How wonderful it is, and slightly somber for us since we are not going back home. We are happy that we have given the opportunity to forge ourselves into better beings during the holy month of Ramadhan and ended it up with Eid Al-Fitr. The festivities are in the air although we are mostly staying at home as Large Scale Social Restriction or PSBB is still in place.
But as I wrote in Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak, we still enjoy Eid Al-Fitr. Even on the third day of Lebaran, which is usually still part of our annual leave, we are officially (and virtually) back to the office. Well, we are getting ready for the 'new normal.' Hope everything can be safely planned and done.
Meanwhile, our friends and families in the US is celebrating the Memorial Day. It's like the heroes' day in Indonesia, where we celebrated the lives and sacrifices our heroes, the fallen soldiers and others who have fought against the colonialization. May they all rest in peace.
And now, Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends is ready to welcome you all.
I just wanted to let you know our party will be running from Monday through Sunday, so anytime you have something new to share, stop back by and add your links to the linky!!
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♥ Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl
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Eid Mubarak, Eid Mubarak!
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But Now Lets Party..
Happy Ied Mubarak ya mbak, semoga selalu diberikan kesehatan dan keberkahan bersama keluarga tercinta di sana. ❤️
ReplyDeleteI'd say Memorial Day is completely different in USA and your country: you celebrate those who fought against evil colonizers, Americans celebrate evil colonizers :)
ReplyDeleteAku paling senang dengan kue kering nya mbak. Selama Idul Fitri dan sehat selalu dalam menjalani berbagai aktivitas ya mbak.
ReplyDeleteThank you for you thoughts for our veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. My thoughts go out to yours as well. May one day there be peace so no more lives will be lost in senseless battles.
ReplyDeleteDuh itu gambar paling atas kue lebaran favorit aku semuanya hehe.. sudah habis dong sekarang kue lebaran dirumah.. secara ngemil teruss selama dirumah saja hehe.. happy Eid mubarak ya mba Indah, harapan semua orang bahwa pandemi segera berakhir ya dan kita bisa beraktifitas seperti biasa aamiin
ReplyDeleteBaru mampir lagi disini, setelah sekian lama bobok cantik blognya hohohoho...
ReplyDeleteSelamat Idul Fitri mba indah!
Salam buat keluarga ya, sehat selalu :)
Aku udah gak punya kue lebaran lagi mbak hehehe, nah setelah gak puasa baru deh aku bikin, kemarin bulan puasa takut tergoda bikinnya
ReplyDeleteAkhirnya bisa berlebaran di Jakarta ya. Kueh kueh Lebarannya tampak enak. Nikmat dimakan di Hari Yang spesial
ReplyDeleteTetap semangat menyambut New Normal mbak.. semoga setelah ini dunia menjadi lebih baik. Salam kenal ya... Baru pertama berkunjung ke rumah virtual mbak Indah ^^
ReplyDeleteSelamat lebaran ya, Mbak. Kalau saya dan keluarga alhamdulillah merayakan lebaran di rumah mertua karena sama-sama di Bandung. Bisa makan ketupat sayur dan teman-temannya ^_^
ReplyDeleteHadudu ituuuu kue lebarannya pada ngedadahin, comot setoples aah.
ReplyDeleteMasih suasana lebaran aja nih yaaa.
I wonder how American celebrates Memorial Day. Do they remember it by visiting memorial cemetery?
ReplyDeleteminal aidin walfaidzin Mbak Indah, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin , btw ini kue lebarannya banyak sekali hihihihi
ReplyDeleteSelamat Idul Fitri, mba Indah dan kelg.. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya.. BTW satenya banyaaak..hehe..
ReplyDeleteselamat idul fitri mbak Indah :) maafkan ya kalau ada salah kata atau perbuatan, btw jadi inget udah lama ga makan sate hahaa
ReplyDeleteMinal aidin wal faidzin yah mbaaak,
ReplyDeleteMohon maaf lahir batin
Selamat lebaran untuk mbak Indah sekeluargaaa
When Memorial Day in US, is it have ceremonial or any special occasion, Mba?
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, mohon maaf lahir batin ya mba Indah :)
Aku baru tau si Amerika juga ada hari pahlawan. Jadi penasaran diperingati seperti apa oleh warga sana. Btw selamat lebaran Mba
ReplyDeleteSalfok sama kue-kuenya nih �� lebaran telah berlalu semoga sja tahun depan kt msh diberikan kesempatan bertemu ramadhan
ReplyDeleteAlways enjor your short article "Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World" with your Heartsie Girls and Friends. God bless all of us.
ReplyDeleteMbaaak saya minat banget dengan satenya itu haha. jadi ngiler dan pengen makan sate kambing.
ReplyDeleteHappy Ied Mubarak ya, Mbak Indah. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Semoga kita semua selalu sehat dan berkat berlimpah. Ngomong-ngomong, itu kastangelnya bikin ngiler, putri saljunya juga. Kue lebaran di rumahku malah udah abis duluan di hari pertama lebaran euy
ReplyDeleteThis ied is indeed abnormal but we experience a new thing because of it.
ReplyDeletebtw, please follow back my blog ya mbak =)
Eid mubarak. May Allah give us his blessing. What a wonderful circle you have here, Mba.
ReplyDeleteEalah ada juga ya semacam hari pahlawan gitu di Amerika sana. Sama saja ya, setiap bangsa pasti memiliki agenda khusus untuk menghargai para pahlawan yang telah berjasa pada negara.
ReplyDeleteHappy Ied Mubarak mba. Lihat kue keringnya jadi pengen hahah. Kue keringku habis sudah padahal gada tamu efek wabah covid 19
ReplyDeleteHappy Eid Mubarak, Mbak. Minal aidin wal faidzin ya, mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Memang Lebaran kali ini sedikit agak berbeda karena corona tapi semoga nggak mengurangi semua kekhidmatannya.
ReplyDeleteSaya malah fokus sama masakan yang di-share
ReplyDeleteSelamat merayakan lebaran dengam gembira Mama Bo et Obi
selamat hari raya idul fitri ya mbak, wah kue lebarannya kastengel dan nastar. kastengel dan nastar emang primadona banget ya pas lebaran :-)