Spring time in Japan

Staying at home for two full weeks, although amidst never ending home works for the kids and my own assignment, makes me take the liberty to dig up my files and post some old photos and videos. I realised I have tons of them even from 10 years ago, when we lived in Geneva, Switzerland , and took so many photos during our road trip to more than 20 countries in Western and Central Europe. Well, let's see whether I can bring them back alive and put them in My Purple World.

One thing for sure, it is now spring in many parts of the world, particularly in the western hemisphere. In Indonesia, spring is probably all year long, as we only have dry and rainy seasons along the year. 
And I love spring.
It always brings back the colors and the fun after a long, dull, cold winter.
It brings hope for new beginning, a new chapter of life.
Something to look forward to.

Well, as we are now fighting the pandemic, wherever we are, we long for that beautiful and warm spring, don't we? But as many of us are practising physical and social distancing, some are even in lock down, let's celebrate spring virtually. 

Morning cherry blossoms walk in Ueno Park, Japan
I still have so many photos of spring that I haven't really put here.
Including those from Spring time in Ueno, Japan, back in March 2018.
I transited in Tokyo on my way to Noumea, New Caledonia in the Pacific.
It was two years ago but it felt like yesterday.
That was also my first time coming to this Land of the Rising Sun.

I just managed to make the video of my spring trip to Japan.
I know..it's been too long but not that long enough to forget how lovely the trip was.

Feel free to enjoy the photos as much as I do and tell me what you think about spring.

I did manage to go to Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden as well to see more cherry blossoms and enjoy more spring in Japan.

But hey, spring time in New York City is also beautiful.
We had so much time enjoying the cherry blossoms in Brooklyn Botanical Garden, the UN Rose Garden, and Flushing Meadow, Corona Park, Queens.

Cheers from the Brooklyn Botanical Garden
Now I kinda miss the UN Headquarters which looks lovely every spring due to those beautiful lines of cherry trees blooming in the Rose Garden, against the background of East River and the Queensboro Bridge. Well, you can see how I miss those places!

Happy spring, everyone!

So how do you enjoy spring in your place?
Is it your favorite season?

Meanwhile, wherever you are, stay healthy, happy and safe!
Happy spring and cheers..


  1. Ahh ku menikmati dan menyebarkan cinta di rumaah eeaaa.
    Ini lagi rajin bikin postingan organik, eeaaa
    Obok2 poto lama yang belom teraplod buanyaaak

    Btw ku suka pisan potobunga2nyaa.

  2. "Spring:
    A lovely reminder
    of how beautiful
    change can truly be."

    Wherever you are: stay healthy, happy and safe!

  3. Foto-foto lama selalu ngangenin ya mba. Aku jadi pengen buka file lama, kayaknya bisa buat tulisan juga nih. Mumpung masih di rumah aja nih.

  4. Mengingatkan saya saat jalan2 ke kebun bunga. Kangen, tapi masih bisa senang2 di rumah ya alhamdulillah

  5. Musim semi di Jepang cakep banget Mba, bunga2 warna-warni bersemi indah. Pemandangan yg elok sekali dan ini menjadi salah satu keinginan besarku suatu saat bisa ke Jepang. Semoga ada rezekinya..

  6. Spring identik dengan keindahan. Ketika energi puncak tanaman sedang beraksi, membuat tiap mahkota bunga tersenyum di mana-mana. Dan sakura dalam foto Mbak Indah, aduhai semua. Jatuh cinta sayanya...:)

  7. Aaahhh... foto-foto sakuranya indah sekali, Mbak. Ku ingin bisa ke Jepang lagi, someday yaaa dengan anakku.
    Melihat foto2 lama memang bisa mengembalikan memori dan mengembalikan juga mood yang baik :)

  8. Iya, masa-masa sekarang membuat kita jadi lebih banyak yang dikerjakan, termasuk buka-buka file lama yang bikin kangen ^_^

  9. MasyaAllah masyaAllah sungguh indah ciptaan allah, jadi pengen kesana juga aamiin

  10. Such beautiful photos! Spring blooms have not arrived yet where I live and I desperate for them for they are so uplifting! Thanks for sharing.


