Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak |
Wishing all my dearest family and friends a wonderful and joyful Eid Al-Fitr!
May Allah SWT continue bestowing us with endless blessings.
Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamiiin
We all know, Ramadhan and Eid AL-Fitr this year is different due to Corona.
No congregation at the mosque, no buka bersama or having ifthar party, no open jamaah Eif Al-Fitr sholat (at least for many of us, since we saw many were still doing it :( ), no mudik or going back home, no salaman or hand-shaking asking for forgiveness.
Yet, we have new traditions as well.
Virtual tradition!
Virtual buka bersama or ifthar, virtual mudik, virtual family gathering, virtual saweran or giving bonus money to the kids due to their good behaviours during Ramadhan (to be followed by transfer LOL), and many more. We shared and chatted through various platforms, - Whatsapp group, zoom, Google meet, skype..you name it! And again, as we learn to live side by side, make a peace with this new normal, we can actually enjoy it!
We still share the same joy and happiness although we are not together physically.
This is the new normal that we all have to learn and bear.
Walaupun kita tidak secara langsung berkumpul, tapi kita tetap bisa berbagi kebahagiaan dan kesenangan dengan keluarga tercinta.
Like it or not, we all have to restrain ourselves so that we can take care of our own safety as well as others.
Ini bukan buat siapa - siapa, tapi buat kita dan orang - orang yang kita cintai. Kita tidak pernah tau bahwa di balik fisik kita yang sehat dan baik - baik saja ternyata kit bisa menjadi carrier yang mematikan untuk orang tua, anak, keluarga, teman, tetangga dan orang lain. Perang melawan virus yang kasat mata seperti ini memang membuat kita kerap menyepelekan kondisi dan situasi yang sesungguhnya. Semoga kita bisa tetap sadar dan disiplin melawan virus Corona ini.
We also prayed at home instead of going to mushola, mosque or other places of worships.
We did it at home, just the 4 of us.
We really solemnly enjoyed all this process and thank God for the opportunity to actually celebrate Eid Al-Fitr in a different, yet beautiful way.
Getting ready to pray at home |
cheers from duck-face Indah et Nadine :)
So again, allow me to say:
More stories, video and pictures will come from our celebration of Eid Al-Fitr this year. Meanwhile, wishing you all happy, healthy and safe days ahead!