WW: Winter Storm Stella

Hello there, Stella..
Looks like winter loves NYC and the rest of the East Coast so much it lingers!
But tell you what.. we did have one work-and-school-free day... yaaay!

And that means... playing in the snow :).
Bo loved it so much he didn't want to go home.

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  1. Nice photos looks very chilly heheh!

    Have a snowflaketastic week :-)

    1. You, too, Steve....have a great week! Hopefully not as cold as here..

  2. Aku nyimak berita kok serem ya smp ribuan penerbangan cancel. Tapi ini anak2 having fun. Semoga menjadi musim salju yang menyenangkan.

    1. iyaaa mba...anak-anak yang paling excited memang :)

  3. better stay warm!

  4. Fotonya : Baby it is cold outside :) Hari ini disini (SD) cerah Mba Indah, saljunya pada melting :)

  5. brrr... dingin banget ya mba. aku kira yg di dlm mangkok itu makanan hehehe...

  6. Duuuhh...dingin bangeeett pastinya ya, ngeliat fotonya aja berasa langsung dinginnya.

  7. We only got a slight dusting of the storm when it was passing by. It's been mostly raining here so no snow play for us.

  8. Duh enaknya libur sekolah mainan salju biarpun badai melanda. Diantara sekian foto saya kok ngiler sama es yang di mangkok itu. WA nya gak dimakan kan Mbak? Haha


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