  11. Spring in Japan seems very beautiful ya sist, with sakura blossom. When i went to HK 2 years ago, they said it's the beginning of spring....but i felt the air is quite cold that time

  12. Masya Allah ... cantik-cantik fotonya, Mbak Inda ternyata punya banyak banget simpanan foto dari perjalanan ke berbagai negara ya. Kalo dimasukin di website yang bisa buat jual foto, pasti banyak yang minat nih sama foto-fotonya. Bagus-bagus :)

  13. Mbaaaa, cantiiik banget bunga2nyaaa
    Ya ampyuun, aku pengin banget ke Jepang
    Moga2 kita semua sehaaatt ya

  14. Spring sangat identik dengan bunga-bunga yang bermekaran.
    Foto bunganya sungguh cantik-cantik, mba.
    Foto memang jejak kenangan yang selalu bisa dilihat ya.
    Sehat-sehat ya, mba untuk kita semua.

  15. Ya ampun Jepang negara yang pengen aku kunjungi. Cantiknya bunganya mbak. Kenangan lama dirindukan selalu ya mbk. Keep healthy mbk dan keluarga.

  16. walaupun stay at home tapi super sibuk juga ya mbak dengan berbagai pekerjaan & aktivitas anak. Semoga Pandeminya segera berakhir supaya bisa menikmati spring kaya gini lagi ya

  17. Duuh, bunga-bunga cantik yang kayanya aku belum pernah lihat. stay at home kesempatan buat aku untuk lebih banyak bergerak, biasanya banyak duduk dan nulis, hhehe

  18. Aaah..indahnya bunga2 di musim semi ya.. Pengeeen deh bisa menikmatinya langsung..

  19. masya Allah indahnya kak. Indah banget ciptaannya. Semoga aku ada rejeki nikmati secara langsung. Makasih fotk fotony ayang sangat luar biasa itu kak. sehat selalu yah

  20. Cherry blossom di musim semi memang cantik banget ya mbak Indah. Lihat foto fotonya kak Indah bikin makin mupeng ke Jepang lihat cherry blossom dooong.

  21. Ah Jepag negara impian anakku untuk melanjutkan S2 nya..semoga tercapai dan aku bisa juga ke sana ..mupeng banget liat bunga2 cantik ini...hehe...

  22. Aku kayaknya bakal betah deh mbk kalau duduk duduk seharian di Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden sambil ngelihatin bunga. Cantiiiikkk bgd pemandangannya. Sholawatin ah, kali aja entah kapan, aku bisa ke sana. Doakan aku ya mbk Indah.

  23. I always love cherry blossom Mba Indah.. they're just amazing!
    Can't wait for my own trip to see them by my own eyes wklwkwkwk...
    btw stay safe and healhty to you too ya... God bless

  24. Senangnya bisa berada di antara bunga-bunga sakura
    Sakura ini emang cantik banget ya Mba Indah.A
    Aku punya bahan sakura yang laris banget, dipesan buat baju, booksleeve dan masker mba.

  25. Musim semi dan betulan penuh bunga ya, Mbak. Kuingin ke Jepang juga, lihat bunga Sakura dan lainnya. Semoga ada rejekinya

  26. Kalau di Indonesia mah kagak ada spring ya mam hehehe.. Yang ada ya panas dan hujan aja. Senang loh bisa ikutan jalan-jalan ke berbagai penjuru dunia dengan melihat foto-foto di blog ini.

  27. waa jepang salah satu negara yag udah nongkrong di wish list akuu, semoga suatu hari bisa berkunjung ke sana juga hehehhe

  28. Baru teringat biasanya bulan April itu para traveller mulai pada berangkat ke Jepang untuk berburu musim bunga sakura. Duuh sedih ya April tahun ini sepertinya Jepang sepi dari kedatangan para turis.


  30. Such a pretty post! I love all the flowers in spring!

    A great family photo!

  31. It is a dream of mine to someday visit Japan in the spring. The blooms look so pink and beautiful, almost like a fairy tale!

  32. wahhh jadi pengen ke jepang, semoga bisa terwujud aamiin


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