Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts

Welcoming 2017

The last day of 2016!
That's when I started writing this post.
And finish it on the first day of 2017

How time flies, right :).

There are so many moments when I spent so extra time to gaze and admire the clear blue sky above me.
Those who have been reading my blog for quite some times know how I love the clear blue sky.
Where you can utter your deepest secrets.
Where you can whisper  your endless hopes and prayers.
Where you can make peace with your very self.
And where you know exactly how small you are in this vas universe yet so lucky to have the majestic sky above our heads.

Akhir tahun memang selalu menjadi waktu paling baik untuk melakukan refleksi.
Dan langit kerap menjadi saksi semua bisik hati.
Untuk semua letih dan gundah, juga gempita dan semangat baru.
Terkadang, di tengah banyaknya pekerjaan dan penuhnya kepala dengan berbagai rencana maupun niat, saya selalu mengambil jeda sejenak.
Keluar dari kantor, mencari langit biru.
Dan diam.
Nothing much, tapi efektif untuk menyuntikkan kembali semangat ataupun mengumpulkan hati.

And now we are welcoming 2017.
A brand new year filled with hopes and love.
Two of the most powerful drives built in ourselves.

I have to admit that I am not very good at doing any reflections or looking back.
Not because I don't recognize (or even remember :)) all the things I have done along the year and try to make things better in the following years.
Nor because I have no to-do-list or goals to fulfill and ambitious plan of action for the nearest future.
Nor because I have not dedicated my time, energy and resources shaping up my future as well as my beloved's.
But simply because I know my Rabb has written the best scenario for me and my loved ones and my tasks are ensuring that I follow my path.

Of course we all strive to be better in all possible ways.
Be a better mom, a better wife.
A better and more professional staff, a bubblier friend.
A better chef, a better diver, a lovelier colleague.
A nicer singer, a far better writer.

A better and more compassionate human being, amidst the crazy world we live in.

And I know we all are capable of doing it!
We all are.

So here's to a better, happier, healthier 2017 and beyond.

Cheers from the 4 of us :)

Dearest 2016

Dearest 2016,

Thank you for all those wonderful and eye-opening moments throughout the year, when hardship and challenges would only make us stronger and shine brighter. When love and patience are the strongest virtues we all need to posses.

For the constant reminder of how blessed we all are to live our lives to this point. And to continue to live up our potential, to strive for excellence and to pray for my Rabb's continued blessings.

Thank you for teaching me, again and again, to be a better one.

Merci ya, Rabb.

Cheers, everyone...

It's a wrap...

Well, this is it..

To a fabulous 2016 :)

2015 is about to kiss us goodbye.
We are still counting down here in NYC by the time I write it :).
How times flies and I haven't even enough time to contemplate of what 2015 has presented. But for sure I am feeling super blessed all year long :).

And no.. This is not my end-of-the-year note, just a little scribble on our last day of the year. But for sure I will summarize my amazing 2015.. If time and my kids allow :).

I still have to go to work and start the day quite normally.
Except for the special heart-shaped pancakes specially ordered by my dearest Obi. 
After a quick morning happy-family moment, off I go to my subway stop.

heart-shaped pancake for the last morning in 2015

I purposely made a stop at Times Square, the intersection of the world, on the way to the office :). And I have to say this particular spot is already packed with people even in the morning. Later at 3, One Times Square will be closed and only open to those having the special ticket. Starting from $129 for general admission only (mind you, just the entry ticket :p, not yet the food etc), I guess I will pass that. I stop calculating if it is for the 4 of us. Besides, the weather won't be that friendly, at least for me 35-degree-C-all-year-long-Indonesian-body :). So, I am happy to make this brief stop before the real count down begin. And cloudy Times Square is quite a view.

Have a fabulous new year, everyone...

shopping at the end of the year? perhaps...

from this tower, the ball will be dropped 

selfie here and there....

The last day of 2015...


