Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts


What greater aspiration and challenge are there for a mother than the hope of raising a great son or daughter?

Rose Kennedy

How time flew…and the aforementioned quote certainly explains my hopes and prayers for my precious kids.

Look at my baby boy nooow…

Pramudita Darurazqi Frakarsa…famously known as Bo:).

Born 2950gr almost 8 years ago in Melbourne, now this soft-hearted Abang is a big boy  ♥. Best big brother to lil’ sister Obi, Bo is certainly growing up... fast..

I remember bringing him home from Monash Medical Center in 40-degree-C-afternoon in the the middle of Melbourne’s hottest summer. So tiny, yet full of energy and bubbly. That’s my boy :)

Never forget to hug and kiss maman’s cheeks whenever we parted, even for a short period of time, that’s Bo. I know things won't be that easy as we keep moving and hoping from one place to another, from one culture to another, from one school to another....But rest assure, mama and Bapak will always be by your side :).

And when I took this picture while we were strolling around in Brooklyn in one sunny Saturday afternoon, I was choked with happy tears realizing how blessed we have been so far.

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah…

Barakallah nak, grow strong and righteous for always yaa..

Bo et Obi's diary: first days in New York..

Well... We're finally hereeee  :)

After such a long, tiring yet exciting preparation, Bo et Obi, together with Mama and Bapak, arrived in New York on May 9th.

We had enjoyable flights - although it was veeeery long.
Stopping in Singapore and  Istanbul, enjoying Istanbul under the rain. 
Lego the movie, coloring sheets and kids meals prove to be great companions for Bo et Obi :).

And here we were... 
Arriving in JFK at 5pm, taking our 9-luggages (thanks to mama for packing them :) ) and heading to Manhattan where our temporary accomodation has been arranged by mama's Office.

It was a a warm day when we arrived, but then the weather got chiller due to the wind. It dropped to 12  - 15 degree C :). 
Quite a shock for our 32-degree-C-all-year-long-Indonesian-body :). 
But we managed to get our jumpers and scarfs before we went out.

view of East River from our room...
Well, here are some photos of our first days in NY.. 
A bit touristy, I know...

Feel free to check them out..

look who's busy eating choco mousse while Obi was sleeping :)...

tired...and look at those bags...

settling down with hello kitty sheets and bart simpson :D...

first dinner out..Hard Rock Cafe :0)...

a trip to Toys R Us...legooooooo....

the coloring sheets...while waiting for our food...

busy Obi with her pink megablocks...

blurred..but Obi insisted on taking picture here...

with Iron Man and Spideeeey....

plus Mario this timeeee...

mac and cheeseee...dan sambal yang ngg ketinggalan :D...

Well, for sure we'll get back with more stories hereeee...