Showing posts with label Indonesian culinary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesian culinary. Show all posts

Sambal Goreng Tempe dan Kentang - Spicy Crispy Fried Tempe and Potato

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers and mothers-to-be out there! 

Allow me to take this wonderful opportunity to share one of our favorite Indonesian food recipes, that my husband cooked for me and the kids on mother's day!
Lucky me :).

So, without further a do, enjoy Sambal Goreng Tempe dan Kentang - Spicy Crispy Fried Tempe and Potato.
Bon appetit! 


Such a long title I have here!

Hello again.. 
It's been quite sometimes since the last time I share the Frakarsas' favorite recipes here in My Purple World.

As always, I am more than happy to share all yummy Indonesian recipes that I cook in my Astoria kitchen.

So, are you ready for another yummy Indonesian food?
This week I have another favorite dish of my family, sambal goreng tempe dan kentang or spicy crispy fried tempe and potatoes. I know it's a long name but we just simply don't have the translation for that in English.

To those who have seen or tried some of my recipes here in my blog might be familiar with tempe or soybean cake already.

There are many ways to cook tempe and I love this sambel goreng because besides its delicious taste, I can also cook them in bulk and save them. The preparation might take some times but once you have everything ready, cooking it only takes 5 minutes.

Afterwards, I only need a bowl of steamed rice or a plate of fresh salad and veggies to eat them. 

Let's cook then :).


Tempe - cut into small, thin stick
Potatoes - cut into small, thin stick

Shallot - thinly sliced
Jãlapeño- thinly sliced, if you like it hot.

Spices to ground:
Onion - half and chopped
Shallots - chopped Chilies - 3-4, or less as desired
Tamarind - 3-4 pieces
Palm sugar - 1 piece
Salt and pepper - as desired
Galangal - 1 piece, pressed
How to cook:

First, we deep fry tempe and potatoes then set them aside.

Then sauté the thinly sliced shallots and jãlapeño, put the ground spice all together. Cook it for a while and mix the deep fried tempe and potatoes and that's it. Yup.. That's it. You have your spicy deep fried tempe and potatoes, sambal goreng tempe dan kentang ready :).

easy steps to cook it..
Eat it with your hot steamed white or brown rice, or sprinkle it over your salad plate. 
Hope you like it and enjoooy..

Indonesian Yellow Rice - Nasi kuning

Nasi kuning, anyone?
Hello, Everyone!
What a joyful month!
December is super special for ma petite famille. 
Remember when I said I have three birthdays and 1 anniversary this month? 
Four precious moments to celebrate with my loved ones and I surely don't wanna miss the opportunity to make those special times 'special'. 
Including by preparing some special dishes :).  

I decided to republish this post, one of my favorite recipes for special times including holiday season like now,  as I would love to make sure everyone tries Nasi Kuning.

Di bulan Desember yang ceria, keluarga kecil kami memang dilimpahi banyak kebahagiaan dan nikmat yang harus senantiasa disyukuri. Walaupun tidak heboh dengan perayaan, tapi saya selalu mencoba menyiapkan makanan spesial untuk hari yang istimewa. Kali ini, saya coba membuat nasi kuning :).

In Indonesia, we have a tradition of preparing nasi tumpeng or cone-shaped rice made of Nasi Uduk or Nasi Kuning. Usually, it is garnished with so many additional yummy plates of fried chicken, potato fritters, fried eggs, fried noodles, beef floss, or even sambel goreng tempe, which recipe I have shared here before. But of course, it doesn't have to be that complete.

We recently have a welcoming dinner at the Mission for the UN Secretary-General Designate, H.E. Mr. Antonio Gutterres, with Nasi Kuning komplit as the main course.

Perhaps, you like to try something different this holiday season? It will definitely be perfect for your special day dinner as well.

So, are you ready to cook with me again?

some of the ingredients :)
Here are the ingredients:

Rice - 2 pounds 
Coconut milk - 3 cans or boxes 
Lemon grass - 4 pieces, cut and beaten
Dried bay leaves - 6 pieces or more, as desired  Turmeric powder - as needed
Garlic powder - as needed
Coriander powder - as needed
Chicken broth

Bahan-bahannya standar dan mudah kaaan. 

Beras, santan, serai segar, daun salam, bubuk bawang putih, kunyit dan ketumbar (bumbu favorit saya nih :)), dan juga garam plus kaldu ayam. Nah, kaldu ayam ini modifikasi saya sendiri sih, supaya nasinya bisa lebih gurih walaupun tidak terlalu banyak santan. pas buat mereka yang mencoba mengurangi makanan berlemak tapi tetap menyukai makanan enak dan gurih #hmmsiapayaaa.

For garnish:

Eggs - beaten and fried

Green pepper - cut and shaped as desired
Tomatoes - cut and shaped as desired
Beef floss - you can easily buy the ready-to-eat package from Asian store
Fried onion - buy the packed on from Asian store, as well.

