Are you ready for summer?
I bet you are!
As June steps in and school will soon be over, I guess everyone is excited to welcome summer break. Particularly the kids. And the parents as well.
So, what are your kids doing this Summer?
For many of us, summer time with the kids is a time to enjoy the outdoors, the sunshine and if you're lucky the ocean.
My family loves that!
As much as kids love Summer holidays, keeping them busy can be a real chore!
If you've not got the luxury of a Summer camp then it's up to you as parent to find things for the youngsters to keep busy with.
Failing that, your kids might spend all their time in front of a computer, tablet, phone or other screen and research has shown that spending too much time in front of a screen can have a detrimental effect on the health and wellbeing of children.
Studies have shown that taking part in nature-based activities helps people who are suffering from mental ill-health and can contribute to a reduction in levels of anxiety, stress, and depression. In fact, a daily walk in nature has showed decreased activity in a region of the brain associated with a key factor in depression.
One in four people are estimated to experience bouts of mental ill health and it's on the rise. Prescription medication of antidepressants are also at a record high level and the demand for more invasive treatments are also on the rise. Health and social care commissioners are examining and commissioning different options for cost effective services for mental health and one of these options is a daily walk of 90 minutes or more. We need to learn from the past when kids got excited to spend their time climbing trees and building dens rather than spending hours inside.
Joe at Nature Rated understands this all too well and has put together an infographic on 15 Summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature.
This is what it looks like and enjoy...
From baking a blackberry pie to constructing a pond or insect hotel, there's plenty for the youngsters to get up to. Head on over to his site for step by step instructions to get your kids out and about enjoying nature.
Hope that works!
Happy summer, everyone..
About the author:
An outdoor enthusiast, Joe Black is the lead editor at Nature Rated; a website which rates and reviews the best outdoor gear for people who quickly want to know what to get. He believes in no fluff, to the point reviews, which help you choose the right gear for your next adventure.
Whenever daily life gets him down he heads to the nearest lake or river with his kayak and camera spending time recharging his batteries.
Wah di sana sudah summer ya Mbak. Pasti seru nih bisa main-main di luar rumah terus sama anak-anak ;)
ReplyDeleteIyaaa winda.. sudah mulai panaaas dan hari-harinya jadi panjang :)
Deletebanyaaakkk ya sesuatu yang bisa dilakukan di liburan musim panas .. seru seru pastinya
ReplyDeleteiyaaa mba Ade...seruuu
DeleteBeraeti kalo di sini liburan trus Ya mbak. Musim panas trus hehehe
ReplyDeleteiyaaa...liburnya panjaaang
DeleteThat light trap is interesting!
ReplyDeleteshall we try that, Pak :)
DeleteWah sudah musim Summer ya Mbak disana. Asyik banget dah pastinya
ReplyDeleteiyaaa banget..soalnya anak-anak udah excited mau libur :)
DeleteKlo di sana summer beneran jadi waktu yg spesyel ya mam. Di sini mah summer melulu hehehee... Jadi ga ada spesial2nya sama sekali 😀
ReplyDeleteAahhhh seru sekali ya... Aku paling suka pas ngasih makan burung dan bikin perahu - perahuan hahaha gemes jadi pengen cepet2 liburan bareng adik2 hehe
ReplyDeleteNgebayangin serunya main di musim panas sama anak-anak. Ramaai!
ReplyDeleteBuild a survival shelter sound exciting. Jadi inget jaman kecil dulu, suka bikin pake karung dg tiang kayu singkong. Haha
ReplyDeleteHuwaaa.... Serunya musim panas, Mbak.
ReplyDeleteKalau summer kayanya aku mikih jalan ke pantai Mbak. Taoi workout boleh juga.. aku baru inget BBku naik mengerikan.. jadi yah buang lemak di musim panas boleh juga heheh
ReplyDeleteBisa jadi ide seru buat aktivitas sama anak di sini ya . pasti pada happy :)
ReplyDeleteHelp birds avoid Windows, klo ditempatku ga pake kaca tapi kok ada burung masuk rumah ya
ReplyDeleteWow, what such some exciting activities they are! My son must be like to join all the activities above. Thanks a lot for sharing Mba' Indah. It also could be an idea to play with my kid.
ReplyDeleteDisini juga sudah kemarau. Tapi anak sini kalau kemarau dirumah saja,ngadem,karena teralu panas :))
ReplyDeletetons of things to do in summer
ReplyDeleteKalo summer suhunya smpai berapa derajat di sana mbaa?