Showing posts with label sunset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunset. Show all posts

Burning Sky

Enjoying the burning sky as I headed home.
Astoria Park is such a wonderful place to see the burning sky.
Merci ya Rabb, the Most Merciful, for all this breathtaking beauty we enjoy.

astoria park sunset

This is what I saw when I stepped out of the N line at Astoria Boulevard.

"The sun and the moon (move) by precise calculation;
And the stars and trees prostrate; And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance .... So which of the favors of Your Lord would you deny?"

Al-Quran, Ar-Rahman 5-7 & 13

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the beauty of the skies from all over the world

Sunset at St. Vincent and the Grenadines

The trip was made in May 2017 but I still remember vividly how beautiful the sunset at St. Vincent and the Grenadines!

The golden sky is such a a pretty sight!
I literally held my breath, unconsciously, while taking this photo :).
This one is taken from my hotel, Mariners, Arnos Vale, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Coming out to the French Verandah, this is what's welcoming us.

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the magnificent sky from different part of the world!

Sunset at St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Forget your troubles for a moment and look up the sky!

Calliaqua, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the magical sky from different corners of the world!

Golden Sky

Golden sky.

R.F. Kennedy Bridge, Manhattan skyline and East River are perfect combination for a perfect sunset.

My place for an amicable moment and sending my endless gratitude to the Almighty.

under the bridge

Join me and sky lovers in Skywatch Friday and enjoy those beautiful skies from different corners of the world

Golden Sky in Astoria

Now the days get longer and longer, I was privileged to enjoy the golden sky in Astoria on my way back home.

Taking the 7 and N/Q trains, I always pause for a while and snap some pictures of the sunset. 
The sky is so brilliant you just can't simply pass it. 
For sure, I was not the only one taking pictures that day. 
Take a look at it...

golden sky..

Ada segumpal rindu di awan sana
dan buncahan syukur akan nikmat-Nya.
Langkah kaki yang semula berat
menjadi ringan 
teringat akan berkah-Mu, Gusti.

Join us on Skywatch Friday 
and enjoy brilliant skies from different corner of the world

Kuta, Bali, with gratitude

No words are needed 
to explain the inescapable beauty of Kuta Beach, Bali, in one brilliant afternoon.

"Today, let us swim wildly and joyously in gratitude"


Miss you, Kuta.

Join us on Skywatch Friday 
and witness the endless beauty of the sky from many corners of the world

Check out more of my stories at #Steller :)

Lembayung Langit di Lampung tercinta

Lampungku tercinta

Kata sederhana yang punya kekuatan luar biasa untuk memporak-porandakan hati.

Malam itu seperti biasa saya asyik bervideo call dengan mama di Lampung. Sarat cerita, mama dengan semangat berbagi hari-harinya yang Alhamdulillah penuh warna dan cita. Senang mendengar mama masih penuh senyum dan sehat. Bahkan mereka bercerita keseruan terakhir bermain di salah satu pantai cantik di kampung halamanku, Lampung. Sepenggal foto lembayung langit di Lampung tercinta pun terkirim.

Propinsi di ujung paling selatan Pulau Sumatera ini memang kaya akan tempat-tempat indah. Pantai berpasir putih dan alam bawah laut yang cantik jelas menjadi  surga bagi para penyelam dan pecinta senja seperti saya. Air terjun dan hutan alami yang banyak di sana sini. Kuliner lezat dan orang-orang yang ceria dan ramai.
Dan saya rindu.

I miss Lampung.
My Itchy Feet really take me to places, but my hometown Lampung will always have a special corner in my heart. Always.

Bicara tentang Lampung, saya berbagi kampung halaman dengan teman blogger Nurul Noe. Ibu tiga orang anak laki-laki ini memang banyak menghabiskan waktu di Lampung, tempat keluarganya berasal. And we share the same passion of traveling as well :). Bahkan Noe, panggilan akrab blogger yang satu ini, terkenal sebagai traveling blogger handal yang kerap backpacking dengan anak-anaknya dan keluarga kecilnya. Lihat saja blognya yang sarat dengan perjalanan ke sana sini. Saya lupa kapan persisnya kami bertemu untuk pertama kalinya dengan blogger yang berkaki gatal seperti saya ini. Yang pasti, we shared wonderful time during Srikandi Blogger 2014 lalu sebelum saya hijrah dari tanah air tercinta.


Yang pasti kami, dan beberapa teman kami tercinta, punya cita-cita.
 Kelak kalau sudah kembali ke tanah air, kami akan reunian di Lampung. 
Berleha-leha di pantai berpasir putih sambil foto tiada henti to our heart content :).
Beneran yaaa...sudah tidak sabar rasanya menunggu hingga reuni ini tiba. 

Dan saya masih punya angan-angan untuk menorehkan perjalanan penuh warna di kampung halamanku tercinta itu blog unguku ini :D.
Sementara, baru beberapa yang terdokumentasikan..dan tidak selalu baik *duuuh....
Beberapa coretan kecil dan foto catatan perjalanan kami sudah bisa dinikmati di blog ini, but for sure, more adventures are coming.
Meanwhile, titip rindu untuk Lampung dan senjanya yang membetot hati. 

Teluk Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia

Stay Blessed, People

2016 starts with a big bang for me.
Lots of early-year assignments and meetings plus  pending issues from previous year make the first three weeks of the new year flew fast.
Well, I'm not complaining. All is settled as we finished those tasks one by one.
But I just need a break in between.

stay blessed, people :)
Everyday, we pass this beautiful part of Astoria Park while dropping the kids to school in the morning or when Udi picks me up from the Subway station. 
Many time we just walk 2 blocks here to play in the kids' playground or pick up some dried leaves and have a picnic.
And sunset will always be gorgeous down here.
Even just a snap from my phone.

that LIRR track is surely a stealer

It might sound simple but this is exactly the little break I need. 
I just look up, look ahead and realized how blessed we all are.
Simple beauty surrounding us is a stark reminder how we can always witness our Creator's masterpiece. 

have a great weekend...

Enjoy your weekend.

And if you enjoy the beauty of the sky above you, join us on Skywatch Friday here :).

The lights..

And My Rabb is the light of the heavens, the earth and our lives... 

Satu pojok indah di tanah kelahiranku, Lampung...
One amazing sunset on our way back home to Lampung

Tertiup rindu tak berbatas untuk-Nya...
Semoga Ramadhan kelak kembali bersua...

Thank you :)

WW: Sunset at Verrazano Bridge, NYC

It was just another strolling in one windy day..
But we somehow arrived at the Shore Rd promenade right on time to catch the sunset overlooking the Verrazano Bridge :).

Such a breathtaking view indeed ...

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun bloghopping :)

Teluk Lampung...


And the day would keep its trust...


And the night would be enough...

(U2, Stay, 1993)

Teluk Lampung, Indonesia
All photos were taken by iPhone 5

Sunset on the run..

And our journey to New Jersey presented the beauty of nature...
Before our eyes...

Join us on Skywatch Friday and embrace the captivating beauty of the sky, wherever you are...

Into the woods..

No, this is not about that movie :)

It's just me sharing my photo while exploring the Bear Mountain area here in NY and love the ambience during the twilight hour.

The sky, the sun, the trees, the lake....

Truly a great creation of the Almighty.

I'm joining Skywatch Friday :)

Sunset at Astoria Park

"When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator".Mahatma Gandhi (sources from here)

Queensborough Bridge with Manhattan skyline on the background..

Linking up with Skywatch Friday...
To those who love the sky, come and join us :)