Showing posts with label blue sky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blue sky. Show all posts

Carpenter of my soul

Every moment I shape my destiny with a chisel.
I am a carpenter of my own soul.

~ Rumi ~

I instantly remember Rumi's beautiful words as I put up the photos from my last visit to Luzern, Switzerland, at the beginning of March.


It feels like I want to be trapped in this eternal beauty.
As I carve my soul back to its pure purpose.

Join us on Skywatch Friday and carve your beautiful sky with us 

Commuting after the storm

Well, Stella is long gone but NYC still somehow bares the consequences up until now.

Although many of us (read: me and my kids :)) have sooo much fun right after (and even during) the winter storm Stella, but the aftermath is always troublesome. 
Particularly since the weather continues to plunge and get colder.
Guess what happened!

waiting for my W line to take me home..

As you know very well, when temperature drops, snow soon turns into ice. 
With the help of salt, some will melt but some remain. 
Then NYC, particularly Manhattan turns into a messy place. 

Badai salju Stella yang baru lalu memang banyak menyisakan salju (ya iyalah..masa menyisakan bakso - terinspirasi film Cloudy with the chance of meatballs) di mana-mana.
Waktu badai datang dengan setumpuk salju 'segar' yang lembut dan cantik yang asli keren buat foto-foto, saya sekeluarga menikmatinya dengan bermain salju di taman Astoria dekat rumah.
Seru? Pasti dong... dan banyak teman-teman yang berkomentar tentang asyiknya berfoto dan bermain salju usai badai di akun Instagram dan Facebook saya.
Tapi banyak yang mungkin tidak menyadari dampak keseruan badai salju tersebut panjang lho, dan juga menyebalkan!

How messy could it be?

Well, just cars getting stuck, super slippery roads, delayed trains and buses, and piles of (dirty) snow and ice here and there are just some of the situations we face. 
Of course the Mayor's office as well as the Department of Sanitation have done their utmost to sort things out but the snow is just too much. 
I saw plow and salt trucks along the streets to clean but the temperature was not helping as we continue to have freezing wind right after the storm.

Jadi, badai salju Stella kemarin diikuti dengan cuaca dingin yang sukses membuat beku salju-salju cantik tadi. Akibatnya, putri salju berubah menjadi ratu es yang durjana!
Kok durjana? Soalnya selain dingin, juga licin, susah dibersihkan, dan berbahaya.
Sebel kaaaan.

on my way to the UN.. the snow pile is higher than my 6-year-old daughter >_<

So commuting can be a bit tricky sometimes, be it using the subways or any other public transports or driving your own car. Because of snow and cleaning time, some MTA lines are delayed. Let alone the buses which have to endure extra traffics as plow and trucks are cleaning the snow.
Even if you walk, you have to be extra careful if you don't wanna fall down or step on puddles of dirty, cold icy water.

in the morning, while taking the kids to school

But what I like most in this freezing session is the clear blue sky and clean air!
Never felt fresher!
That I will never complaint.

one cold day at the UN

Here are some snaps I took on my way to the office and home commuting after the storm.  
After being stuck in the car due to traffic, subways are still my favorite line of  transport

At Queensboro Plaza station
Near M34 Bus stop..

we waited for the bus on the street!

enjoy the snow :)

So, what do you think about NYC after the storm?
And how's your winter?
Do you have winter storm as well lately?

Join us on Skywatch Friday
and have a fabulous look of skies from many corners of the world

Annecy in blue

"Only from the heart can you touch the sky"  

Annecy in blue, only for you

Enjoy the clear blue sky at Annecy, France

Join us on Skywatch Friday et get lost in the majestic skies above us all

Beyond the trees

It's so springy down here!

After weeks of subzero and bone-chilling windy days, New York City is warming up for spring. Is it already around the corner? Well, we'll see.
For me, it's more like another vivid reminder that climate change is super real.

But, the most important thing is I can leisurely enjoy these beautiful days outside.
Doing what I love so much.
Sky watching :).

Just look up, snap it and how I feel much better and blessed.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy those magnificent skies from all over the world

Random sky NYC

More random shots from NYC's blue sky :)

North Lawn, UN Headquarters

Under the flags, UN HQ

Chrysler building from the Queensboro Bridge 

Astoria Park

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the magnificent skies from all over the world

January Sky

It has been quite sometimes I did not post my snaps on NYC sky.
Surprisingly, January has been crazily busy for me.
Meeting after meeting has confiscated my days and besides, the weather was rather wet, cold, and gloomy in the last couple of weeks. And the recent dynamics in politics is a bit worrisome as well.
I'm not going to bother you with what we discussed inside this organization, but you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Well, back to my hobby of peeping up the sky, recently we had some sunny days.
And trust me,  it's good to welcome sunshine again!
Although the crispy, freezing winter wind still come and get you.

So I rushed myself out and snapped a view of January sky.

And it's great to be outside!

Grayish ..but much, much better

Although the sky is typical greyish winter, but looking at Merah Putih, the national flag of my beloved Indonesia, majestically raised up there against the backdrop of the UN flag and clear sky, makes me feel good.
And proud.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

the sphere within the sphere...

Join us on Skywatch Friday and be blessed by majestic skies' photos from many corners of the world

Welcoming 2017

The last day of 2016!
That's when I started writing this post.
And finish it on the first day of 2017

How time flies, right :).

There are so many moments when I spent so extra time to gaze and admire the clear blue sky above me.
Those who have been reading my blog for quite some times know how I love the clear blue sky.
Where you can utter your deepest secrets.
Where you can whisper  your endless hopes and prayers.
Where you can make peace with your very self.
And where you know exactly how small you are in this vas universe yet so lucky to have the majestic sky above our heads.

