Showing posts with label wastra indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wastra indonesia. Show all posts

WW: Rumah Karawo at NY Couture Fashion Week 2017

It's time of the year again!
After New York Fashion Week First Stage, we have more Indonesian coming to NYC to showcase their wonderful works.

This time we have Rumah Karawo at NY Couture Fashion Week 2017
Agus Lahinta, the creative designer and owner of Rumah Karawo from Gorontalo, Indonesia

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun checking up those great links!

Indonesian Diversity Runway Show SS18 Collection - Photo Gallery

More photos for you all :)
Indonesian Diversity Runway Show SS18 Collection - Photo Gallery

Catherine Njoo for NYFW First Stage

All photos were taken by me using iPhone 7 Plus and Ztylus lenses.

Catherine Njoo 'Legong' with Head piece by Grace Liem

Caterine Njoo for NYFW The First Stage

Tapis and Songket at Indonesian Diplomatic Reception

The harmonious melody from kolintang, one of Indonesian tradisional musical instruments, filled the UN Delegates Dining Room on the 4th floor of the UN Headquarters in New York. 

Angin Mamiri, one of the traditional songs from Sulawesi, welcomed and serenaded the guests that night.

One by one, Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers, Ambassadors, and other distinguished guests joined us that night for our national day reception.

Yup, we had our annual reception for the 71st anniversary of the Indonesia's independence on the third week of September. 

Hosted by H.E. Retno L.P. Marsudi, our Minister for Foreign Affairs, this annual event was convened on the margins of the High Level Week of   UN General Assembly 71st Session. Although the independence day was celebrated on August 17, but here in New York City we held the reception during the September session on the UN GA in order to welcome more dignitaries and VVIPs.

But this year is super special indeed.


Because we have H.E. Jusuf Kalla, the Vice President of Indonesia and Madame Mufidah Kalla, his spouse, as our guests of honor.

Moreover, we also have the official launch of the campaign for Indonesia's candidature for the Non-Permanent Member of the UN Security Council for 2019-2020.

We also held the reception on the 4th floor of the UN Headquarters, slightly different from the usual venue of the meeting hall at our Permanent Mission.

Hours before the reception, my colleagues and I were rushingly preparing the UN Delegates Dining Room.
As always, we bring the taste of Indonesia to the UN
Tapis and songket were chosen as the main traditional fabrics we used for decoration that night. We mixed it with tenun Troso and loro blonyo, the famous Javanese couple in wooden form.

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We adorned the room with more songket, tapis and tenun all over the place.
We were surely having fun decorating the room with Tapis and Songket at Indonesian Diplomatic Reception.
Welcoming board, bar table, guest book corner, columns, souvenir bags corner.
Simply everywhere :).
Colorful Sundanese paper umbrella also brighten up the room.

We used many gawangan, the tradional wooden fabric holder, to showcase those variety of songket, tapis and tenun being displayed.

Tapis from Lampung, adorning one of the corners of the room

As for me, I was proudly wearing my Tapis Lampung in gold and black, coupled with france lace kebaya in turquoise and gold. 

Then around 6.30, guests were arriving.
Minister Retno, adorned in black kebaya top and black-and-white batik skirt, welcomed our guests, while being accompanied by H.E. Dian Triansyah Djani, our Ambassador/Permanent Representative.

Minister Retno and Ambassador Djani welcoming guests

At 7.15, after the arrival of our Guests of Honor, H,E, Mr, Jusuf Kalla and his spouse, Minister Retno opened the reception with short remarks. She officially launched the campaign for Indonesia's candidature for the UN Security Council Non-Permanent Member year 2019-2020 as well. Our Vice President stroke the gong  as the symbol of that official launch. We sincerely hope we have all the supports from our fellow friends and states.

And the night continued with happy chats and friendly gathering amidst 
good food and some traditional performances. Various choices of hot and cold hors d'oeuvre as well as Asian corner with sate, Mongolian beef and dumplings were served.  

The food for that night..Various hors d'ouvre for our guests

For sure, we have some Indonesian traditional performances for our distinguished guests, gracefully performed by Saung Budaya, a special group preserving Indonesian traditional dances and cultural performances based in New York City. Tari Piring from West Sumatera and Tari Bajidor Kahot from West Java got a great applause from our guests that night. 

Tari Piring, Bajidor kahot and Kolintang from Indonesia

Then Pingkan Indonesia, a kolintang group from New Jersey, also performed some numbers of Indonesian songs and cotton field.

I helped presenting those dances and kolintang performance as the MC that night :).
Something that I haven't been doing for quite some times but always happy to do so.

We surely were blessed with the presence of many friends and distinguished guests that night. It was packed and looked like everyone had a great time. Many of the guests asked about the performances as well as Tapis and songket being displayed that night

some of the guests

We closed the night with some photo sessions and wefie.
It was a great night indeed.

Have you been to a diplomatic reception before?

My colorful wardrobe

Where are we going to put all these clothes?"

