Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts

Silent whisper

Clear blue sky in the beginning of 2015...
Whispering my hopes, dreams and prayers to the Almighty...
Happy New Year...

R. F. Kennedy Bridge, NYC, January 2nd, 2015

Join us on Sky watch Friday :)

Welcoming 2015...

Agaiiiin...Happy, happy New Year!

It's the 2nd of January (how time flies :p) and officially it's our first working day in this brand new year :). I don't know why but I'm soooo exciteeed...We're starting the year in high gears as the Capital has requested many inputs from the recent development of the issues I'm handling here. Well, that's all I can say about work :). How do you spend your day welcoming 2015?

Rasanya memang waktu berlalu dengan cepat ya :). Tahun lalu, kami tahun baru dengan berkumpul bersama keluarga besar di rumah Tante Mira di bilangan Jakarta Selatan, menyaksikan pesta kembang api (entah di mana) yang terlihat jelas dari lantai tujuh apartemen, dan dilanjutkan dengan doa bersama plus karaoke :).

Don't get me wrong...we usually use the event of new year's eve to gather with the whole big family, because everyone is in fact on holiday. Beside Lebaran Day, perhaps new year's eve is the only time when we all have no excuse but to come together and spend some time with the big family :). So far, it works...

Dan alhamdulillah, 2014 terbukti sebagai tahun yang penuh warna dan rasa buat kami sekeluarga. Selain segala kelucuan dan kehebohan yang kami sekeluarga alami yang sudah banyak dishare di blog ini, keluarga besar juga menyambut Vivi, tambahan keluarga baru setelah resmi menikah dengan adikku yang bungsu, Ajay, pertengahan Desember 2014 lalu. Selamaaat ya Om Atay et tante Vivi...welcome aboard :). It was a lovely wedding and  we enjoyed that through facetime :)

Sementara itu, penasaran ngga sih dengan tahun baru di New York City?
Sama dooong...
Saya aja penasaran hehehe...especially as this is our first new year's eve in the Big Apple.
Dan memang media massa sudah penuh segala rencana menggoda untuk menikmati tahun baru a la New Yorkers.
Just google it :)...

Mulai dari keriuhan di Times Square, the intersection of the world, dengan ball drop alias bola kristalnya yang kondang itu:); pesta kembang api di sana, termasuk di area seputar Battery Park, Brooklyn Bridge dan Liberty Statue; ada pesta khusus di Central Park; cruising di East et Hudson River menuju Staten Island; dan teman-temannya.
Banyaaak banget pilihannya.
Wuhuuuu..heboh sendiri jadinya :).

fire work at Brooklyn Bridge..Picture is taken from here
Well, well...but apparently, those are not for me :).
Udara yang ngedrop hingga minus dengan angin yang merontokkan tulang dan menusuk kalbu (he'eh beneer yaa :)) dan kemoterapi di hari terakhir di tahun 2014 yang harus saya jalani membuat saya berpikir ribuan kali untuk bergabung dengan orang-orang di luar sana. Lagipula, tahun 2014 benar-benar tahun yang penuh refleksi diri untuk saya. Jadi rasanya, kok ya ngg paaas untuk party-party. Plus, kami sekantor pun akan mengantarkan teman yang telah selesai menjalani tugas dan akan kembali ke tanah air bersama keluarga malam itu. Senangnyaaaa...

Akhirnya, akal sehat dan kondisi badan yang tidak memungkinkan yang membuat saya dan Udi, my munchkin, memutuskan untuk melewati tahun baru as it is. Nothing fancy, nothing extra special..just as it is...

Usai mengantarkan Mas Yudho, Mba Ina dan keluarga ke bandara JFK, waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 11.30 pm. Sebentar lagi waktunya berganti tahun.

Selfie terakhir di tahun 2014 :)

On the way back, kami memutar mengambil jalur Brooklyn, untuk melewati Prospect Park yang katanya juga ramai dengan atraksi kembang api. Well, iseng lewat, ternyata saat kami mendekati taman itu, atraksi kembang api sudah dimulai. Jadilah kami menikmati dari mobil, sambil foto dengan smartphone. 

Sementara anak-anak tidur dooong dengan pulas :). Persis di gerbang Prospect Park, antrian mobil mulai terlihat. Jalanan masih ramai dan di mana-mana banyak orang meneriakkan happy new year. 

Prospect Park on new year's eve...

So, akhirnya kami lanjut menuju rumah. Via Brooklyn menuju Astoria, jalanan relatif sepi. Mungkin semua orang tumplek di Times Square, atau nongkrong di bar, or even stay at home because of the cold.

Menuju rumah, kami  mampir lagi ke Astoria Park.

Astoria Park.
Sepi, so peaceful..
Menikmati pemandangan lampu berkelip-kelip di Triboro Bridge, saya dan Udi langsung kangen Indonesia :). Beneran ...