Untuk penghias nasi kuning kali ini, saya ambil yang praktis saja. Boleh kan :).

Ada telur dadar, abon, bawang goreng dan sayuran untuk hiasan. Prkatis hanyak telur daar saja yang perlu dimasak, yang lainnya beli hehehe :)

How to cook:

Clean the rice and put them in a big pan.  Add the coconut milk, chicken broth, turmeric, garlic and coriander powder as well as the salt, bay leaves and lemon grass. If the coconut milk and chicken broth appear to be inadequate, you can add water to make sure is not too dry. Mix it well, particularly the turmeric powder, and make sure it's evenly mixed and nicely turn the rice yellow. Slow cook it in low fire and occasionally stir it to avoid overcooking it. Once it's ready (all the liquid will be dried and the rice will be nicely damp and yellow), set it aside and prepare the steamer for the mixed rice. Steam it for approximately 20 minutes until the rice is well-cooked.

You can definitely use the rice cooker for this but I prefer preparing it separately like this for better result. 

Memasaknya gampang kan :). Tinggal memasukkan semua bahan yang dibutuhkan ke dalam panci besar, aduk hingga warna kuningnya merata  dan masak dengan api sedang. Saat santan dan air kaldu sudah hampir habis, lebih baik api dikecilkan, supaya bagian bawah tidak gosong. Jangan lupa sering-sering diaduk yaaa...supaya tidak gosong dan matangnya bisa merata. Selesai diaron (benar kan ya bahasanya diaron :)..kalau di keluarga kami, proses ini disebut mengaron. Hmmm..berarti kata dasarnya aron ya #abaikan :)), nasih ditanak dengan dandang terpisah yang sudah diisi air di bagian bawahnya. Masak hingga nasi tanak. Supaya tau sudah tanak atau belum, langsung dimakan saja :). Kalau ingin praktis memang bisa langsung menggunakan rice cooker. Tapi saya lebih suka dengan cara begini, supaya nasinya betul-betul tanak :).

For the garnish egg, beaten the eggs evenly and mix it with salt and garlic. Then fry it in a pan. In Indonesia we call it telur dadar. Usually, for nasi kuning or nasi uduk, we make the thin version of telur dadar, roll it and slice it thinly, like the one in my photo up there :).

Shape the rice in a plate and garnish it with eggs, beef floss, fried onion and veggies.
Feel free to create a lovely plate as desired.

Voilaaaa.. Your nasi kuning is ready now :). 

Bon appetite et happy holidaaay :)

Sate Padang - Padangnese Satay

Helo, everyone...
How's your Fall? cooler temperature is the perfect time for hot food, right :)

As culinary haven, Indonesia has endless offer when it comes to delicious food.
The perfect ingredients combined with distinct spices brings bold and rich flavor on every plate.
Just like one recipe that I am about to share with you.

Have you heard of this before?
Have you tried this one?

Back home, sate padang or the Padangnese satay, is quite famous. 
Originated from Padang in West Sumatera, this sate is different from the usual Indonesian satay you have in the restaurant or on your favorite street vendor. Made of beef or ox tongue,- yes, originally it was the tongue,- this grilled satay is marinated with different mixture of Indonesian traditional herbs and spices, with a very special sauce too.

Here in NYC, we are lucky to have on Padangnese Restaurant, Upi Jaya, which serves this menu. We also have some other Indonesian restaurant having sate padang on their menus. We even have the famous Singkuan family, who has been staying in NYC for generations and famously known for their exquisite sate padang. Even on the last Indonesian Street Festival, their booth was the one with the longest queue :).

Read: New York Indonesian Street Festival 2016

So, I tried to cook it myself and I guess I nailed it :).
Not as authentic but at least it tastes yuuum and I am using no MSG!
Let's give it a try.

First, let's get the ingredients.


2-3 lbs of Beef - the best, tender part, cut into cube. Or if you dare, try tongue :).
Sate skewers

Spices to grind:

3 Shallots
1 Onion
3 cloves of  Garlic
3-5 fresh chili *if you like it to be spicy
4 Candle nut
1 Cardamon
1 teaspoon Turmeric
1 teaspoon Coriander 
Salt and Pepperas needed
2 stalks of l emon grass
5-10 Lime leaves

1 piece of Ginger - bruised/pressed
2 Galangal, frozen or fresh - bruised-pressed

For the sauce:

Ground spice above
Rice flour
Beef broth

Ketupat or rice cake - I usually buy the instant, ready-to-cook one.
Fried onion - found in Asian groceries

some of the ingredients :)

How to cook:

There are 2 separate steps that we have to do here. Well, actually 3 if you want to cook the rice cake or lontong as well.

