How many times you think that life is so unfair?
All the time?
Or rarely?
I have might say all the time some times ago, but now I have made peace with myself and try to be grateful for every single thing I enjoy up to this moment. I remember how ambitious I was when I was younger. So full of energy, so self confident. Yet time teaches me to slow down, pause a bit, enjoy the beauty of life while I can.
Now it is December already.
In less than 20 days we will be welcoming the new year.
2019 is waiting and I just can't wait.
So many new thing and new places that I would explore with my family.
So many exciting new plans have been made and kids get super excited as well.
But before we step into the new beginning, let's take a moment to see some of our unfinished business. Apparently, I still have a long list of unaccomplished goals but I'll take my time to finish them. What are they? let's take a look.
Umroh and/or hajj - Pergi umroh atau ibadah haji
Umroh and Hajj are two things I have not done.
Plans were made but again some things come up and we haven't really done it.It is still in the pipeline and wish us luck, so that we can eventually realize it.
Ngga papa ya kalau aku berkali-kali menulis umroh dan/atau naik haji sebagai salah satu hal yang belum tercapai atau hal yang menjadi sesalan karena belum aku lakukan sampai sekarang?
Harapannya kalau doa ini disebut berkali-kali insya Allah akan terkabulkan ya.
Aamiin YRA.
Losing weight - Pengen kurus
Waktu nulis ini, aku tuh senyum-senyum sendiri.
Tepatnya mentertawakan diri sendiri.
Sibuk pengen kurus tapi I haven't really done a lot for that and I keep eating here and there. Aku harap Aku punya semangat dan energy untuk kurus di tahun mendatang, tanpa aral melintang. Terkadang aku membatin bisa ngga sih kurus because I have been plump like this since I was a kid. Yang penting sehat ya..dan kayaknya kalau ngga gemuk pasti bisa lebih sehat lagi. Ayo Indah, semangat.
Writing My Book - Menulis Buku
I have joined some collaborative writing and printed some books with my stories on it. But I haven't really written my own book. Maybe one day I can finally get a change to do , when things get quieter.
Sebenarnya ide untuk menulis buku sudah baanvak, tinggal menuliskan semua ide itu. Bahkan saya juga ingin menerbitkan buku yang berisi foto-foto Perjalanan yang oku dapat. Plus aneka cerita di belakang layar selama bertugas. Aaah uda kebayang seru.
Learning how to sew - Belajar menjahit
I have been wanting to learn how to sew for a loooong time.
My hubby does it much, much better than I do.
I guess it won't take that long s long as I concentrate, right.
Cita-cita biar bisa menjahit memang terasa sederhana sekali tapi aku asli udah pengen banget bisa menjahit. Kebayang seru kalau segala baju dan jaket tenunku bisa aku sendiri yang jahit. Bisa ngga ya? Pasti bisa kalau serius!
Well, although the assignment is asking for 5 things, but 4 is a good number.
So, do you review your year as well?
Tell me the things you haven't accomplished and let's compare our notes.