All in all, it was a good day :)
Dan paginya, kami bangun disambut senyum manis anak-anak...
Welcome, 2015...

#MyItchyFeet@NYC: Children's Center at the NYPL..


We're back...

Masih belum boseeen kan denger cerita perpustakaan :).  I know, I know....memang banyak orang yang mengasosiasikan perpustakaan dengan tempat yang sumpah ngg gaul, ngebosenin, dan isinya bukuuuu doang.

Jadi kalau ditanya, "udah pernah ke perpustakaan ini belum.." atau kalau diajak ke perpustakaan, mukanya pasti berkerut or jawab "ngapain ke perpustakaan?" hehehe. Believe me, walaupun banyak dari kita yang suka membaca dan kutu buku, tapi pergi dan menghabiskan waktu di perpustakaan itu lain lagi ceritanya.  

Apalagi budaya baca kita masih belum setinggi di negara-negara lain, antara lain karena harga buku mahal (beneran lhooo...aku sempet tanya ke beberapa orang kenapa ngg suka baca? mereka bilang harga bukunya mahal, mendingan untuk beli yang lain..pulsa HP misalnya :(( ). Padahal, itulah gunanya perpustakaaan...tempat kita menimba ilmu, minjem berbagai macam buku, tanpa harus beli :). Senangnya sekarang gerakan gemar membaca maupun perpustakaan keliling dan perpustakaan tambahan sudah mulai banyak tersedia di berbagai tempat di Indonesia, termasuk yang digagas teman-teman bloggerku tercinta :). So proud of them....

Di sini sendiri, saya sering menjumpai banyak orang yang membaca di berbagai tempat dan kesempatan. Saat melakukan perjalanan menggunakan subway, salah satu transportasi publik favorit saya, banyak penumpang yang memanfaatkan waktu perjalanan mereka dengan membaca, entah itu buku, koran, tablet, kindle atau media lainnya. Apalagi selama di subway kan hampir tidak ada sinyal karena di bawah tanah, jadi ngg terganggu dengan update status dan teman-temannya :).

Sooo...saya kan janjiii ya untuk share more of the NYPL or New York Public Library, as the previous posting was focusing most on the historical part with some photos of the building.

Let me now take you further :)..Shall we?

Indeed there are many interesting part of the library that I bet you will enjoy. The Rose Reading room, for example. It has been a favorite spot for everyone who comes to NYPL, including overflowing tourists :). Read my entry HERE to peep the beauty of Rose Reading Room :) and I'll be back with more details on Rose Reading Room.

Then, on our third visit to the Library (in three-week row, mind you...), we spent some time in the Children's Center. Since they closed early when we came previously here, that time we managed to go straight to the Children's Center.

And Bo et Obi really felt at home...just like maman et Bapak, too :).

Racks filled with books warmly welcomed us here...
Ada banyaaaak banget buku cerita anak-anak yang terjejer rapi di rak, maupun di keranjang-keranjang yang ada di beberapa meja kecil. 

The room is not that spacious, but enough to accommodate kids and their parents comfortably while enjoying their favorite books.

I also like the way they decorate the room. Hand-painted murals picturing some landmarks in NY as well as in the US are pretty colorful. You will see the Liberty Statue, Grand Canyon, Hollywood, Central Park, and many more...

They also put some posters, big dolls and real-size print-outs for everyone to see..and to take picture with :)

Obi mojok dengan Clifford :)..

So, we grabbed our choices of book and headed to the rugged area, where we can sit (or laying around) comfortably on the floor. 

Selfieee time :)
Then, the sound of turning pages dominated the room :)

's heaven! At least for us who loveeee reading and spending joyful time exploring pages and more pages of wonderful books. 

They also have various programs, exhibition, and classes for kids as well parents. 

And I am the proud member of NYPL as well :)

The Children Center is open on Monday,  Thursday, and Friday from 10 am to 6 pm, and Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 am to 7.45 pm. Sunday is closed.

Do you have children library as well around you?

#Bo et Obi's Diary: Cupcakes oooh cupcakes ...

Hellow there..

Want some cupcakes?

I can see some hands and huge smiles on your face :). Mine, too :p...

Well, I have to admit that I actually don't have the sweet tooth like any other members of my family. And I really have to careful though as diabetes has been common enemies in my big family.

But then again, who can say no to such lovely, alluring cupcakes in big, or even tiny package? enough to release my sweet-craving and yet adore the beautiful icing on top. Yuuum...

That's what we have here ... 

Obi, my daughter, loves cakes, too. Well, who doesn't?

So a few weeks a go, after strolling around Brooklyn and heading to its famous flea market, we decided to have a stop for a late lunch at the dining course in the Grand Central. After having  hearty meals of steak and vegetables, I just couldn't help myself to peep on sweet display of Magnolia Bakery there. 

