Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends


Hello, everyone.

March is indeed flying and I am literally racing with time. Eventhough we are still in the middle of the pandemic, a lot of things are going on around me and sometimes I just don't know what to do first LOL. Well, as much as I hate it, I keep keepings at bay until that last minute. Well, hopefully it will not be that last, last minute. Wish me luck!

We just had a weekend away at one of our favorite islands in Lampung. Although it was mixed with works (lots of works, tell you) I got to say it was wonderful. The kids got their mid terms reports and we were happy that they are My hubby and kids enjoyed the relaxing time in the island, flying the drones, snorkeling, diving, eating tons of fresh seafood and so much more. Well, it was super tiring as well but really worth it. I hope we can do more of this safe travel with health protocol on. Really need to let some steam go but quickly go back on earth to check things out. Well, anyway.. fingers crossed and hope everything runs well.

Now, come down here and join me as we will have Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends. Enjoy!

Have a great week, Happy Spring!

We hope you will enjoy your visit and find something that arouses your interest and don't forget our hostesses blogs that they share as well. Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-WW ❢❢ We would love to have you follow our Social Media Links!!! 😊 Feel free to post my party button on your blog and say you linked up here! Be Notified When Our Parties Start Each Week Add Your Email Unsubscribe Anytime ❢: [...]Wedneday-Hostesses-2021Hostess-Features.

Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Hello Spring Giveaway Ends 4/20 Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Puncak Mas Lampung Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center High-End Farmhouse DIY/Rolling Pins Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Easter Activities, Freebies and Deals For Everyone Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting A Shopping Downfall Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest



Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa Coward's Command Center // My Home Of All Seasons // Creating a Springtime Coffee Bar St-Paddy-Day-Lighted-Sign.Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo Tee Diddly Dee // St Paddy Day Lighted Sign


Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Treat n Trick // Mini Apple Lattice Crostata Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl


Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl Painted Apron // Easter Tablescape Hop Spring-On-Demand-With-Tulips

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Girl My Home Of All Seasons // Spring On Demand New-Addition-Flashback-2020

Flash Back March 2020 #199


Strength and Sunshine // Gluten-Free Carrot Cake Sugar Cookies (Vegan, Allergy-Free) 

Now Before You Get Started would you take a moment to Comment and Share, its appreciated And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few Features From Original Source Here is our Party Button to share. Now Lets Party!!!

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  1. Bener bangeett mba Indah.
    Bulan Maret ini rasanya lariii, ngebut bgt dah
    semoga kita semua sehaaatt yha
    Bulan depan udah Ramadhan :D

  2. Aku kalau balik ke kampung suami yang daerah pulau bahagia mbak, puas makan seafood. Di sini udah besar mahal di sana murah. Kalau ke sana langsung kalap beli ikan, udang, cumi buat dimakan dan dibakar. Semoga sehat selalu mbak Indah

  3. Di pualau apa ya Mbak? Rasanya saya gak baca nama pulaunya ... indah ya ...
    Jadi penasaran sama daerahnya Mbak Indah deh.

  4. Asyik banget Mba, rasanya tenang banget liat pemandangannya, apalagi di sana langsung ya, menikmati laut yang tenang dan jernih.
    Jadi kangen pantai hehehe

  5. Enak banget kelihatannya relax di tengah laut. Sejak pandemi semakin nyaman liburan di alam terbuka begini

  6. Asyiknya main di pantai! Kemarin Keponakan selesai tes rencananya mau main. Eh batal karena ada tes di sekolah satunya. Jadi ya buat rencana ulang deh

  7. kayak yang enak yaa tidur diatas air, relax gitu hehe. Btw jernih banget ya airnya disana, belum terkontaminasi

  8. wow enjoy and relax time with kids so happy, congratulation ya. I hope can go to Lampung too. One day

  9. MasyaAllah keindahan alamnya pantai yang bening begini bikin bahagia ya mbak. Renang dan nyelem hepi banget pastinya. Aku nggak bisa renang cukup menikmati pemandangan dan main air paling kalo ke sini mbak hehhee

  10. Semoga semakin sehat dan penuh semangat menjalani hari hari ya mba :)

  11. Kalau sudah melihat foto2 di air selalu jadi kangen melihat pemandangan di bawah air yang memesona deh...

  12. Lihat foto2 traveling nya tuh jd kangen banget pengen jalan2 bebas lg tanpa harus pake masker, yah smga aja cpt berlalu

  13. Kesukaan mbak Indah banget ya relax di laut sambil menikmati indahnya kehidupan air

  14. liat fotonya yang berdua ngambang tanpa pelampung, langsung pengeeeen, pasti damaaaai, rileks dan seru banget ya mbaaaaa!

  15. Yes, fiuh! we are still in the middle of the pandemic. Hope it will be over soon. Missing a lot of things. Stay healthy and happy mba Indah. Love you.

  16. sering membaca dan melihat byk cerita ttg indahnya pantai di lampung, hmm makin bikin ngiler pas baca blog mbak indah. Good view mbak

  17. ah selalu bikin takjub setiap membaca postingan mbak Indah. Pandemi jangan sampai membuat kita tak bersemangat ya mbak. Aku suka banget sama keindahan laut yang ada di Lampung...termasuk berbagai gambar yang ditampilkan mbak Indah bikin terpana deh....semoga pandemi ini lekas berlalu ya mbak.

  18. Semakin ingin aku ke Lampung, kak Indaaa~
    Senangnya melihat alam yang hijau nan indah.
    Di sini, bisa so refreshing yaa... sangat berbeda bila bermain di pantai di Jakarta, huhuu~

  19. Seru banget liburannya. Duh, aku tuh ga kuat liat orang ngapung-ngapung di laut kaya gini. Jadi kangen laut mba.


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