Apa daya saya tertimbun pekerjaan yang tiada habis-habisnya, hiks.
Banyak nitty gritty yang menyita perhatian dan juga waktu serta energi, termasuk treatment Herceptin dan tes genetik yang saya lalui belum lama ini.
One thing for sure, the high spirit I have lingered and even soared after joining the walk.
Meskipun kaki senut-senut karena jalan 5 miles, badan kedinginan, dan tangan beku, rasanya seneeeeeng banget bisa ikutan di acara tahunan American Cancer Society untuk kanker payudara, Making Strides against Breast Cancer.
Meskipun kaki senut-senut karena jalan 5 miles, badan kedinginan, dan tangan beku, rasanya seneeeeeng banget bisa ikutan di acara tahunan American Cancer Society untuk kanker payudara, Making Strides against Breast Cancer.
1.5 years ago...
I remembered vividly my first walk as well last year. I was in the middle of my chemo..
The AC one. Or the 'tough' one.
The AC one. Or the 'tough' one.
After 2 rounds of AC, my body dropped and so was my hair.
Yes.. My hair started falling after the second treatment and it got worst. I decided to shave my head and the walk in 2014 was my first time I walked out with my new hair style. No hair at all ;).
I was scared before. I really was.
It was not that easy to lose your hair and look 'weird' - if not ugly - with no hair at all. Especially us as a woman.. Who surely adore her hair, regardless whether it's beautiful or not.
But then again, as I arrived in Central Park, still feeling a bit tired from my chemo, I directly felt the spirit. The feeling that you are not, and will never be, alone in this fight. That you will do it... You can go all through these hurdles and survive.
It hit me.
And it made me feel wonderful.
Believe me.. After some series of treatment, preceded with tons of tests, surgeries and consultations, I probably forgot how to feel good about myself.
But heeey..look at me!
I might be bald and look weird but I know I will survive if I continue to fight!
And the overwhelming spirit of my dearest family and friends were priceless as well.
When they first saw me with my new hair, they hugged my and encouraged me to stay strong. They knew I would make it. I knew I would...
And here I am now..
Eagerly joining Making Strides against Breast Cancer again.
In super high spirit..
If last year I only managed to come and enjoy the event, this year I walked with thousands of survivors, volunteers, friends, families and those whose lives were somehow touched by cancer. Isn't that cool?
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get ready :) |
Last year I have 7 people in my group and this year I have 16 people walking with me embracing the cold, October morning. It was really an honour to have them joining me.
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cheeeers... |
Last year I managed to get USD 300 for the donation, this year my team and I gathered USD 1,020. Not bad for voluntary work that I start only in late August. Alhamdulillaah..
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thanks to everyone for helping me this year :) |
But above all, and much more importantly, I am blessed with better health and much better spirit. The last mammogram I took in July 2015 showed that everything was normal. My Herceptin therapy continues but it's only every three weeks. I know I'll make it but when you're finally there finishing all your treatments, it gives you such a huge relief.
Many of my friends keep asking me how I can maintain that smile on my face while literally battling with cancer.
I honestly don't know how.
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let's finish the fight... |
But one thing for sure, joining the event such as Making Strides has sucessfully boosted up my spirit.
Knowing that I have all the support, all the love.
Knowing for sure that I am not alone and I will never be alone.
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My team...Indonesia Ceria and beyond :) |
Sejak pagi, saya, Bo et Obi juga Udi sudah bersiap. Segala pernak-pernik pink dan hasil karya Udi dan Obi, berupa frame dari styrofoam pink dengan tulisan FIGHT pun sudah menanti dengan cantik. Belum lagi nasi uduk dan teman-temannya yang sudah saya siapkan juga untuk teman-teman yang ikutan jalan nanti. Pengalaman dari tahun sebelumnya, cari makanan dan minuman agak sulit saat acara ini, kecuali cukup happy dengan hot dog dan pretzel yang memang menjadi makanan khas New York :).
And off we go to Central Park at 7.15 AM.
I know..that's early :). But Central Park was packed already.
And how I love the atmosphere.
You can feel the vibe indeed.
Kami mulai berjalan sekitar pukul 9.30. Setelah menunggu teman-teman yang lain, foto-foto di sana sini dan juga belanja di Pink Boutique, akhirnya kami pun menuju pita pink dan memulai jalan bersama para peserta lainnya. Seru juga di tengah gelak tawa dan selfie sana-sini, padahal udara hanya 10 derajat Celcius saja pagi itu. Bahkan karena 'bandel' dan pengen memotong jalan, kami malah mengambil rute lain, foto cantik di reservoir, dan gabung lagi dengan tim yang masih jalan, notabene kita malah jadi jalan lebih jauh lagi. Tapi semua berakhir dengan berebutan mencari toilet di dekat Bethesda Fountain yang keren itu dan sarapan nasi uduk dengan teman-temannya yang keluar dari kantong doraemon saya :). Such a memorable day indeed..