Yummy rite...soooo inviting :)

Well, you know how famous they are now :)..after Sex in the City episodes, you can just easily google it :).

No wonder we finally decided to take home two boxes of red velvet ... 

Then, I got one lovely choco cupcake with sugary rainbow sprinkles oh my...

Well....they tasted so good, particularly the cheese cake. I just don't know how to describe it in details. It just tasted do delicious, melted in your mouth and the goodness of cheese cake you can think of were there! I sound too exaggerating :p? Perhaps...but I just want to  share with I really enjoyed them :)..

Then, the following week, we again got a chance to try a different kind of cupcakes...

Mini cupcakes to be precise :).

These ones are presented by #BakedbyMelissa :). 

We found her mini store conveniently lay on the 42nd St. between Park and Lexington Avenue, near one of the entrance/exit of Grand Central..

grab one, please :)

How sweet they are :)..and cute :). As Melissa said it in her web, it's a care-free rock n' roll cupcakes...Oyeaaah :)...

We got ourselves a chocolate pretzel, tie-dye (loveee the colors), tie-dye dipped in chocolate, peanut butter, triple chocolate fudge, and a special fathers-day cupcakes, all come in bite sizes. This six-piece costs us 6.5 USD :). You wanna know how it tastes?

Ask Obi :0)..

Judging from her expressions, you know it's gooood :)

I got tie-dye dipped in chocolate...hurraaay...

hmmm hmmm hmmmmm.....

Sooo...I guess I have to start baking my own cupcakes now #eeeh..

Happy cupcakes for everyoneeeee :)...

#MyItchyFeet@NYC : Ke Central park yuuuk :)

Okaaay...ini mustinya udah lamaaa ditulis dan diupload di blogku iniiiih :D...
Secara it happened in the first week of our stay here in the city. But well, here I am now..dan dengan segala alasan yang entah sudah kali ke berapa disebutin terus, inilah diaaa...

Ke Central Park yuuuk..

Di tengah perjuangan melawan jetlag, kami memutuskan untuk melawannya dengan jalan-jalan. He'eh, jalan-jalan..biar capek, terus bobo enak sesuai jam di sini, et ngg jetlag lagiii deh :D. At least, that's the plan.

Setelah berunding ama anak-anak, kami pun melanjutkan jalan-jalan santai kami di minggu pertama here in NYC ke Central Park. Asyiiik.. paling demeeen main ke taman. 

Yup, the greeny park where you walk around freely and enjoy clean fresh air with the chirping sound of the bird sngs :)...

Alhamdulillah, cuaca lagi enak bangeeet..udah mulai hangat dan enak deh pokoknya..sampai ngg kerasa (eh, capek juga deeng) jalan kaki ke Central Park dari apartement sementara kami di 38th :). Coba, udah berapa blok tuuuh...dari 38th jalan ke 59th, naik ke 5th avenue pula hehehee...mana di sepanjang jalan banyaak ajaah 'godaannya', mulai dari the Rockefeller Center (inget sitcom ngetop 30 Rock?..di siniii nih tempatnya :) ) sampai lego store yang sukses mencuri hati Bo et Obi :).

But long story short, akhirnya kami pun tiba jugaa di Central Park...Yaaay...

Ini bukan kali pertama saya mampir ke sini, tapi pertama bareng suami dan anak-anak. jadi kebayaaang dong serunya. 

Frederick Law Olmsted dan Calvert Vaux adalah perancang taman tengah kota yang indah ini. Central Park sendiri dibangun di tahun 1850an, sepertinya  tepatnya tahun 1856, dan telah melewati beberapa kali masa 'kritis'. 

Beneran lho...Central Park yang sekarang menjadi kebanggaan dan contoh taman urban dengan landscape yang oke banget di tengah kota besar ini pernah menjadi sasaran vandalisme, tempat para kriminal kumpul dan penuh kubangan sampah! Ngga kebayang kan....secara sekarang kereeen banget. Tapi pada awal abad ke-20, saat the Great Depression and Perang Dunia pertama maupun kedua, taman kebanggaan masyarakat NY ini sempat menjadi public disgrace. Taman-taman kerennya dan jajaran pohon hijaunya pernah kering kerontang tak terurus, bangku-bangku tamannya rusak atau kotor, dan graffiti di mana-mana. Belum lagi para crooks alias penjahat-penjahat yang entah melakukan kegiatan ilegal di tempat ini. Dan sedihnya lagi, tumpukan sampah yang ada di mana-mana memperburuk keindahan taman jantung kota NY ini.