Well, my brief stroll in this last day of 2015 is quite refreshing, I have to admit. 
I have been feeling so overwhelmed with works lately so anything out of my routines will always be welcomed. As I look up to the sky, I can't help but smiling.
Somehow I know deep down inside, 2016 will bring another round of happiness, joy, hope as well as more surprises. 

Now, it's a wrap and whatever life brings us, let's embrace it ...
With a big smile in our face...

To a fabulous 201

Welcoming 2015...

Agaiiiin...Happy, happy New Year!

It's the 2nd of January (how time flies :p) and officially it's our first working day in this brand new year :). I don't know why but I'm soooo exciteeed...We're starting the year in high gears as the Capital has requested many inputs from the recent development of the issues I'm handling here. Well, that's all I can say about work :). How do you spend your day welcoming 2015?

Rasanya memang waktu berlalu dengan cepat ya :). Tahun lalu, kami tahun baru dengan berkumpul bersama keluarga besar di rumah Tante Mira di bilangan Jakarta Selatan, menyaksikan pesta kembang api (entah di mana) yang terlihat jelas dari lantai tujuh apartemen, dan dilanjutkan dengan doa bersama plus karaoke :).

Don't get me wrong...we usually use the event of new year's eve to gather with the whole big family, because everyone is in fact on holiday. Beside Lebaran Day, perhaps new year's eve is the only time when we all have no excuse but to come together and spend some time with the big family :). So far, it works...

Dan alhamdulillah, 2014 terbukti sebagai tahun yang penuh warna dan rasa buat kami sekeluarga. Selain segala kelucuan dan kehebohan yang kami sekeluarga alami yang sudah banyak dishare di blog ini, keluarga besar juga menyambut Vivi, tambahan keluarga baru setelah resmi menikah dengan adikku yang bungsu, Ajay, pertengahan Desember 2014 lalu. Selamaaat ya Om Atay et tante Vivi...welcome aboard :). It was a lovely wedding and  we enjoyed that through facetime :)

Sementara itu, penasaran ngga sih dengan tahun baru di New York City?
Sama dooong...
Saya aja penasaran hehehe...especially as this is our first new year's eve in the Big Apple.
Dan memang media massa sudah penuh segala rencana menggoda untuk menikmati tahun baru a la New Yorkers.
Just google it :)...

Mulai dari keriuhan di Times Square, the intersection of the world, dengan ball drop alias bola kristalnya yang kondang itu:); pesta kembang api di sana, termasuk di area seputar Battery Park, Brooklyn Bridge dan Liberty Statue; ada pesta khusus di Central Park; cruising di East et Hudson River menuju Staten Island; dan teman-temannya.
Banyaaak banget pilihannya.
Wuhuuuu..heboh sendiri jadinya :).

fire work at Brooklyn Bridge..Picture is taken from here
Well, well...but apparently, those are not for me :).
Udara yang ngedrop hingga minus dengan angin yang merontokkan tulang dan menusuk kalbu (he'eh beneer yaa :)) dan kemoterapi di hari terakhir di tahun 2014 yang harus saya jalani membuat saya berpikir ribuan kali untuk bergabung dengan orang-orang di luar sana. Lagipula, tahun 2014 benar-benar tahun yang penuh refleksi diri untuk saya. Jadi rasanya, kok ya ngg paaas untuk party-party. Plus, kami sekantor pun akan mengantarkan teman yang telah selesai menjalani tugas dan akan kembali ke tanah air bersama keluarga malam itu. Senangnyaaaa...

Akhirnya, akal sehat dan kondisi badan yang tidak memungkinkan yang membuat saya dan Udi, my munchkin, memutuskan untuk melewati tahun baru as it is. Nothing fancy, nothing extra special..just as it is...

Usai mengantarkan Mas Yudho, Mba Ina dan keluarga ke bandara JFK, waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 11.30 pm. Sebentar lagi waktunya berganti tahun.

Selfie terakhir di tahun 2014 :)

On the way back, kami memutar mengambil jalur Brooklyn, untuk melewati Prospect Park yang katanya juga ramai dengan atraksi kembang api. Well, iseng lewat, ternyata saat kami mendekati taman itu, atraksi kembang api sudah dimulai. Jadilah kami menikmati dari mobil, sambil foto dengan smartphone. 

