Showing posts with label UNHQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UNHQ. Show all posts

WW: Indonesia’s Presidency for United Nations Security Council

May is indeed super special this year.

This is the month when the holy mont of Ramadhan starts, as well as Indonesia’s Presidency for United Nations Security Council.
Yes, Indonesia is the President of the United Nations Security Council for the month of May.

As you might know, Indonesia is elected as one of the Non-Permanent Members of the UN Security Council for 2019 - 2020. As stipulated in the rules of procedures, we are becoming the President of  UN Security Council in May, based on the alphabetical order rotation of all 15 Permanent and Non-Permanent members of this august body. Starting from the first of May, we took over the presidency.

Our Minister for Foreign Affairs, H. E. Retno Marsudi, chaired the series of first meeting during our presidency.

And you know why it's even more special?

We have delegations as well the UN Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, wore Batik and Tenun, the traditional fabrics of Indonesia.
Coming in varieties of patterns and colors, all those classic Batik are perfectly donned by ambassadors and head of delegations at the Security Council that day. 

As an Indonesian myself and avid lover of Wastra Nusantara or Indonesian traditional fabrics, I am super proud to see Batik was elegantly worn by Head of Delegations at the Security Council during the signature event of Indonesia on Peacekeeping, headed by H.E. Retno Marsudi, our one and only Foreign Minister.

The UN Security Council was chaired by Indonesian FM

Series of meetings and activities have been and will be conducted, including open debates on Peacekeeping and later on Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict; Investing in Peace Photo Exhibition; and Arria Formula meeting on Palestine. I will be joining the meeting   in NYC on the third week of May as well

The photo exhibition
This is Indonesia for the world 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 .
all pictures are taken by my colleague 📷 : @hpra76 .

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and have fun linking up 

International Day of Yoga

It's a bit late but Happy International Day of Yoga.

Every 21st of June, we are celebrating the International Day of Yoga, including in the United Nations Headquarters.
Since 2015, we celebrated that day by having a gathering at the UNHQ and had same brief sessions of Yoga with big audiences.
It grows from year to year and now we are celebrating it in the North Lawn of the UNHQ, which provide enough space for everyone and amazing vista of the East River.

Some of them are practicing..

The word “yoga” is derived from the ancient Sanskrit language and it means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of our body and consciousness.
Our body and soul.

Although Yoga originated in India, its usefulness has been recognized the world over.
Us, Indonesians  and many across the globe have long been fascinated by Yoga.

On its fourth celebration at the UN, with many fold increased participation, is a reflection of its powerful appeal. Many yogis as well as yoga's enthusiasts were coming and joining us that day, including ambassadors.

I was honored to be trusted as the Master of the Ceremony that day.
I loved it!

It was a day packed with great yoga sessions, as we enjoyed Yoga by 8 students from India, led by Yoga Expert Nisha Pushpavana, followed by Yoga on Mallakhamb led by Mr. Chinmay Patankar. 

Then the session continues with Yoga by 5 Yoga Gurus organized by Bhakti Centre here in NYC, led by Kevin Tobar and his associates,  Missy Kabinoff, Alexandra Moga, Lauren Baptiste, and Zachary Jackson. We also enjoyed some enchanting songs by members of Shri Chimney Centre here in NYC. 

Not to forget some remarks by Dignitaries, including Ambassador Syed Akbarsddin, the Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations, as well as Dr. Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.

It was really a great and healthy day.

Namaste :)

Do you like Yoga as well?
Where do you usually practice? at home or in a special place?

Happy International Day of Yoga

UN Rose Garden in Fall

The sky has been a mix of blue and grey.
Mostly grey lately, as the temperature drops here in NYC.
I just went out of the meeting rooms to relax for a while at the UN Rose Garden.
And here are a few snaps I took there.

Some roses are still blooming, while the rest are almost gone.

The sky is just grey.

But I found some lovely purple flocks

 And this is what I took along the way back to the office.

Join us on Skywatch Friday and enjoy the magnificent sky all over the world 

WW: High Level Week UNGA 2017

Some colorful snaps taken during the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly High Level Week.
Within the UN General Assembly Hall, those corridors, outside the building, and along the road within the perimeters, rain or shine, NYC is indeed embracing those Heads of States/Governments, Ministers, and other VVIPs joining this annual event.
May their works and commitment continue to bring peace and make the world a better place for all of us.

POTUS in action..

The media outside..

VIP Social Media Space..

Our VP and my Permanent Representative/Ambassador during the doorstop interview

Join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday and enjoy the linky party

WW: UN Ocean Conference 2017

It's always great to gather here at the UN Headquarters 
for the great cause of our planet.

Kicking off the UN Ocean Conference 2017 here in NYC!

And look at these beautiful artworks made of marine debris.
Meet Nora, Stella and Grace 

Join us in (almost) Wordless Wednesday  and enjoy fabulous links!

Cherry Blossoms at the UN Headquarters

Who is not in love with the cherry blossoms?
Well, perhaps those with allergies .. but I do love cherry blossoms.

If you notice, I have been posting our cherry blossoms seasons here in NYC.
Like Cherry Blossoms at Corona Park, Flushing Meadows, Queens that we visited last year.
 We have been wanting to go to Washington D.C. and enjoy the famous Cherry Blossoms festival there, but my schedule is always conflicting :(.

This year, we have put D.C. in our list but it coincided with the Spring Break and by the time we went back to NYC, we heard that most of the cherry blossoms in Tidal Basin were gone due to heavy rain and wind.

So, I just enjoy the cherry blossoms at the small section of the UN Rose Garden at the UN Headquarters.

One cloudy day, amidst the never ending meetings, I sneaked out and had a brief 'cherry blossoms moment' at the UN Rose Garden. Using my smartphone, I surely snapped a few pictures.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

The cherry trees planting in the UN Rose Garden were made possible by the Lasker family, in the loving memory of Albert Davis Lasker, an American philanthropist, as you can see in the plaque below.

Join us on Skywatch Friday and  enjoy sky snaps from different corners of the world