Showing posts with label Corona Virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corona Virus. Show all posts

WW: Cooking time during the Quarantine

What is your favorite pastime during the quarantine?

Besides finishing my assignments (not really my favorite, obviously) and helping the kids with their Zoom meetings, home works and more assignments (frankly, it's a bit burdensome indeed), I do spend so much time in the kitchen.
Well, it's my favorite spot at home after my purple-infused bedroom.

Another simple cooking video at my YouTube channel :)

I have been back to my old 'backyard' which has been quite abandoned since I was pretty much occupied with works and traveling.
Super happy to create various dishes that my family and I love, although some of them are pretty simple.

My brownies cooked with rice cooker :)

I do miss my big oven in NYC though. I don't have one here in Jakarta as it costs us a lot. So I'm trying to work with what I have, cooking at the stove, microwave and rice cooker. I even made brownies in rice cooker and it worked fine! You can watch it in my YouTube channel here.

Let's cook!

During this blessed month of Ramadhan, I also cook simple yet delicious munchies for our Ifthar, breaking time. My kids have been fully observing the fasting month as well and they have been eating a lot lately. That becomes sort of a motivation for me to cook all those delicious food. Well, at least for us LOL.

Here are some photo and videos I took form my cooking session during this pandemic. Some recipes will be shared on separate posts.

Most of the time I was helped by my kiddos, Bo et Obi.
They both love to eat so they are quite adventurous and helpful in the kitchen as well.

the famous premixed brownies

Can you guess what it is? Sambal terasi :)

Our favorite chicken noodle!

Freshly squeezed oranges

preparation for our mini omelette..
 Some cooking processes have been shared in my Instagram Stories as well. 
Check out @insav and @hiddentreasure081 at the Instagram, 

Stay safe, happy and healthy during the pandemic!

Join on on (almost) Wordless Wednesday (click here to join)  and have fun linking up

Kopdar Daring Kumpulan Emak - Emak Blogger

Hi semuaaaa...

"Oke, aku absen dulu satu - satu yaaa..

"Iya mak, miknya memang masih dimute jadi ngga kedengaran suara lain.
"Itu siapa ya yang baru join ya?"

Mira Sahid, Makpon alias mak founder Kumpulan Emak - Emak Blogger (KEB) tengah sibuk mengecek komputernya sambil melihat siapa saja yang barusan bergabung di virtual meeting KEB pertama ini (eh, bener kaaan?). Malam itu, Rabu, 15 April 2020, akhirnya kami janjian untuk melakukan kopdar daring setelah sekian purnama tidak pernah bertemu muka, at least for me yaaa maks.
And you know what?
Keseruannya tuh seperti pas nungguin kunjungan or telpon sang patjar LOL.

Foto group saat sesi keduaaaa

Salah satu fenomena baru di tengah pandemik virus Korona alias COVID-19 adalah penggunaan teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi yang makin mengemuka. Salah satu primadonanya adalah video conference. Sebenarnya teknologi ini sudah dipakai sejak lama, namun karena social and physical distancing diperlakukan sejak beberapa waktu yang lalu dan meeting lebih dari 2-3 orang dilarang, maka penggunaan teleconference meningkat hingga berkali - kali lipat. Mungkin at this point, satu platform yang lumayan sering dipakai adalah Zoom, Google Hangout or Google Meet.

So, back to our first online 'dating' with KEB.
In the beginning, we all had to wait until Makpon was done with her list. And by the time the attendance list as well as the introduction is done, everyone got super excited!
Beneran! Super excited! Ada yang jejeritan (tertahan) dan panggil nama beberapa peserta yang memang dikangeni, ada yang baru ketemu muka pertama kali meskupun sudah sering gabung di blogwalking or Instagram dan YouTube walking sebelumnya, bahkan ada yang brebes mili terharu di pojokan hehehe. Such a sweet expression of emotion! Banyak sebenarnya yang ingin ikutan dan sudah daftar juga, namun sepertinya proses approval memerlukan waktu dan dengan 50 anggota yang ikut, prosesnya pun cukup lama. Setelah selesai melepas kangen dan absen, ternyata waktu yang tersisa tidak banyaak hahaha. 

Mak Mira sempat sampaikan tujuan utama bersilahturahmi lewat kopdar daring ini dan bersama dengan Mak Injul, sempat pula sampaikan beberapa rencana KEB ke depan, seperti mengadakan beberapa online class dengan zoom. Selain itu, beberapa sesi live Instagram  juga telah dilakukan dengan mengangkat beberapa topik and we will do more of that. Sempat disinggung pula program KEB Peduli yang kail ini akan fokus untuk mengumpulkan dana dan donasi untuk anggota keluarga besar KEB yang terkena dampak langsung dari COVID-19 ini.

Belum sempat menyelesaikan diskusi, waktu gratis yang diberikan Zoom pun habis!
Oh noooo.
We were not done yet!
Terutama melepas kangen satu sama lain. 