Sementara anak-anak tidur dooong dengan pulas :). Persis di gerbang Prospect Park, antrian mobil mulai terlihat. Jalanan masih ramai dan di mana-mana banyak orang meneriakkan happy new year. 

Prospect Park on new year's eve...

So, akhirnya kami lanjut menuju rumah. Via Brooklyn menuju Astoria, jalanan relatif sepi. Mungkin semua orang tumplek di Times Square, atau nongkrong di bar, or even stay at home because of the cold.

Menuju rumah, kami  mampir lagi ke Astoria Park.

Astoria Park.
Sepi, so peaceful..
Menikmati pemandangan lampu berkelip-kelip di Triboro Bridge, saya dan Udi langsung kangen Indonesia :). Beneran ...

All in all, it was a good day :)
Dan paginya, kami bangun disambut senyum manis anak-anak...
Welcome, 2015...

Thank you, 2014...


Hold your horns, it's not yet 2015 :).

At least here, where I recently live...

While many of us are probably busy thinking about the best way of spending the new year's eve (I have to admit I am, too :) ) or you have celebrated triumphantly and wanted to write in your blog , I just wanna sit down for a while and write this.


What a year...

Previously, I have shared in my posting about mini self-reflection along the year on what my 'momentous' post in 2014. And I chose this :).

Again, 2014 has been a colorful year for me personally and my family. Many life-changing moments happen along this year. Truly a roller coaster ride, full of enjoyment, endless excitement with highest and lowest points. Just like a regular life for some, but truly an exceptional one for me.

To you who probably have been reading some posts in my blog, you remember how glorious I started 2014 :). I didn't mean to boast on it but I had so muuuch fun joining one lovely family of Kumpulan Emak Blogger in 2013 and becoming one of the finalists for Srikandi Blogger 2014. An awesome new blogging world was widely open for me and how I savored it! Meeting thousands of brilliant and talented women all over the world through blogs and social media is truly amazing and I learn a lot from them. Almost on everything...until today :).

Then my itchy feet took my to many beautiful places on earth..
From the biggest continent on earth to the freezing spot in landlocked country, from the breathtaking ancient world to the hippest civilization human can claim...from the greenery scenery of my own home town to the addicting peaceful world of underwater  heaven. Aaaah, I am totally blessed! All those trips just made me realize how magical the world we live in and how Allah the Almighty is the masterpiece of all creations.

Moving forward to the middle of the year, my family and I once again embraced a new place to be called home. The Big Apple. The City that never sleeps. The Empire City. The Capital of the World. Gotham city...whatever suits you :). Following our path as the civil servant, I was honored to join the big family of the Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations in NYC. Alhamdulillah...God speed!

Then, July 2014, I was confirmed to have breast cancer. Yuup...breast cancer. I was pretty much helped with the early detection and had had my mastectomy as well as series of chemotherapies to work on it. Not easy...not that easy at all :). Fear, anxiety, stress and uncertainty keep coming back and tormenting me. Truly a new battlefield for me :). But I know I'll get through it...with the help of My Creator and the endless spirit to celebrate more birthdays and spend more time with my loved ones.  Wish me luck, friends...It's a long and winding road, but hope is certainly there to embrace.  My journey are reflected in many episodes in this blog.

Meanwhile, on a lighter side, I have so many happy and cheerful moments with my loved ones. My loves, families, friends and colleagues... 

So, to wrap things up, 2014 is AWESOME :)

Thank you, 2014

For making me more grateful for everything I have...
For turning me into a more compassionate person...
For patiently accompanying me in my darkest hours...
For keeping up with my spirits and hopes...
For allowing me to spend more and more time with my kids and my hubby...
For opening up my eyes that everything is written in God's hands...
For ensuring what my priorities are in this life...
For convincing me that life is indeed beautiful!

2015 is just a few hours away now..
And I just can't wait to see what life brings in this new year...

To more brilliant days and clear blue skies :)
