ingatan saya percakapan kami di messenger Facebook terkait berbagai proses pengobatan yang kami jalani. Walaupun kanker yang kami derita berbeda, karena mba Yuni menderita kanker tiroid yang sedihnya telah menyebar ke banyak tempat, sedangkan saya menderita kanker payudara dan masih di stadium awal, namun banyak pengobatan kami yang serupa.

Kami berdiskusi banyak tentang parahnya dampak radiasi yang kami rasakan, bahkan terus terasa bertahun-tahun setelah pengobatan tersebut dilakukan. Kami belum pernah bertemu muka langsung, namun komunikasi via messenger dan kelompok 6 Arisan BP di Whatsapp group membuat kami dekat.

Saya ingat, Mba Yuni yang menghubungi saya duluan saat saya tengah menjalani kemoterapi usai mastektomi, yang dilanjutkan dengan operasi rekonstruksi dan radiasi. Kami saling menyemangati dan menguatkan, menertawakan dan mengikhlaskan rambut yang menjadi mahkota perempuan hilang tak bersisa, sementara kuku dan kulit mulai gosong akibat kerasnya obat yang kami konsumsi untuk membunuh sel-sel kanker terkutuk itu. 

She was such a sweet heart! 

At the same time, Mba Yuni adalah pejuang nomor satu, yang tidak pernah lelah berusaha untuk sembuh. Saya yang hanya menjalani 16 round kemo dan 25 kali radiasi sudah merasakan bagaimana beratnya menjalani semua ini, dan itu masih belum ada apa-apanya dibandingkan dengan treatment Mba Yuni yang berlangsung lebih lama dan berkali-kali.

Bahkan mba Yuni mengirimkan versi PDF dari bukunya yang luar biasa informatif dan penuh semangat positif, Kanker Bukan Akhir Dunia, Kiat-kiat Cerdas Perempuan Mneghadapi Kanker. Buku keren yang harus dibaca teman-teman yang berjuang melawan kanker atau memiliki orang terkasih yang tengah berjuang melawan hal yang sama. Buku yang sama yang juga menyerukan kepada semua perempuan untuk memperhatikan dengan seksama kondisi tubuh masing-masing dan mengambil berbagai langkah pencegahan dini untuk menghalangi kanker menyerang tubuh kita. So, please, teman-teman...jangan sepelekan gejala-gejala yang tunjukkan perubahan pada tubuh kita ya. 

Better be alert than be sorry and I would tirelessly say that early detection is our best defense! 

Saya luar biasa happy dan juga bangga saat Mba Yuni mendapat penghargaan dari begitu banyak pihak atas komitmen dan semangat luar biasa dalam melawan kanker dan tunjukkan pada dunia bahwa kanker tidak surutkan semangatnya untuk berjuang menjadi lebih sehat.
She deserved more!
She was the true warrior!

foto diambil dari sini

Maaf jika saya lancang mengambil foto mba Yuni di atas dari akun Facebooknya, namun saya ingin semua tau dan mengenang prestasi mba Yuni yang luar biasa.

Mba Yuni, if only you know how you have set an incredible inspiration 
to us all!
Not only to those fighting and surviving cancer, but every single one of us who are dealing with the ups and downs of life.

the pic is taken from here

I know you are in a much better place now, Mba Yuni 
And all your endless pain and sorrow are gone, as you beautifully rest in peace in Allah's Jannah.
Innalillahi wainailaihi rojiuun

Al-fatihah, only for you, dearest sister.

15 Fun Ways to Celebrate Summer with Kids

Are you ready for summer?
I bet you are!

As June steps in and school will soon be over, I guess everyone is excited to welcome summer break. Particularly the kids. And the parents as well.

So, what are your kids doing this Summer? 
For many of us,  summer time with the kids is a time to enjoy the outdoors, the sunshine and if you're lucky the ocean.

My family loves that!

As much as kids love Summer holidays, keeping them busy can be a real chore! 
If you've not got the luxury of a Summer camp then it's up to you as parent to find things for the youngsters to keep busy with.

Failing that, your kids might spend all their time in front of a computer, tablet, phone or other screen and research has shown that spending too much time in front of a screen can have a detrimental effect on the health and wellbeing of children.

Studies have shown that taking part in nature-based activities helps people who are suffering from mental ill-health and can contribute to a reduction in levels of anxiety, stress, and depression. In fact, a daily walk in nature has showed decreased activity in a region of the brain associated with a key factor in depression.