Ini sesi pertamaaa...saat semua mikrofon ditutup dan menunggu dipersilahkan untuk perkenalan

And you know what happened?
Setelah hampir semua emak - emak blogger keren ini sedih karena pertemuan Zoomnya sudah selesai, akhirnya meeting kedua pun langsung dibuat lagi!
Judulnya langsung dan back - to - back hehehe!
Kontan banyak yang ikutan lagi walaupun tidak sebanyak yang di pertemuan awal.
Seneng bangeeet kan!

Di pertemuan yang kedua kali ini, semuanya berjalan lebih lancar dan kita punya waktu cukup panjang. Bahkan aku sempat 'ditodong' untuk share mengenai perkembangan penanganan COVID - 19 dari sisi pemerintah. Well, dengan senang hati, walaupun aku harus disclaimer that what I would inform was not official statements of the government, tapi beberapa perkembangan terakhir tentang penyebaran virus ini dan beberapa upaya penanganan yang dilakukan, terutama oleh Kemlu RI, aku sampaikan. Perkembangan penanganan virus ini di beberapa negara dan kota, khususnya New York City, juga aku share. Intinya sharing, saling berbagi informasi yang pastinya bukan hoaks dan imbauan untuk terus mematuhi anjuran pemerintah untuk memutus rantai penyebaran Corona yang masih berlangsung. 

Two simple things I keep reminding myself are try not to get infected (by staying at home, living a healthy life, washing hands frequently, boasting my immune system etc) and try not to infect others (by staying at home, as we might be carriers and endanger others).

Intinya semua yang telah disampaikan pemerintah selama ini. Usahakan untuk tidak tertular (dengan tetap di rumah, jaga kesehatan, sering cuci tangan dengan baik, menjaga sistem kekebalan tubuh dsb) serta usahakan untuk tidak menularkan orang lain (kita tidak pernah tau kalua ternyata kita adalah carrier dan membahayakan orang lain). Sesederhana itu...tapi tentu saja memang tidak mudah. 

Selain tips and tricks selama Corona, aku juga berharap kita semua terketuk hatinya untuk saling menebar kebaikan. Ada begitu banyak pihak yang terkena dampak Corona Virus dan mereka merasakan cobaan dan tantangan yang tidak mudah selama pandemik ini. Ada para pejuang kesehatan yang harus berjuang melawan virus ganas ini saat menolong para pasien, para pekerja harian lepas yang harus mencari sesuap nasi untuk keluarga mereka, maupun pegawai swasta yang terncam kehilangan pekerjaan dan penghasilan. Itu hanya beberapa contoh dari dampak luar biasa yang ditimbulkan oleh COVID-19. Sekiranya kita diberi kelapangan rezeki, mari bersama gotong royong kita membantu mereka yang membutuhkna, termasuk melalui KEB Peduli.

Makpon juga sempat berbagi mengenai hoaks dan bagaimana kita bisa mengecek serta mencegah penyebaran hoaks yang juga sama berbahayanya. Di jaman sekarang, rasanya gemeees ya sama mereka yang masih saja menyebar berita bohong dan ngga jelas.

Well, all in all, Kopdar daring ini begitu membahagiakaaan. 
Semoga obrolan hangat kita yang singkat ini ada manfaatnya dan kita semua bisa terus hidup sehat, selamat dari gangguan virus, dan berdoa semoga cobaan ini cepat berlalu.
Jadi....kapan kopdar daring berikutnya LOL?

Stay safe, happy and healthy, everyone...wherever you are.

Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

Almost there, Indah, almost there..

I keep saying that to myself whenever I feel a bit down about the pandemic and all its ramification. I know it's not that easy, but I know even more that we can go through it. My kids start asking when they can go out and meet their friends, teachers and families. They miss going out to the beach, parks, malls, and their favorite restaurants. 

Well, we are so used to going back to Lampung every 2 weeks to meet our parents but now we have to restrain ourselves from doing so. But again, we can wait. We have to wait!

Now we are getting more and more creative with our hobbies. The kids start playing  'build the castle' inside the house and doing some crafting and drawings, I'm back with my home cooking, photos and blogging, and my hubby starts his DIY projects. Well, it's good to have something we love during this Stay-at-Home session. And sometimes my hubby and I curled up for binge-watching our favorite movies, not necessarily the new ones. Well, the bottom line is, we are trying to stay positive and happy with what we have. That's the best choice we have at this moment indeed.

Let's craft 

So now, it's party time! Allow me to invite you to our Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. Cheers

So now we are ready for you to share your blog with us, Linky Parties & Giveaways are all welcome! We hope you will visit our hostess's features and leave comments! We appreciate your visit today, let us know in comments if you are following us so we can follow you back!


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 Wonderful-Wednesday[...] Wonderful-Wednesday-HostsOur-Hostess-Features. 

Divider 989321gyey13hzitBest Picks from last weeks partyPennys-Treasures-Spring-is-still-open.

Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo Pennys Treasures // Spring is still open for business


Feature Chosen by Indah Nuria // My Purple World Strength and Sunshine // Vegan Air Fryer Falafel Gluten Free Allergy Free

Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa Cowards Command Center Urbane Naturals // Quarantine Skin Care while staying indoors

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl The Little Treasures // Crochet Flowers Sneak Peek


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Love My Little Cottage // Paint a Wisteria Flower Pot



Shelbee on The Edge // Breaking Patterns To HealTthe Cosmos ♥♥♥  Vanity-and-Me-Style-Cotton-traders-Friday-blazer-styled-three-ways

Vanity and Me Style // Cotton traders Friday blazer styled three ways
But Now Lets Party....
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Jakarta during the Pandemic

National Monument or Monas, one of Jakarta's landmarks, which looks deserted.
Hi, everyone.

Hope you all are okay!

I believe you are staying at home to ensure you are safe and healthy during this hard time.

COVID - 19 is still out there and addressing pandemic is not that easy at all.
We are forced to change the way we live and not all the changes are easily managed.
But we have to stay optimistic and positive.. that we can fight the virus back.

Indonesia is no exception.

We have seen the soaring numbers of confirmed cases lately as we have more tests being conducted.  It is better to know those who have been exposed to people suffering from the infection and treat patients under investigation with the full protocol. But of course, stronger discipline is the key. 

We have many new policies being in place in order to ensure that the spread of Corona virus is not getting worse and worse. Stay at home, work from home and study from home are all effective now. All my diplomatic training sessions, including all the tests are conducted online and still packed with sessions and papers or assignments.

It was quite a big adjustment for almost everyone but that's the best we can do at this point.

In Jakarta, PSBB or Pembatasan Social Berskala Besar, literally translated as Large Scale Social Restrictions, has been implemented since Friday, April 10, 2020.

Although it was a long weekend, as Easter starts to be celebrated, the streets was mostly empty and quiet. Only limited business sectors (14 sectors if I'm not mistaken) are allowed to open during this two - week curfew, including food and beverages (only takeaways, no dine in), groceries, hospital and pharmacies, gas station, and important services. Strict implementation of physical distancing, even in the car, is strictly imposed as well. 

The parking lot...which is never empty before..
I still have to go to my clinic and hospital for my monthly check up and get my medicine.
We have similar appointment method but we also have to follow a strict procedure at the hospitals, particularly as they become the centers of treatment for COVID - 19 patients.
I guess with social distancing, they significantly reduce the number of appointments in a day as it make the hospital less crowded as well.

I am on my way to my doctor.

Mask has to be worn and social distancing is strictly practiced, including in the waiting lounge and at the elevator.
Hand sanitizers are provided but you are encouraged to wash your hands properly with soap and running water and bring your own hand sanitizers in case of low supplies at the health clinic or hospital.
Chairs are clearly marked to give enough distance among the patients and less direct contact is made while processing documents or medicine.

At the elevator...keep your distance.
And I go out to get groceries once in a week or two, depending on our supplies.
Once we went out to go to the hospital and  get my medicine and we passed Gambir train station as well as my office and the surrounding areas.
It was almost deserted.

The gates at Gambir Train Station are locked

I have never seen Jakarta, the capital city, like this before.
The streets are almost empty.
Of course we still have a few people on the streets, many of them are the officers, but still it is eerily empty.
We passed the streets which were always be the worst traffic spots during regular time, like Pramuka, Pemuda, Cikini, Gambir Station, Pejambon, Medan Merdeka, and the surrounding areas.

Aku sebelumnya ngga pernah lihat Jakarta sesepi ini.
Bahkan saat lebaran, di mana jutaan penghuni Jakarta mudik ke kampungnya masing - masing pun tidak pernah sesepi ini.
Paling tidak, jalanan masih dipadati orang - orang yang memang sengaja menikmati kelengangan ibukota.
Tapi kali ini terasa sangat lain.
Sepi yang mencekam.
Tanpa bermaksud lebay, aku malah agak sedih melihat Jakarta yang sunyi senyap seperti ini karena terbayang banyak mereka yang dirugikan dengan kondisi sekarang.

Tugu Pembebasan Irian Barat in Lapangan empty!

But I have to admit I love to see the clear blue sky!
With less traffic, the sky is returning to its prime state and it will certainly benefit everyone.
I sincerely with we will be able to keep this beautiful sky even after the pandemic.
Can we do that? I honestly don't know.

Yang pasti aku sangat menikmati langit biru, udara yang relative lebih bersih dan juga jalanan tanpa macet. Nyaman sekali memang, walaupun sekarang ada ancaman virus yang tak terlihat mata. Semoga sesudah pandemik ini berlalu kita bisa tetap menjaga keindahan dan kesegaran alam Indonesia.
In front of my office, Jl. Taman Pejambon

Rawamangun Bus Terminal. Also empty..

So sad to see how horrible the impact of Corona virus to many of us.
Especially to those who are depending their lives on daily basis.
I mean, Jakarta is no longer suffering from crazy traffic which is good of course, but it also means that people are having issues staying at home without any assuring income for their family.
I am glad the government is working extra hard to make things better.
Although of course it might not please everybody but at least helps and assistances are provided to those in need. I really hope those programs will work.

I also sincerely hope the pandemic will end soon and we all can enjoy our healthy and social lives again. Let's fight it together!

Stay safe and healthy everyone, wherever you are!