Akhir tahun memang selalu menjadi waktu paling baik untuk melakukan refleksi.
Dan langit kerap menjadi saksi semua bisik hati.
Untuk semua letih dan gundah, juga gempita dan semangat baru.
Terkadang, di tengah banyaknya pekerjaan dan penuhnya kepala dengan berbagai rencana maupun niat, saya selalu mengambil jeda sejenak.
Keluar dari kantor, mencari langit biru.
Dan diam.
Nothing much, tapi efektif untuk menyuntikkan kembali semangat ataupun mengumpulkan hati.

And now we are welcoming 2017.
A brand new year filled with hopes and love.
Two of the most powerful drives built in ourselves.

I have to admit that I am not very good at doing any reflections or looking back.
Not because I don't recognize (or even remember :)) all the things I have done along the year and try to make things better in the following years.
Nor because I have no to-do-list or goals to fulfill and ambitious plan of action for the nearest future.
Nor because I have not dedicated my time, energy and resources shaping up my future as well as my beloved's.
But simply because I know my Rabb has written the best scenario for me and my loved ones and my tasks are ensuring that I follow my path.

Of course we all strive to be better in all possible ways.
Be a better mom, a better wife.
A better and more professional staff, a bubblier friend.
A better chef, a better diver, a lovelier colleague.
A nicer singer, a far better writer.

A better and more compassionate human being, amidst the crazy world we live in.

And I know we all are capable of doing it!
We all are.

So here's to a better, happier, healthier 2017 and beyond.

Cheers from the 4 of us :)

Wintery Days at UNHQ

Winter is here!
In the last few days, NYC has been frozen with bone-chilled wind.
Well, nothing new of course, as winter has always been cladded with freezing, windy days and some minor storms last years.

While the temperature plunged down to sub zero, the sky, magnificently, remains clear and beautifully blue.

Including here near the UNHQ.

Although December is here, and holiday season as well as the end of the year is looming in, we still have meetings. In fact, many meetings.

So, it's good to be out of the building for a while.
Just to enjoy the beautiful sky up there.

Complete with its cute, puffy clouds.
Dotting the sky in its unique ways.

I still get myself lost in thoughts and prayers.
Whenever I look up and picture myself roaming freely just like the sky.
Feel the breeze and the warm comfort engulfing me before going back to where I stand and tighten my jacket :).

I will never stop sending prayers and hopes for all the problems we have in this world.
I wish those never ending discussions and negotiations within the UN's walls and rooms will continue to bring changes to the ground.
To those who need it.
To everyone of us.

sphere within sphere...Gift from Italy 

Join me on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the magnificent skies from many parts of the world.

Let's Jog

I bet many of you love jogging.
Or at least have done it once or a few times, if not everyday.

I have been doing it quite regularly in the last 3 months.
I'm a newbie indeed, but as my husband accompanies me almost everyday, I keep my spirit high.
And he is such a great supporter and mentor as well :).

So, besides trying to keep up my fitness level and stay healthy, another perk of jogging in the morning is breathtaking view of East River and Astoria Park.

Nothing beats fine, crispy morning to wake up your body.

And as I briskly walk or jog or run, I took the liberty to take pictures again and again.
You know me..
Point and shot, repeat. 
You might think I keep taking photos from the same spot but I just can't help it.
It's always be beautiful, even in a cloudy or rainy day.

I usually start my morning jog from home to my kids' school, then heading to Astoria Park.
Sometimes the kids are complaining, but after walking around 4 blocks they know walking is sometimes much faster than dropping them off to school by car.

We can choose shorter routes, around two miles, or slightly longer which covers three miles.

If you're familiar with Astoria Park, we start  from Hell's Gate, heading to Ralph Demarco Park and Astoria Park, climbing up to Astoria Pool and going straight to our house.
Although it takes only around 20 minutes, but my husband and I really enjoy it.
Not bad to start a day, right?
It makes me feel quite fresh before heading to the office.

morning shade from Astoria :)

Hope you all have a great week and enjoy!

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy magnificent snaps of majestic skies from many corners of the world

NYC and Astoria lately

My random shots this last week, taken on my morning jog, from the subway, for the cars and buses ;).

I just love to look up and enjoy the clear blue sky above 😘😇😘

Join us on Skywatch Friday and be blessed with magnificent skies from many corners of the world.

Autumn Sky

After two weeks of super cold weather, New York City enjoys balmy weather, again.

And autumn sky is magnificently beautiful.

Blue, fluffy sky with a mixture of warm, earthy colors

We decided to go out and enjoyed Central Park.

Rowing a boat on the lake and having a great family time 

Enjoying the balmy weather while we can :)

How's your autumn?

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy magnificent skies from different corners of the world.

The Autumn Leaves (again)


Always be my favorite season...
Do you like fall or autumn as well?
The changing colors of those trees really lure me and put me in a soothing mood.
The bright orang pumpkins, fallen leaves, and cool temperature just make it more alluring.

I don't know exactly when I develop this habit of chasing Fall Foliage.

Yup...fall foliage.

September - October seems to be the perfect time of the year to enjoy fall foliage.
At least at this side of the world
Take a trip or two, enjoy the drive, overlooking the windows with leaf-peeping roads.
Get your photo gear ready and capture the moments.

When the changing colors wash away pain and sorrow.
When beautiful skies embrace you as hopes and prayers are solemnly whispered.
And the red hues before your eyes warm your heart.

Ah.. it feels so good to see all this beauty!
So fullfilled, so repurposed.

It somehow gives me extra energy
to go through long and winding roads...

and stay blessed...

I hope you enjoy your fall as well.

Photos were taken by me and Udi, my hubby
during our trip to Nantua, France ,  Derboronce, Switzerland and New York, New York

Join us on Skywatch Friday and stay blessed with those gorgeous skies!