Jerit Bo yang sedang heboh membantu saya membereskan lemari pakaian. Pusing juga memang melihat tumpukan pakaian, kain dan entah apalagi yang sudah malang melintang di atas lantai. Sementara di kamar anak-anak, Rudi, my hubby, sudah asyik memasukkan pakaian musim panas kami ke dalam koper dan kotak. Winter cleaning is here :).

berantakan di manaaa-manaaa :)

Libur panjang yang lalu kami memang tidak pergi ke tempat yang jauh-jauh seperti biasanya karena banyak acara dan undangan dari teman-teman kantor maupun teman-teman Bo et Obi. Mumpung di rumah, saya pun memanfaatkan waktu untuk beberes. Sudah lama memang ingin membereskan lemari pakaian yang mungkin kalau bisa teriak sudah jejeritan protes karena penuh dan amburadul. Lucunya, lemari pakaian anak-anak justru rapi karena Mama Bo et Obi suka bawel kalau melihat pakaian mereka bertebaran. 

Sudah menjadi kebiasaan saya untuk beberes lemari ketika musim dan cuaca berganti. Ya, ngga sering-sering banget sih, biasanya setiap perpindahan dari musim dingin ke musim semi dan dari musim gugur ke musim dingin. Karena perbedaan cuaca yang lumayan ekstrim, mau tidak mau pakaian pun harus disesuaikan juga. Belum lagi musim sale hehehe.. Yang seringkali membuat kita gelap mata dan lupa diri membeli baju lagi. Bukannya apa-apa..secara lemari hanya segitu-gitunya. Kita punya 4 built-in wardrobe yang idealnya cukup  untuk kami berempat. Tapi ternyata tidak :). Apalagi musim dingin akan segera tiba. Otomatis baju-baju tebal, jaket, sweater dan teman-temannya yang menghabiskan tempat di lemari harus dikeluarkan.

But you know what happened?
As usual, I become distracted :p. 
This is exactly what happen when you just love to see all those colorful wardrobe:). Instead of sorting out my summer and winter clothes, I just keep all my colorful dresses, no matter how thin they are, and color code them :p.  Itu pun tidak selesai karena kemudian saya malah asyik menyusun koleksi kain saya dari berbagai penjuru Nusantara. Apalagi saya punya tempat khusus untuk memajang mereka. Liat kain Tapis, pasang kain tapis. Ketemu Tais ganti Tais, begitu pula saat tenun Lombok dan kain Brongsong yang kebetulan warnanya ungu, warna favorit saya sedunia. Akhirnya... Waktu banyak berlalu karena saya asyik mengatur kain-kain cantik ini.

Yang kacaunya lagi, saya malah asyik mencoba-coba lagi aneka baju dan jaket yang memang sudah menumpuk di lemari hahahaha...Bagaimana bisa bereees kalau beginiii :). Salah satu yang sedang jadi favorit saya adalah jaket hitam dengan aksen Endek Bali warna ungu kesayangan saya. Istimewanya, jaket ini buatan teman saya sendiri, Mba Waya Komala yang memang jago menjahit. Bayangkan, dengan bermodalkan gambar sekenanya dan ukuran baju yang dikirim dari jarak jauh, plus kain Endek bali yang khusus diterbangkan langsung dari Bali, kurang dari satu bulan jaket cantik ini sudah tiba di NYC. pas dengan musim gugur yang saat itu baru mulai.

ini dia jaket andalan :)

Satu lagi, jaket tenun Lombok buatan mba Waya yang perjalanannya lebih dahsyat lagi sampai ke tangan saya. Tau ngga kenapa? Karena jaket ini dibuat mba Waya di Jakarta, dikirim ke kantor saya di Jakarta, lalu dibawa teman yang tugas ke Jenewa dan saya pun 'menjemput' jaket cantik ini di Jenewa saat sedang bertugas ke sana beberapa waktu yang lalu. Perjalanan panjang yang sukses membuat saya langsung memakai jaket cantik ini saat ada UN Bazaar di Palais des Nations, Geneve :).

Abaikan gaya lebai kami but it's my Tenun Lombok Jacket :)
Bukan itu saja, Mba Waya juga sudah banyak membantu saya dengan ketrampilannya menjahit ketika saya membuat GA #finishthefight. Buat mereka yang mendapat pouch cantik pink ribbon dengan motif kain Endek bali, itu  hasil karya tangan dingin Mba Waya lhoooo. 

pouch cantik untuk kamuuuu :)

Plus rok toutou ungu Endek Bali kembar punya saya dan Obi. Supeeer lucuuuu :)

edisi unguuuu :)

Dan satu lagi (judulnya ngg abis-abiiis deh kalau ngomongin mba Waya sayaaang :)). 
Miss Rendang.
Iya Miss Rendang  Pake bold et underline plus warna ungu hehehee.
Duuuuh...jadi kangen dengan rendang homemade buatan mba cantik yang satu ini. Testimoni saya bahwakan saya tuliiiis di blog ini dan  Miss Rendang memang nendaaang :). Can't wait to try another round of hot steamed rice with this special rendang with a taste of home.

Cobaaa... Dari urusan beberes baju, kita jadi ngomongin rendang kan hehehe. 
It shows you how easily distracted I am :). But looking at my colorful wardrobe is surely a relaxing intermezzo amidst my colder days. I guess that's the reason why I keep adding my collections no matter how stuffy my wardrobe is :).

So, at the end of the day, I got two big bags of unused clothes that will certainly go to the clothing drive. All good for my closet and my gawangan is beautifully adorned with my favorite traditional fabrics from home. Tidying up my closet appears to be great therapy for me. It's so soothing  and relaxing:). Thank you, my colorful wardrobe :)

some of my colorful collections :)

Have you been tidying up your closet lately?