"Purple sky?", he slightly frowned his face.
"Yuup..I saw it on google images, wonderful purple sky over the Danube. Overlooking this beautiful Parliament House." And I showed him the pictures.
"Aah..Budapest! Off we go there then!" exclaimed my hubby.
Budapest, here we go!
What can I say.
I love looking at all those photos taken during our trips here and there.
And as I haven't really done blogging seriously during that time, I took the liberty to have them posted years after.
Time for Throwback Tuesday, which I haven't done for a while because of,- you know, - my works :).
So are you ready to travel back in time with me?
For this week, I have some snaps from our trip to Budapest, Hungary, back in 2009.
I know...2009.
That was years ago!
But I still vividly remember our 5 days trip there.
I wrote about our trip to Budapest in Throwback Tuesday as well before, read that in Fascinating Budapest.
And one of the lovely spots we truly enjoyed taking pictures there is the Buda Castle.
We went to Buda Castle twice during our trip.
One was when it was almost close, and later when it was closed already.
While planning for our next stop, we waited for a while and suddenly the Castle was beautifully lit and voila!
We had the whole place for ourselves :).
So what do you think?
Dusk at Buda Castle is breathtaking, right?
All photos were taken by my hubby, Rudi Frakarsa (Google Plus +Rudi Frakarsa , IG @frakarsa and twitter @Rfra75).
I was busy nursing Bo as he was just a boy at that time
Happy to be back here again someday!
Do you have some memories to share?
Feel free to join me on Throwback Tuesday as well.
The Castle! such magnificent view..
ReplyDeleteIndeed mba..love the view!
DeleteMba Indah...aku selalu takjub dengan foto-foto yang dishare di blog. Foto kenangan ya mba, kenangan beberapa tahun lalu yang tak mudah dilupakan. Seperti kenanganku saat masih di Papua, benar-benar sebuah perjuangan!
ReplyDeleteBetuuul mba Yuni...banyak cerita baik suka maupun duka dalam berbagai foto itu. Pastinya banyak cerita seru selama di papua ya mba..mana foto-fotonya mba, Papua indah bangeeet!
Deletewow keren ya...bangunannya artistik bgt ditambah view langitnya...uuuuuuu...keren!
ReplyDeleteiyaa Cheilaaa...langit maghrib warnanya baguuus
DeleteHeisann, I was with my sister in Budapest in the beginning of May 2009! We had a wonderful stay! Good to have a computer that sorts out memories! Have nice Summerdays ;:OD)
ReplyDeleteI bet you enjoyed your trip! We are lucky indeed to have all those digital files
DeleteAku selalu engen banget ke Hungaria karena nonton Budapest Hotel.. keren banget negara satu ini ����
ReplyDeletebangeeet ajen...banyaaak banget yang bisa dilihat :)
DeleteItu langit photonya diedit kagak ya ? sungguh cerah sekali. Awannya indah. Terus lampu pencahayaannya sinarnya terang sekali. Menambah kemegahan gedungnya.
ReplyDeleteitu langitnya memang biru, the dusk sky! memang waktu kita foto persis saat malam turun dan semua lampunya nyala terang..
DeleteShall we go back here again? ;)
ReplyDeleteMauuuuuu :*
DeleteWaw ... foto2 banguannnya pas bgt untuk foto prewedding pernikahan
ReplyDeleteHahaha iyaaa nih... buat prewed oke bangeeet yah
DeleteMantep banget ini mba fotonya. Ajarin mba foto seperti itu. Keren banget
ReplyDeleteWaah mbaa.. ini judulnya tinggal cari angle yang pas :)
DeleteIt truly is breathtaking! I am sure even more so in person!
ReplyDeleteBagus banget istananya. Omku dulu pernah tinggal cukup lama di Hungaria utk belajar ttg meteorologi. Entah mengapa kok belajarnya kesana. Trus kan minta dikirimi sambel pecel dr Madiun. Aku yg kirim. Trus omku dipanggil pihak berwajib dikira apaan pdhl udah declare yg bener. Wkwkwkwk. Lucu ceritanya smp sekarang.
ReplyDeleteLangitnya biru banget. Biasanya mantau di sini langit biru muda, ini biru tua. Bangunannya macam bangunan yang aku liat di setting film-film. Megah, Mbak Indah.