First, we will prepare the meat.
Put all the cube beef, mix the ground spice well, and add water. Cook it in medium stove until the beef is tender and well cooked, with the ground spices well mixed. Once it's done, put it aside until it's cool enough. Put the beef in bamboo skewer and grill it to your preferences. Best is not too well-done.
Ready to grill 
rick in sauce :)

Then we will prepare the special sauce or gravy.
This is the best part for me as I love it sooooo much :).
 Put the beef broth on a pot, add the ground spices and once it's boiling, put the rice flour little by little and stir it well until it gets thick. 
here's the gravy :)

Once it's done, put the grilled sate padang on a plate and pour the special sauce on top of it. 
You can eat it with ketupat or rice cake, or just like that!

it's ready yummy indeed :)

Bon appetit and I hope you enjoy sate Padang as much as we do :).

And as this is October, join my Giveaways and support the #breastcancerawareness campaign :). Check it out in Giveaway #breastcancerawareness #finishthefight #gopink 

WW - glorious Indonesian food at NY Indonesian Street Festival 2016

They speak for themselves :).

Glorious Indonesian food at the recent New York Indonesian Street Festival 2016.
Starting from rendang jengkol (I don't even know what's the translation of Jengkol in English :)), to bakwan, martabak daging and combro, from sate padang to lemper and arem-arem. So many choices, all makes me drool.

Most of them are precooked and packed, some are freshly prepared on the spot.
One thing for sure, they are super delicious!

Here's the complete story of New York Indonesian Street Festival 2016 

rendang jengkol for you :)

Sate Padang...and all the long lining up just to get a portion of it :)

es teler..perfect for hot NYC day..

so many choices indeed :)

And finally, at home, I was inspired to make my own sate padang :)
Mari makaaaan 

home-made Sate Padang :)

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy bloghopping

PS 122 Cultural Night

PS 122 Cultural Night is back!

Remember that I posted PS 122 Cultural Night event last year?
I posted the story here, culture night at PS 122.

And we all are more than happy to join the fun again this year.
Like last year, we have Indonesian table during the event.
And it was fun, fun, fun.

This year, my dearest friend and neighbor, Dita, join me in the food department.

with Dita @ditut :)

Dita, the famous food photographer, stylist, and illustrator (go check her Instagram @ditut :)) and  made 2 trays of delicious bakwan or vegetable fritters. Super yuuum indeed.
While I prepared 2 trays of bakwan jagung or corn fritters and 1 big tray of mie goreng or fried noodles. Truly Indonesian favorite food and we hope everyone will enjoy that, too.

So, amidst the crazy never-ending UN meetings I have, I managed to ask permission to leave the office early on that  Friday dan headed back home. Hurrily changed my clothes in purple kebaya and Tapis Lampung, Bo, Obi et Udi have got everything ready.
Off we went to the school yard and prepared our table.
It was supposed to be alphabetical order and clearly somebody took our table first :(.
After I spoke to the committee, they let me use whatever table available and we started tidying up our table. 
I didn't take long as I just throw all those colorful tenun and traditional fabrics from Indonesia and set the food.
And at 6.30, the Cultural Night started.

We have many  people coming to our table and tried our food.
Some of them even come back for more and love the fritters :)

sweet corn fritters for y'all..

We also had the raffle tickets.
I donated two bags of Indonesian traditional handicrafts for the raffle this year. They even have more prizes like hampers, chocolate boxes, gift vouchers, bags, perfumes, and more. 
Isn't it exciting?

try your luck :)

For the entertainment department, this year we have dances and fashion shows. 

Unlike last year, the Fashion shows was firstly introduced this year.
Not really really a fashion show but we did have red carpet there in the basketball yard where kids (and parents ;)) can gracefully walk displaying their traditional costumes.
Obi and I joined the show, with me wearing Tapis Lampung and purple kebaya while Obi wore Baju Bodo from Makassar, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.

the fashion show that day :)

As all of the Indonesian food we have were gone in the first hour, we managed to look around. There were many countries participating, but just like us, most of the food were already gone in the first hour as we had so many visitors.

There are several stands which are the same as the previous year, but for 2016, we have a manga corner.
Do you know manga comics?

Meet Ms. Takashima...

we're on the list :)

For sure we all have a blast during PS 122 Cultural Night.
And I have decided to join again next year :).
Do you have cultural night as well in your kids' school?
Do you participate as well?

Check out more of my stories at #Steller :)

Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls

Hello everyone..
Enjoying spring so far? Me, too.
NYC is blooming beautifully with balmy weather.
I was strolling around the Rockefeller Center in one of my lunch breaks and how I love to see the tulips there.

beautifully orange :)

We have several colors as well there...

I also manage to visit some Museums here. Including Museum of Modern Art..

And the American Museum of Natural History, for the third round, as the kids love this place so much.

I just can't wait to stroll around the city during this wonderful season.
Spring is certainly brightening up our days.

And now, we are soooo ready for another Wonderful Wednesday with Oh My Heartsie Girls....

"Oh My Heartsie Girls "Wonderful" Wednesday's Linky Party #98! If this is your first time to visit, thank you for visiting.

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