See....what a fun day to share with friends and family.
And other people who fought for the same noble cause.
It's not just the walk.
And other people who fought for the same noble cause.
It's not just the walk.
It's the symbol of our fearless battle against cancer that has changed so much in our lives I refuse to let it win.
It's a solid proof that we all can be survivors and what we need to do is finish the fight!
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making strides against breast cancer 2015 |
So keep fighting!
Yakin bahwa semua skenario-Nya akan berakhir dengan indah pada waktunya
And if you would like to help me dan bergabung dengan kampanye melawan kanker payudara, masih ada waktu untuk ikutan #giveaways #kampanye #finishthefight #gopink #breastcancerawareness lhoooo. Bertabur hadiah pastinyaaa :).
Hope you all can join me :)

akan indah pada waktunya, wah cocok sekali sama namanya mbak indah
ReplyDeletehehehehe...iya niiih mba :)
DeleteWahhh seru banget mbak, jalan rame2 gt pasti seru kalau saya happy paling membeku krn gak tahan dingin. xixixii....
ReplyDeletesamaaaa mbaaa...aku juga bekuu tapi asyik ajaaa..
DeleteYay for getting to participate in The Walk this year! You are a fighter, a survivor and an inspiration for all! I really enjoyed seeing the photos from the event this year.
ReplyDeletethanks Theresa...it was a great walk..I feel supercharged :)
Deletesemangatmu menginspirasi, Mbak
ReplyDeletealhamdulillaaaah...terima kasih maaak..
DeleteDan aku tak pernah bisa menahan lelehan air dari sudut mataku tiap kali membaca tulisan menggetarkan yg berkaitan dg cancer survivor maaaak... kamu hebat bisa melalui semuanya dengan tegar dan senyum. Tons of luv 4 u maaakk... get well soon :*
ReplyDeletemakasiiih mak unieeek...yang buat aku kuat adalah dukungan dari semuaaa..termasuk kaliaaan cintaaaaa hehehehe
DeleteSaya terharu bacanya Mbak Indah. Membayangkan perjuangannya Mbak Indah terasa semendhal (apa ya bahasa Indonesianya). Semoga sehat selalu ya Mbak Indah. Btw saya penasaran dengan nasi uduknya. :P
ReplyDeleteterima kasiiiih mas..sehat selalu jugaa yaaa...kalau mau nasi uduk siniiii hehehe
DeletePerjuangan dan semangatmu sangat menginspirasi, Mbak!
ReplyDeleteKami di sini juga support kegiatan breast cancer awareness kemarin, mulai dari acara Fun Run/FUn Walk yang biaya registrasinya semua disumbangkan ke Yayasan, dan Indosat juga buat aplikasi Pita Pink yang saat ini sudah bisa didonlod di Android. Semoga semua sama-sama aware dengan bahayanya dan bisa sama-sama menyebarkan edukasinya.
aaah...sukaaa dengan semua bentuk support untuk kami para fighter dan survivors :)..makasiiih ya mba Zizy..
DeleteSalut banget sama mama bo, gak pernah ngeluh dan selalu senyum lebar aja. Bikin kita kita yang lihat ikut semangat juga :') Semangat para survivor.
ReplyDeletemakasiiiih Silviiiii..bismillahirrahmanirrahim ajaaa pokoknyaaa..
DeleteIt's always nice to see a fighting spirit. Keep going ya, Mak In. Finish the fight. Ikut doain yg the best dari siniii ^^
ReplyDeleteMakasiiiih Gesi.. You, too stay strong ya.. Semangaaaat..
DeleteMama Booooo.. aku belum bisa sehebat dirimu :(
ReplyDeleteMelly pasti bisaaa... Semangaaaat :)
DeleteKeep fighting..you are gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteThank you so muuuch..
DeleteI'm in tears reading this. Semangat ya kak! And I also wonder how can u keep those smiles on your face? But I genuienly think that you are such strong soul, chosen by God to inspire others.
Thanks Ekaaa... I am blessed to have given such strength! Keep fighting..
DeleteStay strong, fit and fab dear. Sending a million hugzzzz from Down Under.