Indonesian Street Festival 2017

Indonesian Street Festival 2017

Indonesia, the Spice Islands
Saturday, August 26th, 2017
12 - 5 PM
68th Street between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue
New York, NY, 10065

It is going to be a beautiful day 
filled with fantastic performances, fashion shows, arts and crafts, kids corner 
as well as Indonesia's culinary and delicacies.

So don't miss it and see you all there :)


  1. Sounds like fun! Wish I lived closer to attend.

  2. Wah acaranya hari ini ya. DItunggu tulisannya di blog tentang acara yang keren ini ya mba. Seru bisa kangen kangenan juga HHahaaa

  3. Sekarang ya mba? Udah jam 8an di sana nih acara udah mulai.. Aku nungguin keseruan liputan event nya ^^

  4. Acaranya keren bangeet. Dalam pikiranku, makanannya pasti enak-enaak.. :D Ditunggu ceritanya mamabo..

  5. Sounds phenomenal, and like something I would really enjoy. Have fun!

  6. ditunggu ulasan eventnya...pasti seru banget!!

  7. all the food is so tempting

  8. Waaah pasti seru yaaa, jd pengen ngerasain makan makanan indonesia di NY 😁😁

  9. How fun! I bet you were so excited to attend this!


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