One in four people are estimated to experience bouts of mental ill health and it's on the rise. Prescription medication of antidepressants are also at a record high level and the demand for more invasive treatments are also on the rise. Health and social care commissioners are examining and commissioning different options for cost effective services for mental health and one of these options is a daily walk of 90 minutes or more. We need to learn from the past when kids got excited to spend their time climbing trees and building dens rather than spending hours inside.

Joe at Nature Rated understands this all too well and has put together an infographic on 15 Summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature.

This is what it looks like and enjoy...

15 Summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature

From baking a blackberry pie to constructing a pond or insect hotel, there's plenty for the youngsters to get up to. Head on over to his site for step by step instructions to get your kids out and about enjoying nature.

Hope that works!
Happy summer, everyone..

About the author:

An outdoor enthusiast, Joe Black is the lead editor at Nature Rated; a website which rates and reviews the best outdoor gear for people who quickly want to know what to get. He believes in no fluff, to the point reviews, which help you choose the right gear for your next adventure.

Whenever daily life gets him down he heads to the nearest lake or river with his kayak and camera spending time recharging his batteries.

WW: Summer is On

Already at the 3rd week of June and summer is on!
NYC is getting warmer and warmer these days.
After experiencing 12 degrees C last week, this week we have a blasting sun at 34 degrees C, almost 3 time hotter than last week!

As we continue to observe the Holy Month of Ramadhan, we have quite some time to spare before we can have ifthar and enjoy food and drinks again at 8.30 PM.

We have been visiting the Factory Outlet at Woodbury, enjoying some early sales for Father's day. 

Then I took the time to declutter my beauty products at home.
Apparently, I am a beauty junkie >_<

And finally, I took some time during my break to smell the rosees.
As I have posted before, the UN Rose Garden is one of my favorite spots to unwind amidst the never-ending meetings and negotiations at the UN.

What do you think, it's wonderful, isn't it?

Happy summer, everyone

Join us in (almost) Wordless Wednesday  and enjoy fabulous links!

Hanya Pada-Mu Rabb

Ramadhan has entered its 3rd week

Hopefully those who observe it will continue to have Allah's blessings and forgiveness.

Majestic sky I witnessed on my way home to Astoria, right before ifthar or breaking the fast.

Join us on Skywatch Friday and get lost in magnificent skies from different corners of the world

Happy World Oceans Day

Happy World Oceans Day!

Have we done enough 
to protect our beautiful ocean?

I was so lucky I got a chance to join the UN Ocean Conference, as part of the UN support to the full implementation of Goal 14 of the Sustainable Development Agenda or Agenda 2030, conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Leonardo Di Caprio, the UN Messanger of Peace

We had many public figures, scientists, world-know photographers, CEOs, local communities and youth joining the event, including Leonardo di Caprio, the UN Messenger of Peace, Diego Luna, Sir Richard Branson, and 3 great Indonesians speaking at the UN.
Besides, this high level event was also packed with Head of States and Governments and well as ministers related to the preservation of oceans and environment.

Here's some messages given by Leonardo, regarding the challenges we all face now .

The ocean is indeed our home, our future!

And we have no better choice but to keep and preserve the oceans we love, the oceans in which our children will be the next stewards.

For me personally, the oceans will always be my refuge, offering the unconditional peace and boundless love where I am endlessly grateful for ever single thing our Creator bestowed upon me.

Down there, there's a beyond-words beauty we all have to protect. 

To preserve. 
To love!

But our oceans have been heavily polluted by our greed, our selfish actions, our constant ignorance.
Marine debris, acidification, over fishing, pollution, raising sea level are only a tiny portion of the horrible consequences of what we have done to the oceans.

This has to stop!
And we can and we have do that together.

Please, ask ourself what we can do to help protecting our oceans, our environment.
A simple gesture of reducing plastic use, stop littering our ocean, to raising awareness about the need to preserve our planet will certainly help.

Happy World Oceans Day!

#darisudutUNGA #missingmyIndonesia

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

What a week!

June has been in full gear as we have the UN Ocean Conference where we have 2 ministers coming! Ocean is and has always been the main priorities of our policies.
So we are happy and honored to be part of this historical event.

Meanwhile, Ramadhan continues and can you believe that it's almost two weeks now?
Alhamdulillah, my family and I still fully observe it.

Meanwhile, allow me to invite you to our weekly  linky party!

“Welcome to our Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful Wednesday” Linky Party of 2017 an opportunity for us to feature other #Bloggers and #Blogwriters and for you to share what you have going on your blogs!

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