Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

President Joko Widodo delivered his speech in the High Level Week of UNGA 76th Session

Here comes another week in September.

September has always been one of the busiest months in our year. Work wise, it is the peak season of United Nations General Assembly. Series of high - level meetings have been scheduled, packed with the delivery of the main statement by our president, sidelined by various high-level summit, commemoration, meetings and more. 

My dear friend Sindy in one of the UNGA meetings

Our delegation to New York is headed by Her Excellency Minister Retno Marsudi. We have rather small entourage considering the pandemic here, but the works are still abundant as the meetings attended by her are a lot as well. Again good thing we have the great team and together we prepare those meetings one by one. Issues ranging from the pandemic, vaccines, climate change, global conflicts, and more are on the agenda, causing a bit of a tsunami in terms of work load. But then again, it is always interesting to hear updates and more deliberation on the issues at hands.  Again, wish us luck.

More over, we are working steadily in the packing department. It's a back-and-bone-breaking work but we are making progress indeed. Super happy yet super tired at the same time. But I guess everything is as expected and hopefully we are ready to depart to Wellington, New Zealand at the scheduled time.

Now, let's enjoy Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends.

So now let me Welcome you to this weeks party #277 since I started counting, we hope you enjoy the features, we are waiting for you to share from your blog! Please take a minute to introduce yourself, we'd love to get to know you, and comments are golden. 


Wonderful Wednesdays For All Bloggers and Writers

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Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Meet the Whale Sharks at Gorontalo, Sulawesi, Indonesia Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Falling For Fall Series #5/Fall Table For Two Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Chicken Bok Choy Soup Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Kirkland Inspired Projects Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-Wonderful-Wednesday-Features-Party-277


Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa's Command Center Roscoes Recipes // Bacon Ranch Pasta Salad



Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Pennys Vintage Home // Styling Open Shelving

♥Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl My Home Of All Seasons // How to make a pretty harvest tree


Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Simple Joys // Apple Rose Tarts DIY-zipper-pouch-and-matching-keychain.

♥Feature Chosen by Kaycee // Crafty Zoo Keeping It Real // DIY Zipper Pouch and Matching Keychain Apple-Scones-w-vanilla-glaze.

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Mrs. Kringles Kitchen // Summer-Neutrals-–-How-Im-wearing-them. 

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Mid Life and Beyond // Summer Neutrals and How is Wearing Them 

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  1. Semoga kegiatan di packing departement dimudahkan dan dilancarkan ya, Mbak Indah. Sehingga persiapan tim untuk UN General Assembly lancar. Dan sukses buat keberangkatannya ke Wellington, New Zealand nanti

  2. Kemarin di Twitter heboh dengan trending Vanuatu dan Irian Barat. Dan aku membaca tentang ibu Sindy yang menjawab tudingan PM Vanuatu. Keren dan bangga deh sama beliau. Salam ya Mbak Indah

  3. Aaaah, so proud of you and all of the diplomate!
    Kok bisa gitu loh mbak, dirimu aktif banget dan pinter hihi.. selamat bertugas yaaaa!

  4. Semoga lancar ya mba, jaga kesehatan apalagi kalau sibuk dan kadang lelah, eh bukan kadang, udah pasti lelah ya namanya pekerjaan tapi aku tau pasti mba Indah menjalaninya dengna happy ^^. Persiapan tugas dll..semoga selalu dimudahkan ya mba, amiin

  5. Lelah sekali yaa, kak Indah.
    Beban kerja semakin banyak dengan topik hangat yang diperbincangkan pun masalah-masalah global yang krusial. benar-benar menghabiskan banyak energi.

    Sehat selalu, kak Indah.
    Barakallahu fiikum.

  6. Masya Allah tabarakallah, mbak Indah nih multitalent banget, keren. Semoga makin berkah dan selamat bertugas yah.

  7. Suka denger dr orang2 kalau kerja di departemen itu capek but happy. Ternyata bener ya :)
    Sukses for all your plan ya mak insav :) ditunggu cerita serunya di NZ :)

  8. September jadi bulan sibuk ya mbak, tapi dengan manajemen yang baik dan kerjasama tim, beban pekerjaan seberat apapun bisa diselesaikan

  9. I saw on Karren's post for this week's party that you chose my post as your feature from last week but I can't seem to find that post on your blog to thank you so I will do so here..
    Thanks so much for the feature!! I gave you a Shout Out on Face Book and will do so in my next post too!! Thanks for hosting such a lovely party each week!!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  10. Sukses selalu buat Mba Indah. Semoga di tengah kesibukannya selalu diberi sehat. Saya salut banget sama Mba Indah yang sudah sibuk sebagai diplomat tapi sempet nulis.

    Semoga perjalanan ke Wellington lancar, ya Mbak.

  11. semoga sehat selalu ya mak, jag kesehatan dansemoga bisa tetap memberikan yang terbaik. aku ngikutin hal2 kayak gini, kalo lagi buka twitter

  12. Seneng bisa Tau dunia ini dari kak indah... Semoga dimudahkan dan dilancarkan ya. persiapan tim untuk Sidang Umum PBB berjalan lancar tanpa kendala

  13. Semoga sehat selalu ya para diplomat Indonesia. Kalian keren-keren. Kalian "menjaga Indonesia" secara diplomatis. ^__^

  14. Semoga kegiatannya dimudahkan ya, mbak. Karena isu2 hg dibawa sangat penting semua..
    Semangat mbak..!!

  15. Selalu speechless tiap mampir di blog mba Indah. Ah, pengen banget nyamperin trus ikutan sibuk bikin ini itu sama mba indah.

  16. wah luar biasa mbak Indah
    semoga kegiatan di packing departement dimudahkan dan dilancarkan ya mbak
    Sehingga persiapan tim untuk UN General Assembly lancar
    Oh ya, sukses buat keberangkatannya ke Wellington, New Zealand ya mbak

  17. Wah wah, Mbak Indah udah siap-siap melanglangbuana lagi ya. Ke New Zealand ya. Semoga semuanya lancar. Sehat-sehat selalu, mbak Indah 🙂

  18. Hard work ya mom... Ga kerasa nih sebentar lagi udah mau menuju assignment baru. Semoga lancar proses kepindahannya yaa.. wish you success where ever you are.

  19. Keren banget Mbak Indah, semoga lancar kegiatannya ya, anakku tuh pengen banget berkarir kayak Mbak Indah jadi sering kutunjukkan blog Mbak Indah..

  20. UNGA tahun ini lumayan bikin heboh karena ada BTS yang pidato lagi. hehe. tapi kayaknya UNGA ini rangkaiannya nggak cuma sehari ya, mbak?

  21. Selamat bertugas mbak Indah, sukses acaranya dan makin berkah. Yang penting semua sehat dan tetap semangat menunaikan tugasnya.

  22. Mak indah semoga lancar dan sukses selalu ya dengan pekerjaannya.. Titip salam buat bu menteri dan pak Presiden heheh

  23. Keren, tegas dan lugas bahasanya ibu sindy ini. Memang harus gitu sih, soalnya menyangkut kewibawaan negara. Biar negara lain tidak sembaragan ikut campur..

  24. Selamat bertugas ke Wellington mbak, ditunggu ya nanti cerita kegiatan di sana apa saja. Walau belum bisa ke sana, lewat postingan mbak Indah udah senang tahu kondisi di sana


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