Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and Friends

President of Indonesia, H.E. Joko Widodo, addressed the UN General Assembly

It has been a busy week for me and my family.

Work wise, I have been attending meetings here and there, even from several hotel premises. The office is closed due to the pandemic but our deadline continues and pressing. 

As you now, as September kicks in, the 'storm' at the UN is coming in the form of UN General Assembly. The High Level Week to be precise. Nevertheless, this year is special because of two things. First, Our President, Joko Widodo, attended the meeting and delivered the national statement through a pre-recording message. Second, the event is conducted in a hybrid way, half online and half offline.  So we have a combination of pre-recorded messages, on-site meetings with limited attendance and many virtual meetings. Never ever the UN has such an arrangement in its 75-year existence. Oh..and the UN is celebrating its 75 year anniversary. We will definitely have a lot of commemoration and discussion about what the UN can do more in the future. The future we want, the UN we need.

President of Indonesia, H.E. Joko Widodo, addressed the UN General Assembly

Btw, the delegation from outside of New York City is obliged to follow 2-week quarantine arrangement, no matter what ranks are you. It means, even the head of government/state and ministers have to go through the same procedures. Moreover, one state can only be represented by 2 person inside the UN headquarters. So unlike previous years, we stay in Jakarta and work from home. Again, working from home does not mean we have less works. It is actually the opposite. Well, we can do it! We certainly can!

Now, it's party time! Ready to join our Wonderful Wednesday with My Purple World, Oh My Heartsie Girls and friends? Hop in!

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Karren Haller // Oh My Heartsie Girl Autumn Shopping Giveaway Ends 10/19 Twitter | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Indah Nuria Savitri // My Purple World Kanoman Palace, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram

Clearissa Coward // Command Center Bring Warmth To Your Home With Flower Arrangements For Fall Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Kaycee Mason // My Crafty Zoo Language is Fun: Silent Vowels & A Giveaway Hop Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Suzan White // Country Crafting Banana Split Dessert No Bake Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest


Feature Chosen by Clearissa // Clearissa Coward's Command Center The House on Silverado // Early Fall Apple Themed Tiered Tray


Feature Chosen by Kaycee // My Crafty Zoo Fluster Buster // 30 Surprising Ways to Use Borax Around the House


Feature Chosen by Suzan // Country Crafting Seasonal and Holiday Recipes // Chocolate Peanut Butter Pumpkin Truffles


Feature Chosen by Indah // My Purple World Keeping It Real // 10 Amazing DIY Gift in a Jar Ideas! Coconut-Cream-Pie

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Gil Mom The Lunch Lady // Coconut Cream Pie from Scratch This-weeks-fashion-feature-on-Oh-My-Heartsie-GirlFallin-for-Tie-Dye-September-Stylish-Monday-Link-Up

Feature Chosen by Karren // Oh My Heartsie Gil // Fallin' for Tie Dye September Stylish Monday Link Up

But Before You Get Started and it is not required but in order to be considered for a feature, would you take a moment to Comment and Share its appreciated, All the buttons are here. Lets Party!!

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  1. Thanks for hosting, Indah!

    Always a delight participating in this fun hop!

  2. Yup, semoga senantiasa diberikan kesehatan dan tetap produktif meski di rumah aja. Namanya juga work from home yaa, bukan leyehleyeh from home. Hihihi

  3. Walaupun di rumah aja, tetap produktif dan semuanya berjalan lancar walau daring. Semoga sehat dan produktif terus

  4. Terbayang gimana kesibukannya dengan assembly yang digabungkan antara offline dan online itu Mbak. Dan selalu senang lihat Presiden kita bicara di tingkat Internasional seperti ini :)

  5. TEtap semangat kerja dari rumahnya ya mbak, sibuk juga ya tetap meeting & sidang mbak selama di rumah

  6. Banyak temen temen bilang kalau work from home itu lebih capek :) tetap semangat ya mom, tetap jaga kesehatan

  7. Jaga kesehatan yaa mbaa, jujur aku malah jadi kesulut semangatmu nih. Fighting 😍😍

    1. Juarakkk emang yaa semangatnya mbak Indah. Kalau udah mulai mager, saya tuh kadang mikir gimana semangatnya teman-teman yang lain. Padahal waktu kita semua sama lho 24 jam. Ya jadinya terpecut untuk ikutan semangat~

  8. Mba kamu kece sekali �� panutan. Tetap semangat dan jaga kesehatan ya Mba, semoga pandemi ini segera berlalu.

  9. Semoga sehat selalu. Tetap jaga pola hidup sehat meski kita banyak di rumah. Salut dengan semangat Mbak Indah yg tak pernah mudah menyerah hehehe

  10. It's certainly a weird time we are living in right now. On a side note, happy anniversary to the UN!

  11. Aku lebih fokus kepada Presiden Joko Widodo yg dengan gagah berpidato, sehrsnya dilakukan langsung di depan sidang..namun apa adanya di masa pandemi seperti saat ini

  12. aku selalu suka semangat positif yang di sebarkan oleh mbak Indah :) tetap sehat dan bahagia selalu ya mbak

  13. I envy you mbak >.< I once dreamed of working with UN but I think it is impossible now hehehehe. Happy working mbak!

  14. aaa kece sekali Mbak Indaaah, semoga selalu diberikan kesehatan di masa seperti ini yaaa amiiin, hihihi,

  15. Bener banget mbak Indah, work from home itu malah lebih banyak ya kerjaannya. Karena waktunya tak terbatas. Suamiku aja begitu, apalagi mbak Indah yang koleganya lintas negara. Meeting bisa malem-malem ya. Tapi sesibuk apa pun, selalu jaga kesehatan ya, mama Bo. :)

  16. Kuliah from home juga tugasnya banyak banget. Udah gitu aku sering nambah belajar sendiri setelah dosen Njelasin

  17. Benar banget saya juga selama di rumah saja malah lebih banyak kegiatan online ikut acara sana-sini, kita tetap semangat ya, sambil berharap pandemi segera berakhir

  18. Kerja jalan terus ya mam meskipun pandemi gini. Sibuk banget nih Mama Bo harus bolak-balik meeting ya. Tetap semangat dan jangan lupa jaga kesehatan lhooo

  19. Kak Indah tetap menginspirasi tapi masih dengan ciri khas kak Indah, down to earth.
    Pesan di kalimat penutupnya bener-bener bikin pembaca sadar bahwa cara menghadapi pandemi yang terbaik adalah stay at home and be productive.

  20. Happy anniversary ya UN, semoga jadi makin jadi UN yang dunia butuhkan. Btw, beneran mending WFH ya, daripada dateng dan harus karantina 2 minggu di NYC.... lancar lancar kerjaan selalu Mbak Indaaah!

  21. Aku yang ga kerja dan diminta zoom beberapa pekerjaan aja bisa merasakan lelah
    Apalahi kayak mba Indah. Kudu setrong bener bener

  22. setujuu mba Indah, bagaimana tetap bisa produktif walau dirumahaja ya. Sehat2 terus ya mba, semangaat!

  23. wih, virtual meeting begitu kok keliatannya keren ya xD hihi.. walau WFH, tetap jaga kesehatan ya mama bo.. keep happy and healthy ^^

  24. Dirgahayu United Nations semoga jaya selalu ☺️ baca ini aku jadi keingat diplomat yang viral kemarin


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