Enjoying summer in Rimutaka |
Beautiful summer we have here in Wellington!
Many hot, summery days are coming and sometimes it's even too hot and humid. Not that I am complaining but since we are indeed closer to nature and reduce the use of non-essential electronics, I have no air-con in my room and we pretty much depend on the breeze in hot, summer days.
One foggy morning in my house |
But make no mistakes, foggy mornings are still coming but then in the middle of the day, the sun is greeting us all excitedly. That is why we always have to wear (or bring) layers whenever we go. This reminds me of my uni days in Melbourne, Australia. They said the city can have 4 seasons in a day. In Wellington, it will be 5 seasons: summer, fall, winter, spring and windy.
I have applied for the kids' schools in the area and hopefully we will have the confirmation soon. Obi will be on the 7th grade and Bo will be enjoying 11th grade. The classes start in February 2022 and we obviously have different system from Indonesia. To start with, the new term of the classes starts in July/August. So then, Obi, who left the 6th grade in the middle of the way, will not have to repeat 6th grade again and will skip to the 7th grade. Meanwhile, Bo hopes he can start at the 11th grade as 12th grade is packed with tests and assessments. I think it's fair enough to get some adjustments before jumping to all the final stages of his school terms.
Anyway, we will soon enjoy some long weekends. I sincerely hope we can actually go out there to see more of the beauty of New Zealand. Meanwhile, we are still restricting our moves as Omicron threat is just around the corner. I know that we all still have to be extremely vigilant so please please please, stay safe and healthy, everyone.
Now, join me on Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends.
We are happy to have you join us each week and hope you enjoy our features to inspire you and to enjoy new ideas. We have so many talented bloggers it is hard to to choose but this week we added a couple more this week, and if you need more inspiration check out Last Weeks Party there were so many great blogs that visited.

Wonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers
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♥ Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Four Daycare Art And Craft Projects You Can Do At Home
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♥ Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
Scorching Bay Beach, Wellington
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♥ Clearissa Coward // Command Center
Home Revival Series 2022 - Guest Bathroom Revival/Refresh
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♥ Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo
Southern BBQ Bites RecipePotato Soup With Tomatoes: Stove Top & Instant Pot Recipes Included, Can Even Be Dairy Free!
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♥ Suzan White // Country Crafting
Foods That You Should Not Store in Fridge
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♥Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center
My Home Of All Seasons //
How to Create a Warm, Welcoming, Winter Front Porch

♥Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafts
My Home Of All Seasons // Free Winter Printable in the Library

♥Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo
The Socialite's Closet // Rose Petal Bath Salts

♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Claire Justine oxox // Strawberry Cheesecake Nachos: Delicious And Sweet

♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Hunny I'm Home // Cake in a Jar Recipe for Valentine’s Day
♥Feature Chosen by Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World
Coastal Bohemian // Chalk Painted Bottles and Cans for Valentine's Day
♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
The Little Treasure's // My favorite chrocheter The Cailleach Capelet

♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl
Vanity and Me Style // Dressing Room Diaries Vanity and Me
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Now Lets Party!!!
You are blessed to have nature to escape to and fill your batteries! Enjoy your summer (we are freezing over here and I cannot wait for some warmer weather)!