Tapi hebatnya, all those dark ages came to an end setelah ada inisiatif bersama para pecinta Central Park dan Pemerintah Kota NY. Di tahun 1970 bahkan pernah diadakan studi manajemen tentang taman keren ini, terutama mengenai manajemen pengelolaan yang efektif dan dilakukan oleh Prof. E.S. Savas dari School of Business . Hingga akhirnya, Central Park pun mulai dibenahi dengan serius di bawah tangan dingin Elizabeth "Betsy" Barlow yang diteruskan oleh Douglas Blonsky.

teduh..menyejukkan jiwa raga :)

What I really admire here is that the community really stick together to save their beloved, much-needed park. The Central Park is not merely a green-lush park in the middle of  never-ending hustle and bustle of NYC, but it's part of the identity of this city. The Central Park Conservancy, the community based Board of Guardians of the Park, has successfully launched campaigns to raise funds in order to save and rebuild this beautiful park. 

Dan hasilnyaaaa... 

Taraaaaa...taman kota yang indah, lengkap dan menghibur :)...

Gimana ngg menghibur dan menjadi favorit banyak orang...Segala ada euuy :).

Dengan luas 843 acre atau setara dengan 3.4 km persegi yang dimulai dari 59th st sampai 110st, tidak salah kalau taman ini sampai dibagi menjadi 49 zone geografis dan penuh dengan pilihan buat para pengunjungnya.

Basically, Central Park is divided into two big parts, East side and West side, each offering different yet all-fabulous attraction.

Ada kebun binatang, danau buatan, carousel, playground and adventure playground, bronze statues, sculptures, figures, monuments, fountains and so many more....Let alone the landscapes, beautiful ones ...Bahkan di tengahnya ada Museum :). Yuup..the Metropolitan Museum on Art. Kalau liat di website dan petanya, at least there are 21 playgrounds there :). Plenty to choose from...starting from the ancient one with pyramids and obelisks to modern ones with adventure themes. Fun, rite...

For sure, one full day will never be enough

Dan karena kali pertama kami beramai-ramai ke sini jalan kaki dan lumayan cape, yang ada sampai di sini leyeh-leyeh et foto-foto deeeh...while strolling lazily around the park

Kami tiba di 59th, we were welcomed by the remarkable statue of William Tecumseh Sherman yang merupakan hasil karya pematung ternama NY, Augustus St. Gaudens. Btw, Jenderal Sherman adalah jenderal ternama juga lho...Ngg tanggung-tanggung, Commanding General of the US Army di masa civil war. Psst, nama Tecumseh sendiri adalah pemberian ayah sang jenderal yang kagum berat dengan pemimpin suku asli Indian Amerika Shawnee. 

General Sherman...tampak samping :)
Theeen...kami pun menyusuri sisi timur Taman yang sepertinya selalu penuh dengan pengunjung dari berbagai penjuru dunia maupun warga NY sendiri...

entering the park from 59th...
It's the weekend for everyone..

For sure, as we stroll along the path of the Park heading to the famous Central Park Zoo..

Too bad we arrived there rather late, only 1.5 hours before the Zoo we gonna do that on our next visit..

Then we found some climbing rock that the kids love...up we wend and we took pictures here as well :)..

first with Bapak...

then with mama...

Walaupun hanya bermodalkan di HP tea, it was fun to walk around and wander among trees :D...

We visited the lake...or as the map says, the pond :)..

the path by the pond...

it's a turtle :)..
We also enjoy The of a kind :).. bukan mall yang penuh dengan toko dan food court ituuu yaah :)

ini the mall favoritku :)..

american elms...
And an after-wedding photo session was on the roll :).. I bet they got pretty pictures...

Hiburan pun ngg kurang di sini karena banyak street artists yang keren this beautiful and talented violist :D...

And definitely more to see....including Columbus ...

And many, many more comfy artistic busts, bronze statues and monuments..

Lehman's gate....I love the sculpture on top...

rain or shine...

the east side...

thirsty, anyone...

forget the name of this statue...

I also love this sculpture...

Memang baru sebagian kecil yang kita kelilingi di Cental Park, jadi  pasti balik lagi ke sini :). Ini baru sebagian di sisi timur aja udah kerasaaa hehehe...

Bo et Obi juga seneng bangeeet ...dan kita ketemu bebek et kura-kura imut pas di pond hihi :). Banyak tupai berlarian, pohon hijau nan rindang...

Dan selfie pun berebaran hehehehe...

me and my munchkin :)...

numpang lewaaaat :0)...

mejeng bareng Bo :p

Alhamdulillaaah... cemilan halal pun tersediaaa. Baik di dalam taman maupun di seputar pintu masuknya yang banyak itu :)

All in all...we were having sooo much fun and would love to go back again...Now, it's time to go homeee...with the subway :p..

waiting for our train :)

don't you just love the tileeees :)

and see you all soon on the next edition of #MyItchyFeet@NYC :)